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[Archived] How do we get Venkys out?


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if by what glen says is true, we may not have a club left by the end of the season, if we dont act now then our club is gone forever, pitch invasion is a disaster in the making, we dont want another hillsborough on our hands, racking my brain trying to think of some ideas

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Venkys main competitors:

Simran Hatcheries

Srinivasa Hatcheries Ltd.

Are you sure about that? It seems the two companies are linked just at a glance of their website.

It seems their executive chairman is a Chitturi Jagapati Rao,it also states that he was "Partnering with the legendry Dr.B V Rao", the foudner of Venky's. It goes on to say "Later both of them along with few other friends had planned and set up Venkateshwara Hatcheries in 1971". I won't bore you with the continued details but it also mentions Anuradha Desai and praises Venky's, "The Venkateshwara Hatcheries became an instant success". I mean its not the kind of thing McDonalds would advertise in their 'About Us' section in relation to Subway or Burger king is it? They are most definatley one in the same, if not they aren't rivals by any stretch of the imagination from a bit of simple reading.

Anyhow, direct action is now our only hope and will emphasise how football fans fustrations and desperation for our town club have escalated because of the corruption caused by Venky's.

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I hope you guys realise that they don't need the club to promote their already established and hugely successful businesses in India. They need the club to promote the new Venky's Xprs shops they want to open up globally, as well as in India.

You can target the Venky's Xprs business if you want, but the biggest damage to that will be done by relegation.

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Are you sure about that? It seems the two companies are linked just at a glance of their website.

It seems their executive chairman is a Chitturi Jagapati Rao,it also states that he was "Partnering with the legendry Dr.B V Rao", the foudner of Venky's. It goes on to say "Later both of them along with few other friends had planned and set up Venkateshwara Hatcheries in 1971". I won't bore you with the continued details but it also mentions Anuradha Desai and praises Venky's, "The Venkateshwara Hatcheries became an instant success". I mean its not the kind of thing McDonalds would advertise in their 'About Us' section in relation to Subway or Burger king is it? They are most definatley one in the same, if not they aren't rivals by any stretch of the imagination from a bit of simple reading.

Anyhow, direct action is now our only hope and will emphasise how football fans fustrations and desperation for our town club have escalated because of the corruption caused by Venky's.

Sorry should have done more research there.

Suguna Poultry

Indian Poultry Show

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I have always though getting Venkys rivals on board was the way to go, free advertisement for the rival company etc, and mass emails to them, they would of course more than likely contact indian press and battle venkys over there on that front

Mass emails to companies that do business with Venky's.

Highlight the fact they have broken promises to us, lied to us, don't communicate with us and can they trust them?

This would work better with new proposed business partners.

Additional dirt could be obtained from PETA to include in any emails if desired.

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Get one of the minority shareholders to write to Barclays asking them not to extend any further credit to Rovers as they're worried about where it's being spent. Copy this letter to Adrian Goldberg. Copy the letter to the auditors, who I believe are KPMG in Preston. Speak to the council (who are also minority shareholders) to see if they're prepared to co-sign the letter.

If you get Barclays to withdraw funding, that'll force administration now. ALL contracts are worthless (Kean can be got rid of for nothing). The administrator will have to find a buyer or close the club (then we have either the Qatari bloke or AFC Blackburn).

Get publicity out there. Speak to Henry Winter of the Telegraph about this- he's on our side. In short make all the noise we can. The adverts in the local papers in Pune are a good idea. Try to arrange for Matt Smith and Jack Straw to do a press conference- invite the Indian press as well as the UK- they all take UK stories. See if you can find any negative articles in the Indian press about the family and contact the writer giving him the Rovers story.

Just a few ideas.

We can't force them out but anything to make them uncomfortable would be good.

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Get one of the minority shareholders to write to Barclays asking them not to extend any further credit to Rovers as they're worried about where it's being spent. Copy this letter to Adrian Goldberg. Copy the letter to the auditors, who I believe are KPMG in Preston. Speak to the council (who are also minority shareholders) to see if they're prepared to co-sign the letter.

If you get Barclays to withdraw funding, that'll force administration now. ALL contracts are worthless (Kean can be got rid of for nothing). The administrator will have to find a buyer or close the club (then we have either the Qatari bloke or AFC Blackburn).

Get publicity out there. Speak to Henry Winter of the Telegraph about this- he's on our side. In short make all the noise we can. The adverts in the local papers in Pune are a good idea. Try to arrange for Matt Smith and Jack Straw to do a press conference- invite the Indian press as well as the UK- they all take UK stories. See if you can find any negative articles in the Indian press about the family and contact the writer giving him the Rovers story.

Just a few ideas.

We can't force them out but anything to make them uncomfortable would be good.

WHOA! Hope I never fall out with you. :blush: Top post.

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Get one of the minority shareholders to write to Barclays asking them not to extend any further credit to Rovers as they're worried about where it's being spent. Copy this letter to Adrian Goldberg. Copy the letter to the auditors, who I believe are KPMG in Preston. Speak to the council (who are also minority shareholders) to see if they're prepared to co-sign the letter.

If you get Barclays to withdraw funding, that'll force administration now. ALL contracts are worthless (Kean can be got rid of for nothing). The administrator will have to find a buyer or close the club (then we have either the Qatari bloke or AFC Blackburn).

Get publicity out there. Speak to Henry Winter of the Telegraph about this- he's on our side. In short make all the noise we can. The adverts in the local papers in Pune are a good idea. Try to arrange for Matt Smith and Jack Straw to do a press conference- invite the Indian press as well as the UK- they all take UK stories. See if you can find any negative articles in the Indian press about the family and contact the writer giving him the Rovers story.

Just a few ideas.

We can't force them out but anything to make them uncomfortable would be good.

Now this could be a way forward, the only pproblem here is, if Keans contract under Administration was revoked, so would the players and Samba, Robbo, Hoilett could go for nothing!! Oh, yes, then why not, Venkys would have to put up or shut up then wouldnt they!!

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Loads of excellent ideas here.

Personally, I believe that carpet bombing the Indian media with a piece on how Venky's have ruined our club, written by one of the more eloquent members of the message board, would be a good idea. It's already been tried, but on a relatively small scale.

Further, this piece could be posted on various other football message boards, from Torquay's unofficial forums and Redcafe to Goal.com and the likes. The piece would need to be objective rather than highly subjective, with links to newspaper articles/interviews with Venky's/statements from Venky's/Henry Winter's pieces/Jack Straw's appeal etc. in order to substantiate our claim that Venky's are destroying the club we love. However, it is adament that the piece shows how this small town club means so much to so many, and how Venky's are close to ruining this (once) proud club.

With some luck, perhaps Jack Straw and other famous Blackburn fans, as well as Battersby, Currie, Wild etc. could co-sign the piece to give it even more credibility.

Jan's idea (cf. above) is also a good one - any volunteers to get this started?

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Double edged sword as it may hurt the club. However if there really shady dealings going on they must be uncovered and exposed. It's the only way I see them falling, shame them publicly, that will poison their business dealing on the chicken side as the whole world will realize they are in fact corrupt business men ( and bitch)

Loads of excellent ideas here.

Personally, I believe that carpet bombing the Indian media with a piece on how Venky's have ruined our club, written by one of the more eloquent members of the message board, would be a good idea. It's already been tried, but on a relatively small scale.

Further, this piece could be posted on various other football message boards, from Torquay's unofficial forums and Redcafe to Goal.com and the likes. The piece would need to be objective rather than highly subjective, with links to newspaper articles/interviews with Venky's/statements from Venky's/Henry Winter's pieces/Jack Straw's appeal etc. in order to substantiate our claim that Venky's are destroying the club we love. However, it is adament that the piece shows how this small town club means so much to so many, and how Venky's are close to ruining this (once) proud club.

With some luck, perhaps Jack Straw and other famous Blackburn fans, as well as Battersby, Currie, Wild etc. could co-sign the piece to give it even more credibility.

Jan's idea (cf. above) is also a good one - any volunteers to get this started?

I sent a couple of e-mails to the Indian media, perhaps a more widespread action would raise some eyebrows. This needs to be war, I'm sick to the back teeth of this lot. What's capped it for me is the media and the other plonkers coming out in support of the bald one

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There are some great suggestions on this thread already. Simply put, we have to do every little thing we can.

Letters, e-mails, banners, ads, phone calls. I just finished reading "Epic Swindle" (as some other posters have mentioned) and found it a great source of inspiration. The Liverpool fans had to fight Hicks & Gillett for 3 YEARS before they finally got shot of them. They had marches and sit-ins like us, but little things made a difference as well - fans turning up at Melwood to castigate Hicks. We have to do whatever we can to annoy and disrupt them to the extent that THEY have had enough and want out.

While it was obviously much easier to find a buyer for Liverpool, we have to believe it is possible. The alternative is accept defeat - and I don't think anyone on here is willing to do this. We've put up with this utter farce for 12 months now, but barely a minute goes by when a die-hard fan isn't posting something on here.

By the way, as another person mentioned, how about something to bring to Anfield on Monday that would get the Liverpool fans to help us? I'm thinking about a banner with something along the lines of:


From now on, seriously, forget Kean. He got his on Tuesday. From now on it has to be Venky's, Venky's, Venky's.

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I personnaly think that targetting Barclays as Jan has suggested is the only way.

It worked for Liverpool fans, they systematically bombarded RBS to get rid of Gillette & Hicks. RBS initailly resisted pulling the plug on the finance as they thought that the fans would revolt against the bank meaning they lost business, the Liverpool fans made it clear that it would be the exact opposite. Liverpool fans made it clear that they would rather see the club go in to administration than be continued to be owned by G&H, moving from one disaster to another.

We are in a less influential position as the Liverpool fan base is obviously much larger than ours and therefore has more clout, however the bank will not like negative publicity that may mean the loss of even a small section of customers.

The bank thing needs to be done in the right way though and would need more support than the protesters have been able to get so far.

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A boycott won't work, because at best a few hundred would join in.

A massive well organized boycott with Ewood almost empty would get huge coverage. Problem is the press would spin it as us being unfaithful and giving up on our club

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They will leave on their own terms and that is after they have milked Rovers dry.

I will never do business with an Indian EVER again in the rest of my life and that includes Indian Bkk taylors.

I truly hope they choke on their chicken and wish them nothing but bad. Live long Die slow.

A massive outbreak of bird flu would be good.

Adrian Goldberg rang me a few days ago, he's interested in investigating Venkys/Kentaro/Anderson/Kean etc - to see if theyve broken any laws. Says it needs to be factual not rumour. Anyone who can help me ie knows more than me, contact me privately and I'll give you my private email. I'll then forward the best stuff to Adrian Goldberg on his private email. Cheers

EXCELLENT and our best chance of success, take it to their manor too, since they won't come to ours.

The only way to show Venky's they are no longer welcome at Ewood is through a show of force and anger.

And that will mean a mass pitch invasion at the next home match preferably during the match bringing it to a halt and forcing it to be cancelled.

The worldwide TV publicity might just hit home with the family in Pune that Rovers matter to the people of Blackburn and that fans want them out.

The alternative such as boycotting matches is a waste of time in my view : the Premier League and media will see the wide open terraces as another example of a low fanbase and a support that has given up and could not care less. And the Pune people will probably shrug their shoulders and say, so what ?

If fans care about the club and our plight this needs to get ugly, and manning the barricades in protest is the best way to do it.

Jim. I'll put this as eloquently as I can. YOUR"E AN IDIOT. The ramifications for that do not bear thinking about.

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There will be a couple of RIP BRFC Venky's = Scum banners/posters going to the test in Perth between the 13-17th Jan. Not going myself because Cricket bores the hell out of me but arranged for a couple of mates to take them along.

Surely Venky's killed BRFC is a little closer to the point

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Jim. I'll put this as eloquently as I can. YOUR"E AN IDIOT. The ramifications for that do not bear thinking about.

Nah. Even though I disagree with his political views, he's got his heart in the right place with regard to Rovers.

The sad thing is that a pitch invasion probably would be one of the most effective weapons if trying to damage the Venky's brand, but, even though it would be fantastic and probably great fun as well, it is too risky nowadays.

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There are some great suggestions on this thread already. Simply put, we have to do every little thing we can.

Letters, e-mails, banners, ads, phone calls. I just finished reading "Epic Swindle" (as some other posters have mentioned) and found it a great source of inspiration. The Liverpool fans had to fight Hicks & Gillett for 3 YEARS before they finally got shot of them. They had marches and sit-ins like us, but little things made a difference as well - fans turning up at Melwood to castigate Hicks. We have to do whatever we can to annoy and disrupt them to the extent that THEY have had enough and want out.

While it was obviously much easier to find a buyer for Liverpool, we have to believe it is possible. The alternative is accept defeat - and I don't think anyone on here is willing to do this. We've put up with this utter farce for 12 months now, but barely a minute goes by when a die-hard fan isn't posting something on here.

By the way, as another person mentioned, how about something to bring to Anfield on Monday that would get the Liverpool fans to help us? I'm thinking about a banner with something along the lines of:


From now on, seriously, forget Kean. He got his on Tuesday. From now on it has to be Venky's, Venky's, Venky's.

I like that, quite good.

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Venky's named "Flop of the year" at Skysports.com: http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11096/7377812/Flop-of-the-year

And whilst we talk about owners, this is the first time a club's owners are labelled as one of the flops of the year - but we had to mention Blackburn's new chiefs - Venky's, the Indian-based poultry group.

Since taking charge just over 12-months ago, with the promise of UEFA Champions League football and big names, Blackburn are now one of the favourites for relegation. They sacked Sam Allardyce, appointed Steve Kean - who despite his terrible run of form has been handed a new contract. Venky's have flopped massively!

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