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[Archived] Back The Badge


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Stuart, there are clearly two sides to this. My view has always been to back the club whatever or whoever runs it. That is not something I can alter so be it. Your negative stance is always the easiest because if it goes well, you just say that you were being cautious, it goes bad and whey hey I was right.


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Interesting the kinds of comments after two games unbeaten. We'll see if things are coming together by 11pm Thursday.

But 3 back-to-back defeats and the knives could be out again...

I've not even taken Appletons results into account(Kean was getting reasonable results in this league, should we have kept him!), i'm going of what Appleton and those around him have been stating lately and the staff and player changes that have been made thus far and the general atmosphere(cautious optimism) around the club.

Its kinda funny really because its comments like you have made there that I find a little disturbing, you almost seem like you want things to turn sour, I'm starting to think there is a portion of fans that have got off on all the drama of the last 2 years and now don't want it to end.

6 pages and only 1 or 2 people in support of gm/ag's latest shenanigans(sorry i just like using that word) and one of those is gm himself :rock:

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I've not even taking Appletons results into account(Kean was getting reasonable results in this league, should we have kept him!), i'm going of what Appleton and those around him have been stating lately and the staff and player changes that have been made thus far and the general atmosphere(cautious optimism) around the club.

Its kinda funny really because its comments like you have made there that I find a little disturbing, you almost seem like you want things to turn sour, I'm starting to think there is a portion of fans that have got off on all the drama of the last 2 years and now don't want it to end.

Just a messageboard vibe following the last two games that wasn't there after the first one. That's all. There were people saying he looked 'clueless' on the touch line.

I don't want us (and I include Appleton in 'us') to fail, I really don't but are we supposed to just immediately accept that Venkys have turned over a new leaf.

We have a guy in Appleton who by now must be incredibly good at putting a brave face on and looking to the positives. The difference between him and Kean is about 18 months prior management experience and a distinct lack of bullshit. Let's hope he has more about him tactically.

Sometimes you get someone who is just a 'good fit' for the club, e.g. Mark Hughes. I really hope that is true with Appleton.

But a word of caution... Ince had a good start.

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I don't want us (and I include Appleton in 'us') to fail, I really don't but are we supposed to just immediately accept that Venkys have turned over a new leaf.

Something I think everybody can agree on is that we all want it to work, and that if it does it isnt from any forward thinking on the owners part.

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And completely reverse to that Yoda...

Does not attending mean that your support is for Venky's and against the club?


my point was going to be if it means not supporting the venkys ie the Raos, then just come out and say it, supporting the badge must mean supporting the club, can't see how you can separate the two.

The sooner the groups merge the better

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I don't want us (and I include Appleton in 'us') to fail, I really don't but are we supposed to just immediately accept that Venkys have turned over a new leaf.

the venkys are spoilt arrogant idiots that's not going to change, I just hope that now they have a management team headed by Appleton that seem happy and more than willing to oversee all aspects of team management that the venkys will go back to the way they where when kean was here ie.stay away and let people do there jobs without interference of any kind(only now hopefully the new employees are actually very capable at there jobs)

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Personally, I just wish BRAG would do us all a favour and keep quiet. I've been supporting the club for over 50 years and the day I need Mullan and his cronies to tell me to support MY club is the day I pack up altogether. Many supporters believe that BRAG have been just as culpable as the owners in putting people off following the Rovers. They have helped to destroy the atmosphere around the club and clearly are in need of some publicity now that Shebby is no longer able to massage their egos to the same degree. The vast majority of supporters can make their own decisions without being led by the egos that some groups seem only too keen to trot out at every given opportunity. This is the same group that put out a statement that threatened to break off communication with the club if Michael Appleton was appointed. Just how was that rallying around the badge? It would appear that their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

Excellent post, which I fully agree with.

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Thought i'd explain this in a few more details.

This is something which we have been looking at for a number of weeks, and indeed made some contact with some of the larger supporter groups a couple of weeks back and discussed this idea with them.

Their reaction was very positive and particularly the people who front those particular groups, who agreed that although trying to get people to put personal opinions to one side would be difficult this is something which is achievable, and people should not be blinded by personalites when it comes to the club they support. As no one person is bigger or more important than Blackburn Rovers.

I have been following Rovers for over 30 years and witnessed the crowds of less than 10,000 more times than I care to remember. Some supporters on here have been alive longer than me, and seen them at their lowest.

I remember on the playground at Roman Road C.P when a was a young boy, what it was to know that my Uncle had got me a ticket for the weekends game, A real treat, something to look forward to, Something to discuss with my friends at school as going to Rovers back then was really special. It would give me goosebumps and sleepless nights waiting for the big day to come. Money was tight in our household as it was in many houses where I was brought up, however just walking down Nuttall street would make every hair on my body stand up.

When Jack Walker came along dreams were not only born , but I lived them. As a child watching second division football, I had never even heard of Manchester United or Arsenal. Everyone I knew was a rovers fan and proud to be so.

We then as supporters had 20 great years, were our club was rebuilt to a standard that even your wildest dreams could never have imagined.

Sadly when Jack died , the club had to lower their sights a little, however our club was well run. Some supporters drifted away after the decline as the club failed to keep its top flight status under Jack. However many of us stayed and witnessed promotion back to the big time.

When Venkys came in, no-one could possibly have imagined 2 years later we would not only be back where we started under Jack, but the crowds would also be back to the level they was at the old Ewood.

Over the last 12 months especially I have seen many reasons people have given for staying away.

1. Many said when Kean went they would return, but in reality only a few did.

2. Many have said they will Boycott until Venkys go, but I have seen many of the ardent boycotters at games this season, as they have picked and choosed which ones to attend.

In many meetings I have attended with the club, one of the main reasons they give for supporters not attending is the loss of Premiership football. Clubs on the outskirts such as wigan , have attendances which have gone up by a couple of thousand since that ill fated day when relegation became a reality.

If Venkys were to sell tomorrow would we suddenly have 20,000 plus on again? Many believed this to be the case when Kean left but in reality it never happened.

The Rovers trust are trying to put a takeover package together, but how many have pledged? How many have become members? 400-500?

If the club was to go on the Market tomorrow with an average of around 10,000 home supporters maximum in reality who would buy us? Who would see the potential? Where would be the bar to show supporters would return?

Empty seats around Ewood could be explained in many ways, different reasons, different excuses.

This season the average crowd is 14000, if for just one match that crowd could eclipse 20,000 it would show that 6000 fans are staying away because of what Venkys have done to the club in the two years they have been owners. It would prove beyond reasonable doubt that the supporters would return if the club had owners who not only respected the clubs history, but ran the club professonally.

This campaign is NOT an Action Group campaign, the idea behind it, is each supporter group/website and town figure head has a say leading upto and after the match. Different voices, different opinions, but united in wanting a well run club.

12 Months ago every website, supporter group bar the fans forum signed a united supporter statement and issued it. Every group had imput into it, despite so many differing opinions.

This is not about individuals, or if you like someone, or dislike someone, This is about Blackburn Rovers, about the NOW and THE FUTURE.

I have never boycotted, so perhaps some may think, "Its easy for you to ask others to attend who have chosen to boycott"? However what is a boycott? What are the reasons behind everyone boycotting? Will Venkys departure see everyone come back? Where is the evidence they will come back? If they never come back , how does that make the club an attractive proposition to a buyer?

If we take ourselves out of the melting pot and look at this from the outside, all they see is a club which has lots of history, but a town population of just over 100000. Can it make them money? Are there better alternative clubs out there?

When we thought of a name for this campaign, whatever the name was, we knew some would find a reason to pick holes in it, or discredit it. We could even have wrote a list of the people who would do this as its what they do best, they point the finger of blame. They claim its some ego trip or some PR Stunt or its causing more divide.

This is about everyone, and what you can do for your club, rather than what your club can do for you.

Many supporters, despite the heartbreak have continued to go home and away and will always do so whatever the future holds. However if for one match, just one match everyone can make an effort to fill those seats, which Jack Walker sweated his working life to make possible for all of us as a united supporter base, I really do think it will be a remarkable stand of unity by the supporters of Blackburn Rovers.

We have had a few questions ,

1.Why Ipswich? Ipswich will not bring a lot of supporters and we wanted to pick a game which was less fashionable and would not have the attendance swelled by the travelling support. It would of been easy to pick Leeds or Blackpool as both will bring a stong away following. However its not about their club. Its about ours and our clubs future.

2. Why not Bristol? Bristol will probably see a crowd of around 11-12k, We have been taking pictures of the crowds for the last few home games, so they can be compared after the Ipswich fixture. As these games were back to back also, it would also if it works show 2 games to compare were the opposition are both in the lower reaches of the division.


I see this as a positive move to show Rovers supporters in a better light, a large crowd, a good atmosphere and hopefully three massive points

Every supporter group has been invited to take part, as has every single website and town figure head. We already have some statements from sites and figureheads. If all goes to plan, everyday someone else will be taking the lead as this is being backed by the Lancashire Telegraph and the Action Group wont be mentioned again in this process.

If every individual could just bring one person to the football with them against ipswich , be that an old or new supporter then the place would be bouncing.

It would also be nice to read a different supporter group or website being covered via the local press each day, in a common goal of unity and a well run club.

So you back the badge for one match - then disappear again.

This really will help the new manager and the players.

One match they have support, the next they do not.


Hold the front page: PAFELL in anti-BRAG shocker!

But you thnk being abusive is the answer. But thanks for sharing one of your family snaps with us.

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People are funny.

Those saying "don't tell me how to support my club" are a.) people who clearly have a problem with the Action Group (the same reaction wouldn't be made if, say, chaddy had made the post) and b.) aren't the target audience.

Given the low attendance there clearly are people who need reminding of the kind of things the club is fundamentally about:

It's the shirt colours

It's the club name

It's the town

It's Ewood Park

It's the badge

It's washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers (sorry got carried away there).

But you take my point Blackburn Rovers is not Venkys, but people pick this as the main reason to decide whether or not to go to watch their home town club. Of course people are bitter. Even those who have carried on going are p¡ssed off but maybe some still need reminding about why they started supporting the first place. Maybe having tasted the better life they are too old to start all over again but get the next generation of fans back interested.

Maybe much like the town a lot of people have given up on the team. Blue and white flight?

It would be good for everyone if we could get a 25k attendance at one game this season. Whether to remind the club (and press) just how many supporters they've lost.

But they could make it free and it still wouldn't sell out. I can see it now "long suffering season ticket holders boycott Ewood due to them not getting anything for free".

Piut aside any issues with brag.

Folk being encouraged to back the badge for ONE MATCH.

Then what? Stop backing the badge for the other matches?

I cannot see what help that is to either the manager or players to come out to a full ewood park for one match and then for the next a half empty one.

Why put forward any protests of any kind at the moment. Anyway I thought brag said they were not going to communicate with the club if Appleton was appointed (not my words) So is not this back the badge a form of communication?

It appears that the appointment of Appleton and his backroom staff is a good idea. So if results on the pitch improve, fans will come back anyway. Backing the badge for one match seems pointless - why not back the badge for the simple reason, your a rovers supporter?

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Piut aside any issues with brag.

Folk being encouraged to back the badge for ONE MATCH.

Then what? Stop backing the badge for the other matches?

I cannot see what help that is to either the manager or players to come out to a full ewood park for one match and then for the next a half empty one.

Why put forward any protests of any kind at the moment. Anyway I thought brag said they were not going to communicate with the club if Appleton was appointed (not my words) So is not this back the badge a form of communication?

It appears that the appointment of Appleton and his backroom staff is a good idea. So if results on the pitch improve, fans will come back anyway. Backing the badge for one match seems pointless - why not back the badge for the simple reason, your a rovers supporter?

Not that you'd come along anyway - you'd be washing your hair or something (again, leg pull, calm down) - it would make a statement.

You can't force people to buy a half season ticket through that kind of encouragement, there are too many other factors.

But as far as the press are concerned, we are 10k down because of relegation - nothing else.

Imagine what a statement it would make if, we could say to the club we'd be here every week if you'd get your act together.

Not for one minute do I really believe all 10k would return but if we could get up to say 18k and generate an atmosphere then it would say something. Maybe some of them would even enjoy it and return the following week.

What harm does it do, trying to get the vacant seats filled up even if it's only for a game.

I have to say though, joking aside, it's hard to take your jibes about attendance or even non-attendace at Ewood, given that you don't attend anyway. Whatever the reason.

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Abuse? C'mon. That was the tamest leg pull ever.

Family snaps though - nice come back! :tu:

When you have a divided fan base due to various things. Where fans have been kicking lumps out of each other. It was not a wise gag.

Anyway. I just do not see a reason for protests of any form at the moment. Venkys are not going.

at this moment in time I cannot see that the appointment of appleton is a bad thing.

Why not back the badge for the rest of the season, in the light that Kean has gone.

Appleton's assessment of the squad has been spot on. I hope venkys back him - for now at least.

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Not that you'd come along anyway - you'd be washing your hair or something (again, leg pull, calm down) - it would make a statement.

You can't force people to buy a half season ticket through that kind of encouragement, there are too many other factors.

But as far as the press are concerned, we are 10k down because of relegation - nothing else.

Imagine what a statement it would make if, we could say to the club we'd be here every week if you'd get your act together.

Not for one minute do I really believe all 10k would return but if we could get up to say 18k and generate an atmosphere then it would say something. Maybe some of them would even enjoy it and return the following week.

What harm does it do, trying to get the vacant seats filled up even if it's only for a game.

I have to say though, joking aside, it's hard to take your jibes about attendance or even non-attendace at Ewood, given that you don't attend anyway. Whatever the reason.

Will you be going to the brighton match? I am.

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Not that you'd come along anyway - you'd be washing your hair or something (again, leg pull, calm down) - it would make a statement.

You can't force people to buy a half season ticket through that kind of encouragement, there are too many other factors.

But as far as the press are concerned, we are 10k down because of relegation - nothing else.

Imagine what a statement it would make if, we could say to the club we'd be here every week if you'd get your act together.

Not for one minute do I really believe all 10k would return but if we could get up to say 18k and generate an atmosphere then it would say something. Maybe some of them would even enjoy it and return the following week.

What harm does it do, trying to get the vacant seats filled up even if it's only for a game. HOW DOES THIS HELP THE PLAYERS WHEN THEY COME OUT TO EMPTY SEATS FOR THE NEXT MATCH - ESPECIALLY IF THEY BEAT iPSWICH.

I have to say though, joking aside, it's hard to take your jibes about attendance or even non-attendace at Ewood, given that you don't attend anyway. Whatever the reason.

I attend what matches i can. but as i live on the south coast, it cost too much - money and time - for me to attend more.

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I attend what matches i can. but as i live on the south coast, it cost too much - money and time - for me to attend more.

Fine but less of the put downs when people are talking about ways to drum up attendance if you can't make it.

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So just as the club has *some* semblance of unity within the fanbase, BRAG come out with another PR own-goal.

Seems rather sinister to me and wouldn't surprise me in the least if they're being used for someone else's agenda.

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Depends when it is. But that's irrelevant anyway.

What about the rest of the post?


Fine but less of the put downs when people are talking about ways to drum up attendance if you can't make it.

Er read my posts carefully. I gave reasons why backing the badge for ONE MATCH is not a good idea.

Imagine the players beating Ipswich in front of a full house. Then the next match at Ewood, they come out to empty seats. Bit of a confidence knock back imo.

It is not about who put the idea forward - that is another issue. It is the idea itself.

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For what it's worth, last season in PL I went with my mate, his 9year old, met another mate & his 11 year old, together with his grandad in the Observatory, pint, bite to eat ground. Met up with fourth mate and his 12/15 yr old as they alternated home games. All ST holders.

Venkys ruined that by persisting with a manager out of his depth and relegation followed. Of those 9 ST holders, not one renewed this season. I did it out of disgust and wanted firstly, coco out. My first mate went to the Birmingham game to see how things were, hasn't been back since. The others, not one game.

So, of 9, only me and my son remain, having renewed when he left, am I diehard, I suppose so. I don't enjoy it particularly, but I go because its in my blood. Will the BRAG announced initiative get the other 7 back. Will it buggery!

Will the departure of Venkys help, hell yes, but only if a sensible consortium take over. Good luck MA, you need it as do us all. Can't see this putting any more bums on seats. Venkys out.

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