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[Archived] New Manager


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So they sacked Berg and an entire back room team, with no personnel lined up to replace them. Well done Venkys, outdoing yourselves once more. So 5 days on and no closer. I thought it was strange that there was no leak of a name - most likely due to the fact that they haven't got a clue themselves!!!

Totally agree. Another smooth move in the Venkeys play book. Thought knowledge of any type of business or just common sense would've prevented this muck up though.

i understand the need for a fresh start, but like you´ve pointed out, that clearout should have been done, with a set of replacements lined up.

just me speculating, but i could see them dragging and delaying the proces, that way a new manager wouldnt have the time to:

1. evaluate the team properly

2. have the time to look for other players and as a result

3. Wont spend any money.

like i said, just pure speculation on my part, but with the V´s, you just dont know what to expect.

4. Shebby, he who must not be named, and any other agents/parties involved will get to spent our money and stick their self-interested oar in unhindered in the transfer window.

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At least Taylor is a proper manager - always passionate on the sidelines and can dish out a bollocking. Best we can hope for under Venkys. Ok, his record in recent years isn't great but he did well with Hull and made Beckham England captain.

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In any appointment in any business Eddie, you need proved experience and pedigree.

Sacked by Wycombe, Bradford, Palace, Bahrain and spunking the honey pot on Ade Akinbiyi is certainly not, what BRFC should be looking for.

Another opportunity missed. I used to give a damn about this club, id go to ewood over work, my family etc could you envisage doing that now... I ve lost something where i don't think il ever have the same level of passion again to put BRFC first.

I can appreciate your comments Eddie, but i doubt you catch a jet from Paris to see Rovers play? I like most others used to religiously every weekend, be down at Ewood, rain, snow , ice We would leave work early... miss the family etc.

How many BRFC fans do that now, id rather go the cinema or spend time with my partner now.

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If it is Taylor, suggests Venky's lost confidence in the 3 stooges and are listening to someone else who must be even worse !

Spoke with my mate the bookie and he turned down a sizeable bet from a 'randomer' this lunchtime. Alarm bells were ringing straightaway as Taylor has come from nowhere. He said he'd still take a bet on anyone other than Taylor. He made a couple of calls and a similar pattern elsewhere - unfortunately, looks like he's the man.

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If it is Taylor, suggests Venky's lost confidence in the 3 stooges and are listening to someone else who must be even worse !

Spoke with my mate the bookie and he turned down a sizeable bet from a 'randomer' this lunchtime. Alarm bells were ringing straightaway as Taylor has come from nowhere. He said he'd still take a bet on anyone other than Taylor. He made a couple of calls and a similar pattern elsewhere - unfortunately, looks like he's the man.

Do you get a little warm fuzz inside when you write one of your "itk" or "my mate down the pub" stories?

Bleating scandalmonger

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Do you get a little warm fuzz inside when you write one of your "itk" or "my mate down the pub" stories?

Bleating scandalmonger

No claims to be 'ITK', only post what I hear. Sometimes proves right, sometimes it doesn't.

As for scandalmongering, Taylor odds on from nowhere - that's factual isn't it ?

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