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[Archived] Shebby Singh


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The term he uses is that he is a "global advisor". The real acid test will be after say 5 games, when he wants Kean to go and calls up the family. They then have a meeting and get shut of Shebby instead.

I've heard from a few different people that he will be judged after 5 games.

Did Shebby say anything about what sort of results are expected ? Will he get the boot if we lose 2 out of the 5 games ?

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The problem is every day with Kean in charge is a day lost in the recovery of Blackburn Rovers. No one representing Rovers has managed to explain why he is actually the manager of the football club, everyone talks in riddles.

Kean has set himself targets in his first season he claimed we would finish top half before pushing on for Europe next season with the biggest budget ever seen.

Last season we were told by Kean “I think I’ve always said judge us at the end of the window” the window shut in September 2011

By Christmas last season he was already believing we would achieve a top half finish.

If I remember correctly he told us relegation was impossible with this squad around March/April in the LT can't find it online

Why a man that has clearly failed his own targets hasn't resigned out of personal pride or been sacked is ridiculous, what is even more ludicrous is giving him more time to continue the destruction. Even if he were to win the first five matches with a team he claims are better than the one he backed for a top-half PL finish last season, is it a success? If the team is so good why give it a handicap?

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If you want to find out "WTF" the fans forum is all about, why not come along to the next pre-meet, put some points forward for the agenda? You might also see we aren't "self-important so&so's", that we don't "sit on the fence"and are actually care about the sh!t the club is going through right now.

So what do you think, come along?

Fair comment

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Dont buying this.

If he needs proof for sacking Kean they Are very evident outside the season:

- "Kean out chants" in preseason

- horribble ST sales.

A couple of Games into this season is just an Excuse to buy some time and fool the supporters of Rovers.

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I won't buy any of this 'I'm in charge' stuff until I have seen evidence of his supposed power. How can a man who castigated Kean several weeks ago come in and ask us to give him more time and wipe the slate clean. If he has an ounce of sense and feeling for the club the first thing he would have done is got rid of Kean, for me it is as simple as that.

He sounds like a charmer but for me that counts for absolutely nothing.

Actions speak louder than words and if Singh wants to move Rovers forward he HAS to get rid of Kean now.

I think SS has been instructed to judge Kean from now. So for now his hands are tied. Because Kean is such a useless and pathetic manager. It will not take to many matches before SS makes the judgement and recommend venkys sack Kean. But who they appoint to replace him could be another major headache.

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Thanks to everyone who has met or chatted with him so far.

I actually believe what he says, or more accurately I think he believes it!

I still believe what Balaji and his mate said to us last year, the problem is there is a higher force with the power and she isn't easily swayed!

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But from now should be from the start of Singh's tenure and since then we've had no improvement in season ticket sales and there have been enough anti-kean chants to suggest that most fans will not be reconciled to his tenure so why not sack now and see ticket sales rise - it's nearly the end of the deadline and would be a good time as most will take a bit of persuading if he's sacked a week or two into the season that it hasn't been yet another money making ploy.

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I think Big Sam said last season that it usually takes an average of 2 points per game to get promoted so if we lose 2 games then he needs to go (before anyone says "he needs to go now" yes of course, that goes without saying. I'm talking about Shebbys clean slate)

It would be interesting to know how he is going to be judged on 5 games.

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So, just like the Pune meetings, these chats mean bugger all.

It all depends on if what Shebby thinks is true actually is true or he's just allowed to think it

The issues are 100% known to the Rao family, I looked one of them in the eye and told them myself, so did someone else I know well on another occasion, what is needed is one of them to convince the rest that it needs doing. Therein lies the issue and I don't know if anything has changed on that front.

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Think Ste B is right on this one. Shebby will beleive he is in charge until the point when he asks Pune to sack Kean. Then he will find himself ousted from the club.

Glen appreciate your and the rest of BRAGs work on this, and good luck on the 2nd meeting with the FL. Please though don't keep saying we have some exciting news, but then not telling everyone what it is. What exactly makes you beleive in Shebby?

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I think SS has been instructed to judge Kean from now. So for now his hands are tied. Because Kean is such a useless and pathetic manager. It will not take to many matches before SS makes the judgement and recommend venkys sack Kean. But who they appoint to replace him could be another major headache.

I assume you are referring to Shabby after he calls for the sacking of the bitches pet?

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So why is his title "Global Advisor" presumably to Blackburn Rovers not Venkys?

Was it ever announced by Rovers?

Will Rovers inform us every time a Venkys Hatchery gets a new receptionist?

Singh hasn't been announced at the official site, unlike Shaw and Agnew whose appointment and promotion were published under news. Also Agnew and his new title, and Shaw are listed under Who's who -page, but no mention of Singh.

So atleast in public's view he isn't a BRFC employee.

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Shebby's willingness to understand the real problems which sadly it appears never got back to Pune in any shape or form was a real eye opener. The treatment of supporters last season and various incidents we used as examples shocked Shebby.

Classic delaying tactic: "I had no idea! I can't believe my ears! No-one told us before! I'll get right on it!"

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The term he uses is that he is a "global advisor". The real acid test will be after say 5 games, when he wants Kean to go and calls up the family. They then have a meeting and get shut of Shebby instead.

This is just what will happen. They are just buying time AGAIN and praying coco will win some games. I think Shebby will be around listening/saying all the right things then suddenly a few months into the season and things not going well he will dissapear overnight, being called away for family reasons or something. Then it will be intimated by Agnew etc that Shebby shouldn't have been saying things and giving people the wrong idea and it's somehow all his fault. On and on the charade will go :(

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This is just what will happen. They are just buying time AGAIN and praying coco will win some games. I think Shebby will be around listening/saying all the right things then suddenly a few months into the season and things not going well he will dissapear overnight, being called away for family reasons or something. Then it will be intimated by Agnew etc that Shebby shouldn't have been saying things and giving people the wrong idea and it's somehow all his fault. On and on the charade will go :(

That, I admit is a concern, however, speaking to people I know at the club, it does appear as though he his pulling the strings on many issues!

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If I remember correctly he told us relegation was impossible with this squad around March/April in the LT can't find it online

Tom, I don't know about March/April but Kean was quoted last year in the LT as saying 'We won't get relegated. Absolutely no chance' on 18 November on the eve of the Wigan game and the anniversary of the takeover. (Sorry, seem to have misplaced my ability to do links ! :unsure: )

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As ever- talk is cheap Venky's/Singh- whoever is calling the shots. Make a good decision, follow it with another THEN you may even think about starting to win the fans around.

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Tom, I don't know about March/April but Kean was quoted last year in the LT as saying 'We won't get relegated. Absolutely no chance' on 18 November on the eve of the Wigan game and the anniversary of the takeover. (Sorry, seem to have misplaced my ability to do links ! :unsure: )

Thats probably the one, I do wish the local media would revisit some of these fantastic quotes. On the bizarre flip side I'd love to see someone from the club actually defend the quotes and the managers footballing record, for all the talk of a clean slate is irrelevant when the position hasn't changed at all.

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"Shebby's willingness to understand the real problems which sadly it appears never got back to Pune in any shape or form was a real eye opener. The treatment of supporters last season and various incidents we used as examples shocked Shebby." This part of Glen`s post makes more sense than all the assumptions and conjecture as to why Kean has kept his job

If the remit truly is the clean slate policy then Shebby`s hands will be tied as they will want his verdict based on how good a start Kean makes of the season.For me, the absolute positive that can be taken from Shebby`s appointment is that the truth gets back to Pune.

The last couple of seasons have been an absolute nightmare as we all know, especially us being relegated ,that I.M.O. is the owners fault, they got taken in hook,line and sinker by the silver tongued one and were in "total shock" (Their words) when we got relegated .As a result of that relegation the owners heads have been ripped out of the sand and they have had to put something or someone in place to find out what has truly been going on in their absence.

With all that`s gone on I think even the owners now know that the camels back is fully loaded and just waiting for that final straw .It won`t be too long and Kean will be gone.

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It would be interesting to know how he is going to be judged on 5 games.

Thing is, those 5 games will never end.

It will always be, "well lets see where we are after another 5 games", "theres 5 winnable games coming up, lets see what happens in those" and that will continue until the end of time aslong as Venkys are here.

As for Shebby having the power to sack kean ? :lol:

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