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[Archived] Agnew/Shaw versus Currie/Battersby

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Why are you even having talks, dialogue with somebody who many believe - whether true or not, is another subject - has played a major role in ruining the club.

I thought you were involved with the action group, not an appeasement group.

We are keen to speak to everybody who has had any involvement in Blackburn Rovers over the last 2 years, as we are actively trying to piece together documentation regarding the happenings at the club over this course of time.

We have had gone right back to the beginning and even had conversations with the likes of Chris Nathaniel who was involved in putting the bit together for Saurin Shah, among others who were involved around this time, and after.

You don't actively get the information we required, by not speaking to people who were involved, Jerome Anderson is key in this and we were keen to speak to him for a long time.

So without speaking to the people involved, how would you suggest we put the information together to hand over?

We have tried unsuccessfully on many occasions to open dialogue with Mr Battersby and for some reason he is keen to avoid talking to the supporters, that of course is his choice, however it does seem a strange move to me, when your talking takeovers and high level involvement, you would think transparency and being open is the best way forward.

** Just read Glens response and discovered he's covered that in his reply lol.

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PAFELL- Let me see , for 12 months you have given me more abuse than I care to remember, be that through this message board/twitter .

Things like, claiming I was scaremongering the January transfer window and then taking massive digs when it closed, only for me to tell you departures were not done and dusted. You then continued the abuse and guess what as predicted Samba was sold.

More recently you gave me abuse over the Rhodes the deal saying it was not gonna happen, again trying to discredit me, guess what it happened.

You then came on this message board, told everyone where I worked, and that protest were done so Wayne Wild could buy the club cheaper, and I was trying to discredit all other protetial bidders so my mate as you called him could get is hands on the club.

This abuse continued for months which in the end had me resign from my position at WEC due to all the false allegations you was making and spreading like wildfire to anyone who would listen.

You take any opportunity possible to have a dig at me, or the Action Group and on a daily basis I find myself having to answer your inuendo's and damn right lack of knowledge of the whole situation. Hey but I guess all the way down on the south coast that you know more than anyone, and everyone we speak to is teling lies???

I blocked you on twitter and then you said that I had things to hide, when in truth I was sick of your constant digs. These digs also extended to Wayne Wild as you constantly had a go at him, he told you if you had any questions then pick up the phone and speak to him as your real name rather than an alias behind a keyboard.

I'm a football supporter not the bloody prime minister so your comment of "Putting myself in the public domain" Just about sums you up.

Now please dont let this thread turn into another Pafell v Glen slanging match because quite frankly you bore me, and this thread is about Agnew/Shaw V Battersby/Currie, and no-one wants to read about silly bickering.

Or please put my post on ignore as I'm now getting tired of having to keep responding to you

as somebody mentioned earlier in the thread (it might have been Glen), everybody knows everybody in football ..... so in my humble opinion a club our size isn't going to find an owner who doesn't have links to people in the game whose motives are questionable - after all, people are involved in the game to make money from it.

As local businessmen, you'd like to think that the two Ian's (if they were to make a successful purchase of the club - which they haven't indicated, or indicated for a while - if they have) would have a greater feeling/understanding of the fanbase and what makes the club and fans tick. However until they do (if they do at all) then it looks like we are stuck with Venkys as there doesn't seem to be a queue of serious people/business'/consortium lining up to buy the club.

I can't ever see the onwership of Jack Walker (the period he was alive) ever being repeated. Like it or not, people buy a football club to either A, make money - B, raise their profile - C, both ..... that is of course unless there is a community funded buy-out which without wishing to go over old ground, isn't going to happen.

Your best post for a long time

I do worry about the IB/IC potential arrangement particularly due to IB's long standing relationship with Hendry and what the impact of that may be.

Having recently worked with Hendry's long standing body guard until recently, These concerns I also share

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PAFELL- Let me see , for 12 months you have given me more abuse than I care to remember, be that through this message board/twitter .

Things like, claiming I was scaremongering the January transfer window and then taking massive digs when it closed, only for me to tell you departures were not done and dusted. You then continued the abuse and guess what as predicted Samba was sold.

More recently you gave me abuse over the Rhodes the deal saying it was not gonna happen, again trying to discredit me, guess what it happened.

You then came on this message board, told everyone where I worked, and that protest were done so Wayne Wild could buy the club cheaper, and I was trying to discredit all other protetial bidders so my mate as you called him could get is hands on the club.

This abuse continued for months which in the end had me resign from my position at WEC due to all the false allegations you was making and spreading like wildfire to anyone who would listen.

You take any opportunity possible to have a dig at me, or the Action Group and on a daily basis I find myself having to answer your inuendo's and damn right lack of knowledge of the whole situation. Hey but I guess all the way down on the south coast that you know more than anyone, and everyone we speak to is teling lies???

I blocked you on twitter and then you said that I had things to hide, when in truth I was sick of your constant digs. These digs also extended to Wayne Wild as you constantly had a go at him, he told you if you had any questions then pick up the phone and speak to him as your real name rather than an alias behind a keyboard.

I'm a football supporter not the bloody prime minister so your comment of "Putting myself in the public domain" Just about sums you up.

Now please dont let this thread turn into another Pafell v Glen slanging match because quite frankly you bore me, and this thread is about Agnew/Shaw V Battersby/Currie, and no-one wants to read about silly bickering.

Or please put my post on ignore as I'm now getting tired of having to keep responding to you

Your best post for a long time

Having recently worked with Hendry's long standing body guard until recently, These concerns I also share

All I asked today was why you wanted to talk or have dealings with JA. Not intended as a dig. I asked as not long ago you were not happy about Ian Battersby talking to JA. Even though he explained in a podcast why he met him. So I wondered what had changed for you to be now happy for JA to contact you. Especially in the light of you having received a legal letter from him prior to meetings with the football authorities. It appeared that something had changed from you having received legal threats from him via his lawyer - to now you wanting him to contact you.

The above was my sole reason for asking the questions I raised. No digs at you or the action group intended. I was not making any allegations. I was wondering what had changed for to to want to contact JA or he contact you. When you had previously been against others doing so.

As to you resigning from WEC - nothing to do with me. I did not even know you had. All I have said about wayne wild is that I do not believe the BRSIT idea will work for financial reasons. I did not need to ring him up about it. There was no hiding behind a keyboard. I have just said, I do not believe - and I continue to believe - the plan is unworkable. Wayne wild asked me to reveal my personal details on twitter. Firstly I wouldn't do so on a social network. Secondly I was surprised a man in his position would expect somebody to do so. Sadly you have chosen to turn this thread into you v me. Not my intention at all. The bit in bold was my sole reason.

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We are keen to speak to everybody who has had any involvement in Blackburn Rovers over the last 2 years, as we are actively trying to piece together documentation regarding the happenings at the club over this course of time.

We have had gone right back to the beginning and even had conversations with the likes of Chris Nathaniel who was involved in putting the bit together for Saurin Shah, among others who were involved around this time, and after.

You don't actively get the information we required, by not speaking to people who were involved, Jerome Anderson is key in this and we were keen to speak to him for a long time.

So without speaking to the people involved, how would you suggest we put the information together to hand over?

We have tried unsuccessfully on many occasions to open dialogue with Mr Battersby and for some reason he is keen to avoid talking to the supporters, that of course is his choice, however it does seem a strange move to me, when your talking takeovers and high level involvement, you would think transparency and being open is the best way forward.

** Just read Glens response and discovered he's covered that in his reply lol.

Maybe he considers that if venkys one day do decide to sell. That he believes that at this moment in time, talking to supporters may harm his desire to buy the club. Lets be honest none of us are privy to the conversation IB had in Pune. He is also a proffessional businessman with business ethics.

At the end of the day, as you say, it is his choice.

With regards to JA. Of course I understand why you or Glen would want informtion from him. Though personally, after watching his performance on sky, I would not believe anything he says.

But I was curious as to what had changed. From receiving a legal letter one minute to be willing for him to contact Glen or the action group etc another. Seems to me to be a dangerous route to take. No digs were intended. Others may take things as told them. I do not, I ask questions.

Long standing relationship between IB and CH? Is the suggestion that this is ongoing? I am not so sure about that.

Why do you think IB should in any way be obliged to have a conversation with either of you?

Out of curiosity - not a dig etc at you or anybody else. But what has Colin Hendry got to do with all this?

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PAFELL – I think it might have something to do with the fact you question every single thing the Action Group does…..


And constantly demands to see proof of every statement/quote. He obviously sees himself as the clubs most important fan.

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I do worry about the IB/IC potential arrangement particularly due to IB's long standing relationship with Hendry and what the impact of that may be.

Ah but anyone can have arelationship with Hendry - Facebook has just suggested i ad him as a firend and we don't have any mutual friends!

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Maybe he considers that if venkys one day do decide to sell. That he believes that at this moment in time, talking to supporters may harm his desire to buy the club. Lets be honest none of us are privy to the conversation IB had in Pune. He is also a proffessional businessman with business ethics.

At the end of the day, as you say, it is his choice.

With regards to JA. Of course I understand why you or Glen would want informtion from him. Though personally, after watching his performance on sky, I would not believe anything he says.

But I was curious as to what had changed. From receiving a legal letter one minute to be willing for him to contact Glen or the action group etc another. Seems to me to be a dangerous route to take. No digs were intended. Others may take things as told them. I do not, I ask questions.

Out of curiosity - not a dig etc at you or anybody else. But what has Colin Hendry got to do with all this?

Its like anyone who doesn't totally fall in and communicate with the Action Group becomes a figure of total suspicion in Glen's eyes.I mean for god sake what has who they play golf with got to do with anything?So what if they know JA through professional circles and used him to get to meet the owners? So what if JA was in the room when they let fly?

But because they don't talk to you ,you make the judgement that you remain sceptical.Truth is Glen you know naff all about these 2 beyond tittle tattle or stuff some one ''said to you''.Has it ever occurred to you that they can't go public on whats happening because they risk the wrath of people putting money up for the bid?Why do you think putting Fans group at the front of the bid is what MUST happen in your eyes? None of us know either but we don't go round shouting them down.

You are making judgements based on crap IMO.I bet if IB/IC did come forward and talk to you you would then start bumming them like you did with Shebby and your mates in the government.

You have done a great job in getting some of these issues to the table with people in high places for which we are all very grateful and know you have the clubs interests at heart.

But for gods sake stop being so judgemental on people you know nothing about, have never met and know nothing about their plans.I have no idea whether IB/IC are the right people either but some of the reasons and links why people are suspicious is just tripe.The Seneca Partners website looks like they know what they are doing in the business world and they may well have big connections that will come in useful .So how does golf/relationship with Hendry , even matter? And what relationship are you trying to make out they have with JA? You will be saying they are in league with Kean and Venkys and own a secret 10 % of the club next.You talk in riddles.

Just calm down Glen and dont damage the good work you have been doing until you have a lot more to go on .If you don't know anything then don't say anything.

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And constantly demands to see proof of every statement/quote. He obviously sees himself as the clubs most important fan.

When you consider the amount of speculation and rumour going around with regards to the owners / kean etc. A number which have already been destroyed. Of course I ask for evidence.

For the simple reason that speculation is of no use. We need evidence against the owners or kean etc for the football authority to take action.

Ah but anyone can have arelationship with Hendry - Facebook has just suggested i ad him as a firend and we don't have any mutual friends!

I got that as well.

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I ask a few questions and you reply with abuse. So now I am hampering things. Really, how?

When I posted, others agreed with what I posted. Strangly you have not given them abuse and made allegations against them.

You are both narrow-minded and obsessive in your constant criticism of Glen and would absolutely hate him to succeed.

No-one on the Borad is more obsessive in thie regard than you. Why Glen bothers with you I don't know, but credit to him.

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I recommend a book by Albert Hirschman 'Exit, Voice and Loyalty'. Or simply check the book title out on Wiki.

Simply put, Exit is an effective consumer strategy. But it's most effective as a(n implied) threat.

Lose your voice: Lose your influence. So voice your concerns from the inside if you can, even if that sometimes means compromise. You don't have to lose your aims as well.

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Best to have a short list by the PC of 'wind-up' merchants. Usually they did not have a Season-Ticket even in the pre-Ince era. PAFELL is on my short list. There are 'doers' and 'complainers'. I am proud of what Glenn,Wayne Wild and others are trying to do. We all want the current situation to change -we just vary as to whether we 'support' OUR team whilst this catastrophe is happening to our Club and Town. Some are not only supporting but also working their butts off to precipitate that change. Thank you to them.

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Best to have a short list by the PC of 'wind-up' merchants. Usually they did not have a Season-Ticket even in the pre-Ince era. PAFELL is on my short list. There are 'doers' and 'complainers'. I am proud of what Glenn,Wayne Wild and others are trying to do. We all want the current situation to change -we just vary as to whether we 'support' OUR team whilst this catastrophe is happening to our Club and Town. Some are not only supporting but also working their butts off to precipitate that change. Thank you to them.

Just because a person does not have a season ticket, does not make them any less of a supporter than those who do. Unlike you, I do not just take things glibly as you seem to do. I consider it dangerous for any rovers supporter to have any dealings with JA. I have no idea how JA operates in business. But having seen his classic' poor me and my son sob story' on sky. Blaming supporters for all that was going wrong - a view he has yet to change. For any rovers supporter having dealing with him is in my view extremely dangerous. I wondered what had changed for Glen to feel comfortable for JA to contact him. Unless Glen is surrounded by lawyers, the phone is on speaker and recorded I would not even consider taking a phone call from JA. Which is why I posted what I did yesterday.

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Just because a person does not have a season ticket, does not make them any less of a supporter than those who do.

I'm afraid it does in my eyes. If you have spent your life watching, and you cannot due personal issues or a boycott due to the direction of the club - Fair enough.

But essentially, I would describe people without season tickets as fans.... not supporters.

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I'm afraid it does in my eyes. If you have spent your life watching, and you cannot due personal issues or a boycott due to the direction of the club - Fair enough.

But essentially, I would describe people without season tickets as fans.... not supporters.

I travel up to what matches I can. I also go to away matches, especially in London. But travelling up from the south coast is expensive. When I lived in the area, then I had a season ticket.

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So I am a second class citizen because I am unable to travel to games, pay for tickets, and so on? And whilst I disagree with Pafell on a lot, I agree with his post about that worm Anderson. I'd not have anything to do with that vile parasite if I was involved with either a takeover, or a protest group against the current regime. People like Jerome don't get to be rich and powerful by being straight, honest, consistent, altruistic and scrupulous. He'd be trying to seek something to enhance his bank balance or kudos with anyone new on the scene. Basically, there's something about devil and big spoons.

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I am somewhat surprised but perhaps shouldn't have been by what has developed during this thread. Why does every topic degenerate into point scoring or slagging off of fellow supporters. FFS differing opinions are healthy and promote debate, why do so many people appear to have a chip on their shoulder and become personal? Those in opposition must be phissing themselves.

Back on topic, I'm certain that IB and IC's publicised version of events in Pune in October last will have been factual. In addition forget any conspiracy theories involving either Colin Hendry or Jerome Anderson. Having been apparently well received by the Raos in Pune and since rebuffed, the purpose of the thread was to raise the question as to why Agnew and Shaw have been appointed to the positions the 2 Ians would have been honoured to have taken and served with distinction and dignity. Don't forget that the effort to put a package together to buy the club came much later, probably born out of concern for it's future following a period of no dialogue from Venkys.

It doesn't make any sense to me but then again none of the last 2 years has, so I guess it could just be par for the course. I just

wondered if anyone else had a sensible theory............

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I am somewhat surprised but perhaps shouldn't have been by what has developed during this thread. Why does every topic degenerate into point scoring or slagging off of fellow supporters. FFS differing opinions are healthy and promote debate, why do so many people appear to have a chip on their shoulder and become personal? Those in opposition must be phissing themselves.

Back on topic, I'm certain that IB and IC's publicised version of events in Pune in October last will have been factual. In addition forget any conspiracy theories involving either Colin Hendry or Jerome Anderson. Having been apparently well received by the Raos in Pune and since rebuffed, the purpose of the thread was to raise the question as to why Agnew and Shaw have been appointed to the positions the 2 Ians would have been honoured to have taken and served with distinction and dignity. Don't forget that the effort to put a package together to buy the club came much later, probably born out of concern for it's future following a period of no dialogue from Venkys.




It doesn't make any sense to me but then again none of the last 2 years has, so I guess it could just be par for the course. I just

wondered if anyone else had a sensible theory............

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