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[Archived] New Manager


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Mark Fish just tweeted the manager will be appointed on January 1st

Lets combine that with the twitter rumour this morning that phil Neville will be player manager :P

Disclaimer: I don't actually believe that to be the case

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Mark Fish just tweeted the manager will be appointed on January 1st

Lets combine that with the twitter rumour this morning that phil Neville will be player manager :P

Disclaimer: I don't actually believe that to be the case

Lets wait and see who cryer says it is he never gets anything wrong. :blink:

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So Mark claims Jan 1st, Balaji seems to think after the game today. Shebby has no idea and says he won't rush but he will rush, Agnew and Shaw are in Pune whispering in Mrs D's ear, Venkatesh is presumably doing an impression of Brick in Anchorman with his fingers in his ears, Judan Ali is just kind of hanging around even though there's noone left to shadow, and Burnley Bob and Karen Silk are sitting in a very empty boardroom presumably playing Connect 4 until the others get back.


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I have recieved a PM today regarding the quote I made last night regarding Jerome Anderson Meeting With Shaw and Agnew Prior to their trip, following some information which came to me yesterday.

This comes from his Northern Representative who was once one of the most vocal individuals calling Jerome Anderson out. You see guys the lengths some will go to.

The message is in full below

Glen , been reading your posts from last night .

You claim that Jerome Anderson met with Derek Shaw before he left for India .

Are you aware that Mr Anderson has never met Mr Shaw and wouldn't even know how he looks ?
Mr Anderson requires a full retraction of your comments posted on the messageboard along
with an apology for any distress caused .

This is of course been passed on by Jerome Anderson.

My answer to this is I will not be retracting such statement, as this came from a reliable source, but perhaps Jerome Anderson would like to retract his statements about supporters?

So looks like nobody knew what was happening. All this talk of portugeuse players and not even one in the line up!

Did we honestly believe that?

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I have recieved a PM today regarding the quote I made last night regarding Jerome Anderson Meeting With Shaw and Agnew Prior to their trip, following some information which came to me yesterday.

This comes from his Northern Representative who was once one of the most vocal individuals calling Jerome Anderson out. You see guys the lengths some will go to.

The message is in full below

Glen , been reading your posts from last night .

You claim that Jerome Anderson met with Derek Shaw before he left for India .

Are you aware that Mr Anderson has never met Mr Shaw and wouldn't even know how he looks ?

Mr Anderson requires a full retraction of your comments posted on the messageboard along

with an apology for any distress caused .

This is of course been passed on by Jerome Anderson.

My answer to this is I will not be retracting such statement, as this came from a reliable source, but perhaps Jerome Anderson would like to retract his statements about supporters?

Did we honestly believe that?

Oh dear. So it seems even whimsical comments can now be requested to be removed?

If Mr Anderson has such a vested interest in his personal character why does he not refute these claims himself? The way I see it, if it's untrue, come out and deny it. If it's true, get a representative to request statements be retracted before anyone else finds out and threaten the little guy by throwing lots of money and legal cases about.

If it's not true, what's wrong with just saying so? People on here make all kinds of claims about all people in life, what would the world be coming to if people no longer just come out and say "naw that's not true"?

The way it should be:

"so and so did xyz"

"no i didn't"

"oh right, sorry for the misunderstanding"

Instead we have

"so and so did xyz"

"so and so says no he didn't and he's going to sue you unless you can prove it"

"well now so and so has put me between a rock and a hard place, whilst I may be morally and factually right I don't have the means to prove my comment therefore I am made out to be a liar by so and so and the matter can not be discussed any further"


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I have recieved a PM today regarding the quote I made last night regarding Jerome Anderson Meeting With Shaw and Agnew Prior to their trip, following some information which came to me yesterday.

This comes from his Northern Representative who was once one of the most vocal individuals calling Jerome Anderson out. You see guys the lengths some will go to.

The message is in full below

Glen , been reading your posts from last night .

You claim that Jerome Anderson met with Derek Shaw before he left for India .

Are you aware that Mr Anderson has never met Mr Shaw and wouldn't even know how he looks ?

Mr Anderson requires a full retraction of your comments posted on the messageboard along

with an apology for any distress caused .

This is of course been passed on by Jerome Anderson.

My answer to this is I will not be retracting such statement, as this came from a reliable source, but perhaps Jerome Anderson would like to retract his statements about supporters?

Did we honestly believe that?

Glen, hope you are right for your sake !

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