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[Archived] Season Tickets 2012/13

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they must be aware gav ,if they saw/heard anything from the wigan game they are aware.The venky i told at wigan away is definitly aware.Why did they sneak in or not show ifthey are not aware.

But they live a bubble, not in the real world, surrounded by yes men/women, one game when the fans protested in numbers could easily be explained away as reaction to relegation. If they had any idea of the feelings amoungst the supporters they'd have sacked teflon by now Abbs.

Specifically on the point of the effectiveness of people not attending games, well to go to the absolute extreme - and yes I know it wont ever happen - if no-one turned up for the home games the Raos position, IMO, would be completely untenable. Now if you accept that point then the point isn't that non attendance doesn't work, it's "how low do gates have to drop to, to make their position untenable?" I don't accept for one minute that attendances will have no effect on the Roas existence here. The truth to me, is more along the lines that not enough people are prepared to make a stand.

Couldn't agree more, bang on the money.

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I do not believe that a half- or even quarter-empty ground will persuade the owners to sell up. Why should it ? Supporters who stay away will damage the club in the long term by finding other things to do other than watch football. Ignore Venky's and ignore Kean and support the team - the club needs its supporters more now that at any time in the past 20 years.

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I do not believe that a half- or even quarter-empty ground will persuade the owners to sell up. Why should it ? Supporters who stay away will damage the club in the long term by finding other things to do other than watch football. Ignore Venky's and ignore Kean and support the team - the club needs its supporters more now that at any time in the past 20 years.

Come the first game of the new season the team will be full of Kean apologists, its not the club or team it was 2yrs ago, normally i'd agree with you Jim, but the goalposts have been moved.

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I dont find myhself often agreeing with something Jimbo says ! Ultimately the stay away fans may well hurt the club in the future years BUT like many other supporters, this current BRFC is no longer the club we have known and support.

The whole set up is a mockery to the name of Blackburn Rovers.

we have humpty dumpty running the on field operation, we have two complete clowns leading the club off the park whilst we also have Shabby Singh, that global household name in the world of sport, leading the marketing strategy of looking to beat the worst signing ever (Anderson and Ribero) by employing a 26yr old Malaysian from some Froggy part timers in the lower echelons of the onion and garlic league !

I have tried to exchange emails with Mr Agnew. He will not enter into one on one discussions however he has noted my comments, guess what, he wont answer the questions put to him and simply spins out the line, we need our fans more than ever to reunite ! Agnew is a shocking appointment, KEANSCUM needs removing along with the oher drifting dead wood in Shaw and Singh.

I wont renew and I wont venture to Ewood again until these fools actually begin to understand just how the supporters feel. I will go to away games and I will take my Desai Out banner everywhere I go.

Fans are entitled to do whatever they like, I dont have any beef with any fan who renews. I am firmly in the BOYCOTT camps in relation to home games. I want Venkys to be hurt and I want KEANSCUM out of the club. If he is sacked then I will rejoin the ranks like many many others.


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Come the first game of the new season the team will be full of Kean apologists, its not the club or team it was 2yrs ago, normally i'd agree with you Jim, but the goalposts have been moved.

You moaned about it plenty then Gav. I bet you'd have Allardyce back in an instant now you've seen the other side of the coin.

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Damned if we do - damned if we don't :(

This would appear to be the case more and more each passing day,the fans boycott and we are a fickle,ungrateful bunch.Make no mistake,the media will be rubbing their hands together at the coming storm about to hit this club.In all honesty, we have never been a favourite of theirs for whatever reason.Hate to say this but the odds are stacked against us the fans...

They have us by the b0ll0x.

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I do not believe that a half- or even quarter-empty ground will persuade the owners to sell up. Why should it ? Supporters who stay away will damage the club in the long term by finding other things to do other than watch football. Ignore Venky's and ignore Kean and support the team - the club needs its supporters more now that at any time in the past 20 years.

Jim..... I've already said that to kill a cancer one has almost to kill the host.

Thing is and God only knows why but we are frequently lead to belive that Indians are a very proud people and that public humiliation does not rest well with them. Well an empty ground is the best way to get their mates in the Pune 'set' who they sought to so impress by owning an English Premier club smirking behind their hands.

I repeat... if anybody must go then ffs don't sit on the Riverside!!

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Jim does have a point, many of the thousands that aren't renewing won't step foot on Ewood Park again (or at least won't ever buy another ST) even after the occupation is over.

They aren't disloyal, they'll just find something else to do with their time and money.

It took us decades to rebuild the fanbase after the debacles of the 1960s and it will be the same after the Rao's finally depart (if the fanbase recovers at all).

So to hear that complete charlatan Agnew talking about fans 'flocking back after a couple of wins' REALLY gets my goat.

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My assumption is that next season is going to be terrible whether fans stay away or not.

That clown on the sidelines will ensure we get tubbed on a regular basis and I don't think anyone who stays away need have a guilty conscience because it wouldn't matter if we had 25,000 in screaming for a home win, we have a manager WHO IS TOTALLY CLUELESS.

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I dont find myhself often agreeing with something Jimbo says ! Ultimately the stay away fans may well hurt the club in the future years BUT like many other supporters, this current BRFC is no longer the club we have known and support.

The whole set up is a mockery to the name of Blackburn Rovers.

we have humpty dumpty running the on field operation, we have two complete clowns leading the club off the park whilst we also have Shabby Singh, that global household name in the world of sport, leading the marketing strategy of looking to beat the worst signing ever (Anderson and Ribero) by employing a 26yr old Malaysian from some Froggy part timers in the lower echelons of the onion and garlic league !

I have tried to exchange emails with Mr Agnew. He will not enter into one on one discussions however he has noted my comments, guess what, he wont answer the questions put to him and simply spins out the line, we need our fans more than ever to reunite ! Agnew is a shocking appointment, KEANSCUM needs removing along with the oher drifting dead wood in Shaw and Singh.

I wont renew and I wont venture to Ewood again until these fools actually begin to understand just how the supporters feel. I will go to away games and I will take my Desai Out banner everywhere I go.

Fans are entitled to do whatever they like, I dont have any beef with any fan who renews. I am firmly in the BOYCOTT camps in relation to home games. I want Venkys to be hurt and I want KEANSCUM out of the club. If he is sacked then I will rejoin the ranks like many many others.


What's agnews email?

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I do not believe that a half- or even quarter-empty ground will persuade the owners to sell up. Why should it ? Supporters who stay away will damage the club in the long term by finding other things to do other than watch football. Ignore Venky's and ignore Kean and support the team - the club needs its supporters more now that at any time in the past 20 years.

You are quite right - the club would stand much better chances of bouncing back if the supporters were united and behind the club/team.

Unfortunately, despite this being the official line from Agnew "we need the supporters more than ever" what exactly are they doing to make this happen?

Yes, the ST's are good value. But for many this is not the point.

Supporters are being treated with just as much contempt as last year with the joke appointments on the 'board' and lack of answers to the questions being asked - and Kean is still here telling us how much an 'exciting time' it is.

If Agnew etc really wanted the fans to reunite they would do something about it, not just tell us that we 'need to put the past behind us' and ignore the questions people want answers to.

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You moaned about it plenty then Gav. I bet you'd have Allardyce back in an instant now you've seen the other side of the coin.

Its a cheap shot Gordon, something you’ve been found guilty of more than once recently, but I’ll not bite :tu:

What's agnews email?


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I've already stated I will come back, and I believe it won't take much for others to do the same. But, the rhetoric from the club is just that, it doesn't take much for them (Coco, Agnew et al) to know that they aren't loved, but herein lies the dilemma - Venkys have put them in charge and they will milk it for all it's worth...who wouldn't in their position - and that's why I won't support them. I believe they are inherently dishonest in continuing to run the club as they do - they are misrepresenting what is happening on the ground - how else would Coco keep his job ( other than by stealth?) Venkys have no footballing sense, I on the other hand do, I would never criticise anyone going, as it hurts like hell not to, but personally I cannot watch corrupt football (no disrespect to the players at all).

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So the camps are:

People who will renew and go to matches

People who may just pay game by game

People who will boycott home games but go away

People who will boycott home games but cherry pick away fixtures to attend

Some of those that are boycotting state they will only return once Kean has departed

......or shebby has gone

.....or Agnew as well

.....or The Rao family

How many are genuine reasons?

Will all boycotters return once their own justifications have been delivered?

I don't know the answers because they are down to individuals but I do know that ewood park has witnessed empty seats for the last 20 or so years which happen to be our most successful in living (bar jimmk2 perhaps) memory, so to reckon on the media to report it as a boycott and for the rest of the football community to recognise it (and care) as a protest is a bit far fetched. It'll just be "attendance back to normal per-jack levels"

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I don't know the answers because they are down to individuals but I do know that ewood park has witnessed empty seats for the last 20 or so years which happen to be our most successful in living (bar jimmk2 perhaps) memory, so to reckon on the media to report it as a boycott and for the rest of the football community to recognise it (and care) as a protest is a bit far fetched. It'll just be "attendance back to normal per-jack levels"

Of course the media will report it that way (if at all) and I am pretty sure there will be no solidarity from other club's fans either.

If you are to boycott to starve the Rao's of legitimacy and coin, then fair enough, but lets not pretend it will make ant impact at all with the media and football fans.

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Of course the media will report it that way (if at all) and I am pretty sure there will be no solidarity from other club's fans either.

If you are to boycott to starve the Rao's of legitimacy and coin, then fair enough, but lets not pretend it will make ant impact at all with the media and football fans.

The consequences for English football as a whole let alone just rovers the club should there be a stadium devoid of home fans would be huge. Not only would it be a massive step for fooball fans in general in saying we are fed up with this shower if ###### that you call the modern game but it would also be hugely damaging for the 'england football brand'. Anybody with any influence would have to step in.

Matty you are a sensible poster, this is not a dig at you, but to justify to oneself that I'm going to keep going because a boycott wouldn't make a difference is folly.

The fact of the matter is people won't boycott because a, they don't know/understand what is going on, b, they are addicted, c, they want somewhere to go on the weekend and a corrupt game is as good as any.

I wish I was in the a category, if your in the b then that is unhealthy, and c, I don't agree with but that's your choice. I guess there is a d option for those going specifically to protest but you have been there and done that no doubt and got nowhere, so why not try a protest boycott (if we are all willing to do what it takes which the organised protesters have suggested they are).


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I haven't renewed as yet, so...

But, my point is that there will NEVER be a complete boycott, some fans will ALWAYS buy a ST, so talk of a totally empty ground is just daft.

The low crowds at Ewood WILL be painted by the media and other club's fans as 'fickle, disloyal, spoilt fans, they arent a proper club like Wolves etc'. Now I don't give a feck about them after they hung us out to dry last season, so as such I don't expect this groundswell of support and publicity from the rest of football that some on here seem to be imagining will happen.

The boycott could force Venky's hand to sell, time will tell and I don't begrudge anyone that simply can't stomach another year of that farce

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Jim does have a point, many of the thousands that aren't renewing won't step foot on Ewood Park again (or at least won't ever buy another ST) even after the occupation is over.

They aren't disloyal, they'll just find something else to do with their time and money.

It took us decades to rebuild the fanbase after the debacles of the 1960s and it will be the same after the Rao's finally depart (if the fanbase recovers at all).

So to hear that complete charlatan Agnew talking about fans 'flocking back after a couple of wins' REALLY gets my goat.

And that is why im still going , I have not for the first time not missed it during the close season and I know if I had stopped I wouldn't be back.

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What about option e: keeping the club ticking over until the current owners f off?

Option f: giving your kids a lesson in not giving up on something when the going gets tough - no matter how dire things seem

Option g: only having one football club in spite of your school friends' or work colleagues' taunts and jibes

If the Rangers debacle has reaffirmed one thing for me, it's that a football club belongs to its fans, not its owners, manager or even players.

Without the fans it ceases to exist...

I haven't renewed as yet, so...

What are you waiting for Matty? Serious question.

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Ha, no idea Stu.

A fair few of the family and friends are refusing to go whilst Kean is in charge, I'm sure Hughesy will be on to tell me they are 'fickle, you support yer team thru thick and thin' and so on, though as an example my Grandad is about to miss his first season since the War (hatred of Kean is a 3 generation thing in my family).

So, to be honest it's thrown me a bit, as like thousands of others it has always been 'right that season's done with, lets get the renewal packs sent in', I will in all likelyhood renew to sit with the rump that remain.

Venky's, Kean, Agnew and the rest have destroyed the very fabric of this football club..

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i would love to renew but i just CAN'T, i cannot stand to sit there while that vile clown is on the touchline, makes my effing skin crawl just thinking about it, the same applies to agnew and the rao's, i hate these people more than hitler/sadam/bin laden put together. I will return when they have all gone, maybe when kean has gone.

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