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[Archived] Potential Buyer To go Public ?

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Is Battersby trying to drive a wedge between JA/Kean and Venkys then?

Haven't got a clue mate, i'm not ITK! Just going on the tweets from Wayne Wild, the dismissing of the 'conspiracy theories' relating to JA by Battersby, and JA and Battersby's alleged business relationship. I personally wouldn't want JA anywhere near Rovers so Battaersby needs to come clean about their relationship.

Having said that Khan seems like a football man and obviously did wonders for Accy.

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THis fella bought my old company. Loaned us money then took us on for a song, came in and slashed slashed slashed.

There is a clue in the term 'billionaire' I suppose. Very few can make that sort of money by playing fair.

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My feeling is very positive that somebody with experience of running a football club and a track record of being very good for that club has come forwards publicly. It kills once and for all the notion that "nobody is interested in buying Rovers".

This news breaking today does in so many ways put the Venky's on the spot.

This is the key issue.

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Disappointed by Wayne Wild's response.

The two Ians have explained their position in the LT article this morning.

My feeling is very positive that somebody with experience of running a football club and a track record of being very good for that club has come forwards publicly. It kills once and for all the notion that "nobody is interested in buying Rovers".

This news breaking today does in so many ways put the Venky's on the spot.

Sadly the comments come over as sour grapes. Not good at all.

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I think although it's just me putting 2+2 together that Wild believes that as the new guys are investment bankers that they and their investors will be looking for a maximum return on everything they do. Also that they might not be long term but rather rescuing and stabilising the ship simply to move it on as soon as a decent profit can be realised.

Who knows? More importantly who cares anymore? Lets be honest there was only one Jack Walker.... he didn't need anybody else and he never tweeted anybody! That was the best bit about the Walker's everything was done behind closed doors.

I agree with this. We don't necessarily need to know everything that is going on. We just need some determined, honest individuals behind the scenes working on a plan.

My gut feeling is that we will see the club in administration before it is sold on. Probably with life starting again in the third tier.

Just look at Rangers, a second rate league, but with a rich history, massive fanbase and enormous prestige. Yet they can't find anyone who wants to buy. Despite our history, we have a small fanbase and any prestige we had has been eroded by incompetence over the last 18 months. Forget finding a manager to work for Venkys we will be lucky to get a board (worthy of the name) to do so.

Without an Uncle Jack figure in the wings, as far as we know, and, despite a good deal of effort, heart and soul from the likes of Dan and Wayne, BRSIT is unlikely to make it's numbers add up, then as I've said for a long time, a Battersby/Kahn consortium may be our only hope.

If, as we all suspect, there are stakes in the club from the likes of Kean and JA, then it should be no surprise that whoever does try a pre-admin buyout would need their involvement. Doesn't necessarily mean any kind of pact.

One thing that interests me. If there was a complete walkout en masse by all non-playing staff and "board", would it bring administration any sooner?

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No incredible - you are incredulous in that you have difficulty believing it - the thing is incredible in that it's difficult to believe

Still think I am correct in the usage of the word and I believe that I am half decent at English.

Would rather discuss Rovers, as I am sure that all the other members would, but if you wish to be pedantic, it might be worthwhile you looking at this site:


You do seem a rather 'naughty' teacher !!!

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Venky's will NOT sell. If there is one think greater than their stupidity in running a football club it is their stubbornness. They are really Dingles. No they can not sell because right now it would be construed as a defeat. They will hang on just to save face, they will minimize their losses by further dismantling of the football team but will not sell. I am afraid there are very very dark days ahead because of these chicken farmers, we may never get over the damage done by this lot. Along with that you will have JA blowing in their ear just so he can continue to line his pockets.

Does the rumour that a certain football agent is actually the owner have any legs? If so are there not some legal issues there?


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To be fair to Wayne he has met with Battersby, and will have reasons for his tweets.

Battersby did fail to mention his link to JA, to Wayne and it was only when he was probed that the truth including a call from JA to Wayne came out, Battersby not been seen since.

However Im very open minded on any takeover providing its transparent and is in the best interest of the clubs long term future.

Someone has to try to wrestle this club back and give it back to the town, so be that Wild, Battersby, Khan, or any other suitors, as long as their intentions are good, then supporters have reasons to be optimistic

Perfectly put.

After listening to the Radio Lancs phone-in earlier in the week I thought Battersby was quick to dismiss any 'conspiracy theories' relating to JA's involvement in the club. He also said Kean had a reputation as a good coach before becoming manager. However he got stuck into Venky's big time. Didn't realise he went to India with JA. I wonder who is pulling his levers?

Has he criticized the JA-link to Venkys and the transfers we've made or not?

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Would we also, given our current experience, not like some supporter influence at the club and on the board?

BRSIT is what it says, an attempt to take over Rovers, in whole or in part, by the fans and for the fans.

You can't get much more straightforward than that.

First point - Battersby & Currie are both LIFELONG rovers fans.

2nd point - are you sure its a straightforward as that?? No Agenda's, nobody who wants power of the club in there is there not?? I think the tweets this morning suggest differently.

WW's tweets are wrong - he should be looking at how they managed to get to meet the owners, and he hasnt - Maybe he's jealous?

He should also be talking about the potential for BRSIT to play a part in the takeover....I mean the £1.8m they have raised so far might allow them to buy 1% of the club or something, so they can have a say in any voting etc.

Notice Seneca actually mention the goodwork that the BRSIT have done so far, shame BRSIT cant see positives in there move the same way.....Power struggle!

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Whether or not this turns out to be real, you can be rest assured that if ever the winds of serious change do whip up, Kean will walk before giving the supporters the satisfaction of seeing him pushed.

No way he will walk, the leech will hang on till the death, just look at how he came about the job in the first place. Disgusting man, full stop.

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I agree with this. We don't necessarily need to know everything that is going on. We just need some determined, honest individuals behind the scenes working on a plan.

Agreed, I'm sick of hearing the word 'transparency' if im honest.

BRSIT may have that but if they can't provide the finding then its irellevent.

Plus I wouldn't want owners or management to be 100% transparent as it would cause issues.

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98% yes at the moment

Must be rigged, the Venky's themselves said it is only a few malicious fans that want them gone. Deluded idiots, if they had been at the game they would have heard the FEW fans loud and clear. Loudest I've heard Ewood in any broadcast over here.

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I'm sure Ian B discussed the JA link on our podcast, but I could have dreamed it (or it could have been off-air). I seem to remember him essentially saying that yes, JA had got him an audience with Mrs D, just there was no real connection, just some business networking.

I'd hope so. I wouldn't want JA anywhere near the club again.

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Well Ian Currie is mixing with some interesting names here:



Mr Michael Beverley

Mr Anthony Hitchen

Mr Richard Edward Manley

Mr Michael Beverley



Mr Wayne Rooney

Mr Theo Paphitis

Mr Ian William Currie ACA

Just to bring this back into light.....could Theo be involved in the takeover?? Is he still involved with Millwall?

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First point - Battersby & Currie are both LIFELONG rovers fans.

2nd point - are you sure its a straightforward as that?? No Agenda's, nobody who wants power of the club in there is there not?? I think the tweets this morning suggest differently.

WW's tweets are wrong - he should be looking at how they managed to get to meet the owners, and he hasnt - Maybe he's jealous?

He should also be talking about the potential for BRSIT to play a part in the takeover....I mean the £1.8m they have raised so far might allow them to buy 1% of the club or something, so they can have a say in any voting etc.

Notice Seneca actually mention the goodwork that the BRSIT have done so far, shame BRSIT cant see positives in there move the same way.....Power struggle!

Not often we agree but think you are correct with most of this.

Just a couple of points, don't think they've actually raised £1.8m but have pledges - converting to actual funds is an entirely different matter ! If they did manage to do, however, would be much more than 1% and would be at least 10%, dependent upon purchase price, which would give the supporters some solid representation with subsequent voice.

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I'm sure those who know him would tell me how wide of the mark i am, but i shudder at the thought of Wayne Wild being in charge at Rovers. Don't get me wrong, his passion for the cause and the time he has spent pursuing this fans share scheme is to be admired. I also fully appreciate we don't have much to lose when you look at the current incumbents. But he just seems to get off on his own importance somewhat. Maybe thats the mark of a good businessman? I wouldn't know. But i can't say i completely believe him when he says that the BRIST scheme would only ever have the clubs interests at heart. I think he'd go power crazy. Especially if the whole town were toasting him as the clubs sviour.

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Wayne Wild has shown himself up with his comments this morning. Someone else said it reminded them of schoolgirl playground gossip. Its exactly that. All this bull**** from the "usual suspects" about transparency and other "buzzwords" is really dull. How do they know this new id isnt 'transparent' to the appropriate degree (i dont believe much can be totally transparent.

What WW and his crowd are actually doing is split the supporters when they do not yet have the full information.

Who else tried to do that? Oh yes, that Steve Kean chap.

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I don't think it is all that important. It's been well reported that Ian Battersby has dealings with Jerome Anderson. One is a players agent whilst the other specialises in investing the money of sports people. I'd imagine Battersby will have had dealings with lots of agents.

BUT if it were me I'd keep my powder dry and my hand on my ha'penny and do everything possible to shove the club into administration / receivership and wait to deal with the receivers. Pick the lot up for an absolute song then.

And start the season with MINUS 10. Still you may have a point, minus 10 and a new boss and owners would probably give us better odds than these Chicken slayers and baldy the turd still being here.

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He should also be talking about the potential for BRSIT to play a part in the takeover....I mean the £1.8m they have raised so far might allow them to buy 1% of the club or something, so they can have a say in any voting etc.

to be fair this was discussed at the meeting as a viable alternative. It's a shame the longer video isn't available.

I think Wayne just wants the best for the club. As someone who has spoken with JA at length himself he has every right to voice concerns if he is involved with this in any way. The JA connection should be looked at as for me our downfall appeared to happen when he got involved.

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Rewind 18 months. Some people thought the Venky's would be good for Rovers.

Before assuming Battersby or anyone else would be any better then what we have (which is very, very little) we would want to see what their proposal is, who is involved.

Look at what the guy does for a living.

Would we also, given our current experience, not like some supporter influence at the club and on the board?

BRSIT is what it says, an attempt to take over Rovers, in whole or in part, by the fans and for the fans.

You can't get much more straightforward than that.

And there'd be no necessity or attempt to take profit out of the club.

I wasn't one of em, one look at the fat bollywood long hair and the word gangster came to mind, did not trust em from the outset.

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I'm sure those who know him would tell me how wide of the mark i am, but i shudder at the thought of Wayne Wild being in charge at Rovers. Don't get me wrong, his passion for the cause and the time he has spent pursuing this fans share scheme is to be admired. I also fully appreciate we don't have much to lose when you look at the current incumbents. But he just seems to get off on his own importance somewhat. Maybe thats the mark of a good businessman? I wouldn't know. But i can't say i completely believe him when he says that the BRIST scheme would only ever have the clubs interests at heart. I think he'd go power crazy. Especially if the whole town were toasting him as the clubs sviour.

Some assumptions here. If BRSIT was successful, Wayne Wild wouldn't be in charge. He clearly stated at first meeting that a proper experienced organisation would run the club. He said he has no experience in running a football club so it's only right that someone with experience should call the shots.

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Disappointed by Wayne Wild's response.

The two Ians have explained their position in the LT article this morning.

My feeling is very positive that somebody with experience of running a football club and a track record of being very good for that club has come forwards publicly. It kills once and for all the notion that "nobody is interested in buying Rovers".

This news breaking today does in so many ways put the Venky's on the spot.

Odd, I thought the spot was put on Venky's, well Mrs D anyway

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