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[Archived] Arsenal v Rovers Preview - February 4th, 1pm


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Orr was shyte today got forward only to pass back.

Had one shot that went straight into the arms of the keeper why bother Bradley.

Lost his marker for Arsenal's third goal.

Got beaten with ease on his side a few times.

Got sucked in to allow the fourth or fifth goal dont know which one it was.

Got forward then failed to run ahead of Arsenal's left back and collect a pass when the gap was there to be exploited.

Bradley Orr was complete and utter bobbins today which doesnt bode well for future especially saying hes been crap for his previous team.


...and just who or what was that dummy upfront trying to do or not do.

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Why are the post match interviewers always so friendly and nice to him? Why do none of them have the guts to ask him questions like "Earlier in the season you said there was no way Blackburn would be relegated. Do you still feel that's true?" "Do you still believe it's only 1% of the fans who would like you to go?" "9 losses out of 12 home games Steve. Is that good enough?" "Can you understand the fans anger about the ownership and managership of the club?" etc etc. God I'd love Jeremy Paxman to interview our Steve. Watch him squirm.

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Orr was shyte today got forward only to pass back.

Had one shot that went straight into the arms of the keeper why bother Bradley.

Lost his marker for Arsenal's third goal.

Got beaten with ease on his side a few times.

Got sucked in to allow the fourth or fifth goal dont know which one it was.

Got forward then failed to run ahead of Arsenal's left back and collect a pass when the gap was there to be exploited.

Bradley Orr was complete and utter bobbins today which doesnt bode well for future especially saying hes been crap for his previous team.


...and just who or what was that dummy upfront trying to do or not do.

Orr is one of those players not good enough for the premiership but very good at championship level. Will come in handy next season.

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Bradley Orr was complete and utter bobbins today which doesnt bode well for future especially saying hes been crap for his previous team.


...and just who or what was that dummy upfront trying to do or not do.

Pointless having a go at the players. Have a go at the faker who signed them.

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That was one of the most pathetic, gutless performances I've ever seen from a Rovers side. The Arsenal side we played today was by no means a team in-form, it was one who was a suprisingly low 7th in the league before kick-off.

It was very much evident the failings of the current owners and manager that the only couple of players who come out of the game with any credit are Nzozni & Pedersen who where signed by previous managers. The likes of Dann, Petrovic, Orr & Modeste are for me clearly not Premier League players, may be a bit harsh picking on the new players but the idea of signing players is to improve the team and none of these players would be in my first choice eleven. Some of the defending was outright awful once again, luckyily it was only seven in the end. Givet sending off was rash and stupid, will be a big miss as he's been our best player these past few weeks. In addition hope Lowe isn't too badly injured because he's a far superior option to Orr at right-back.

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I just want this season over with. Getting to the point were it really is hard to give football any attention anymore because it hurst so much seeing a once proud football club obliterated.

Sam was sacked for suffering a 7-1 defeat at Old Trafford, but I doubt Kean will get the boot for losing by the same scoreline to a team that has been playing badly, 7th in the league and performing well under expectations. They didn't even play that amazingly today Arsenal, but the Rovers defence was so utterly pathetic that it wouldn't have required much. I actually think it could be another 7 goal drumming against Man City in 2 weeks, and who knows what will happen against QPR next weekend.

It really feels like come the final home game of the season, Rovers will be already relegated and Kean will be doing his pre-match press conference to an empty room, talking to empty seats about how positive the lads have been in training and how they want to make a good impression on Wigan before the two teams meet again in the Championship next season.

Seriously Kean will be licking his lips, casting that disgusting smirk and doing that shift eye thing for a long time yet but I personally can't take anymore. Fully expect things to turn ugly again in the stands at Ewood before the season ends...and you know what, the media will just blame the fans when the club is relegated. They'll ignore Venky's and Kean, and they'll stick the boot into the fans, and thats what hurts the most.

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Just upset myself by watching the "highlights".

The centre of midfield is such a MASSIVE MASSIVE issue. Why has this never been addressed after JJ left?! We just constantly allow players to run at our back four.

Nzonzi just lols about doing feck all. DO YOUR JOB! You are SUPPOSED to be a defensive midfielder.

The defence were a disgrace. It's like watching the kids in the playground all chasing the ball in the box.

Disgusted, bereft, deflated and angry.

I've got a nipper due soon. I think I'll leave my ST in the draw and save my hard earned that would be spent on the concourse / blues bar.

The players, Venkys, management and staff don't give a sh17 so why the hell should we!

Never ranted before, but I'm truly livid!

And the poor sods that travelled today deserve a medal and a refund from the management and players!

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Just upset myself by watching the "highlights".

The centre of midfield is such a MASSIVE MASSIVE issue. Why has this never been addressed after JJ left?! We just constantly allow players to run at our back four.

Nzonzi just lols about doing feck all. DO YOUR JOB! You are SUPPOSED to be a defensive midfielder.

The defence were a disgrace. It's like watching the kids in the playground all chasing the ball in the box.

Disgusted, bereft, deflated and angry.

I've got a nipper due soon. I think I'll leave my ST in the draw and save my hard earned that would be spent on the concourse / blues bar.

The players, Venkys, management and staff don't give a sh17 so why the hell should we!

Never ranted before, but I'm truly livid!

And the poor sods that travelled today deserve a medal and a refund from the management and players!

Looks like Eric Black has had a negative impact so far. All in all its all very casual with an air of thats it roll on the summer so that I can get a move.

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I've never felt as down watching Rovers as today. Just back from the game. West Ham, Millwall, Spurs and Gooners supporters all expressed ingredulity at what's happened to our famous club.

This was an embarrassment. The worst I've ever witnessed. A Gooner said it was like Rovers just stood and watched Arsenal play.

How we were crying out for a Nelsen, Salgado, Emerton, Samba or even a Kalinic FFS!

I'm on the verge of throwing the towel in.

Until the incompetent, foolish, idiotic, braindead trio of Venky's/Kean/Agent(!), are out of OUR club, we can't move on.


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The Venky Brand at its best! A dreadful day culminating in a nightmare journey back on a snowcovered M6. The team that Desai and Kean built is, without doubt, destined for relegation. We are an embarrassment to the Premier League at the moment. We have an owner who has abdicated all responsiblity and the worst manager in the history of the club. It is a fatal combination.

Quite simply these players are not good enough and it's as simple as that. Lowe, Olsson and Orr were taken apart by the wing play of Arsenal. Dann is a poor excuse for a so called £7 million pound player while Givet's tackle got the red card it thoroughly deserved.

Pedersen was shocking, Petrovic is simply not up to it. Heaven knows why Andrews was allowed to leave when we are using this so called international in midfield. Nzonzi was poor, but then, playing alongside Petrovic is it any wonder his form is erratic.

Hoilett did his usual disappearing act and was shown up by the electric wing play of Arsenal. Modeste looks what he is - a second rate striker playing at a level that is beyond him.

So many of the fans simply ended up laughing at the Rovers attempts to play football as it was a case of if you didn't laugh you would cry at this pitiful performance.

The one woman destruction of this club continues and until Desai and Kean depart I'm afraid our club will remain in the gutter which it now finds itself in.

Words can't really express the disgust which I feel towards Desai and Kean. They have turned this once proud club into a figure of fun and are slowly throttling the life out of it.

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I watched most of the game live. UNless anyone can tell me otherwise, I do not think we actually touched the ball in there penalty box until after 80 minutes and I mean that literally. I know that may sounds ridiculous, and I did nip to the loo a couple of times, but I mentioned this after 20 minutes and started watching for the elusive first touch in their box specifically. I think someone headed wide for a goal kick near the end. Absolutely ridiculous.

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The Venky Brand at its best! A dreadful day culminating in a nightmare journey back on a snowcovered M6. The team that Desai and Kean built is, without doubt, destined for relegation. We are an embarrassment to the Premier League at the moment. We have an owner who has abdicated all responsiblity and the worst manager in the history of the club. It is a fatal combination.

Quite simply these players are not good enough and it's as simple as that. Lowe, Olsson and Orr were taken apart by the wing play of Arsenal. Dann is a poor excuse for a so called £7 million pound player while Givet's tackle got the red card it thoroughly deserved.

Pedersen was shocking, Petrovic is simply not up to it. Heaven knows why Andrews was allowed to leave when we are using this so called international in midfield. Nzonzi was poor, but then, playing alongside Petrovic is it any wonder his form is erratic.

Hoilett did his usual disappearing act and was shown up by the electric wing play of Arsenal. Modeste looks what he is - a second rate striker playing at a level that is beyond him.

So many of the fans simply ended up laughing at the Rovers attempts to play football as it was a case of if you didn't laugh you would cry at this pitiful performance.

The one woman destruction of this club continues and until Desai and Kean depart I'm afraid our club will remain in the gutter which it now finds itself in.

Words can't really express the disgust which I feel towards Desai and Kean. They have turned this once proud club into a figure of fun and are slowly throttling the life out of it.

Exactly my sentiments Parson. Sat with the Gooners, once I would have defended Rovers to the end. Today, all I could do was join in with their laughter.

The Rao family and their puppets should hang their heads in shame.

How could these people be so utterly arrogant and stupid?

Let me ask this.

If it wasn't their intention to destroy this club why have they destroyed all of it's infrastructure?

Asset strippers.

Lowest of the low.

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I was working this afternoon and had to have my mobile switched off so I didn't know anything about the scoreline until after I'd left work. When I opened a text with the final score, I replied that at least it would mean that for once we'd be first on MotD. How sadly predictable!

I'm now so hacked off with what the absentee landlords and their Scottish vassal have done to the club I've loved for 50+ years that I can no longer summon up the enthusiasm to travel the 30 or so miles from home to Ewood. The sooner the absentee landlords can be persuaded to dispose of their "toy" to new owners who have more comprehension of what is involved in owning a prestigious football club, the better.

Btw, isn't it a sad commentary on the state to which the absentee landlords and their Scottish vassal have reduced us that the only congratulations on today's performance can be offered to mercerman on your success with the bookies?!

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Got back at 10.20 after a terrible journey fron Coventry onwards and I really am asking myself if being s Rovers fan is worth the time and money I spend. Kean and the Indians have do much to answer for but in nigh on 50 years of following Rovers I have never seen such a lily livered team who couldn't put up any semblance of a fight. I am serious when I say there will be teams at Pleasington tomorrow who have more pride and fight in them than a professional outfit who, to a man should hang their heads in shame. It is difficult to single out any one player but Desperate Dann was woeful today and was to defending what Rednapp is to honesty. He was closely followed by Marcus Olsson. It must have been Marcus because it sure as hell wasn'f Martin. Still it wasn't all bad. I heard Temper Trap, Elvis, Elbow and Curtis Mayfield on the PA system at The Emirates.

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Like Somerset, I had a freebie with the Arsenal fans today. I was sat with the prawn sandwich brigade so thankfully i was not too out of place with my muteness.

We were literally still in the dressing room for the first goal, and that set the tone of the rest of the game.

As others have alluded to - It wasn't champage football from Arsenal. Perhaps if it was, this would be easier to take. Who was to blame for the goals? Prettty much the whole team, although Dann and Petrovic were notably awful. There was a clear lack of leadership today - there was'nt even any finger pointing going on.

On Mr Kean - I did make a point of watching him throughout the game. He does to seem to have an aversion to a seat. I could understand if he was on the edge of the technical area barking orders, in the same way that a Moyes or Coyle do. But he just stands like there a lemon, almost although it is a status issue. Oddly, when Givet was sent off, there were no restructuring orders from Kean and it was left to the gormless Petrovic to slot in, before Nzonzi eventually went to centre half. Kean, on several occasions applauded misplaced passes - thats was the only tangible piece of movement I saw from him.

People have been giving Orr stick, but I felt he didnt do too badly. Hell, I beleive he even won us our first corner.

We really did give Arsenal a feebie today, and it never really looked like they were out of second gear - again this makes it so hard to take, and reinforces how inept we were all over the pitch.

Morten's terrific freekick, and the joy that swept through the away end for 5 minutes afterwards were the only high points of the day - oh and the free half time beers!

This is without doubt the lowest I have been in my 19 years suppourting Rovers and I just cant see anyway back now. There is not one player who is showing anything that can drag us out of this. Even Olsson was terrible today, and Robbo seems to have forgotton how to take a goal kick!

Have'nt seen any post match comments from Kean - Has he held his hands up?

Wrong on that, Petrovic was Andrewsesque in his pointing today. Sadly Andrews looks better than this joker. Never seen a player avoid getting in to a game the way he does, he actually moves to spaces where he can not be brought into play, positions himself to not win challenges. He can NOT play for us again. An absolute disgrace to the shirt and massively taking the ######.

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The worst performance I've ever witnessed as a Rovers fan. Absolutely spineless. I can forgive getting beaten, that happens, and at a big team like Arsenal, you have to be realistic. However, there is a certain level of commitment and performance that you expect regardless of the result, and today was diabolical. The whole team looked clueless. We didn't string more than 3 passes together, barely had a shot on target and gave Arsenal all the time in the world to pass the ball around.

Modeste was useless, Dann/Givet/Hanley couldn't cope with any of the Arsenal attacks, and Olsson/Lowe were completely overrun by Walcott/Chamberlain. Hoilett and Pedersen attempted to help out but too often the full backs were left one on one.

Nzonzi looked moderately composed on the ball but he's never contributed enough in open play. Too often he's a passenger and is never the difference in a game.


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Embarrassing, when we had 11 men Arsenal looked like they had 15, when we had 10 men Arsenal looked like they had 20 and our players were wheelie bins.

Totally outclassed by Arsenal's total football, The gulf in class today showed why we ae bottom 3 and sadly for the first time this season, had me thinking we are not good enough for the Premiership.

We have parted ways with so many players (I'm sure some will say that the ones who went don't matter, or they wouldnt get a game) I do not agree. We have lost invaluable experience, experience which is needed both on and off the pitch. We lack leadersh. both on and off the pitch, whilst the team is limping into the Championship with no real fight. Those players did not play for Kean today, and there was moments when I actually thought certain players looked like they was on the verge of saying "Oh sod it and walking off"

Rovers will go down this season, because they deserve to go down, Every decision which has been made over the last 14 months, has had a detrimental effect on the club. If you make poor decisions all the time then you face the consequences.

However the only ones hurting are the supporters.

Employee's and players can find new jobs, new clubs, We as supporters can't change our colours or club as its etched into us from birth. I don't recognise Rovers anymore and we have been in the third tier of English football.

The goals we let in today were just to damn easy for Arsenal, We had no counter to deal with Walcott, or Chamberlain, and Van persie scored 3 of the easiest goals he will get this season.

I lost count the amount of times N'Zonzi came striding out with the ball, only to lift his head up and have no out ball, or pass on. 7-1 at Arsenal is not a nice feeling, but we will not be the first or last team to suffer a heavy defeat like that. It will go down as another loss, and one which was expected. However the window is now slammed shut, and 2 games later equals no points. Another suspension picked up, and our squad has so many players who wont get near the first 11.

We need a miracle to stay up, but a bigger miracle to rid this club of Venkys

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