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[Archived] Venky your being called out ..

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Ok , first time in my t'internet life I apologise for starting a new thread. But with all this legal action and suing stuff going on , it would appear that the owners monitor these things ....

So if you are reading this can you have the common decency to issue a statement to the fans on what the hell is going on and in it an apology of some sort for our demise . Everyone says Indian people are decent people but you don't seem to care about doing the decent thing for our club .i dare you.

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if you read what kamy has said, it's individuals that are alledgedly sueing and not the club... venkys couldn't care less what is said as they've already got their money back.

what is more saddening to see is that decent supporters of BRFC are being torn apart by the continued disgraceful running of our once proud club.

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Ok , first time in my t'internet life I apologise for starting a new thread. But with all this legal action and suing stuff going on , it would appear that the owners monitor these things ....

So if you are reading this can you have the common decency to issue a statement to the fans on what the hell is going on and in it an apology of some sort for our demise . Everyone says Indian people are decent people but you don't seem to care about doing the decent thing for our club .i dare you.

What Kean is not thinking of here is this, it is one thing bringing a lawsuit against a person it another thing winning and most importantly getting any money from it. He has to take into consideration a persons ability to pay and quite honestly, off a messageboard, he cant do that, also, I would think he will need all his funds to fight Sams lawsuit or pay him off and that could cost millions!¬!

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I'm wondering if the clubs next step would be to pull the plug on all these forum sites. Wouldn't that just be the cherry on top? And who would put it past them?

Let them try. There would be a queue round the block to put new sites up.

We've also put a lot of time, effort, research an money in to both staying legal and ensuring we don't fall easily to common lawyer bully-boy tactics. In fact whilst you were all at Bolton away, I spent the weekend mixing with lawyers, solicitors, open rights activists and technologist making sure we're both on the right side of the law AND drawing up a plan for such eventualities.

.... mind you, some of you don't make it easy!

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We've also put a lot of time, effort, research an money in to both staying legal and ensuring we don't fall easily to common lawyer bully-boy tactics. In fact whilst you were all at Bolton away, I spent the weekend mixing with lawyers, solicitors, open rights activists and technologist making sure we're both on the right side of the law AND drawing up a plan for such eventualities.

.... mind you, some of you don't make it easy!

Guess who drew the short straw then Glann

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Another cracking thread. I've never met abbey but he must be quite hard for you all to let him set a new one up every other day.

Why does he need his own thrYead to ask a question it does my head in.

Are youreally stiletto reborn?

1. Don't reply

2. Why have you a hard on for me? You always want a cuddle when I start a thread

3. Didn't know you were a mod

4. Grow up good lad.

On topic ... Well what an interview that was... Still not even a sorry .

They are either true lunatics or clueless.

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he can sue me for every penny ...i aint got none after yesterday.

Hey! I was suggesting as much to my mate just this morning!

Maybe Glenn and SteB might be persuaded to sign the board over to you Abbs...... The salient point being that it is no good sueing someone who has nowt is it? I'd imagine that if the CSA can't get blood out of a stone then neither can anyone else.

Maybe then you can do everyones dirty work and not just mine. ;)

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