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[Archived] Steve Kean's Future Set To Be Discussed

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Don't know how others feel but simply had enough all all this.

Merchandise purchases stopped long ago, season tickets not renewed, now feel time to walk away completely until owners, Kean and all others connected with these clowns are gone - don't know what will be left of our club by then though.

It really is, IMO, as though they are purposefully taking the p1ss and trying to alienate the supporters still further and destroy the club.

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Assuming he has been offered another position, I wonder what will happen if he says "No thanks I like being manager".

The fact that he has gone home to think about things suggests he cannot hold all of the cards, surely. Otherwise I think we would have heard from Kean by now.

Assuming also that Harris is close to Desai and Nicko is close to Kean, could they both be using their contacts to try to outline their positions? Venkys saying he is no longer manager but Kean saying yes I am - at least until the end of Sunday.

If Kean is bring allowed to make recommendations for directors, first of all WTF but secondly, he still has their trust and respect. This being the case there is no way they will sack him. However, they must be acutely aware that Kean cannot remain manager if the club is to avoid meltdown.

Yet Kean will not stand down. As the likes of Cundy and co say "Why should he?" but don't try to say he is dignified.

I'm going to say Kean will continue to put himself first and he will continue to believe he is capable as a football manager. It's all about how Venkys react to that. If we really are debt free (ho ho) then there should be no problem getting a loan based on equity in the club - at least enough to pay him off (barring a stupid payout clause).

If they can't or won't, then we must not be in a good financial position and/or Kean has dirt on them. What other explanations are there?

It isn't a fact. I am realising, with a sense of dread, he is still manager - they are contemptuous of us 'the fans', we are little people to them, like the untouchables in the Indian caste system.

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You cannot make this up. Looks like money is at the bottom of all this, Venky's simply cannot afford to sack Kean. And that is the greatest worry, they must have taken £30m plus out of the club already. We will be lucky to get any sort of squad out next season and christ knows what puppet will be in charge. Black will not go along with being proxy manager in this mess.

IF all this is true our best hope is administration. That is how bleak this looks. At least the administrators could make the decision to sack Kean et al.

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This cannot simply be all about money. They have spent something like 20 million in players (although taking more in in player sales) bit still money has been spent. So paying off Kean a million or so shouldn't be an insurmountable hurdle when they know instantly it would bring in a pile of money in season tickets, merchandising etc.

As this stands though, Kean either leaves any position of power or I'm out until Venkys have left the club.

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Let's not get over excited about it, we're talking about that clown Nixon here, im more ITK than that tosspot.

Alan 'Bolton' Nixon.

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For those criticising Nicko, you should remember he was the first to break all of the following:

Venkys buying.

Anderson link.

Kean to get job.

Kean to get contract.

Agnew promotion.

Hunt email.

Yeah, but now he's taken a pro-Coyle, anti-Rovers fans stance. He is such a massive Bolton-obsessed mug it grates.

Follow him on twitter and try not to vomit.

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This is the guy who spoke of 50 million budgets...

All very vague, for me the silence is telling.

Let's be honest he's spoken to Venkys, flown back then he had to debrief the real owners on the meeting, they then have to have their own meeting to discuss who stays and who goes at Ewood.

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For those criticising Nicko, you should remember he was the first to break all of the following:

Venkys buying.

Anderson link.

Kean to get job.

Kean to get contract.

Agnew promotion.

Hunt email.

Hi Alan.

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If it is true ,Venky's just declaret war on all Blackburn rovers fans !

They did that a long time ago, yet people's focus remain on Kean. Why?

Just my view , but if the Nixon article was true , Kean would not be able to keep his big mouth shut !!!!

He would be on SSN with the other Scot Jim White ...

Maybe he'd like to enjoy a few days off if he could before the next storm of sh!t comes flying.

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For those criticising Nicko, you should remember he was the first to break all of the following:

Venkys buying.

Anderson link.

Kean to get job.

Kean to get contract.

Agnew promotion.

Hunt email.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day...

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This is the guy who spoke of 50 million budgets...

All very vague, for me the silence is telling.

Let's be honest he's spoken to Venkys, flown back then he had to debrief the real owners on the meeting, they then have to have their own meeting to discuss who stays and who goes at Ewood.

Agree. Plus it is probable that it is only now that he can catch up fully with the ramifications of the youtube video, so he will be having meetings with his lawyers before he speaks to the media to make sure he doesn't put his foot in his mouth and incriminate himself. Plus he'll be catching up with some sleep with the all the travelling he's being doing, I expect change of job titles but Kean will still be the main man at the Ewood becasue of his Anderson/Kentaro link.

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Agree. Plus it is probable that it is only now that he can catch up fully with the ramifications of the youtube video, so he will be having meetings with his lawyers before he speaks to the media to make sure he doesn't put his foot in his mouth and incriminate himself. Plus he'll be catching up with some sleep with the all the travelling he's being doing, I expect change of job titles but Kean will still be the main man at the Ewood becasue of his Anderson/Kentaro link.

By Wednesday all will be revealed....

What we say or do won't change a thing, we just react to their agenda.

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Cheers Merce ,

Having read the people , if it wasn't Nixons name on the article it would be more credible in my view.

If it is true , IT IS WAR !


The fact that Nixon has written this makes me confident that it's a load of balls.

Nothing more than a petulant final FU before his mate is potted.

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It isn't a fact. I am realising, with a sense of dread, he is still manager - they are contemptuous of us 'the fans', we are little people to them, like the untouchables in the Indian caste system.

Out of all that post you pick on that? Ok. The fact he hasn't made any public statement at all tells me that he's been given something to think about. Better?

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It is the Anderson ,Kentaro scenario that worries me more than anything ..

I have always thought Jerome Anderson is lurking in the shadows ..

He represents the turd so as long as he has a presence at Ewood Anderson will have some influence.

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