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I should say, as soon as I'd posted that message, I deleted it as I didn't want to get involved. But since I've been quoted, I should respond.

I get on very well with the majority of the people from the trust,, and indeed pledged £5000 into it 7 months ago. [/Quote]

My apologies, that's very generous of you.

I think Oz, Wayne, Dawn, Mark A, and Daniel are great for the trust, there are others but their steering committee is large so cannot think of the other names of the top of my head.

Where it fits in now, i'm unsure, but I have not totally dismissed it as a person.

However the person in question, yes I 100% have a problem with, as would 99.9% of people if they had put up with what I have off this individual. I can handle abuse on-line it comes with the territory, however when that abuse then turns violent when I have my wife and child present , then I must draw the line.

Anyone who can sing songs referring to people dieing , IMO are just sick and there is no place in society for that.

Quite right, don't think anyone would put up with that.

I have made my concerns known to the trust, and although they say it shouldnt be about the people, it should be about the concept, I cannot turn a blind eye to what I have endured from this individual

I agree, I would find it hard to as well. But, what if the majority of your members voted to back them or even merge and you are still a leading member of the Action Group?

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I should say, as soon as I'd posted that message, I deleted it as I didn't want to get involved. But since I've been quoted, I should respond.

My apologies, that's very generous of you.

Quite right, don't think anyone would put up with that.

I agree, I would find it hard to as well. But, what if the majority of your members voted to back them or even merge and you are still a leading member of the Action Group?

The members are being polled, on if they wish to endorse the trust or not. What each individual chooses to do as themselves is completely upto them. If the group votes for us to endorse the trust, then we will publically do so. However we are supporters group , with clear aim's and objectives. We have no interest as a group to own rovers, and no interest of being on the board at Blackburn Rovers.

Our group will not be merging with anyone and will continue to be an independent supporters group. Our group remit is clear, which is to hold any administration at Blackburn Rovers accountable for their actions.

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Why do Criptron and Mark have the same IP address?? Odd!!

I'd just to say that I was at Marks house gettin a lift home when I posted this.. my name is Stuart Wilkinson.... check me up on facebook if you like

If you have an objection to me uploading my posts on others internet then let me know....

if you have an objection to me posting aswell let me know...if it helps

I will include my exact location in my posts if it makes it easier for you

Or if you object to me posting let me know....

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Mark didn't know you were on his wireless?? Come on, so mark just happened to leave his wireless password lieing around for you to find to connect!!

The point I was making was that the two of you were together when the posts were made. Now quite why mark didn't turn to you and say 'I quite agree mate' rather than post it on here I don't know. The point I was making was just the point that you were clearly together making the posts for some reason. It just seemed odd to me and it looks like I'm not the only one who thought so.

The 'he didn't know I'd connected to his wireless' just doesn't wash. Marks original post could have said, yep, it's my mate who is sat with me at my house, but he chose to go down a different route. Not going to keep on as I think the points been made now but it just seemed odd. I'm guessing others thought the same from the comments.

You'll also see my post above that I don't know the person who was named in the post and certainly didn't condone his actions. I also should make it clear that the only group I'm a member of is Gnashers Fang Club!! I'm not signed up to any of the others.

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Mark didn't know you were on his wireless?? Come on, so mark just happened to leave his wireless password lieing around for you to find to connect!!

The point I was making was that the two of you were together when the posts were made. Now quite why mark didn't turn to you and say 'I quite agree mate' rather than post it on here I don't know. The point I was making was just the point that you were clearly together making the posts for some reason. It just seemed odd to me and it looks like I'm not the only one who thought so.

The 'he didn't know I'd connected to his wireless' just doesn't wash. Marks original post could have said, yep, it's my mate who is sat with me at my house, but he chose to go down a different route. Not going to keep on as I think the points been made now but it just seemed odd. I'm guessing others thought the same from the comments.

You'll also see my post above that I don't know the person who was named in the post and certainly didn't condone his actions. I also should make it clear that the only group I'm a member of is Gnashers Fang Club!! I'm not signed up to any of the others.

For god sake, i think this is absolutely pathetic, the sheer fact that somebody has to post explaining his exact location and posting habits in a public forum is well out of order in my opinion, if you have a problem with his posting, ask him privately and directly instead of 1) airing it publicly and 2) taking the thread of topic, for a moderator i think you've handled this awfully.

No i don't leave my wireless password lying around, I have told it him in the past and as a result he can probably now auto connect when he's in range, quite what the hell this has to do with you or everybody else, god knows.

1) Why didn't i turn around and say "i agree" instead of posting it on here? eh? where did i post on here that i agreed with the post, I have already stated i chose to refrain from bringing my opinion on it to the messageboard, and until you delved into this, i had done just that?

2) We were not posting "together" I didn't post on this thread until almost an hour later and there was nobody near me when i did this (again what the hell this has to do with you or anyone else, god knows)

3) He could have posted from the same IP address as me all week really even next week, from the market where the group has had a stall, is this going to flag up problems also?

4) Will committee members posting on here from the IP address at the walk-in centre now cause a public investigation also?

Ricky i ain't bothered whether it washes with you or not to be honest mate, should of kept it to your 'private threads' in the websites backroom like you normally do or asked Stuart directly in private. Why should i state where he was when posting? because his whereabouts when posting are nothing to do with the whole messageboard, and the fact you've made him explain himself publicly is quite frankly pathetic.

Whatever it was you were insinuating/accusing, you are/were wrong and asking him in private would have saved this entire episode, however i guess it depends what you're trying to gain from it really doesn't it.

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Question for you Mark..for someone who claims not to be too bothered, you must have been up half the night posting on this thread.

Not at all, i replied before i went out earlier, then i went out for a few hours, to meet one of our Australian members who landed in the country tonight, then i posted when i returned home, now i have woken up to go to Blackpool and have replied again. I never said i was not bothered, I am not at all bothered what conclusion Ricky has come to, however i am bothered about the way he has handled it on the board.

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And then the mods complain that threads go off topic :rock: how many will read through all this waffle that could have easily done via a pm??

For the information of Rick I'am at present in my dining room.

Quite agree mate, it's ridiculous.

I best refrain from posting this afternoon, he'll be in absolute meltdown if i'm sharing the same connection with everyone else in Blackpool, imagine the inquisition into that one :blink:

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This wasn't handled great granted but we often notice odd posting habits as the ip of each post is displayed above it and when two posts on succession are from the same one and one is from a relatively new member of course it's going to he looked at especially with the style of that post.

Should it have been done in private? Absolutely but it certainly should have been looked at

I often bring up duplicate IP addresses in the hidden section as I don't know enough about them myself. I'm not sure why private threads is in inverted commas like its a bad thing in marks post though

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Should it have been done in private? Absolutely but it certainly should have been looked at

I have absolutely no issue with it being looked at Tom, and i agree 100% that this should happen always, however to do it in such an accusing way on the public messageboard and ruining a thread by constantly pressing the issue is pathetic and had the incident involved anyone else, it would no doubt have been handled better.

This wasn't handled great

All we need now is Ricky to admit that and move on :)

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Not at all, i replied before i went out earlier, then i went out for a few hours, to meet one of our Australian members who landed in the country tonight, then i posted when i returned home, now i have woken up to go to Blackpool and have replied again. I never said i was not bothered, I am not at all bothered what conclusion Ricky has come to, however i am bothered about the way he has handled it on the board.

So you and Glen were posting at about 1.30am to 2.30 am give or take an hour or so.

I'm not doubting your version of events just the fact that you are definitely bothered.

Serious question...given you are up early to travel to Blackpool...have I stuffed up on the kick off time?

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So you and Glen were posting at about 1.30am to 2.30 am give or take an hour or so.

I'm not doubting your version of events just the fact that you are definitely bothered.

Serious question...given you are up early to travel to Blackpool...have I stuffed up on the kick off time?

I went out to have a pint or three with a member who arrived from Australia late last night and i arrived home around 2am and replied on here before going bed, I didn't speak to Glen last night, however i am aware he was up very late working on group stuff due to the times on the emails which i was cc'd into when i woke up before.

No the kick off time is 3pm lol, I am just up early for the sake of getting to the pub early doors for this one lol.

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Cheers Mark.

Have a good one (is the Aussie member a member on here? )

I wouldn't worry about the dupe account/IP stuff. It's been a debatable/contentious issue for years.

He is i believe, or he was, i've seen him post before, although seldom, i'll check with him this morning.

Cheers mate.

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Wait til Eddie starts editing your posts as well and god help anyone who has a partner or son or daughter who posts from the same house.

posted from my couch having a bacon /sausage butty with brown HP . Washed down with super strength lava coffee.I checked under the table and nooone was posting so I should be cool.

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