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[Archived] BRFC Action Group


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Who the hell do these people think they are, what kind of power trip are they on.

Exactly. Glen Mullan did take up the cudgel and lead from the front when it was necessary so full marks for that but now imo the whole thing is well exceeding it's brief. They have no money in the club, it's not theirs and until it is then they should butt out! Problem is I think one or two are enjoying their 5 minutes in the spotlight rather too much, which ultimately and conversely means they are happy about the club's predicamant! Like with Shebby Singh they may be good intentioned but they just show themselves up every time they open their mouths. Time to stand down and disappear from sight.....

....... but remain battle ready. ;)

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60 post and nearly everyone of them about the action group or its members.

So whats your point, your no innocent Martyr,

a lot of people don't really like you anymore(or at least your public persona) because of your actions-ie.lying(posting false statements/posts is lying), manipulating, hypocrisy, intimidation all things you have been guilty off in recent months and ironically all the same traits that made Kean the hate figure he became and your action group are now massively disliked because of its divisiveness and current irrelevance.

You think you can just shout down and belittle anybody that gives reason for not supporting your schemes (well maybe in the past you could but most people have now seen your true colours, especially with all the false and probably libelous statements/posts you made surrounding Appletons appointment and through the Shebby Singh V's Agnew/Shaw power struggle happening at the same time, in which you where blatantly doing Shebbys dirty work with your smear campaign against Shaw/Agnew even trying to drag J Anderson & sem back into things(all of which turned out to be total BS within hours).

p.s this is only my view (which is also pretty much the same view of most people i talk to on a daily basis ie.family,friends,workmates) i maybe a pretty irrelevant individual in the scheme of things, but I'm still entitled to my opinion.

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Exactly. Glen Mullan did take up the cudgel and lead from the front when it was necessary so full marks for that but now imo the whole thing is well exceeding it's brief. They have no money in the club, it's not theirs and until it is then they should butt out! Problem is I think one or two are enjoying their 5 minutes in the spotlight rather too much, which ultimately and conversely means they are happy about the club's predicamant! Like with Shebby Singh they may be good intentioned but they just show themselves up every time they open their mouths. Time to stand down and disappear from sight.....

....... but remain battle ready. ;)

An organised protest against Kean/Venky's should have been the remit and Glen & co deserve their due for that. Once they slapped a label on themselves and assumed the mantle of 'voice of the people' they overstepped their bounds. They don't have the personnel or the self-awareness to make this work (as proven by their continuous string of PR blunders and allowing themselves to be embroiled in board-room politics). It would be best for all concerned if they disbanded, as no one even knows what their stance is anymore and they're continuing to alienate themselves from nonpartisan supporters with their didactic attitude.

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Its got absolutely nothing to do with anyone on here, who isn't a member of BRAG, as to whether or not the group should disband or keep going. BRAG represents the membership, and they call the shots not people on here.

For the record I don't think BRAG do themselves any favours answering question after question on this site from people who have no affiliation to the group whatsoever, but thats just my opinion.

If for one will be forever greatful for the movement that BRAG led in getting rid of king rat, that should never be forgotten.

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An organised protest against Kean/Venky's should have been the remit and Glen & co deserve their due for that. Once they slapped a label on themselves and assumed the mantle of 'voice of the people' they overstepped their bounds. They don't have the personnel or the self-awareness to make this work (as proven by their continuous string of PR blunders and allowing themselves to be embroiled in board-room politics). It would be best for all concerned if they disbanded, as no one even knows what their stance is anymore and they're continuing to alienate themselves from nonpartisan supporters with their didactic attitude.

Completely agree with this.

For me, one of the worst things is the lack of professionalism.

The press releases are particularly bad for this and it's got nothing to do with picking holes or finding faults; they are just badly worded, often too long, grammatically incorrect and, as has been proven recent, contradict themselves.

Kean Out stuff = bob on, well played.

Since then it's just felt like you're all hanging around for another 5 minutes of local celebrity, when nobody is really taking you seriously anymore.

I think it will get to the point (if it hasn't already) where you will do more damage to the club than good.

If I was in charge, I would disband whilst you still have an amount of integrity left and all go back to just being Rovers fans.

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Its got absolutely nothing to do with anyone on here, who isn't a member of BRAG, as to whether or not the group should disband or keep going. BRAG represents the membership, and they call the shots not people on here.

For the record I don't think BRAG do themselves any favours answering question after question on this site from people who have no affiliation to the group whatsoever, but thats just my opinion.

If for one will be forever greatful for the movement that BRAG led in getting rid of king rat, that should never be forgotten.

Agree with that 100% Gav. 3 different threads on BRAG, all taken over by the usual attack dogs, all saying the same thing over and over again, punctuated by the odd explanation from Glen or another BRAG representative which provokes aforesaid attack dogs to even greater fury and so on ad infinitem. Attack Dog Day Afternoon!

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Completely agree with this.

For me, one of the worst things is the lack of professionalism.

The press releases are particularly bad for this and it's got nothing to do with picking holes or finding faults; they are just badly worded, often too long, grammatically incorrect and, as has been proven recent, contradict themselves.

Kean Out stuff = bob on, well played.

Since then it's just felt like you're all hanging around for another 5 minutes of local celebrity, when nobody is really taking you seriously anymore.

I think it will get to the point (if it hasn't already) where you will do more damage to the club than good.

If I was in charge, I would disband whilst you still have an amount of integrity left and all go back to just being Rovers fans.

When you talk about people not taking them seriously, you really mean a handful of people on this site, which hardly represents even a small minority in the grand scheme of things.

As I mentioned above, they answer to the membership only, not people on here with axes to grind.

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Its got absolutely nothing to do with anyone on here, who isn't a member of BRAG, as to whether or not the group should disband or keep going. BRAG represents the membership, and they call the shots not people on here.

For the record I don't think BRAG do themselves any favours answering question after question on this site from people who have no affiliation to the group whatsoever, but thats just my opinion.

If for one will be forever greatful for the movement that BRAG led in getting rid of king rat, that should never be forgotten.

Agree with that 100% Gav. 3 different threads on BRAG, all taken over by the usual attack dogs, all saying the same thing over and over again, punctuated by the odd explanation from Glen or another BRAG representative which provokes aforesaid attack dogs to even greater fury and so on ad infinitem. Attack Dog Day Afternoon!

Shill #1 meet Shill #2.

Thing is 47er, you never actually give any reason why these arguments against BRAG are unfair. You just come on trying to peddle your usual persecution complex to detract from the real issues. Like I said in another thread, things were actually quiet on the BRAG front. This is entirely a reaction to them making yet another spectacular own-goal when it comes to relations with the fans and fan-groups alike. Why you're turning this back onto the fans, I do not know - oh wait, I think I do.

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Shill #1 meet Shill #2.

Thing is 47er, you never actually give any reason why these arguments against BRAG are unfair. You just come on trying to peddle your usual persecution complex to detract from the real issues. Like I said in another thread, things were actually quiet on the BRAG front. This is entirely a reaction to them making yet another spectacular own-goal when it comes to relations with the fans and fan-groups alike. Why you're turning this back onto the fans, I do not know - oh wait, I think I do.

It doesn't matter what you think, you're not a member of BRAG I'd wager, so you can't bring about change.

If you feel so strongly about the damage BRAG are doing then join the group and help them, don't sit behind a PC and bitch day in day out. This is what really winds me up about the vocal minority, you're not willing to lift a finger to help, but you think you've got a devine right to hammer then on everything they do, get some perspective FFS.

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Agree with that 100% Gav. 3 different threads on BRAG, all taken over by the usual attack dogs, all saying the same thing over and over again, punctuated by the odd explanation from Glen or another BRAG representative which provokes aforesaid attack dogs to even greater fury and so on ad infinitem. Attack Dog Day Afternoon!

You could apply exactly the same post in reverse. I'm sure it wont take much to work out who those attack dogs are.

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It doesn't matter what you think, you're not a member of BRAG I'd wager, so you can't bring about change.

If you feel so strongly about the damage BRAG are doing then join the group and help them, don't sit behind a PC and bitch day in day out. This is what really winds me up about the vocal minority, you're not willing to lift a finger to help, but you think you've got a devine right to hammer then on everything they do, get some perspective FFS.

What happened to every fan being the same?

People are not going to join a group they feel has no purpose/direction/leadership.

The truth is, when a public statement is released from a rovers fan group, it is essentially from every Rovers fan. This is why people have an issue with BRAG, as true or not, public perception is that they are speaking on everyone's behalf.

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It doesn't matter what you think, you're not a member of BRAG I'd wager, so you can't bring about change.

If you feel so strongly about the damage BRAG are doing then join the group and help them, don't sit behind a PC and bitch day in day out. This is what really winds me up about the vocal minority, you're not willing to lift a finger to help, but you think you've got a devine right to hammer then on everything they do, get some perspective FFS.

Sorry, I don't follow your thinking. Surely you wouldn't suggest people should join the Conservative party if they disagree with the current government's policies? Some of BRAG's actions affect ALL supporters, not just those who've signed up for membership with them. Their latest statement was an appeal to ALL supporters. That entitles ALL supporters to an opinion on what they do, and the right to oppose it.

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Unless you join BRAG you're not entitled to an opinion on BRAG?

Heard it all now, GAV.

Now you know I didn't say that, but don't let that stop you.

BRAG in my opinion brought about the demise of king rat, what have you done to help the plight the club has found itself in since Venkys took over?

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Now you know I didn't say that, but don't let that stop you.

You certainly implied as much by undermining my opinion because I'm not joining the BRAG fraternity.

BRAG in my opinion brought about the demise of king rat

Indirectly, perhaps. You could argue they saddled us with another clown in Shebby and have been in cahoots with him ever since.

what have you done to help the plight the club has found itself in since Venkys took over?

I haven't caused a schism in the fanbase. Does that count?

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You could apply exactly the same post in reverse. I'm sure it wont take much to work out who those attack dogs are.


"attack dogs"- I've noticed this a lot lately brag members and supporters(all halve-dozen of them) playing the victim card,please!!!(i've you cant take it you shouldn't have spent the last year or so dishing it out)

Although admittedly it is very silly that there are now 3 threads running side by side pretty much covering the same issues!!!

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"attack dogs"- I've noticed this a lot lately brag members and supporters(all halve-dozen of them) playing the victim card,please!!!(i've you cant take it you shouldn't have spent the last year or so dishing it out)

Although admittedly it is very silly that there are now 3 threads running side by side pretty much covering the same issues!!!

But judging by recent comments, the Action Group view this as validation for their existing - ie if people weren't talking about them, they would go away.

However, how can Rovers fans not talk about them when they're releasing the kind of statements they have been doing for a year or however long it's been...?

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GAV didn't say that. He said that your opinion isn't going to matter much because BRAG won't listen to you anyway - unless you're a member.

If you feel so strongly about the damage BRAG are doing then join the group and help them, don't sit behind a PC and bitch day in day out.

That's what he said.

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I haven't caused a schism in the fanbase. Does that count?

No that doesn't count.

so basically you've done bugger all but complain moan and groan that BRAG are wrong in everything they do and say?

You're not alone by the way, I'm certainly not trying to single you out, you're one of many that feels the need to hammer BRAG but do absolutely nothing to address the issues going on at the club.

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But judging by recent comments, the Action Group view this as validation for their existing - ie if people weren't talking about them, they would go away.

However, how can Rovers fans not talk about them when they're releasing the kind of statements they have been doing for a year or however long it's been...?

I personally think there statements should only be published on their forums and directly to their members, because as they like to keep repeating they are only intended to be viewed by their members and they don't care what there none members think(although they spend an awful lot of time responding to them!!!), if they are going to post them here or a random brfcs mb member copies and pastes them here, then they are going to get dissected and pulled apart(which doesn't take much), if the AG don't want this to happen they shouldn't post AG statements here and should ask for them to be removed if somebody else posts them here.

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No that doesn't count.

so basically you've done bugger all but complain moan and groan that BRAG are wrong in everything they do and say?

I'm not going to rise to your ad hominem tactics, GAV. You think trying to turn this around on me is somehow going to justify BRAG's actions? You're sadly mistaken and just exposing your agenda as egregiously as 47er does.

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I'm not going to rise to your ad hominem tactics, GAV. You think trying to turn this around on me is somehow going to justify BRAG's actions? You're sadly mistaken and just exposing your agenda as egregiously as 47er does.

No I didn't think you would....

The bottom line topman is you've done bugger all, I know you've done nothing, you know you've done nothing, so hammering BRAG makes you silly in my opinion, same with a number of the other detractors who feel the need to slag BRAG off from behind the comfort of a keyboard, without lifting a finger to help bring about change.

Hypocrisy of the highest order, wouldn't you agree?

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No I didn't think you would....

The bottom line topman is you've done bugger all, I know you've done nothing, you know you've done nothing, so hammering BRAG makes you silly in my opinion, same with a number of the other detractors who feel the need to slag BRAG off from behind the comfort of a keyboard, without lifting a finger to help bring about change.

Hypocrisy of the highest order, wouldn't you agree?

If you feel any criticism myself (or anyone else) makes about BRAG has been in some way unwarranted or untrue, then feel free to challenge the arguments raised. These personal attacks are quite frankly pathetic, GAV. You're basically peddling the belief that whatever BRAG do - no matter how misguided or detrimental to the club - they should be above reproach because 'it's better than nothing'? Do you honestly want to keep this up?

And, since you're so obsessed with me, if you care to look to the left you'll see that I'm a member of Rovers Trust. Might not be much but they have my support because I see them as a worthy cause who have largely acquitted themselves in a professional manner. If only the same could be said for BRAG.

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No I didn't think you would....

The bottom line topman is you've done bugger all, I know you've done nothing, you know you've done nothing, so hammering BRAG makes you silly in my opinion, same with a number of the other detractors who feel the need to slag BRAG off from behind the comfort of a keyboard, without lifting a finger to help bring about change.

Hypocrisy of the highest order, wouldn't you agree?

Is doing something stupid and pointless better than doing nothing(that's is the question!).

what entails doing something varies from person to person, for some people simply standing up and chanting kean out/venkys out at games is doing a lot as for many its not in there nature to be so vocal in public(even at a football game), boycotting games is a massive sacrifice for some(and many of those boycotting cant stand and have nothing to do with brag/ag), It seems yours and the other brag members idea of "doing something" only means doing exactly what you do.

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