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[Archived] Shebby Singh


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Shebby Singh - im liking the guy so far, talks more sence than venkys and SK (i feel more at ease lisening to him), my only consurn is that if he gets his wish and manages to give SK the boot, im worried Venkys will turn to him to be the next manager :unsure: .

They won't make him the next manager, but I wouldn't put it past them to promote Black or Hendry.

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Shebby Singh has said his hands are tied - for now. He has already taken keans role in speaking for the owners. He does not like Kean.

Singh is a sideshow he is just trying to be all things to all men, please the fans, please Venkys etc. Kean and his appointees hold all the power at Ewood.

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Singh is a sideshow he is just trying to be all things to all men, please the fans, please Venkys etc. Kean and his appointees hold all the power at Ewood.

My information is that he has the power, with the odd limitation!!

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Singh is a sideshow he is just trying to be all things to all men, please the fans, please Venkys etc. Kean and his appointees hold all the power at Ewood.

Except for he doesn't, if that was the case he would have signed two more players on the cheap by now. Shebby didn't think much of them and it didn't happen.

As far as I can see Kean has to please Shebby in order to keep his job, and the bottom line is results. If it gets to the point where Shebby is displeased he'll be putting in a request to change the manager and then it'll be down to "madame" to choose who her favorite boy is.

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Except for he doesn't, if that was the case he would have signed two more players on the cheap by now. Shebby didn't think much of them and it didn't happen.

As far as I can see Kean has to please Shebby in order to keep his job, and the bottom line is results. If it gets to the point where Shebby is displeased he'll be putting in a request to change the manager and then it'll be down to "madame" to choose who her favorite boy is.

I am interested how you know our football expert stopped Kean buying two players. Can I assume that Singh is responsible for the excellent signings we have made. (Four Portuguese, a striker who matches Roberts scoring record and an ageing midfielder).

I think we all know who Desai's favourite boy is.

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A link to the minutes from last weeks fans forum meeting with Shebby Singh :-


90 minutes of tough questioning reduced to:

"Shebby them took questions from Forum members for around 90 minutes. There was a full and frank exchange of views with members strongly expressing the view that the current broken relationship with most fans could only be fixed properly with a change of manager. Shebby stated that he understood the views of fans. He was at the club with the one immediate aim of promotion back to the Premier League and decisions would be made if necessary and quickly to achieve that aim. He had direct daily contact with the owners and decisions could now be made very quickly."

So how many games is Shebby prepared to "forfeit" (to borrow a well known phrase) before deciding that a new manager still has enough matches left to achieve promotion?

For me, it's more about telling the fans what they want to hear. In whatever form and whatever forum.

In any case, Kean could get promotion first time of asking, and will NEVER be accepted by the vast majority of fans. Just this week he's talking more garbage, mocking the fans, talking about the next Gattuso.

How can that be good for the long term future of the club?

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I feel like a broken record but 5 games is too late (I know it's another cock and bull figure, but let's play along), because even if he was potted then, the thousands of lost fans won't be rushing back, not then, not ever.

The chance to save the supporter base has gone this very summer.

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Seriously WTF is the fans forum, What do they actually do and who do they like to believe they are representing, they just seem like self-important(and appointed) so&so's that do nothing other than hold pointless meetings(tea parties) and sit on the fence.

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I feel like a broken record but 5 games is too late (I know it's another cock and bull figure, but let's play along), because even if he was potted then, the thousands of lost fans won't be rushing back, not then, not ever.

The chance to save the supporter base has gone this very summer.

So if thats the case and you belive all is lost then why just play along, shouldnt we all go down fighting at least(metaphorically speaking :unsure: ).

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To also play along with the possibility that Kean could get sacked after roughly 5 games.....Roy Keane was appointed Sunderland manager when they were in the relegation zone and he led them to automatic promotion.

I just checked and they were 23rd after losing their first 4 games.....Personally, I don't think he will get sacked during the season...potentially in the summer, but even after 10 games there is still a chance we could make the playoffs imo.

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Just got back from a meeting with Shebby , we will be issuing minutes as soon as they are typed up , whilst also bringing you some news which should interest everyone once we have dotted a couple of I's in the next 24 hours :-)

I'm looking forward to reading the Minutes from BRFCAG meeting with Shebby and this other news! hope its worth the wait tho Glen

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Of the 90 mins a large part of it was people try to drum home to shebby that nothing less than Kean Out would see the majority of people return to Ewood and the fact that many fans feel they are held in contempt by the club (I.e. no apology, but 'exciting times'). People wanted that ramming home, so it was, repeatedly. It just doesn't make very interesting reading

Btw shebby didn't mention 5 games, I believe that number came from a different meeting

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They won't make him the next manager, but I wouldn't put it past them to promote Black or Hendry.

I think Colin Hendry is a dead cert to be the next manager ,,,

I think he knows this too ...

I am surprised that Kean as given him a job , to be honest !

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Seriously WTF is the fans forum, What do they actually do and who do they like to believe they are representing, they just seem like self-important(and appointed) so&so's that do nothing other than hold pointless meetings(tea parties) and sit on the fence.

If you want to find out "WTF" the fans forum is all about, why not come along to the next pre-meet, put some points forward for the agenda? You might also see we aren't "self-important so&so's", that we don't "sit on the fence"and are actually care about the sh!t the club is going through right now.

So what do you think, come along?

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If you want to find out "WTF" the fans forum is all about, why not come along to the next pre-meet, put some points forward for the agenda? You might also see we aren't "self-important so&so's", that we don't "sit on the fence"and are actually care about the sh!t the club is going through right now.

So what do you think, come along?


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If you want to find out "WTF" the fans forum is all about, why not come along to the next pre-meet, put some points forward for the agenda? You might also see we aren't "self-important so&so's", that we don't "sit on the fence"and are actually care about the sh!t the club is going through right now.

So what do you think, come along?

You didnt really answer the questions their fella and thanks for the offer but i dont think it'd be my cup of tea.

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You didnt really answer the questions their fella and thanks for the offer but i dont think it'd be my cup of tea.

not really fair to slag something off you claim to know nothing about, and then when you get the offer not take it up - I'm afriad you can't have your cake and eat it.

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