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[Archived] Next Manager Part 2



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  1. 1. Which of the following managers would you accept

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Personally would as somebody as suggested sideline the current board and Global advisor and contract somebody for the specific purpose of employing a manager in the best interests of the club. If this means going cap in hand to the like of Tom Finn or John Williams then so be it.

The important part for me is "in the best interests of the club" which I feel none of the current Directors could do based on their actions over the last two years or the reason for their recent appointments.

Can not see this happening as the best interests of the club seem to be low on the priority list of whoever is running the show

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For those salevating with jealousy over Freedman. His record in the 24 games prior to their recent unbeaten run was:

W 3 D 11 L 10 F 23 A 36 Pts 20

Two months ago Palace fans seemed to be calling for his head after a loss to Bristol City. Obviously he turned it around and has shown promise but not sure he's the 'immediate impact' manager teams like us need right now. His reputation seems to be founded on good spells at the start of last season and the last eight games.


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I have a feeling that Singh championing a young up and coming manager is just him pretending that he is powerful at Ewood. It is the perfect foil for what we know is the truth - that the Venky woman is the one who has the final say. With him pretending to be all for a young "next best thing" kind of manager it is just some bullsit spin to cover up that we will just go for a cheap option at Madam's request.

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First of all it's really hard to wrap your head around this happening to the club - incompetence at every level. Shebby's statement combined with the fact it was published on BRAG's site and not on the official site nor LET says quite a bit about the level of proffesionalism we're dealing with here (not a dig at BRAG btw!). One underwhelming name after another being leaked and none of them being what the club needs.

In related news I read a story about Wolves and Ståle Solbakken on a norwegian newssite today (http://www.nettavisen.no/sport/fotball/article3497797.ece) - more or less an interview with local journalist Bill Howell from the Birmingham Mail. Howell explains how Solbakken was not a preferred choice by many of the fans but that he's now winning them over and not by results alone. First and foremost Solbakken is a manager - not a coach - a MANAGER. A boss to the players, a man willing to make hard but necessery choices like geting rid of Terry Connor despite him being popular with the players and bringing som new ideas into the club. Also says the mood has changed throughout the club despite suffering relegation and losing their best players over the summer. Seems McCarthy left a reather bad legacy behind despite achieving promotion and keeping them up. Solbakken commands respect....and this could perhaps have something to do with his CV - i.e. experience(?). In some respect it kinda reminded me of when Souness and Hughes first came to Rovers. Wolves will probably be up there all season an a good bet for promotion despite a weakened sqaud.

This is what we need! Not a coach. Not an old dinosaur. A manager on his way up with a track record perhaps from lower leagues or abroad. Someone who has both experienced sucess and failure and knows his strenghts and limitations and thus how to command respect from the players. Don't ask me who, but if reports from Kamy, Cryer and BRAG are anything to go by there should be at least 1 or 2 among those who have applied that should fit the bill. How hard can it be?

What mr. Singh and Venkys don't seem to understand is that all the chaos will affect the players. Winding up fans and keeping everyone in the dark will only lead to more inept performances. The apathy among the players is probably bone deep by now - just look at Murphy. The way the club has handled this situation means there is only one route to go if we are to be in with a shout of promotion next season: we need a strong manager that would get instant respect from the majority of players. Someone in the mould of Souness, Hughes or Solbakken. And the only way to lure someone like that to the club would be to get rid of Singh and tempt them with a solid bonus if the team performs to expectations/get a sponsor on the shirt etc.

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A 147 pages + 170 in this one about a new manager who we haven't signed.

Glen Mullan talks about four different lists.

Nothing has changed, I advise everyone to keep a sane approach to this lunacy and wait and see - I've been led on too way too often by the hatchery to get carried away with anything anymore.

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This is insane.

4 weeks on and we have 4 different lists, and now we have singh trying to second-guess who the fans would want (but presumably who would also fit his own criteria). I'll tell you what the fans want, Singh. They want you and your friends to stop insulting their intelligence and to get on with doing your job professionally and get in the best manager you can to give us the best chance of going up.

I wouldn't trust these people to run a bus service. The more they try to fix the mess they have created, the worse they make things. They'll continue to screw things up until they leave.

In the meantime, the club continues to lose money hand over fist, and wallows in mid-table under a caretaker who can't win. How would that keaning go down in keaning Viet keaning Nam you lunatic chicken keaning Kean-tards?

I'm just so angry ... these people are like Kryptonite for this club, they're gradually destroying it. The only thing they can do to make things better is to put us up for sale.

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Is anyone else thinking that in all this we might also have keaned our chips with the guys who have shown interest or applied?

If you were Bernd Schuster, how would you feel if you eventually got a call after Tim Sherwood, Billy McKinley, and Jim Branagan had all turned the job down (To be fair Jim's just accepted a managment position at Tescos - would you leave to work for these clowns?) I know I'd certainly tell em to go kean themselves. (it's not like these guys are claiming jobseekersand are struggling to pay the mortgage!)

The same would go for the likes of Holloway and any other self respecting manager IMO.

I'm just wondering which season's teamsheet Shebby's going to use for our next approach! :(

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Is anyone else thinking that in all this we might also have keaned our chips with the guys who have shown interest or applied?

If you were Bernd Schuster, how would you feel if you eventually got a call after Tim Sherwood, Billy McKinley, and Jim Branagan had all turned the job down (To be fair Jim's just accepted a managment position at Tescos - would you leave to work for these clowns?) I know I'd certainly tell em to go kean themselves. (it's not like these guys are claiming jobseekersand are struggling to pay the mortgage!)

The same would go for the likes of Holloway and any other self respecting manager IMO.

I'm just wondering which season's teamsheet Shebby's going to use for our next approach! :(

Yep, untold damage to our prospects of getting a decent manager. I remember people asking who in their right mind would take the job?

Well there was plenty. Not so sure now.

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In related news I read a story about Wolves and Ståle Solbakken on a norwegian newssite today (http://www.nettavise...icle3497797.ece) - more or less an interview with local journalist Bill Howell from the Birmingham Mail. Howell explains how Solbakken was not a preferred choice by many of the fans but that he's now winning them over and not by results alone. First and foremost Solbakken is a manager - not a coach - a MANAGER. A boss to the players, a man willing to make hard but necessery choices like geting rid of Terry Connor despite him being popular with the players and bringing som new ideas into the club. Also says the mood has changed throughout the club despite suffering relegation and losing their best players over the summer. Seems McCarthy left a reather bad legacy behind despite achieving promotion and keeping them up. Solbakken commands respect....and this could perhaps have something to do with his CV - i.e. experience(?). In some respect it kinda reminded me of when Souness and Hughes first came to Rovers. Wolves will probably be up there all season an a good bet for promotion despite a weakened squad.

Great point Moerpho. I'd rather have an experienced head but that's a convincing argument. For me, any new man in this would still need time to implement his ideas though like Solbakken had over the summer whereas an older head now may perhaps quickly get us into shape ala Sam Allardyce after the Ince debacle.

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Glen just quoted the 4 manager lists, Shebby Singh is releasing statements on brag websites, clearly being consulted.

Who are we to say McKinlay wont be a success? We are fans who follow decisions of a club, not ultras who dictate club policy. Madness.

Just because I know of applicants does not point to Shebby Singh telling me the list, I have a lot of different sources both within rovers and also across football. We are not being consulted on the new manager

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Yep, untold damage to our prospects of getting a decent manager. I remember people asking who in their right mind would take the job?

Well there was plenty. Not so sure now.

According to Alan Nixon, Holloway still wants the job. His info is reliable if he's in with somebody and he is in with Ollie.

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If McKinlay is appointed, then I think it's pretty obvious Venkys are still being advised by certain "football people". Why else would they arive at McKinlay as our best option? How stupid does Singh think we are? It dosn't take much digging to see that McKinlay is in some way connected with the our former manager. If they are such good mates, why in the world would McKinlay go anywhere near Rovers given what happened with Kean and the fans?

Venkys are not in control of this football club. Probably never have been or will be. We cannot steady this ship with these people here. They will NEVER work in the best interests of Rovers, they will always be working to their own agenda.

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According to Alan Nixon, Holloway still wants the job. His info is reliable if he's in with somebody and he is in with Ollie.

It must be pretty dire at Blackpool then!

Seriously though, if this is the case I'll pick him up in the morning - mind you didn't Olly quote over the weekend that KO wold drive him to the interview!

Shebby, I've not got Ian's number but of you look down your list, just ring the one that starts 01253 and ask the guy that answers if he's busy on Wednesday night.

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The current situation as I know it,

There is 4 list of manager, (yep looks confusing already)

There is the Shebby list, where he has plucked these names from god only knows? These are basically young coach's who he believes from his advisors and himself have the right profile to go onto greater things. This is the likes of Sherwood/McKinlay, Not the profile we are all hoping for and IMHO a gamble not worth taking after the last two years. He has seemed pretty focused on what he wants, and not really considered anything anyone has said to him regarding supporters feelings about the need to appoint a manager rather than another experimental coach

Then there is the applicant list- This list includes the likes of Schuster , Daum, Hill, Dickov, Keane , Flitcroft, ect , This list appears to be getting totally overlooked at present which makes a mockery of the early statement of we wont approach anyone, we will wait on applicants and speak to those.

Then there is the Shaw list- Which includes the likes of McCarthy, Grayson and generally managers with experience.

Finally there is the "IFS and BUTs List, This includes Managers who would like the job but not under Singh and not under the current set up, This includes Shearer, Salgado, Holloway.

At present only list 1 counts, although every man and his dog is trying to educate Singh that list 2, 3 and 4 all have good merits and better merits than list 1.

So this could go any way now, a pause is now taking place whilst Rovers re-assess todays fall out and supporters reaction, However as you can all see some managers will only come if certain people in the selection process disappear.

What happens next is anyones guess, but im seriously getting a headache with the whole thing

Well shebby out then and IFS and BUTs in. The last list looks more interesting because they are aware of our current situation and knows things have to change in how this club is run. The three other lists are just chancers who wants a job and are willing to risk their reputation by working under the current set up.


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McKinley? Seriously? Why don't we just appoint Myles and really keep it in the family?

This does seem to be a disturbing and legitimate question.

Shearer is wanted by some rovers fans as manager because he was a good player and Mckinley isn't wanted by anyone at all, because he was a poor player?

McKinley isn't wanted as he [allegedly] didn't play straight while a Rovers player, has ties to Kean and has little or no management experience.

Ole Gunnar Solskjaer?

Yes, please. OGS in November with Tony Parks as caretaker manager until then.

If you need a former player, ask Salgado or Tugay to assist Parkes.

Glen Mullan tweeting that thankfully there is a rethink going on, but still has no confidence in the current regime.

Thank god.

{My summary of Glen's lists}

Shebby list.

Applicant list.

Shaw list.

If/But list.

Shebby would be well-advised to chuck his list and focus on any of the three other lists.

Or if he wants my assistance in narrowing it down (in no particular order): OGS, Shuster, Holloway, Curbishley or McCarthy. If he needs a player to spice things up, hire Sherwood as assistant manager [to eventually prepare him for management] and hire Tugay or Salgado in a coaching capacity, if the new experienced manager thinks he can work with them. Let Hendry go (who, despite being a former player, allegedly has question marks next to his character, as allegedly does McKinley based on some comments).

I propose we get rid of Singh, Shaw and Agnew and get in Holloway and a respected chief exec

Genius. Though I'm still prepared to give Shebby a chance as he has not yet screwed up the manager appointment. [Hint- appointing McKinley would be a mistake].

Holloway is the perfect man for this job with the current situation. Out spoken about issues and will win the fans back. He would also get this group of players passion back.


Might as well offer El Hadi Diouf the job.

For all of his faults, I have trouble seeing EHD keeping quiet. He'd eventually snap and tell it like it is.

Seems that he has been shocked by the fans reaction today. Whether it is enough to get him to change mind i am not so sure.

I hope so. Though why he is shocked? Surely he floated a trial balloon with one or two trusted confidantes?

If you lack common sense and are 100% going down this route of employing any old ex-player, just employ Tugay with someone like Salgado or Craig Short as his number two.

Tugay, Salgado and Short have passion and class, which puts them far ahead of the Keans of the world.

The alternative was to allow him to go ahead and appoint an unproven manager such as Billy Mckinlay, by ignoring the supporters concerns. Is this what was preferable for you?

As an elected supporters body, who have been inundated with supporters concerns all day, we passed these concerns on, as this is what we do.

And you've done the club and fans a great service.

Pick-up the phone and get Tom Finn & Tony Parkes in Ewood & Brockhall respectively tomorrow and start again.

Not a bad caretaker combo.

Heck once Shebby/Venkys gets a manager in, they would not go far wrong ditching Shaw and Agnew and putting Finn and Parkes on the board. They know football and they love Rovers and they both have a reputation for honesty. At least they'd help Shebby (and by extension, Venkys) navigate the English football "culture" and put at ease the supporters (so BRAG can step back).

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Well it is obvious, not that it wasn't before, that the people tasked with getting a manager are not all Singhing from the same hymn sheet,

Who is actually advising Shebby to go for an experimental manager, looked what happened to the last attempt, does Shebby want to get sued again in 12/18 months time when it goes tits up.

By all means get someone in who can be groomed for the future but place them with a safe pair of hands to start with.

And above all let them MANAGE the club.

Wednesday night should be a wake up call for Shebby and co

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Regardless of what happens from here nothing will ever change. Nobody trusts anyone anymore and whilst we are all happy that Kean has gone the future will not change for me. If Shebby becomes stubborn and appoints who he wants regardless of fans opinion then its all out war apparently, yet if he backs down and succumbs to Shaw's thinking it will undermine his position so we will be back to where we were in the summer. Agnew (Kean's man) still keeping his gob shut but running the club, his mate Derek Shaw making decisions on behalf of him but never will be trusted due to Agnew appointing him and then lo and behold the only bloke who is willing to speak to the fans marginalised and never going to trust the fans base again for turning on him. All in all the biggest loser yet again is the fans whilst the Keanites are still the ones calling the shots.

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Unless I'm imagining things haven't we been here before am I having this strange sense of de-ja-vu.

Haven't we been here before with the signing of Simon Vukcevic as recommended by a fan on facebook to the other clown Vineeth Rao.

It makes you wonder whether Vineeth & Shebby are related. I long for the day we have respected administrators like JW & TF. I only hope after all this deliberating they make the right choice.

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