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[Archived] New Manager


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For once I think that Den is wrong. Giving Shaw any kind of endorsement, even if it's short-term, can only make the situation worse. He's out of his league and appears to be working with Agnew, which is crime enough. The only position I think we can take is that all three need to go, as do the owners. It may not be realistic in the short-term, but it's only course of action that can save the club.

As for Glen M, who I have a lot of time for, despite the odd misjudgement, for best thing he could do is move BRAG out of EP until the whole lot of them kean off.

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Good grief, so much innuendo and inference here. Cryers article in todays LT seems to be on the right lines to me. I can accept quite easily his version of what's happening.

On the day that Berg was appointed, I started a topic on here saying that the next vital move was that Derek Shaw stepped forward and took control. If that had happened we would have been on the right tracks again. That hasn't happened though, so the void left has been filled pretty quickly by Agnew and Singh. I guess Shaw didn't have a chance simply because the other two quite simply shout a lot louder - and that seems to attract the Raos.

There's only one way forward here for me. and it's quite simple. If I was Mrs D I would be saying to Agnew and Singh, thanks a lot, but you have to leave. I would say to Shaw - You're now in charge, find me a football manager. At the same time, find yourself an assistant who you know has the experience you need and who you can work with. Singh and Agnew should be nowhere near footballing decisions, while Shaw isn't everyones first choice as managing director, at least seems to be a honest guy who isn't here for his own ego trip.

Cutting through all the bull, that's the simple and obvious way forward. Anything else and we're stuffed.

Whilst i belive Shaw is completely out of his depth, I have to agree fully with den, he's the only qualified football man at the club.

Won't happen though, because the owners are thick as 2 short planks.

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Just had another read back through GM's post from during the night and the more you read them the more it just looks like another smear campaign against anybody that opposes Singh and its all just more unsubstantiated rumours, Before these posts it was clear that Singh was going to get both barrels from rovers fans at the next opportunity, but after GM's allegations/insinuations he might have just taken a little sting out of any anti-singh chants ect... and just shifted more blame towards the 'people in the Shadows'!, I think GM's Insinuation that Henning Berg Himself has taken sides with the 'dark forces' that pulled the strings under Keans reign are almost blasphemous ^_^ !!!

my stance hasn't changed they can all either put up or pee off, I'm sure there are elements of truth to what GM's said, but really both parties are pretty vile and personally I don't think any party that is supposed to only have the best interests of the club and its fans shouldn't even be taking sides with either side in the slightest.

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I agree with Den, a large reason why we are in such a mess is that there are too many cooks spoiling the broth. Is Shaw an ideal candidate long term to have complete control over everything Rovers? I don't think so, but in the short-term I would take Shaw and get rid of Shebby and Agnew. Let Shaw run things until the end of the season and then do a proper search for a management team at board level in the summer.

This season is a write off anyway, all we can hope for is survival.

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Whilst i belive Shaw is completely out of his depth, I have to agree fully with den, he's the only qualified football man at the club.

Won't happen though, because the owners are thick as 2 short planks.

No it wont happen Gav. They'll take the worst option.

Something has to be done now, today. We either leave all three at the club and carry on as we are, sack all of 'em and leave the club completely rudderless, or we sort out the boardroom problems best as we can.

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I hope glen is right about getting an experienced man in and den is right on the money when he says we need a Shaw to step up and run the club.

The sad thing is none of this addresses the fundamental issue which is that the owners lack the basic football knowledge to make informed decisions on club policy. I don't think they have the independence to determine who is doing a good job or a bad job, and therefore cannot hire and fire accordingly. As they seem k to have no desirt get close to the club ad learn this nuance - even if it can be learned in a short space of time - we are screwed until they leave.

Until then we are really relying on luck that any future appointments - football or board side - will have any quality. No end to the current situation in my eyes, unless Venkys manage to magic up a solid trustorthy football man who they can have a good rworking elationship with.

With them in India this seems impossible.

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No it wont happen Gav. They'll take the worst option.

Something has to be done now, today. We either leave all three at the club and carry on as we are, sack all of 'em and leave the club completely rudderless, or we sort out the boardroom problems best as we can.

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Does anybody Know where Karen Silk as a board member fits into all this and where her affiliations lie or does she just keep her head down and focus solely on the business financial side of things.

Didn't she work with Tony Scholes at Stoke City?

Im just wondering if Aggers and Shebby go, could Silk and Shaw steady the boardroom? I'm pretty sure as of now she is strictly finance. Think she was slighly more influential when Paul Hunt was here...

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Does anybody Know where Karen Silk as a board member fits into all this and where her affiliations lie or does she just keep her head down and focus solely on the business financial side of things.

K.Silk and R. Coar were the only ones who reportedly attended a board meeting this week. Would love to have been a fly on the wall!

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It's simple.

You sack all feckin three after securing Tom Finn's agreement to come back, even on a short term basis, to hold the reins, secure the ship and plot a way forward out of this mess. It will take years to sort this out.

Additionally, you give BRAG and any other supporters' groups their marching orders - it's all got too feckin ridiculous for words.

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I see where Den is coming from - I think. He is not saying Shaw is the answer. But for now, keep him in place. Get in a new managerment team to control things on the pitch. Then re-look at Shaws position at a later date. But we cannot have a club without BOTH a chairman and manager. Even if it was feasible to be able to get rid of shaw, agnew, singh and then bring in a new board and appoint a new manager in the same day. It would cause even more chaos.

Though getting rid of Agnew and Singh could and should be done. Plus bring in an experiencd management team. Leave shaw where he is, for now.

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It's simple.

You sack all feckin three after securing Tom Finn's agreement to come back, even on a short term basis, to hold the reins, secure the ship and plot a way forward out of this mess. It will take years to sort this out.

Additionally, you give BRAG and any other supporters' groups their marching orders - it's all got too feckin ridiculous for words.

Agree! (But would he come back-and would R. Coar rise to the challenge and actually earn his continued place on the board.)

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Not you in particular here Abbey, but this being being manouvered into a "is Derek Shaw a good MD?" debate. That isn't what I'm arguing. The club has needed, since Berg was appointed, the MD to step forward and take control of the club and more importantly, those people around him. That hasn't happened and it doesn't look like it will. I'm saying MRS D must take this decision. She must put one man in charge straight away and make sure he has total authority. That man at the moment -IMO - has to be Shaw. There is no-one else. With that in position, Agnew and Singh aren't needed and should be shown the door. From there, the club can move forward. Sacking everyone in sight isn't the best way today, as some are suggesting.

i know...was just mentioning what someone told me.They are all at the venkys trough.

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Does anybody Know where Karen Silk as a board member fits into all this and where her affiliations lie or does she just keep her head down and focus solely on the business financial side of things.

she will do exactly whats she told to by the V's.

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Agree! (But would he come back-and would R. Coar rise to the challenge and actually earn his continued place on the board.)

I do think Tom Finn would come back to help, albeit on a 'temporary' basis, as he's a genuine guy with a love for the Rovers.

As for Burnley Bob, there are insufficient appropriate adjectives in my vocabulary to express my own personal thought on him. Enough said.

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alot of talk going around that 6 portugese players are starting for rovers today?!

then i see a tweet from cryer saying i hope you know the portugese anthem.....if this is true then seriousley what the hell is going on.

edit: ive been trying to find if we have that many portugese players on the books.... i know of rosado, fabien nunez, nuno gomez and edninho...

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alot of talk going around that 6 portugese players are starting for rovers today?!

then i see a tweet from cryer saying i hope you know the portugese anthem.....if this is true then seriousley what the hell is going on.

Nationality doesn't matter, it's if all 6 are good enough that counts.

Shebby clearly picking the team today anyway................that's what annoys me. .

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Nationality doesn't matter, it's if all 6 are good enough that counts.

Shebby clearly picking the team today anyway................that's what annoys me. .

oh i do agree, because i thought rosado played very well against boro, but edinho didnt look good on his debut he looked weak on the ball and kinda clueless.. fabien nunez and nuno gomez are bright sparks in the team too.

i just didnt think we had 6 portugese players... that henrique lad is here isnt he? is he portugese? he is a CB.

and yeah shebby seriousley needs to stop medling with team selections and so on, i really hope rosado and vukcevic start in the middle today.

i would go with.

GK - kean

LB - ollson

CB- dann

CB - givet

RB- henley

LM - nunez

CM - rosado

CM- vukcevic


ST - rhodes

ST-Gomez (behind rhodes)

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