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[Archived] Shebby Singh


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I think Kean would have spun a tale about the players bought, whilst he was the manager, were not his choices. Begged for a chance to do things 'his' way. Was given it. Meaning for awhile, shebby's hands are tied. If Shebby has the power to hire and fire - it won't take long for Kean to mess up this 'new chance', before he is gone.

The question is though will the club be gone as well

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He wasn't lying? Oh I'm reassured you have enlightened us, do I believe it ? Do I frig.

I wasn't trying to enlighten you just share an experience that I had. I know what he said was true off camera as if it wasn't he wouldn't have risked even saying them as it could compromise him. Either that or he's very confident of his position. For obvious reasons I can't disclose what he said, but let's just say he's a lot more ambitious than the club currently reflects. Whether he has the power to sway them in the direction he wants only he and Venky's know.

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How can any Rovers fan believe absolutely anything from anyone connected to the club? We've been fed such rubbish since the Walker Trust sold that I don't listen to what anyone at Ewood says anymore. Hendry's appointment is just the latest in a long line of bizarre decisions. It totally beggars belief and I can't understand how any self respecting fan is prepared to give them another chance.

It is a total and utter insult to fans past and present to expect "a clean slate".

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I think Shebby is fairly significant as by all accounts he is now a bridge between Kean and Desai.....I don't believe he has the power to sack Kean but it might stop Kean feeding her all his bullshit.

My only problem is, how could they possibly buy into the bullsh*t that he has been feeding them for the last 19 or so months?The facts are right there in front of them, and were there for all to see the whole season.

Our highest league position was something like 16th, 3 (?) clean sheets all season, an abysmal defensive record which saw us concede somewhere around 2 goals a game on average (or something like), finishing 19th and being relegated, regular fan protests against him etc.

What can he possibly say that justifies his position as Rovers manager? He cannot give a footballing reason as to why he should remain in his job, unless he blamed relegation on the owners directly for a lack of investment. All of those things mentioned above are facts (more accurate stats needed :tu: but they won't be far off) and the owners can find those things out whenever they want. They don't need to wait for Kean to tell them anything with his added spin.

My point being that i don't see how he can have fed the owners lies for his entire time in charge and the owners to have just nodded along blindly to the actual truth, to the point where they have had to bring a person in to act as a go between, between Kean and themselves in order to get the truth about the situation.

They won't be listening to Shebby, as said above it's just a smokescreen to make it look like they are actually making changes.

Somewhere, somehow i would expect them to wangle Kean an extra year on his contract. Most likely stating he is building the team back up and needs time, while we are hanging around mid table of the Championship.

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He cannot give a footballing reason as to why he should remain in his job

Does he need one? Who's to say he's just the manager? Theres a reason Desai won't sack him. Yeh maybe she likes him, maybe she likes his wife. But is there something beneath all of this?

I think its fairly obvious Kean knew Venkys long before anyone else at Ewood Park. You know who would have been whispering in his ear about how he could get him real power in a Premier League football club, because he has managed to find 3 Indians who are willing to buy the club without the faintest idea of what they are doing.

For all we know Kean could have been meeting them regularly to discuss the buy, and wrangled himself into the deal. My opinion, he's further in this than just a management role.

Suspicions like this are why I will not step foot in Ewood Park again.

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So how long should I hold my breath before Mr Kean, the most unpopular and least successful manager in the history of Blackburn Rovers, gets the push?

I wouldn't if I were you.

Singh is another cog just doing his job and getting paid quite handomely for it. He is not there to remove Kean. Anyone who has previously stood against Kean has been ousted, why should he be any different?

Puppets, all of them

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So how long should I hold my breath before Mr Kean, the most unpopular and least successful manager in the history of Blackburn Rovers, gets the push?

It'll be when Venky's leave. Or when Lord Jerome decides to move Kean out of the firing line and put another puppet in his place. Hendry perhaps.

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Venkatash on Shebby .... What the heck is he talking about?


I am not sure Den, but it would appear that our Global Advisor is taking charge of fan concerns and local matters.

“Now he (Singh) is here to talk to the fans, build relations, tackle the local problems day to day and see that they are satisfied. He is right there at the ground level and that’s what he’s doing now – not only talking to fans but also talking to players, talking to other management."

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“Usually what happens is that we just change X, Y, Z, we change the manager and the pressure is off"

An admission that in a normal world they would have sacked Steve Kean? Interesting....

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Well, anyone with any sense could have seen that coming, only our owners have no sense. You create 2 definite camps in a club and push to one side, even if only a little, the guy who appears to have wielded absolute power for the last 20 months, and conflict would be inevitable. Add that one of those pushed aside is big ego Kean who already knows the other guy doesn't rate him and it gets worse.

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Someone called J.C. Rishton posted this, so there might be hope after all:

I havent seen it but I posted this info 2/3 weeks ago - SK/PA HATE SS appointment because until this point they were appointing all their own lackies to the club and also SS reports directly to Mrs D - a job SK used to do and now he has lost that direct line of comunication top her and so his position is definately alot weaker. Also SS has now come to Ewood and rules the place - so in effect, what is PA job ? (just a suck up, drinking mate crony for SK - nothing more, in reality).


The report on SS so far have been good - most people, club employees, BRAG etc that have met him have said that he talks openly about the problems at the club - and understands them. He knows everyone hates Kean and I heard that he told some fans last week that SK has "less than 5 games" if we start badly - time will tell, I still have my doubts whether that will happen.


As for VR - he talks some crap. He knows SK is useless and would love to get rid of him put weilds as much power as the rest of us.


If Venkys allow SS to sack Kean then most of us fans would allow them to have a second chance - but until that point NOTHING has changed - its just hot air and bull$hit.

So let's see if Kean gets sacked after 5 games.

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