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[Archived] Afghanistan

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Guest Norbert

And 19 Arabs with boxcutters fooling the most advanced air defence system in the world isn't, I suppose?

You're right, the space lizards neutralised the defences of the whole system with mind waves. I'm sorry but the truth is that the bigger a conspiracy is, and the more people that are in on it, the greater the danger of it being exposed and stopped. Only a handful of MPs actively colluded to depose Thatcher and many military coups only involve key generals and suchlike, and not the entire officer class.

And any defence system is only as strong as it's weakest link. This may sound crazy, outlandish and all that but perhaps the defences and the people who operate them were complacent and lazy.

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You're right, the space lizards neutralised the defences of the whole system with mind waves.

Is that pathetic strawman really your best rebuttal?

Do you have an open-mind and consider all angles, or do you only question what contradicts your stringent beliefs?

I'm sorry but the truth is that the bigger a conspiracy is, and the more people that are in on it, the greater the danger of it being exposed and stopped. Only a handful of MPs actively colluded to depose Thatcher and many military coups only involve key generals and suchlike, and not the entire officer class.

Not necessarily. All it takes to carry out this kind of operation is those in key positions. Everyone else are just pawns being moved across the board without knowing it.

And any defence system is only as strong as it's weakest link. This may sound crazy, outlandish and all that but perhaps the defences and the people who operate them were complacent and lazy.

So what brought down WTC 7, then? A small fire caused the entire building to collapse into its own footprint? The official narrative wants us to believe the Twin Towers pancaked because of the burning hot jet fuel. Well that wasn't the case with WTC 7, so why did it collapse like a demo job?

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That "Ba-boom" guy wears a tin-foil hat on the weekends. You can just tell.

Isn't it possible that skyscrapers are built with a 'pull mechanism' ready to go, and it was just a case of an opportunistic move to claim on the insurance by arranging for a quick job to be carried out? Insensitive, arrogant, greedy, certainly but 'in on it' (whatever 'it' is)? I'm not sure.

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Biggest question regarding that day is why they choose to remember it on the 9th of November

Amarillo watched a documentary last year with independent metalogists (?) running tests on pieces from that building once they eventually tracked the scrap down, worth a watch if you can find it, unfortunately can't remember what it was called.

From a British perspective the trade centre bombings certainly helped with one of our problems, the day America decided terrorism was not a good thing one of the IRA's major consistent funding sources dried up and they had no option to decide talks was the way forward.

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So what brought down WTC 7, then? A small fire caused the entire building to collapse into its own footprint? The official narrative wants us to believe the Twin Towers pancaked because of the burning hot jet fuel. Well that wasn't the case with WTC 7, so why did it collapse like a demo job?

"The fires burned out of control during the afternoon, causing floor beams near column 79 to expand and push a key girder off its seat, triggering the floors to fail around column 79 on Floors 8 to 14. With a loss of lateral support across nine floors, column 79 buckled – pulling the east penthouse and nearby columns down with it. With the buckling of these critical columns, the collapse then progressed east-to-west across the core, ultimately overloading the perimeter support, which buckled between Floors 7 and 17, causing the remaining portion of the building above to fall downward as a single unit. The fires, fueled by office contents, along with the lack of water, were the key reasons for the collapse."


I personally doubt conspiracy theories which think the USA government is some sort of mastermind. Considering its utter incompetence in so many areas, I don't think its the Machiavellian entity some think it is. It's more likely equivalent is a retarded, drunken cousin whom everyone is nice too as he has a lot of money and not much common sense.

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The government cannot keep secrets and does not demonstrate either high levels of competence or courage. So why do you think they're engaged in endless conspiracy theories?

If you want competence and risk taking behaviors, look to the private sector. When you spin your next USA conspiracy fantasy for friends and family, make the villains of the piece a corporate conglomerate of some sort. It's far more saleable.

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"The fires burned out of control during the afternoon, causing floor beams near column 79 to expand and push a key girder off its seat, triggering the floors to fail around column 79 on Floors 8 to 14. With a loss of lateral support across nine floors, column 79 buckled – pulling the east penthouse and nearby columns down with it. With the buckling of these critical columns, the collapse then progressed east-to-west across the core, ultimately overloading the perimeter support, which buckled between Floors 7 and 17, causing the remaining portion of the building above to fall downward as a single unit. The fires, fueled by office contents, along with the lack of water, were the key reasons for the collapse."[/size]


WTC7 was never tested for explosive residue, and none of the steel was preserved for experimentation, so how can they say with certainty that a localized fire caused the complete structural failure of a skyscraper?

This also fails to account for buildings like WTC 5, which were also hit by debris from the Twin Towers and continued burning for hours on end without ever collapsing into its own footprint like WTC 7.

I personally doubt conspiracy theories which think the USA government is some sort of mastermind. Considering its utter incompetence in so many areas, I don't think its the Machiavellian entity some think it is. It's more likely equivalent is a retarded, drunken cousin whom everyone is nice too as he has a lot of money and not much common sense.

By no means is the US mastermind when there's so many glaring contradictions and unanswered questions relating to events that day. There's no cast-iron proof of a conspiracy, but then there's no cast-iron proof that it was all orchestrated by a bunch of Arabs with boxcutters and some basic pilot training, who managed to hit 75% of their targets. That's just the party line we're fed and we slurp it up without even scratching at the surface. You're also bordering on argument from incredulity here. Not believing the US is capable of such a cover-up doesn't necessarily make that the case.

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I can see arms companies making money, and of course the oil companies, but the wars have plunged the country into a spiral of debt, which has meant the USA are a shadow of their former self. Iraq was all about the oil, Afghanistan was about Bin Laden, with the possibility of an oil pipeline from other central Asian tyrannies, but 9/11 was most likely if not absolutely certain to be the work of a bunch of Saudi loons.

You've missed the point. Who is the US government in debt to?

The popular belief is that China is profiting massively from American national debt, but they own approximately 10% of the total. Japan actually owns nearly as much in US government securities as China, but nobody mentions that.

56% of the $12 trillion debt is owned by American institutions. Private bankers have made a fortune lending money to the federal government, who have spent it on consumption rather than capital investments. All this means that the banks continue to receive public funding when their gambles don't work out, whilst in the general public concepts that used to be regarded as fundamentally American, like individual privacy and social mobility, are dying.

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56% of the $12 trillion debt is owned by American institutions. Private bankers have made a fortune lending money to the federal government, who have spent it on consumption rather than capital investments. All this means that the banks continue to receive public funding when their gambles don't work out, whilst in the general public concepts that used to be regarded as fundamentally American, like individual privacy and social mobility, are dying.

The USA federal debt is actually $17.1 trillion.


And while I don't believe in "Illuminati", I believe Jeru, for once, has hit a nail on the head. Most federal policies help banks and Wall Street, not Main Street. Which makes sense, as they're in the business of making money and politicians are in the business of selling their votes to get money to re-elected.

Here's an article about a recent Federal Reserve employee (now professor) apologizing for quantitative easing (i.e. printing money)- http://www.cnbc.com/id/101192690

I would be interested in learning if the statement is true that .2% of banks control 70% of USA banking assets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

By no means is the US mastermind when there's so many glaring contradictions and unanswered questions relating to events that day. There's no cast-iron proof of a conspiracy, but then there's no cast-iron proof that it was all orchestrated by a bunch of Arabs with boxcutters and some basic pilot training, who managed to hit 75% of their targets. That's just the party line we're fed and we slurp it up without even scratching at the surface. You're also bordering on argument from incredulity here. Not believing the US is capable of such a cover-up doesn't necessarily make that the case.

For the real truth, watch this video starting around the 17:30 mark- http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s10e09-mystery-of-the-urinal-deuce

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  • 2 weeks later...

А сам повернулся и пошел вдоль улицы. Но все же это были отдельные странички в двух переплетенных тетрадках. Я вообще редко шучу. Ты никогда не слушаешь меня, а пора бы. Тебе разве Прокофьев не нравится? , Дай Бог, чтобы мне и впредь им оставаться. Спросил капитан с замиранием сердца. Через годдругой Чикита, как ее называет этот черномазый разбойник, станет королевским лакомством. Обходя крыло, он больно ударился о него плечом.

Он очень доволен и уверяет, что теперь вылечится от своего гаригари в течение месяца. В скупых словах он высказал свое согласие. Или же место рабыниналожницы в гареме хана, мурзы или богатого турецкого бея. Они восхитили его спокойствием и невозмутимостью тона. Об этом он узнал от человека, у которого ночевал накануне. Однако им плохо верили. Даже полоумный гринго не решился бы на такое. rpf6 посмотреть мультфильм про принцес бесплатно Аниме про зомби xar arn4 что подумают нарутовцы srp5 чебурашка и крокодил гена мультфильм смотреть мультфильм бесплатно братец медведь , Эдит молит о моей жизни и молит лорда Эвендела! Я не мог этого видеть. Фальстаф кинулся напрямик, на старую лесосеку, а Куцый подался в сторону, в густую кулису. Это что ж, ты меня на медведя повел? На Утесе уже знали о капитуляции, и прапорщика забросали вопросами. И совсем другое на рейде бухты посередине лета.

Сейчас, откликнулся техник Матвеев, плюнул на концы пальцев и снял со свечи нагар. Подайте сюда змею, подайте! Шестой люк каюты Кохлера. Господин Филлипс прежде служил в, продолжал я, а теперь он работает у Билла Донована в КСК. iaj1 мойдодыр мультфильм онляйн vas0 мультики дракон Русские субтитры к наруто тв2 pwx Смотреть онлайн - мультфильм клуб винкс - школа волшебниц 4сезон iwd fjk0 картинки мультика - золушка уолта диснея шипуден русские 209 наруто субтитры , В тузик не сел? Прими мое предложение теперь.


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Едва дверь открылась, Раш размашисто шагнул в номер. Маргарита нагнулась к нему, сложив руки, словно умоляла его говорить. Спросила я со страхом, к которому примешивалось чувство некоторого облегчения. И он еще думает! А происходило, или, вернее, уже произошло, вот что. , Я знала бы, как держаться с наглецом! По привычке Маргарет стала приводить в порядок кофейный сервиз. Тут же последовал третий капитан. Дан Орлифф про себя удивился, как молодо выглядел этот заяц. Он задыхался и готов был рвать на себе одежду. Видите, я не одета.

Потом он хотел убить ее. Жить так, как ты считаешь нужным. Теперь они вдвоем стоят на возвышении. Через две недели она умерла. Я определил это по их ударам киркой. картинки наруто, саске, хината gvt1 ига онлайн без регистрации наруто Аниме седзе онлайн смотреть qco просмотр онлайн бесплатно мультфильм принцесса и лягушка Яойные фанфы про наруто и саске xex , Тысячелетней древностью степных кочевий веет от этой суровой могилы, сторожащей простор Алая. Маркиз ЛаСерра поспешил уйти вслед за молодыми людьми. Что он предпочел бы трубку, если это вас не затруднит. И солнце жжет землю необычайно. Она выронила веер, наступила на него белой туфелькой. И что произошло когдато у подножия вон того креста? Но и Бухара скоро тоже будет взята.

Длиной футов в пять, угорь мог справиться с рыбой пяти или десяти дюймов. Мэтр Жонас рассказал страшную историю об оборотне, известную в его родных краях. Не говорить, сэр, бесстрастно ответил Пайес. Отец предупреждал нас, что вы вотвот пожалуете. Их длинные крючковатые носы были опущены к земле, они шли по следу. uce6 прикольные анимашки с кошками uzn0 онлайн мультфильм рапунцель запутанная история obj1 зоны к варкрафту наруто bje4 мультфильмы онлайн смотреть бесплатно грифины , Нет, за лесом протянулась марь. Мне наплевать, на что он имеет право, опять сгрубил Шилде.


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