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[Archived] Kean Yet To Be Sacked


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I've no intention at all to boycott, but not going to go into the reasons why.

I fully support the action groups approach of making this an individual choice. I can also see the logic in that if the action group isnt organising this that the message to India will be clear that there are more groups who feel strongly about the situation. Kean cant just go back and say "its the same mob as last time, ignore it"

Problem with that is that venkys do not have a clue who is or is not a member of any particular group. Even if Kean told venkys that JW has been funding the protests by the action group. There must be enough evidence to refute that.

If it has already been decided to sack Kean, which I also believe is the case. A choice of to boycott or not will make any difference at all. But in the light of Kean's 'plea' for supporters to come back is a clear indication he knows he is on the ropes. If the ground is full, he shows he has the support. Normally I am not in favour of a boycott as this affects the club and team, but not venkys.

I do suggest that those who chose to boycott, should turn up anyway. Stand outside the ground and support from there. Media wise that will have an impact. Especially with chants of "were not coming in, till kean is gone". The media would film that. Fans would support it, put it up on utube etc etc.

That would be the best compromise for all rovers supporters. Go into the ground if you want. Don't go in and stand outside instead. That way both team and any kean out protests get supported.

My guess is he wants the millions as the price of keeping quiet about the stuff he knows that could damage them. Just my theory....nothing more.

Great implicate himself. Open the door for blackmail - no court would believe kean anyway.

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An excellent piece written by a neutral. Not sure if its already been posted here. Worth the read though.

funny, i was just going to post a link to the same article but under a differant guise- http://stateofthegam...lackburn-fans/? very good(rare!) empathetic article...

"by Jack Heaney

So the vast majority squawk; it is ‘just a game’. This football stuff, it doesn’t matter really. It is meaningless in comparison to other, more sugary aspects of our life such as love, or perhaps living itself. Any website – any facebook page. I guarantee you will stumble across that type of comment. The type which I still maintain is vacant, hollow and inherently contradictory. Just a game. Just like scrabble. Or drunken twister. Or perhaps a few rounds of Snap!

Of course, if we are to take this notion to its logical conclusion…well, then it all becomes rather convoluted and inconveniently tricky, doesn’t it? Bob Dylan is not the poet of a generation. He’s just a guy with an acoustic and a way with words. The film Philadelphia with Tom Hanks? Not the profound masterpiece which lightened eyes from a homophobic darkness; nope, just a handful of people playing pretend, perched in front of lights and cameras. George Orwell’s 1984? Just words.

I hope my point is clear. Anything that relentlessly hypnotises humans – anything that consumes us like football does – is more than its raw, base description. It is art. If you’ll allow this headstrong lout to opine, the ‘just a game’ saying is a vapid, desecrated, skewed viewpoint. We bestow upon life such a sacred, tender gracefulness and awe; yet how interesting that hours upon hours of that precious life are spent watching football. The game is more than a game. Therein lies the allure, and it should be imbued and inculcated within every one of us. We must cherish and promulgate that point to the heavens above. And of course if football is more than a game, then football clubs are more than just clubs.

And this is why Blackburn Rovers, still flush with the unsubtle, supine disease of Venky’s, are so tragic. I am not a Rovers fan. But this club are not to be laughed at. They are not to be insulted. Any dignified football fan must stride with them in a battle against what amounts to nothing more than sleazy, repugnant molestation, hidden under a carapace of insulting, lip-trembling, woe-is-me delusion by the bone-jarring joker of the putrid pack – Steve Kean. Remember in May, when Blackburn were relegated? The enduring image of the Blackburn Rovers crest sullied by Lancashire rain and syringed by infection should never leave you.

It could be your club. Would Mr Kean have ‘dignity’ then?

I hesitated before writing this article because the latest development in the sorry saga was so very inevitable. The reports came in: Kean to be sacked. He was supposed to pick up 16 points yet picked up 14. Hilariously some even offer that as a reason to be a Kean-apologist. The reports came in again: Kean will still be in charge for at least one more game. Haven’t we heard this one before? Who exactly is this man? What credentials does he possess? Does his ego know no bounds: to have the audacity – the gall – to claim that exciting times lie ahead for Blackburn after overseeing their relegation is an insult. And there’s a long list of them.

If this charlatan cared a jot about the club he ‘represents’ (in actuality he embodies not a hair on the Blackburn head) he would have resigned. That would be dignity; but then, just how did Kean get the Blackburn gig again? Oh. Oh yeah, we remember. He is not ‘optimistic’ or ‘determined’, but deluded and deranged. A selfish man concerned with his own needs, not his clubs.

Perhaps some of the spotlight has been diluted since Rovers relegation. With fans exiting the stands and not returning, one would expect the common sense to prevail. Perhaps the most baffling aspect of it all is the Media’s sympathy for Kean. Especially towards the end of last season, it was the Blackburn fans being tarred because of ‘violence’. What is honestly expected of them? Should they merely stand there while a nugget of their town is buried underneath swindlers, corruption and moral abjection? Just imagine the feeling – be empathetic. You spend your money to watch the team. A connection between you and the club matures: memories of visits to the stadium with mums and dads, or triumphant wins that are etched into your memory delicately but deeply.

And now it is sapped from you; over a century of history; an institution that began 37 years before the Titanic sunk. The football world often sees things haphazardly, but the way some protected the incompetent Kean was earthworm low. Not to mention Venky’s: parachute payments, believing they could challenge for the Champions League on an absurdly low budget, the absentee landlords aspect of their egotistically ignominious era. If Kean is ever removed – and sometimes it feels as though he never will be – it is a step. But Venky’s intentions are still dark and murky. They are still morally bankrupt. And remember what happens when one is eliminated? A power vacuum. The truth is, Venky’s are so far removed from logic that an afterbirth could convince them to fork out a salary. Who knows who they could pick to replace Kean?

As ever with these situations, it is the fans that pay. Cross-town rivalries should pale. When Kean holds his hand up to the fans after the final whistle of a match, he is drowning – not waving. Any football worth his or her salt should realise that the work of every legendary figure at the club – from Jack Walker to Simon Garner – is being undone. By now, hopefully most stand with Blackburn. But there’s always room for improvement.

Alas, Rovers neighbourhood is being ravished. But collectively now we should all stand alongside Blackburn fans. For they are the only ones trying to restore it."

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I am not disputing what Glen is saying about Kean using John.

However I know for sure that the main reason that Kean's future is under threat is because of the low attendances, the owners have seen the team get off to a superb start, be top of the table and yet the attendances have not improved. They have also been told by a number of people that the main reason that fans are staying away is because of Steve Kean and that if he was sacked then the attendances would automatically improve.

So a boycott of the Wolves game would ram home the message that Keep Steve Kean and attendances will continue to fall.

Precisely!! What a pity that there are still several thousand that either cant or wont see it as well.

There is now an abundance of evidence (confirmed by several different sources) that the one and only thing that is really worrying the owners is the rapidly reducing home attendance figures and the very visible effect that this is having on the media and their own finances. What more incentive do the people against a boycott need??

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Surprised there isn't more talk on here about the BBC Sport interview with Kean. For me this is the best thing that's happened all week because his mannerisms are shot and there's a lot of clever wording going on. This has more or less convinced me that he's not going to be the manager for much longer and, no offence to Kamy and co, is more telling than any information from sources.

Loves an owl buzz word does Steve 'positive' 'constructive' 'promotion' 'targets'...MAKES MY SKIN CRAWL!!

Heres a word you should get well used to....WAANKER!!

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Imagine for a second If the attendance was less than 5000, better still 0.

Kean would not be able to spin his way out of that at all, nor Agnew or Shaw or whoever they put up for the post match conference.

We have been treated disgracefully by Kean & his cronies. I would like it to be on his CV he oversaw the lowest ever attendance for a second tier game.

A mass Boycott is the way to show the football world what a Tw@t Kean his.

If he's going in the international break as being touted, let it be in front of an empty stadium.

Then lets return in our thousands for the Sheffield Wednesday game.

This would also send the clearest message to the Venkys - a football club is The Fans, treat us with respect & it will be reciprocated.

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So is Glenn trying to say the Kean's camp will spin it that John Williams is paying for the LT boycott advert as well as funding for us all not to attend?

Sounds like madness to me.

It's not only madness to suggest it; it is a downright insult to the intelligence of all Rovers fans to even suggest or imply such a thing. Who in their right mind is ever going to give such a ludicrous accusation so much as a seconds thought? How could JW possibly finance a boycott by thousands of Rovers fans? Take my own case.....I have been boycotting since the second home game (Everton) of last season, and I had already paid for my S/T up front in full by cheque. I simply stayed away after that match and have done so ever since, but I have NOT surrendered my S/T nor asked for a penny of my money back. So how does JW reimburse me, or by what other means is he going to finance the boycott I have made so far and others are now doing as well?

Anyone who knows the answer to those questions please let me know ASAP so that I can get my money back without hurting BRFC........No I didn't think so either.

Absolute and utter B/S, and anyone who even gives it a microsecond of credence is a complete and utter fool.

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Desai literally cannot hear us chanting "Kean Out". However, she can literally see her gate receipts. I suspect something statistical says a lot more to her than fans at the ground chanting "Kean Out". That's not to say I disagree with people going and chanting "Kean Out"! But don't expect it to have any impact on Desai's thinking.

Brilliantly stated.

Fans attend. Kean puts on a PR exercise to India that they are coming back and he can win them over long term. Kean keeps his job.

Fans don't attend. Keans puts on a PR exercise to India that the boycott is organised (even backed financially) by some disgruntled individuals, the minority as he likes to call them. He assures the owners that the majority can be won back. Kean keeps his job.

So in other words we are in a no win situation?

I respect you Glen but from an outsider looking in I think someone is deliberately spreading 'disinformation' to play you and destabilise the anti Kean movement with this 'should we or should we not boycott?' I've played out every scenario in my head and I can only see one person winning from not boycotting at all and that's Kean.

Reading the news articles, I think Kean is a cunning man, in many ways. If fans attend he'll claim they support him and argue he shouldn't be sacked. If the fans don't attend he'll argue its a conspiracy and the owners shouldn't give in to the plot.

I think its fairly obvious the low attendances have got the owners' attention. So I know which way I'd jump if I could vote with my feet.

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Everyone should decide for themselves what they think is best, ultimately supporters will make their decision based upon a multitude of reasons, primarily the football being played is crap, the manager worse and the owners....well words cannot describe. Which all told makes for an unenjoyable experience and beggars belief how changes to those directly responsible have not been made incomprehensible. Sacking Kean should be the first part of the healing process yet those in decison making positions are obviously just not seeing it.

Fair play on those who have actively gone about pulling together like minded souls for some further group action, although it would appear for whatever reason, that an Icarus complex is prevalent too for others previously more vocal. I wish you good luck in getting your message out there beyond this forum to LT readers too.

I personally decided enough was enough in August and reluctantly did not renew, which as much as it hurts me on matchdays I have resisted making regular trips down to Ewood for the first time in over forty years.

Hopefully I and many others might be back soon, possibly after the Wolves, but with our idiotic owners I fear not.

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How could JW possibly finance a boycott by thousands of Rovers fans?

Great point Fife.

"I'm boycotting."

"So your not going then?"


"Won't that prove expensive - not going?"

"No, I've worked it all out. It's actually 100% cheaper not to go than to go."



"Won't you need compensating for not going?"

"No. You see not going is free, I just told you that, don't you listen?"


As for paying for the advert - just take a look at the thread and those who have contrubuted tenners and upwards. If that somehow get's spun by someone or other that it was funded by John Williams (bearing in mind that the poor guy has just lost his wife according to Glen), well the very notion is both ludicrous and totally abhorrent.

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Excellent :lol:

They're creepy and they're hooky

So useless it is spooky

They're thick - just have a look-y

The Venky family

The Ewood Mausoleum

Where no-one comes to see 'em

'Cos Kean makes us scree-um

The Venky family

So get a Rovers kit on

With no sponsor's name on

We're gonna pay a call on

The Venky family

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I'm totally convinced he reads personnel management books that tell him to use those kinds of words repetitively.

I've known a few people at my company who've been and gone who used exactly the same style. The words carry no substance whatsoever and the pattern is that these people think these words get people motivated underneath them so that they can ultimately earn more money for themselves. To me, he does not speak like a football manager or a man on a mission, but more like a man on commission.

As we have brains we pay no attention to these patronising sods so it doesn't really affect us but players are obviously a different matter for the most part.

Exactly!! Its the garbage they teach you in Offices up and down the country...'positive thinking' 'positive state of mind' 'belief' 'yes i can'...all this eliminate the negativity filth!!

Thing is i dont get why he couldnt just say 'listen im not up to this, its beyond me...ill take my old position back' and had some dignity but the fact he seems so smug about how great he is is beyond belief...delighted to be top of the championship at the time...THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!???

Its like puttin Mike Tyson in against David Haye and being chuffed that he won..there is no victory in it when he shouldnt be competing against his likes in the first place!! Infuriating!!

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forgive me if im wrong, but i was just thinking, the only reason the small attendances has put keans job on the line is i imagine purely because of the financial losses(as the venkys have shown time and again they couldnt care less about our feelings), but i was thinking even if there was a mass boycot and theoritacally the attendance was 0, venkys would still be getting the Direct debits from ST holders so furher drops(from the current 12000ish) in attendance wouldnt financially make much differance to them venkys.

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forgive me if im wrong, but i was just thinking, the only reason the small attendances has put keans job on the line is i imagine purely because of the financial losses(as the venkys have shown time and again they couldnt care less about our feelings), but i was thinking even if there was a mass boycot and theoritacally the attendance was 0, venkys would still be getting the Direct debits from ST holders so furher drops in attendance wouldnt financially make much differance to them venkys.

No offence but what you said makes no sense, of course they would get the season ticket money but there is still an extra 10k of a crowd missing, multiply that by say £25 a go...they have the potential of making an extra 250k!!

Not to mention the revenue generated by a full house buying food, drink, merchandise etc...there losing alot of cash that could easily be in there pockets!!

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No offence but what you said makes no sense, of course they would get the season ticket money but there is still an extra 10k of a crowd missing, multiply that by say £25 a go...they have the potential of making an extra 250k!!

Not to mention the revenue generated by a full house buying food, drink, merchandise etc...there losing alot of cash that could easily be in there pockets!!

sorry but i though it was pretty clear i was talking about further drops in attendance from the current 12,000 or so mainly ST holders, as for food,drink,merch losses i dont think they make substantial profits on those and knowing venkys they would just make reduncies in those departments to even it out.

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The boycott this season has been working, there is no doubt in my mind to think otherwise.

Shebby has conducted several interviews this season where he has talking about the impact of the boycott on the clubs finances, if you also consider that the usual suspects at the club have been using PR spin to claim that the fans are coming back it's clear that the owners are concerned about the lack of money coming into the club.

I can believe that Glen has been told about this rumour concerning the organisation of boycotting, however it's likely an example of 'disinformation' in order to destabilise the boycott movement and those protesting against the manager. The last two years has shown us we aren't dealing with amateurs here, we are talking about some clever, some might say devious people who will do anything to keep on to power.

This argument that if nobody turns up to the Wolves game it plays into Kean's hands is quite frankly nonsense in my opinion. If fans attend in force it plays into Kean's hands. The guy has spent all season saying the fans have been coming back and he is starting to win them over, an increased attendance close to normality will only reinforce his position as he will have been proved right and he will for sure let the owners know that.

100% correct and hats off to RVR my thoughts entirely, he would have been long by now if the gates would have been half of what they have this season, like the banner in the Telegraph "results don`t matter Empty seat will"

After twenty -one seasons and missing only one home match (Portsmouth League Cup) it hurts like hell not being there and feeling physicaly sick watching my son walk out the door as he sets off to Ewood on match days.


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I can't believe this article on Team Talk: http://www.teamtalk....-job-at-Rovers?

Utter nonsense.

SSDD from the SSN SEM crowd.. shoots himself in the foot at the end of it mind.. "It's not where we are right now, it's where we are after the final whistle on the final day of the season that counts." yes Kean you almost got us relegated first season, relegated the second season we know what the final day of the season looks like with you in charge.

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The Team Talk article has now been edited. It was incredibly condescending prior to that. It originally ended with words to the effect of stick with Kean, he's your best chance of promotion. It doesn't look quite as awful now - I suspect he'd already got some feedback off Rovers fans and toned it down!

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"But few are more confusing to me how a Championship manager can lose one game and be in danger of losing his job."

This is what we're up against now. Virtually every (non-Rovers) fan and journalist has moved on from the last 2 seasons and has bought into the "clean slate" nonsense.

Two weeks ago I had people saying, "What's up? You're top". Last week it's "What's the problem, you're second". Now it's "but you're third".

Anyone else spot a trend there?

We are in the top three through sheer fluke. If our opponents had taken their gift-wrapped chances, we'd be comfortably bottom half.

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