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[Archived] Berg at the High Court

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Has it occurred to you to question why exactly they would want to do that?? These are people that have continually ignored communication from people that have tried to help them. Doesn't seem strange to you?


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Can't believe people are criticising Glen for this. They wouldn't put them up without being 100% sure they are real.

Does anyone really think Mrs D sits there writing her own emails? She'll have some lackey type them up from her dictations, which would explain the poor grammar.

Makes you wonder what the real purpose was of going over last week? With Bowyer as well?

I expect Bowyer wanted to hear from the horse's mouth that he had a job rather than from anyone at Ewood. I would!

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It's clear these are real, a number of newspapers have referenced these letters and they would have all confirmed legitimacy.

Furthermore, these letters have been referenced by Venkys in a court of law yesterday!

On the actual content itself, it leaves me with two overriding questions; Why haven't Shaw et al been sacked yet? Who else has a share in Rovers?

Oh and well done BRAG, credit where its due, keep going!

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Guest Norbert

Like what West Yorks Rover?

Can't be as bad as Bridlington, the SDP still exist there, and when I read the local paper for the first time there was a heated debate about the fact a local beach was apparently a gay dogging site. Not what you'd expect when you move to a place, nor the sight of a man p_ssing in someone's bushes at about 2pm.

Anyway, thank goodness there are people amongst our fans who are doing some digging, as we all know the FA wouldn't, and the club has been shat on by our owners and their friends.

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Sorry for the mass removal of posts in the thread, but we've just had a large number of post being reported as potentially legally compromising and leading to false allegation. Normally we'd take the time to review each report, but there were so many I've just removed all the reported posts for now (it's late and I want some sleep).

Ironically I've not had chance to read the forums tonight as I've spent a large part of it answering a legal threat from a fan that accused us of intentionally unbalanced moderating with an aim to support a specific agenda.

Also I don't know if it's been mentioned, but Paul K disclosed on twitter that for privacy reasons they'd intentionally doctored the headers and re created them themselves, so there is no need for the forensic analysts of wether they are genuine or not (they're not, but the are representative of originals)

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I wish I knew what these "emails" look like I've been trying the links for 30 mins and they don't come up, will someone please post a copy for those of us that don't know what's going on?.

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Can you point to any post on this subject where I have discredited folk. NO .You do post like an idiot at times.

Time you grew up.

We can point to hundreds, if not thousands, of annoying, pin-pricky questions that imply negligence and reprehensible behaviour on the part of others though----usually BRAG. Time for you to grow up and thank the people who have been working their guts out and spending their own money on trying to save YOUR Club.

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It's astonishing that so many people can't see through this bullshit.

Even if it were true, which is doubtful, what are the motives behind it?

What is the timing behind it?

Where is Shebby Singh?

We probably need another 5 points yet to stay up FFS, focus on achieving that, then let the sh1t fly!

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Like what West Yorks Rover?

Can't be as bad as Bridlington, the SDP still exist there, and when I read the local paper for the first time there was a heated debate about the fact a local beach was apparently a gay dogging site. Not what you'd expect when you move to a place, nor the sight of a man p_ssing in someone's bushes at about 2pm.

Anyway, thank goodness there are people amongst our fans who are doing some digging, as we all know the FA wouldn't, and the club has been shat on by our owners and their friends.

Brid eh, you don't want to be going too far north in Yorkshire, they'll start telling you all about their rituals and stuff.

As for the digging yes, but the FA well, no faith in that lot at all, I bet they're finding it all very irritating though, I just

keep hoping the Sports Minister will demand a full investigation, maybe he will have no option, if enough dirty washing

is exposed in the media.

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Also I don't know if it's been mentioned, but Paul K disclosed on twitter that for privacy reasons they'd intentionally doctored the headers and re created them themselves, so there is no need for the forensic analysts of wether they are genuine or not (they're not, but the are representative of originals)

If that's the case (doctoring and re-creating headers) then sticking the doctored version up on line with no explanation or disclaimer seems a horrendous error of judgment. Especially if the doctoring has then been admitted in another very public domain (Twitter).

It immediately begs the question what else has been doctored and brings every challenge as to the legitimacy of these documents into sharper focus.

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It's astonishing that so many people can't see through this bullshit.

Even if it were true, which is doubtful, what are the motives behind it?

What is the timing behind it?

Where is Shebby Singh?

We probably need another 5 points yet to stay up FFS, focus on achieving that, then let the sh1t fly!

All this sh*t flying seems to be having a good effect on the players at the moment.

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Great stuff by Glen and BRFCAG.

I would hate to think what some MB members are going to be like when the really dirty stuff comes out.

As it is we have the owners giving complete backing in public to people they have all but accused of criminal activity in private.

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I would doubt these letters would be mentioned in court if they werent genuine.

Was it not the Press release on the website seemingly exonerating Shaw that was mentioned in Court?

Anyhow even if the communications are genuine what are we gaining by having them publicly released? Learning the rather startling revelation that the owners are acting surprisingly prudently by setting a general policy of "only" twelve months severance pay? And actually they wanted six?

No wonder Venky's are keen to portray them as genuine.

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Great stuff by Glen and BRFCAG.

I would hate to think what some MB members are going to be like when the really dirty stuff comes out.

As it is we have the owners giving complete backing in public to people they have all but accused of criminal activity in private.

I did notice that the official website says the owners back Shaw. It doesn't mention Mrs. Desai. In fact most articles on the website mentions the owners and not specific names. Makes you wonder who 'The Owners' are.

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Would have made it a darn lot easier if glen or mark had just said that they'd doctored the headings at the start of the argument!

That's the one thing that seemed to get alarm bells ringing with people.

Good work though in getting these in the public domain. A lot of credit goes to you guys for getting them out there.

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