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[Archived] Souness under the spotlight

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And do you have a figure for what is taken out by the millions of parasites feeding off our taxpayers JAL?

I'd be surprised if it went to more than a few billion, which might seem enormous but given the £100 plus billion missing in inland revenue takings just remember who feeds the media Theno and your mind of course.

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I've no problem with anyone earning huge amounts of money as long as they pay 45 per cent top tax rate the same as everyone else and if they are an employer pay their employees a living wage. All tax evasion and avoidance schemes should be outlawed.

I must say I like the cut of Francois Hollande's jib over in France. A 75 top rate of tax on the fat-cats in the finance industry who caused this economic mess seems fair to me.

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The real parasites are the rich

Rich are you Bryan? :rolleyes:

btw for the benefit of us all could you define 'rich' please?

All tax evasion and avoidance schemes should be outlawed.

They are surely? It's HMRC who make all the rules isn't it?

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And do you have a figure for what is taken out by the millions of parasites feeding off our taxpayers JAL?

I'll never understand why there needs to be different income tax rates. If there weren't then maybe there wouldn't be much tax evasion. Inherited wealth is one thing but one person earning 1m pa through his/her own drive, determination, effort would pay approx 200k in income tax or the same as 40 people on 30k pa. Is that not enough? Why bleed the achievers and wealthmakers dry? Why do you feel the need to sacrifice incentive and reward on the alter of jealousy and greed?

Just trying to keep things in perspective Theno on the issue you raised.

Guessing i'd say the parasites probably cost us all a couple of billions pounds per year, but if we compare that with the hundreds of billions going out of the system from the top end, we have to admit that the missing money will have an impact on how effective in how many people more we could have been employing to tackle or chase these parasites.

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Rich are you Bryan? :rolleyes:

btw for the benefit of us all could you define 'rich' please?

They are surely? It's HMRC who make all the rules isn't it?

I wish I was bloody rich, you wouldn't catch me going off to work if I was.

The "rich" for me are those who do not have to work because they have so much money, the rest of us mugs would our back-ends off to make them richer, while they work out how to minimise their tax. Who was that prsidential candidate who was a millionnnaire but has only paid 16% tax in the last 10 years, was it Romney??

A parasite feeds off its host without making itself known. Dole bludgers are known to not to make a contribution into the pot, but how much do they take out in comparison to that fat slug Phillip Green?

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Why should my ISA be outlawed?

.... because while people are losing their jobs through ideological cutbacks and through no fault of their own you are getting a tax rebate on your savings. The tax saving handed back to you could keep people in employment, paying their taxes and spending money in shops.

They are surely? It's HMRC who make all the rules isn't it?

....obviously not, otherwise you wouldn't get the likes of the billionaire Philp Green paying next to no tax. In the US, the billionaire Repubican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has boasted of paying only 15% tax. Taxes are for little people, some rich person said...... that''s the likes of you and me Gordon, and we all have to suffer as a result of it.

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I wish I was bloody rich, you wouldn't catch me going off to work if I was.

The "rich" for me are those who do not have to work because they have so much money, the rest of us mugs would our back-ends off to make them richer, while they work out how to minimise their tax. Who was that prsidential candidate who was a millionnnaire but has only paid 16% tax in the last 10 years, was it Romney??

A parasite feeds off its host without making itself known. Dole bludgers are known to not to make a contribution into the pot, but how much do they take out in comparison to that fat slug Phillip Green?

I don't know all that much about Phillip Green except that he started off with nowt and must have worked bloody hard to make such a massive fortune. He may exploit tax loopholes but that is down to HMRC to plug them.... on the other side of the coin he employs countless thousands of taxpayers and pays gazillions in corporation tax and business rates. Work that in to your equation and then compare it to the total amount of tax that you have contributed to benefit the nation would you Bryan?

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Massive difference between working the tax rules to minimise contributions and tax evasion.

BUT Jimbo do you not have a touch of sympathy for so called 'fat cats' and indeed taxpayers of all kinds when you see the 3/4 generations of work shy dollopers content to live and breed excessively on benefits, fat laden fast food, imported tobacco roll ups and imported superstrength lager? All paid for by contributions from tax payers from every income bracket.

Clear that lot out and I guarantee there will be a different attitude from your 'fat cats'. btw A more accurate analogy might be with beasts of burden, fully laden and currently having their lifeblood mercilessly sucked by a myriad of assorted ticks and parasites.

Elitist much?

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I don't know all that much about Phillip Green except that he started off with nowt and must have worked bloody hard to make such a massive fortune. He may exploit tax loopholes but that is down to HMRC to plug them.... on the other side of the coin he employs countless thousands of taxpayers and pays gazillions in corporation tax and business rates. Work that in to your equation and then compare it to the total amount of tax that you have contributed to benefit the nation would you Bryan?

Does Philip Green pay their tax for them?

He may not be doing anything legally wrong, but it is unethical. But I guess that's not a problem.

I'm sure HMRC won't mind, since they can tax all his minions who I'm sure will be very well remunerated.


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.... because while people are losing their jobs through ideological cutbacks and through no fault of their own you are getting a tax rebate on your savings. The tax saving handed back to you could keep people in employment, paying their taxes and spending money in shops.

So Labour would not have 'cut' if they'd won in 2010?

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.... because while people are losing their jobs through ideological cutbacks and through no fault of their own you are getting a tax rebate on your savings. The tax saving handed back to you could keep people in employment, paying their taxes and spending money in shops.

But the ISA's you condemn were intoduced by your darling Tony Blairs Labour in 1999.

So Labour would not have 'cut' if they'd won in 2010?

Of course. In fact Alastair Darling confirmed they would in this report from the Guardian before the last election. "Cuts worse than under Thatcher'.


Jim is ignoring the history books and talking crap as usual.

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So Labour would not have 'cut' if they'd won in 2010?

Been through this before; Darling said they would have cut but no so far and not so fast. The Tories were warned against doing so and the result is we are now back in recession and they have no plan B for growth.

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But the ISA's you condemn were intoduced by your darling Tony Blairs Labour in 1999.

Of course. In fact Alastair Darling confirmed they would in this report from the Guardian before the last election. "Cuts worse than under Thatcher'.


Jim is ignoring the history books and talking crap as usual.

ISA are a continuation of Peps introduced by Lawson in the 1980s and are indefensible in the current economic climate.

Thanks for resorting to insults.

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its the companies that are a far bigger problem than the 'bankers'

take google - they make a few billion out of the UK advertising market, but don't pay any tax, because they sift it through dublin.

and their moto is don't be evil!

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Dave Camoron ‏@EtonOldBoys

Tory cuts so far, 17,000 Army, 11,000 Navy, 5,000 RAF, 56,000 NHS, 16,000 Police, 730,000 Public Sector,1,700 Remploy, 0 Bankers #votetory



So you can vote who tf you want Topman, your generation is completely ######. Have fun. :tu:

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Not in your class I'm afraid.

Read this. If you and your Tory cronies paid their taxes like everyone else the country would be in a better state.


Did you read it to the end? The left wing New Statesman's article mentions 69m 'lost' (btw I definitely dispute the description of 'lost' cos money will nearly always filter through the ecomomy to the benefit of all sooner or later. If it won't then why go to all that trouble?) to the perfectly legal issue of TAX AVOIDANCE.... Most people and businesss refer to this as 'Tax Planning'.

For your spurious argument to hold water you need to concentrate on TAX EVASION which definitely is illegal. Capiche Wolfy? Penny dropped has it? Now run along and get me relevent figures of the amount of money estimated to be lost through tax evasion please, cos that is the only figure relevent to your stance.

btw Have you or yours an ISA?

btw 2 Have you or yours ever brought Duty Free stuff back from abroad? Have you ever sold anything for profit part cheque part cash and slipped the folding stuff into your back sack? Have you ever paid a tradesman in £ notes cos he offered a discount for cash? Do you pay for fish and chips or your window cleaner with a cheque even? How about a taxi driver? Offer plastic to them do you? Murky isn't it? It's more difficult for salaried people to play the game but it's not all about people in pin striped suits with big cigars who practice tax evasion is it?

People who live in glass houses.

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