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[Archived] Investigate or we'll publish Blackburn Rovers findings, warns Mullan

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I don't have it

Andy there was nothing "hard man" your crackers .

Your the one insinuating wrong doings . Why drop that in then ?

I'm not insinuating anything, I'm telling you...

  • attempting blackmail of individuals
  • attempting to get fans band from certain areras of the ground
  • attempting to get the FF disbanded by the club
  • attempting to discredit certain groups of fans
  • attempting to fabricate stories of assault by fans against them

I could go on, but I have work to do. Thankfully they (BRAG) have melted away, however lets not and try painting them as whiter than white. In their eyes, if you weren't with them then you were against them and that did no favours at all to the protest 'movement'

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I'm not insinuating anything, I'm telling you...

  • attempting blackmail of individuals
  • attempting to get fans band from certain areras of the ground
  • attempting to get the FF disbanded by the club
  • attempting to discredit certain groups of fans
  • attempting to fabricate stories of assault by fans against them
I could go on, but I have work to do. Thankfully they (BRAG) have melted away, however lets not and try painting them as whiter than white. In their eyes, if you weren't with them then you were against them and that did no favours at all to the protest 'movement'
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I'm not insinuating anything, I'm telling you...

  • attempting blackmail of individuals
  • attempting to get fans band from certain areras of the ground
  • attempting to get the FF disbanded by the club
  • attempting to discredit certain groups of fans
  • attempting to fabricate stories of assault by fans against them

I could go on, but I have work to do. Thankfully they (BRAG) have melted away, however lets not and try painting them as whiter than white. In their eyes, if you weren't with them then you were against them and that did no favours at all to the protest 'movement'

:wacko: Wow! Hope you have proof to back all that up. May be a solicitor's letter heading your way if you don't

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  • Accusing him / them of attempting to blackmail individuals
  • Attempting to discredit certain groups of fans - depends how and what they "done" to achieve this.
  • Accusing him / them of fabricating stories of assault by fans against them / him - sort of remember this story if it's the same on being told on here. If it's not true, then it's a pretty sick story to be telling. If it's the one I remember and the one you're insinuating, then it involves his / their child and the child's mother being threatened. If it's not the one you're talking about apologies, if it is, then I can't see why someone in their right mind would make that up. Especially as people on here know them / him personally.

Don't think anyone thinks that BRAG, or the FF, or any of the groups that popped up at that time are whiter than white. Their was a lot of ego stroking, empire building and measuring of members (and not just the 8000 registered with BRAG). Wouldn't be surprised if some of it got ugly, but you can't go round making accusations like the ones above without having something behind them, not these days (rightly or wrongly).

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  • Accusing him / them of attempting to blackmail individuals
  • Attempting to discredit certain groups of fans - depends how and what they "done" to achieve this.
  • Accusing him / them of fabricating stories of assault by fans against them / him - sort of remember this story if it's the same on being told on here. If it's not true, then it's a pretty sick story to be telling. If it's the one I remember and the one you're insinuating, then it involves his / their child and the child's mother being threatened. If it's not the one you're talking about apologies, if it is, then I can't see why someone in their right mind would make that up. Especially as people on here know them / him personally.

Don't think anyone thinks that BRAG, or the FF, or any of the groups that popped up at that time are whiter than white. Their was a lot of ego stroking, empire building and measuring of members (and not just the 8000 registered with BRAG). Wouldn't be surprised if some of it got ugly, but you can't go round making accusations like the ones above without having something behind them, not these days (rightly or wrongly).

all I will say in response to that Mark is that the FF didn't pop up post Venkys, they have been having regular meetings with the club since 1999 - 16 years, not since December 2010.

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You've got the wrong guy. Mark Fish(?) is Mark1875 (I think) on here and I'm not, or ever have been a member of the Fan's Forum, BRAG or any of the groups mentioned. I know the FF have been going for a long time, waay before Venky's rocked up. If it reads like I was saying they popped up at the same time, I'm sorry, I meant that the FF, BRAG plus any of the groups that did come about around that time were all elbowing each other out of the way to be top dog and there were dirty tricks and slanging matches from both sides (on here anyway). What happened off here, I don't know, like I said I've never been a part of any of the groups.

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This is the only post I will make on this matter , it won't be good enough for many , won't be believed by many , but hey ho , I'm a rovers supporter who does not get paid for his time .

As well documented I'm no longer part of the BRFCAG after stepping down as chairman due to no controversial reasons bar , what many of us set out to do was done imo . I never set out to form a supporter group and if I'm being completely honest I thought Kean would be gone within weeks of protest starting .

People as about dossiers , ask about what the AG did or do , make accusations based on propaganda to make themselves feel better , or make them feel the better person by basically sprouting verbal bullets with no substance .

So what did we have four years ago ?

We had our club sold in essence to a consortium with the sole intention of using rovers as a vehicle to sign players under third party ownership . This consortium was made up of :

Venkys - they saw an opportunity for global marketing , little investment and the wow factor of owning a football club . They never ever planned to run it and it was always their intention for the club to be run by Kentaro of whom they entered into contract with to do that.

crescendo - this was a vehicle set up by Huber , Anderson , Indoo Sella and some external Rich Arabs , which also form part of Global 11 . They wanted to get no-bodies from around the world , in essence own them , get them a few appearances on TV , so their value increased . They would own the players , and they would play for rovers .

Venkys would get % of profit on sell on value , whilst club money would pay these players .

For this to work , the club needed cleansing of all the old guard including manager and board .

Sadly the appointment of Kean , who must be the only manager in history to write his own contract and then negotiate himself , with himself an extension. Was the catalyst of the teams poor performances .

This brought crowd pressure , people sniffing around Wondering why we had a manager more powerful than Alex Ferguson ? A programme seller more powerful than the whole board of Directors .

An office at Brock hole for the sole use of Jerome Anderson, Huber and an Italian aristocrat with links to the Italian Mafia . Houses rented in the area by Kentaro , an agent pocket signing our future stars into contracts with SEM and subsidiary's and explaining to them it's this way or you are frozen out . Existing contracts of players now being a scrutinised by a player agency who had zero rights to infringe the confidentiality within those contracts .

We had a twitchy premier league who were getting Intel from many now vetoing transfers .

No-one banked on the team going into free fall , no one banked on 1% of supporters making a stand , and despite the endeavours of club officials and other supporters , that band of 1% decided our club was worth saving . They were not only verbally attacked but also physically attacked . One club official in a meeting on September 17th 2012 stated they had a paper trail suggesting some people including a small number of supporters had reviewed payment for their violent attacks and threats . Statements were made to the police regarding the accusations . Peoples personal information was leaking out the club like confetti , whilst people's location around the ground not just inside was being fed to would be attackers .

Suddenly the contractual consortium had to get another way of bringing players in . So then came inflated agent fees , so they got their cash on the front end of the deal , and then on the back end . Venkys suddenly went from having a club run for them , to having to put up some capital .

In the meantime , people started talking , the 1% of fans were on a mission , rid the club of these parasites but do it cleanly , use the media to communicate , but ultimately get rid of them without our club being imposed with penalties .

4 years on

Cresendo , Agnew and Kean gone , if people seriously believe it was a miracle or they just walked away , then I'm sorry , you are diluded and just can't handle the truth .

Sem Kentaro , global eleven and Cresendo in administration / liquidated .

Ok rovers now in the championship , but had it not been for the 1% , there would not be a rovers , it wouldn't even be a carcass .

What good would of come if everything had gone public ?? The club would of faced sanctions which are unrecoverable , is that what all those who did nothing apart from back then and even now , shout down to those that did ? Jeez you don't have to be a brain surgeon to workout this club is not the club it was when Venkys took over .

Too many supporters accepted the situation , continue to accept the situation and in some ways to protect their own mindset continue to make out those that tried failed or were the problem .

Anything the AG has is theirs , not mine , however in front of high profile witnesses managed to get this so called dossier in front of every UK footballing bodies including parliament .

They didn't go with the Mr Men books or it wouldn't have got beyond Blackburn councils chambers .

They also took non member witnesses in Philip Lingard , Nick Harris and Savio from these very boards who will verify what was said and presented .

They held an open meeting which only 60 or so people bothered to attend .

When I look in the mirror , I'm proud that not only did we try , but we succeeded against all the odds .

We did it clean , no penalties for our club and , we still have a club .

How many of you can say the same ? Or indeed have the audacity to claim or think that the clubs fall , is partly the fault of those who tried ?

Rovers would be in a much worse position had it not been for that 1% and would be in a better state had the other 99% pitched in and helped .

I fully expect the usual posters to come and have their daily fix of a rant , so be my guest as you are dealing with someone in (me) who does not give a **** what you think or say .

Regarding the accusations made by others , we are all grown up ?

List these so called incidents , name names , name facts and if you can't , then just grow up .

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Grow some balls.

Publish the document.

Let's put things to bed once and for all.

Edward Snowdon did what he thought was right.

If someone I know had a copy he'd put it out their If it was the right thing to do, sod the threats, sod personal circumstances, sometimes in life you have to go the right thing.

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If someone I know had a copy he'd put it out their If it was the right thing to do, sod the threats, sod personal circumstances, sometimes in life you have to go the right thing.

Its probably no secret that Glen and I haven't always seen eye to eye, however you just cannot say "sod personal circumstances" when you have a family to provide for and protect.

Some interesting points about the structure that was formed to run the club in the early days there Glen, however I will make the point that I made right at the very beginning of all this (over a month ago). Why can't the dossier be made available for people to flick through - I'm not talking about putting it online - so that fans can maybe get a better understanding of what happened to our club?

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This is the only post I will make on this matter , it won't be good enough for many , won't be believed by many , but hey ho , I'm a rovers supporter who does not get paid for his time .

As well documented I'm no longer part of the BRFCAG after stepping down as chairman due to no controversial reasons bar , what many of us set out to do was done imo . I never set out to form a supporter group and if I'm being completely honest I thought Kean would be gone within weeks of protest starting .

People as about dossiers , ask about what the AG did or do , make accusations based on propaganda to make themselves feel better , or make them feel the better person by basically sprouting verbal bullets with no substance .

So what did we have four years ago ?

We had our club sold in essence to a consortium with the sole intention of using rovers as a vehicle to sign players under third party ownership . This consortium was made up of :

Venkys - they saw an opportunity for global marketing , little investment and the wow factor of owning a football club . They never ever planned to run it and it was always their intention for the club to be run by Kentaro of whom they entered into contract with to do that.

crescendo - this was a vehicle set up by Huber , Anderson , Indoo Sella and some external Rich Arabs , which also form part of Global 11 . They wanted to get no-bodies from around the world , in essence own them , get them a few appearances on TV , so their value increased . They would own the players , and they would play for rovers .

Venkys would get % of profit on sell on value , whilst club money would pay these players .

For this to work , the club needed cleansing of all the old guard including manager and board .

Sadly the appointment of Kean , who must be the only manager in history to write his own contract and then negotiate himself , with himself an extension. Was the catalyst of the teams poor performances .

This brought crowd pressure , people sniffing around Wondering why we had a manager more powerful than Alex Ferguson ? A programme seller more powerful than the whole board of Directors .

An office at Brock hole for the sole use of Jerome Anderson, Huber and an Italian aristocrat with links to the Italian Mafia . Houses rented in the area by Kentaro , an agent pocket signing our future stars into contracts with SEM and subsidiary's and explaining to them it's this way or you are frozen out . Existing contracts of players now being a scrutinised by a player agency who had zero rights to infringe the confidentiality within those contracts .

We had a twitchy premier league who were getting Intel from many now vetoing transfers .

No-one banked on the team going into free fall , no one banked on 1% of supporters making a stand , and despite the endeavours of club officials and other supporters , that band of 1% decided our club was worth saving . They were not only verbally attacked but also physically attacked . One club official in a meeting on September 17th 2012 stated they had a paper trail suggesting some people including a small number of supporters had reviewed payment for their violent attacks and threats . Statements were made to the police regarding the accusations . Peoples personal information was leaking out the club like confetti , whilst people's location around the ground not just inside was being fed to would be attackers .

Suddenly the contractual consortium had to get another way of bringing players in . So then came inflated agent fees , so they got their cash on the front end of the deal , and then on the back end . Venkys suddenly went from having a club run for them , to having to put up some capital .

In the meantime , people started talking , the 1% of fans were on a mission , rid the club of these parasites but do it cleanly , use the media to communicate , but ultimately get rid of them without our club being imposed with penalties .

4 years on

Cresendo , Agnew and Kean gone , if people seriously believe it was a miracle or they just walked away , then I'm sorry , you are diluded and just can't handle the truth .

Sem Kentaro , global eleven and Cresendo in administration / liquidated .

Ok rovers now in the championship , but had it not been for the 1% , there would not be a rovers , it wouldn't even be a carcass .

What good would of come if everything had gone public ?? The club would of faced sanctions which are unrecoverable , is that what all those who did nothing apart from back then and even now , shout down to those that did ? Jeez you don't have to be a brain surgeon to workout this club is not the club it was when Venkys took over .

Too many supporters accepted the situation , continue to accept the situation and in some ways to protect their own mindset continue to make out those that tried failed or were the problem .

Anything the AG has is theirs , not mine , however in front of high profile witnesses managed to get this so called dossier in front of every UK footballing bodies including parliament .

They didn't go with the Mr Men books or it wouldn't have got beyond Blackburn councils chambers .

They also took non member witnesses in Philip Lingard , Nick Harris and Savio from these very boards who will verify what was said and presented .

They held an open meeting which only 60 or so people bothered to attend .

When I look in the mirror , I'm proud that not only did we try , but we succeeded against all the odds .

We did it clean , no penalties for our club and , we still have a club .

How many of you can say the same ? Or indeed have the audacity to claim or think that the clubs fall , is partly the fault of those who tried ?

Rovers would be in a much worse position had it not been for that 1% and would be in a better state had the other 99% pitched in and helped .

I fully expect the usual posters to come and have their daily fix of a rant , so be my guest as you are dealing with someone in (me) who does not give a **** what you think or say .

Regarding the accusations made by others , we are all grown up ?

List these so called incidents , name names , name facts and if you can't , then just grow up .

No issue with you at all Glen, but re the bit in bold, with this being the case, why can't you release the dossier?

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Thanks for the explanation Glen, quite a bit there I had no idea about. So have all the parasites all gone now, to your knowledge, or have they just liquidized the old versions of the "partners" and are still hanging around in new guises (just being a bit less brazen about it in case they get busted again?)

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Its probably no secret that Glen and I haven't always seen eye to eye, however you just cannot say "sod personal circumstances" when you have a family to provide for and protect.


I can say that Andy and I can say that with the upmost confidence.

Talk is cheap I know.

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I can say that Andy and I can say that with the upmost confidence.

Talk is cheap I know.

well I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree - I know that I'd put my family first before Rovers.

One of the reasons that I quit the Fans Forum.

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For anyone who doubts the goings on listed in Glens post it's all out there if you care to dig about. Although a good proportion of stuff has been removed from the net now and obviously the fine details won't be there anyway. To someone like me who has no connection to any group or dossier and has just continually dug around the net for years, read members of this forums posts and just seen things unfold at the club it's bloody obvious what was going on in the background. Everyone in football knew agents were running this club but it was being passed off as contracted to advise. The league would surely have just turned a blind eye to it unless a whole stink was created that forced them into having a word.

The main thing is they backed the wrong horse in Kean. If he'd have kept us in midtable Prem for another season or so their greedy ego massaging schemes would have been in full swing. Eventually something would have given, we'd have been investigated, a massive points deduction, an impossible to pay fine and sanctions and we'd have ended up worse than Pompey.

The rich men would still have gotten richer and no one would have given a toss, it's only Rovers after all.

The biggest @#/? in all this are the authorities that allow these things to even spawn in the first place.

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well I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree - I know that I'd put my family first before Rovers.

One of the reasons that I quit the Fans Forum.

Yes and you're absolutely right to do that, no doubt about that.

But not everyone feels the same, I'm sure you can appreciate that.

It's all hypothetical anyway.

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Why wasn't Kean sacked, then? Knew too much?

More than likely. If the heat was coming onto him he might well have squealed eventually so they left him alone until he engineered his own exit. Something made him untouchable at Rovers that's for sure. Until Singh began to breathe down his neck every day as the Venkys eyes and ears.

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More than likely. If the heat was coming onto him he might well have squealed eventually so they left him alone until he engineered his own exit. Something made him untouchable at Rovers that's for sure. Until Singh began to breathe down his neck every day as the Venkys eyes and ears.

If Kean's incompetence was jeopardizing the master plan, I think they could've agreed a tasty little severance package and sent him on his way.

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If Kean's incompetence was jeopardizing the master plan, I think they could've agreed a tasty little severance package and sent him on his way.

Replaced him with who though ? He was part of the original plan, probably one of it's creators. If he didn't want to go then he wasn't going. He got rich quick anyway but if the original plan had worked he'd have been drawing % for ever, huge money to be made. Let's not forget tantric had massive faith in him and I think they genuinely thought he was the golden child.

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Bottom line seems to be that the idea was to bring in cheap players, use a coach to develop their value, then sell on. I've been saying that's their plan for some years now. Guess what? That's still the plan.

And I didn't need a dossier. :)

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They did, didn't they..? :rock:

Only after the club had been relegated.

Replaced him with who though ? He was part of the original plan, probably one of it's creators. If he didn't want to go then he wasn't going. He got rich quick anyway but if the original plan had worked he'd have been drawing % for ever, huge money to be made. Let's not forget tantric had massive faith in him and I think they genuinely thought he was the golden child.

I'm willing to bet there were other managers in the SEM stable willing to manage a PL club providing they turn a blind eye to some shady goings on.

For me, this whole thing smacked as nothing more than a get-rich-quick scheme for the start. Everyone ended up with their hand in the cookie jar. Obviously they would've liked it to go on for as long as possible but it wasn't a viable business strategy and they knew it.

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Only after the club had been relegated.

I'm willing to bet there were other managers in the SEM stable willing to manage a PL club providing they turn a blind eye to some shady goings on.

For me, this whole thing smacked as nothing more than a get-rich-quick scheme for the start. Everyone ended up with their hand in the cookie jar. Obviously they would've liked it to go on for as long as possible but it wasn't a viable business strategy and they knew it.

Make hay whilst the sun shines. That's probably tantrics motto of choice. Think he did a similar thing at City and got in and out as quickly as possible making as much as possible but this was their own baby. He'll have sold it as a long term thing to the various investors whilst covering his own fat ass for short term gain no doubt.

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