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[Archived] New Manager


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If no Hughsie etc then may it be too early but to put Bowyer in charge for a few weeks similar to Eric Black...See how he does...

Players may just respond to someone who is with them and knows the surroundings well, akin Chris Hughton at Newcastle.

How would people feel?

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If no Hughsie etc then may it be too early but to put Bowyer in charge for a few weeks similar to Eric Black...See how he does...

Players may just respond to someone who is with them and knows the surroundings well, akin Chris Hughton at Newcastle.

How would people feel?

It would depend on whether Shebby had any sort of influence.

I wouldn't be happy though, although I wouldn't blame Bowyer.

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we dont need a reserve team manager in charge, good result so far still doesnt mean we should not remember how things have gone so far with inexperienced coaches, this result (as it stands) could make some better calibre of managers think that the rovers have still got some good players.

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I have recieved a PM today regarding the quote I made last night regarding Jerome Anderson Meeting With Shaw and Agnew Prior to their trip, following some information which came to me yesterday.

This comes from his Northern Representative who was once one of the most vocal individuals calling Jerome Anderson out. You see guys the lengths some will go to.

The message is in full below

Glen , been reading your posts from last night .

You claim that Jerome Anderson met with Derek Shaw before he left for India .

Are you aware that Mr Anderson has never met Mr Shaw and wouldn't even know how he looks ?

Mr Anderson requires a full retraction of your comments posted on the messageboard along

with an apology for any distress caused .

This is of course been passed on by Jerome Anderson.

My answer to this is I will not be retracting such statement, as this came from a reliable source, but perhaps Jerome Anderson would like to retract his statements about supporters?

Did we honestly believe that?

Then for the sake of this site, you should retract it. Go and put yourself and your own site at risk. Not this one.

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As I said earlier today. Paul Lambert might become available today.

6/1 with Ladbrokes still.

Seems like good value...

They are woeful at the moment, not sure if I'd be a massive fan but he's one of the better names being banded about.

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6/1 with Ladbrokes still.

Seems like good value...

They are woeful at the moment, not sure if I'd be a massive fan but he's one of the better names being banded about.

Villa been a poisoned chalice since O'Neill left, no money, gates declining etc..

I think he could do a job for us in this division like he did with Norwich!

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Certainly is surprising considering JA himself said he has had nothing to do with the club since his slumber party at Brockhall, certainly makes you wonder why a worldwide sporting agency would be so interested in a run of the mill Championship side doesn't it.

Robbo is an SEM client still, isn't he?

Mind you, that's a reasonable and logical explanation. So probably not true then.

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I have recieved a PM today regarding the quote I made last night regarding Jerome Anderson Meeting With Shaw and Agnew Prior to their trip, following some information which came to me yesterday.

This comes from his Northern Representative who was once one of the most vocal individuals calling Jerome Anderson out. You see guys the lengths some will go to.

The message is in full below

Glen , been reading your posts from last night .

You claim that Jerome Anderson met with Derek Shaw before he left for India .

Are you aware that Mr Anderson has never met Mr Shaw and wouldn't even know how he looks ?

Mr Anderson requires a full retraction of your comments posted on the messageboard along

with an apology for any distress caused .

This is of course been passed on by Jerome Anderson.

My answer to this is I will not be retracting such statement, as this came from a reliable source, but perhaps Jerome Anderson would like to retract his statements about supporters?

Did we honestly believe that?

So basically Glen, you have no idea whatsoever whether JA did in fact meet Shaw prior to flying off to India, you're merely relying on the veracity of your source.

I'd want to have witnessed something personally before making claims like that in the current climate but it's your call I guess.

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Regarding JA's friend on the forums would it be in the interest's of everybody who uses the forums that the username be highlighted so his views as a Rovers supporter can viewed in the context of his working for Anderson and his Agency, or perhaps a little SEM icon next to his user name ?

How you can be a Rovers supporter and work for Anderson is beyond me .

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Hope Glen`s confidence that an experienced manager will be appointed is correct. This team needs organising in order to have a solid platform for players like rochina to work their magic.

An experienced manager, nay any manager, won't work unless Shebby is bound, gagged and thrown in the boot of someone's car. The man has too much to say for himself and none of it worth a dump.

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An experienced manager would take it. No doubt about that. But it would have to be one desperate to get back into work or been out of the game for a while.

It's all academic, anyway isn't it? Venky's are averse to authority figures at the club. They much prefer yes-men who are just thankful for the promotion.

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If we can drag this thread back on topic and actually discuss the identity of the potential new manager can I just register a resounding NO to Keith Hill and t'other Flitcroft?

It's getting a bit silly this now, Rev. It doesn't matter who is suggested, someone will pop up saying they are completely against it. No-one will ever be good enough it seems.

We are looking for a manager, not a son-in-law! :D

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I've met a Shaw a few times and was distinctly unimpressed. The fact is the calibre of people at the club from the top down is poor, classic cases of ambition triumphing over talent. Steve Kean was another example. The club needs a clear-out from the top.

What would be the harm in sacking Shaw, Shebby and Agnew? Wouldn't Coar and Silk still be on the board and capable of running things for the very short time it would take to find replacement board members?

I'd put Finn on the board in a heartbeat, if I were able to. Let the board of three make recommendations to Pune as to the other 2 and were off to the races.

One solution. Get rid of Singh, Shaw, Agnew, Acton group - Mrs D should go and grovel to John Williams tell him they got it wrong. ask him to come back and sort the mess out.

Just going off Mullen's posts. All three, shaw, agnew, singh are responsible for the mess that is going on at rovers. All 3 should be working together for the benefit of the club. But all three appear to be acting like a bunch of school girls. All three showing they are not fit to be anywhere near a football club.

This is far too sensible a post and will never happen, except in my dreams.

Sacking everyone in sight isn't the best way today, as some are suggesting.

Why not? Silk and Coar can surely handle matters for a day or two.

It's simple.

You sack all feckin three after securing Tom Finn's agreement to come back, even on a short term basis, to hold the reins, secure the ship and plot a way forward out of this mess. It will take years to sort this out.

Additionally, you give BRAG and any other supporters' groups their marching orders - it's all got too feckin ridiculous for words.

+1, though for the record I have no problem with BRAG. I just don't like fans (arm chair generals all of them) meddling with what is supposed to be a professional business.

Mark Fish just tweeted the manager will be appointed on January 1st

Lets combine that with the twitter rumour this morning that phil Neville will be player manager :P

Disclaimer: I don't actually believe that to be the case

I would take Phil Neville (who at least has a B license) over the many other names bandied about.

So basically Glen, you have no idea whatsoever whether JA did in fact meet Shaw prior to flying off to India, you're merely relying on the veracity of your source.

I'd want to have witnessed something personally before making claims like that in the current climate but it's your call I guess.

I'm confused. How does a false statement about JA meeting Shaw expose Glen to any liability? Where is the harm to JA's reputation? Unless the implied assumption is that all of Shaw's acquaintances are bad apples, I don't see how an [false] allegation of a meeting gives rise to damages.

If it does, it just goes to show how uncivilized the laws are in the UK, in that one can be punished for being wrong but without having caused harm.

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