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[Archived] Are the Rao's really this stupid?

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We have endured 25 months of Venky's ownership and everything has been debated to death from conspiracy theories to alleged betting scandals etc. Some may yet be proved or disproved, who knows.

All that said, Venkys still own the club and we have a scenario to be resolved that is hardly rocket science to anyone with a modicum of football knowledge not to mention the basic principles of running any business.

We have:

1. Owners who clearly don't know what they are doing, apparently unable to make any correct decisions nor condescend to communicate directly and honestly with their customer base.

2. An appointed 'minister without portfolio' who wreaks havoc, demotivates all and sundry, makes a complete idiot of himself, the club and his employers in the national media and undermines the 'working board of Directors' to the point that they become dysfunctional.

3. A Board of Directors who the customer base never hear from, who are derided by the customer base but are either too scared, aloof or arrogant to openly fight their corner. Apparently can't make any form of executive decision of note without approval from Balaji et al.

Prove us all wrong Rao's cause to a man, we all think you are idiots but with just cause.

If it's not you but who you appointed then for Christ's sake, sack the lot and start afresh.

Ewood needs cleansing, FFS get on with it so we can move on!

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A Board of Directors who the customer base never hear from, who are derided by the customer base but are either too scared, aloof or arrogant to openly fight their corner. Apparently can't make any form of executive decision of note without approval from Balaji et al.

I'm pretty sure Shebby Singh speaks a lot with the customer base. Whether he speaks the truth or a whole load of rubbish is besides the point.

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To answer your question they have proven time and again they must be. The only thing I can think of is there is a motive for them doing what they are doing, a game plan and it must be so far off the wall none of us can even begin to fathom it. If there is not some devious plan then yes they are totally out of their gourds stupid with the capital S

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To answer your question they have proven time and again they must be. The only thing I can think of is there is a motive for them doing what they are doing, a game plan and it must be so far off the wall none of us can even begin to fathom it. If there is not some devious plan then yes they are totally out of their gourds stupid with the capital S

I tend to agree with USA here.

These people are business people, they know that profit is the only true motive. They know they don't want to lose (money and standing). So, there has to be another motive for their handling of BRFC.

That can only be syphoning cash out as BRFC crashes.

I imagine in two or three years they will be saying, "get into an English Football team, it's an easy way to make money. don't be involved in the emotional side, just asset strip".

MG, Shebby, et al, GTF out of BRFC, leave us to do it the Blackburn way, the honest way, the open way.

I might be on the other side of the world, but I can see what is happening as plain as day.

Mrs D, the Rao brothers, Shebby, and yes you, MG, are a stain on the Indian people, not the "elite", but those that struggle to make ends meet. You know, the ones you see everyday on your way to work.

I hope that you all believe in karma......

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ewood park is about 6000 miles from Pune.... you must be very stupid if u think u can run a susscesfull business from that distance without people taking the @#/?....

I doubt very much that people take the puss at Chelsea or Newcastle... with owners who actually attend games, who actually take an active part at the club, who actually can be seen by the fans etc...

venkys are being taken for a ride since November 2010 until the present day and they will ccontinue to do so if they carry on trying to run control it from India.... they need to put the phone down get on a plane and take a look at the mess.... I will but any money on it they are not aware of half the @#/? that's going on....

^^^ ha reading that after posted it's clear that some words have been auto corrected haha.... love my kindle fire

anyway I will let u add your own ;)

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From a purely business point of view, If I wasn't a rovers fan and had access to short term cash - I could have looked at rovers for sale and seen that it could have been bought for £25M with £20M of debt.

I could have sold Phil Jones and Samba and paid off the original investment, then re-invest the £8M on 1 centre half to go with givet, hanley etc

Then I'd own a football club with zero outlay and only a £20M deficit to service.

If I stayed in the PL for 2 seasons, it would be happy days when the new deal kicks in and I could start to reduce the overdraft.

All without WRECKING the club.

Why did they have to be so greedy.

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To answer your question they have proven time and again they must be. The only thing I can think of is there is a motive for them doing what they are doing, a game plan and it must be so far off the wall none of us can even begin to fathom it. If there is not some devious plan then yes they are totally out of their gourds stupid with the capital S

Very similar to the topic I started way back in April..... here


Things didn't stack up then and they still don't now. It's all a complete mystery......and one which like you I'm not even sure involves football.

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I don't personally believe there's any conspiracy theory. Not from Venky's pov, at least. I think you just need to take it at face value. We have three spoilt rich-kids, half-a-world away, who hail from a non-footballing culture and don't have the slightest clue of running a sporting club. Have they been duped by their own arrogance/ignorance? Oh undoubtedly so. Anyone with an ounce of sense would've turned to John Williams & Tom Finn for their experience instead of removing them because they didn't "tow the line" (most likely under the influence of a certain interested party). Their inability to agree on key decisions (like sacking Kean to save Rovers from relegation) has hampered the club time and time again. The asset stripper angle doesn't really hold up when you consider how much money they've wasted on players, agent's fees, NDAs and staff turnover.

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I've long thought that this playing dumb scenario is just a charade but it's hard to fathom because so much points to something dodgy and so much points to rank stupidity. However unless they did just buy the club on a whim (doubtfull) then no matter how daft or gullible the Roas appear to be they will have a team around them of assorted business advisers, accountants, legal people and of course agents etc. With that in mind there will have been a plan from the start, it's no doubt gone off course but it will be a long term thing with slight alterations along the way. The ultimate goal will be money no doubt, as well as publicity and being a plaything. The end game will be money though over a 5/10 year plan. How they plan to make it is open to debate but it's probably a combination several ways!

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The asset stripper angle doesn't really hold up when you consider how much money they've wasted on players, agent's fees, NDAs and staff turnover.

No, true enough if the idea was get the money out as fast as possible and run. But if the plan was to slowly run down the whole place (returning a bit of the brass they take out so that the authorities keep their distance) so that the club don't need the expensive training facilities (as an example) and the whole place can be sold off for housing or whatever, how would you go about it? Just one way of looking at things.

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Sure, the asset stripper theory makes a lot of sense when you consider that they splashed out 8 million on Jordan Rhodes, agreed to pay Danny Murphy's substantial wages (can add Nuno Gomes to that list), managed to keep a majority of our squad together despite selling Steven Nzonzi and being forced to let Junior Hoilett and Yakubu go.

That is not to say I'm a fan of Venkys, however, so I better add that I think they've done very stupid things like sacking John Williams and Tom Finn, and probably the dismissal os Sam Allardyce. Not a fan of Big Sam, but I would have preferred him to the incompetent Steve Kean. Oh yeah, not sacking Kean was humongously stupid as well.

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Be careful what you say about "crooks" and the like.

I think the two brothers are spectacularly, incredibly, irredeemably thick. Even that may be doing them a favour by over-estimating the wattage of their mental light bulbs. Retards the pair of them. As for Madame, I don't think she's quite as silly. But not as clever as she thinks she is, perhaps.

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As a follow up to my original posting.

Would Col. Saunders have entrusted someone to run his UK business on £400k per annum on the basis that he once oversaw 2 chicken legs and a portion of french fries cooked in Alabama? Would he @#/? but that's what we're faced with.

Forget his claims to fame. Shebby presented Kean with an opportunity for constructive dismissal that cost the club £1.2 million, he wasn't sacked. Could it not be that Jordan Rhodes father was goalkeeping coach at PNE at the time Shaw was Chairman and that's what swung the deal?

Only idiots would continue to endorse Shebbys future employment but I guess on occasions like attracts like.

For what it's worth, I don't think either Agnew or Shaw are fit for purpose either but I do sympathise with them to a degree. Agnew who as far as I'm aware in doing his job supported Kean (hence hated by association), as a PR guy are you not supposed to back your management irrespective of your own opinions? He didn't do it too often did he?

Derek Shaw is a decent man, wealthy in his own right but really an eighties type of custodian. He's a penny pinching sort of guy, perhaps someone we may need to safeguard our heritage and future but not in the fairyland that we have been accustomed to since 1990.

Unfortunately for all of us, we are a fragment of what we were 2 years ago and in any walk of business life the buck stops at the top.

Are the Raos idiots....................?

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Sure, the asset stripper theory makes a lot of sense when you consider that they splashed out 8 million on Jordan Rhodes, agreed to pay Danny Murphy's substantial wages (can add Nuno Gomes to that list), managed to keep a majority of our squad together despite selling Steven Nzonzi and being forced to let Junior Hoilett and Yakubu go.

That is not to say I'm a fan of Venkys, however, so I better add that I think they've done very stupid things like sacking John Williams and Tom Finn, and probably the dismissal os Sam Allardyce. Not a fan of Big Sam, but I would have preferred him to the incompetent Steve Kean. Oh yeah, not sacking Kean was humongously stupid as well.

How many of the squad they inherited are still here?

How many where sold and those funds reinvested in the playing squad?

£8m on Rhodes a a few £ in wages for murphy nowhere near covers it.

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