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[Archived] New Manager


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Not sure it's that black and white Ricky. I certainly don't think that BRAG should be actively advising the club on who to pick, but if absolute joke suggestions like Ali are coming up, and they are a voice, then I think it should be utilised. The anger last time came when BRAG foolishly suggested that fans were in "uproar" over the suggestion of Tim Sherwood, when in actual fact he was many people's preferred choice according to polls around here.

What Ricky said is absolutely true though. :rock:

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Got to say, Shebby's interview on 606 yesterday was pretty dire. In a way, it was good that it was that way as the rest of the country can at least understand the comedy that is currently Blackburn Rovers and why the fans are so frustrated. He avoided every question apart from saying that Ali won't be coming to Ewood and MacDonald is his friend and not the new manager. I actually believe that MacDonald and Ali was his plan but the reaction he got was so bad, he decided against it.

I just can't understand why they won't simply go out and appoint an experienced manager who can bring in his own team. If you're after promotion, as they claim to be, you'd say 'whoops! Haven't we made a lot of mistakes, I know, why don't we try the way that all pundits, fans and football people say we should, as that's the only way left to try. Who know's they might be on to something'.

The fact is until they take this path, we are all still correct to be suspicious of their ulterior motives.

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Very clever they are too though cos one way or another they are turning SS into a hate figure amongst the supporters. I've likened Agnews influence to Goebbals already....... Problem is that every time Singh gets close to a mike he helps them. Whether he can help it or not he does cut quite a comic figure. Also the fact that he is Asian will weigh against him using 'the birds of a feather' aspect of human behaviour.

Absolutely agree, they are PR gurus afterall. I'm very intrigued to know what happened at their summoning in pune, surely we will have heard by now what happened. Are they back in the country? More importantly, are they involved in the hunt for a new manager?

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Very clever they are too though cos one way or another they are turning SS into a hate figure amongst the supporters. I've likened Agnews influence to Goebbals already....... Problem is that every time Singh gets close to a mike he helps them. Whether he can help it or not he does cut quite a comic figure. Also the fact that he is Asian will weigh against him using 'the birds of a feather' aspect of human behaviour.

you're Just speaking for yourself the fella.

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Very clever they are too though cos one way or another they are turning SS into a hate figure amongst the supporters. I've likened Agnews influence to Goebbals already....... Problem is that every time Singh gets close to a mike he helps them. Whether he can help it or not he does cut quite a comic figure. Also the fact that he is Asian will weigh against him using 'the birds of a feather' aspect of human behaviour.

They have certainly managed to pull the wool over many fans eyes. I don´t think Singh should be anywhere near our club, but he is. The leaked stories to the press all seem to discredit Singh, which is funny as they used to discredit Rovers fans and play the sympathy card for poor wee Dignity Kean. They are so obviously from the same source it is ridiculous how easily we all swallow them. We should remember...

HE wasn´t the one who desperately rode the coat tails of Kean. Agnew was. Kean would still be here now if it was up to him. As for Cash Shaw...why is this failed Preston boy anyway near our club?

Shebby might be a prat, but he isn´t the worst element in our club. Agnew and Shaw must have been living the good life while Kean was in charge wrecking the club and his cronies were waging a media war against our fans.

Nobody on here would have chosen Singh to be in charge of Rovers, but if the alternative is Agnew/Shaw, then there really isn´t any choice at all...

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Shebby didn't sound like he was going to appoint Kevin MacDonald as a manager but said he wants to be friends with him. Which was nice.

Given the current situation, Billy Davies would be a more than decent appointment as his win record with 3 different championship clubs is over 40% and has reached the play offs every full season he has managed in the Championship.

Simon Grayson is another who has done well at every club he has managed with three League 1 promotions with 3 different clubs and midtable finishes for all those promoted clubs.

Alan Curbishley or Mark Hughes would be even better but unlikely without assurances that Shebby is not going to be comforting the emotional aspects of the Portuguese players at the training ground.

The key is getting a strong manager who can easily run over Shebby and Agnew but unfortunately the troublesome two aren't going to appoint that manager. They would both rather have Kean and Berg.

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because simply put, he doesnt want someone experienced to stop him meddling in the running of the team

Yes, but he now keeps saying how he wants to put things right. Surely now he can understand that his meddling (if true?) is to the massive detriment of his own position as fans are so well aware of his every move, which has put pressure on him. This is probably why the Ali as coach move got cancelled.

If Singh wants to make things right, he needs to appoint an experienced MANAGER and leave him to it. Singh would still be involved in club affairs (obviously) and we could finally get behind a new man whose decisions will rest on his own shoulders. If he's rubbish, at least we know it's his fault and Shebby can then act accordingly. If Shebby truly wanted to make things right, for himself as well as the club, as he said on 606, he knows what he has to do. He has to take himself out of the manager's position and stand back. It's the only way he has a future at the club, in the eye's of the fans.

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It's funny though, a lot of people who said that brag shouldn't get involved in the manager search also called on them to release a statement this week about Ali and Macdonald. Can't have it both ways.

BRAG should not be getting directly involved at all, it´s not for them to guiding the staff appointments of the club, or even directing people to opinions about it. They should limit themselves to releasing a statement that the fans would like a manager with experience and then let them get on with their job of finding the suitable candidate. The negative reaction of some Rovers fans to the proposed John Williams appointment of Sam Allardyce in summer 2008, let´s not forget, led him to shy away from that route and ended up in the very costly appointment of Paul Ince. Let those in charge of the search get on with it.

Unless it is a very extreme situation such as McLeish going to Villa from Birmingham, you can´t have those paid to make decisions not going after the man they believe is best for the job. Fans on here can´t agree about anything, so why listen to them? Directors have to be in that position because their judgements are to be trusted.

Well, that is how it works at a properly-run club after all.

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My old man used to employ Agnew in a PR capacity, it lasted 6 months, binned him.

As has been said earlier, Singh is a clown and should not hold such a position here but the real toxic influence is Agnew. Surely we can all see where all the anti Singh media stories are originating? The same member of Team Kean who led the smear campaign against the supporters last year.

As Singh said yesterday, he's here to sort problems outside and inside the club. Amongst all the bilge he spouted this was the most telling thing for me.

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Got to say, Shebby's interview on 606 yesterday was pretty dire. In a way, it was good that it was that way as the rest of the country can at least understand the comedy that is currently Blackburn Rovers and why the fans are so frustrated. He avoided every question apart from saying that Ali won't be coming to Ewood and MacDonald is his friend and not the new manager. I actually believe that MacDonald and Ali was his plan but the reaction he got was so bad, he decided against it.

I just can't understand why they won't simply go out and appoint an experienced manager who can bring in his own team.

I'm relieved to say that I missed Singh's interview yesterday. By the sounds of it, it was another car crash. Everyone is starting to realise what total imbiciles we have running the club, but what can be done about it?

As for the manager situation, this is something that I'm trying to get my head around as well. Why do the owners and those running the club continue to make such monumentally bad decisions? Why don't they stop mucking about and hire someone with experience and a track record, who will give us a chance of promotion? I think it has to come down to that they want to interfere and meddle with the running of the team and push to have players who are represented by a certain agent to be signed and by hiring inexperienced managers and coaches, they have people who won't say no to them.

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seen that weve been linked with steve bruce, i personally wouldn't mind him.

It's all relative and compared to what we have had in charge he's like Guardiola. But I think there are better candidates out there. Yet they, nor Bruce, would want to work for our club, with the way things are run at the moment.

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I think although Shebby did not fill anyone with any confidence, he did pretty much confirm what I was trying to explain last night and have done throughout the week.

These leaks to that red top are coming from 2 directors who want him gone, best bit of it, is they aint even Shebby Singhs targets. This is one massive loup which goes all the way back to Steve Kean before he even worked at Rovers and is continuing with a devastating effect.

I did point out last week, or it maybe week before, that Agnew and Berg told Singh that the Action Group was leaking all this information to Alan Nixon, which most would know is untrue as we despise each other.

This was a clear plot to break off Singhs communication with the group as too much truth was hitting India, unfortunately for Agnew he is too late, a direct line of Communication into Venkys is now open.

Leaks of truth coming out , people can handle, but when they are fabricated stories to make someone look really bad, and with it make the club look stupid then thats a step too far,

Who is doing all the public talking? Shebby Singh, whilst Agnew and Shaw hide behind the doors and leaks filter out everywhere which are not true.

Does that excuse Shebby having the role of running the club? No, but its being played out worse than it is, when you take all the rumours away which are not true

Mullan... Please stop posting bullshit in any shape or form as you are doing more harm to the morale of fans ! Ever considered the fact that your making more enemies by the day with your outrageous smear campaign?.If you want to be respected then do the honourable thing and kean off and take fish and your best mate Singh with you!.
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I'm relieved to say that I missed Singh's interview yesterday. By the sounds of it, it was another car crash. Everyone is starting to realise what total imbiciles we have running the club, but what can be done about it?

As for the manager situation, this is something that I'm trying to get my head around as well. Why do the owners and those running the club continue to make such monumentally bad decisions? Why don't they stop mucking about and hire someone with experience and a track record, who will give us a chance of promotion? I think it has to come down to that they want to interfere and meddle with the running of the team and push to have players who are represented by a certain agent to be signed and by hiring inexperienced managers and coaches, they have people who won't say no to them.

Exactly. Here's the ultimate question then - If they really are after xx millions in premier league money, why not give it the best shot and let the club run as it used to with marginal decision-making? That is the most sensible path to try and achieve promotion.


Has such a scandal occurred, that they are afraid to let anybody come in and get the books straight and in order?

It does make you think, doesn't it? I mean how naive can any group of people be? If you put me in charge of an opium growing operation in Cambodia (extreme example), I wouldn't have a clue what I was doing. However, I would be able to draw on my COMMON SENSE to work out how to make things tick over successfully. Nothing has been learned by Venkys here............or has it?

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