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Over the years, BRFCS has done some amazing community events, from fan vs fan games against Genclerbirligi in Turkey and Red Bull Salzberg in Austria, we’ve done interviews with players like Garner, Dunn and even Steve Kean, we’ve done over 30 podcasts and are about to launch BRFCSTV, we done both awards ceremonies and an annual sportmans dinner (with Garner, Flitcroft and Jansen in attendance at the last one), we’ve even produced custom merchandise and provided free hosting and facilities to Rovers bloggers and Supporters Groups.

… and none of the people involved in achieving this have been paid a penny, everyone is a volunteer!

The good news is we still have loads of great ideas for things that keep this a essential part of the Rovers community, but to make that happen we need one thing.

You’d expect that to be money, right? Nope, whilst it does cost us money to make things like this happen, what we actually need is more volunteers!

Normally when we ask for volunteers people ask “what do you want me to do?”, but we feel that’s the wrong way to approach it. To us the answer is “What do you want to do for us?”. If you end up doing something you don’t enjoy, then it soon becomes a chore, so we want people to step forward and offer to do things they know and enjoy.

However, if you’re looking for ideas, things we’re looking for includes

  • Web/UX designers/developers. The site is long overdue a redesign and we have a million ideas for new features.
  • News Transcribers. Kamy does a brilliant job on the investigative journalism and ParsonBlue does first class match reports, but what we need is people to quickly pick up news stories as they break and rewrite them in their own words. Wen-Y-Hu manages this area and does a great job, but he needs much much more help.
  • Event organisers. TheNonda did an amazing job on the 1st Sportsman Dinner, but we want to do more and varied events more often and it’s not fair for him to do it all.
  • Advertising Manager. Currently most of our income comes from banner advertisements, but we know if we get somebody experience in affiliate marketing (and direct advertising sales) we could generate so much more and with more money we can do bigger and better things for the community.
  • Promotions/PR. BRFCS has got where it is today mainly through word of mouth (in fact we tried to slow growth as for many years the site cost more to run than it made, so we didn’t really want more users) but times are changing, we need to get the word out to more and more fans about what we’re doing (offline and online).
  • Media Liason. We get very very regular contacts from the press asking for interviews, quotes, statements etc and due to most of us having full time jobs, we normally have to decline. Somebody with media experience would be brilliant.
  • Administrative/Secretary/Treasurer. A lot of our time is spent answering emails (be them simple ones asking how to sign up, to complicated legal issues).
  • Help with things we already do (Front page stories, podcasts, etc).

But ultimately, we’d much prefer you tell US what you want to do!

If you want to get involved in making the biggest and best Rovers community become even bigger and even better, just drop us an email to admin@brfcs.com . All offers are very very much appreciated.


(P.S. People have offered in the past and a mixture of disorganisation means we may not have got back to you. Don’t take this as a sign we don’t want your help, it’s actually a sign we want it more than ever. Please offer again).

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Glen I would very much like to get involved but at this moment in time I am looking to move up to blackburn. I would like to get involved with things like the podcast, Brfcstv, as I thoroughly enjoyed doing the podcast. I also enjoyed the int. with Josh at the sportsman dinner. However I am particularly experienced in disability matters. Being Partially sighted myself I could offer advice on making the site more accessible, which in turn could attract more visitors. I would be more than willing to help in whatever way I can. However with the move very much on I might need to take a break from things, but once settled I could come back in.

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I've been truly humbled by the offers of help we've received on here, by PM, on twitter and by email .... and rather embarrassed I've not had chance to respond to more than a couple of you yet .... which is a big part of why we need help in the first place.

But rest assured folks, every single offer is genuinely appreciated and I will reply to you all soon (probably at the weekend).

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