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[Archived] Shebby Singh


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Surely by now though he has enough evidence that kean will never be accepted or forgiven by the majority of fans and that alone should be enough to have him begging Mrs D to let him sack him, especially if you look at the rubbish results we've had over a long period of time. As for friendlies not mattering, of course they do. they are when you bed new players in and set patterns of play. We don't seem to have had any pattern other than losing to our play so that the majority of players seem to have forgotten what it feels like to win

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" Action will be taken if and when required"

There's no question about "if" it is required and the"when" is now even if it is 18months too late. The question really is WILL action be taken and I for one won't be holding my breath and if this lot think they can breeze back into the Premier Leaguethis season they're in cloud cuckoo land but then we should all know that by now.

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Interesting reaction to the summary of the meeting with Shebby that Glen put out on behalf of the BRFC Action Group ..... I cannot speak for the FF as a whole, however the members that I have spoken to at Accy and Rochdale (post our meeting with him) seem to have a smiliar point of view in relation to Shebby to that that which Glen seems to be suggesting - he seems very eager to listen, talk (boy can he talk a game) and say that action will be taken if and when required.

You can only take somebody at face value and you either believe what you are being told, or dont. At the minute Shebby is our best (only?) line of communication to the owners. It is the responsibility of all fans (whether part of groups, forums, or whatever) to listen to the guy, and to try and work with him in the hope this whole sorry mess can get sorted out. If he doesn't follow through on his words with actions then IMO we are back to square one, however at this point there is more hope than there has been for a long time - and when I say hope, I mean in relation to having a line of communication with the owners, somebody at Ewood reporting back to Pune how it is and with the authority to make decisions on the ground that can make a (Steve Kean buzz phrase alert) positive impact on the future of our great and once proud club.

Completely agree with all this, and to quantify, the fact Kean and co no longer have a direct passage to india and must go through Shebby if true is a massive plus.

As I explained to our committee yesterday there is a thin line here, Shebby is either telling the truth, or he is lieing, there is no in between. The proof will be in the action

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The trouble is Glen no action is being taken and if he was telling the truth he would have taken action, after all there is a huge amount of reasons to take this mythical action so whats he waiting for.

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"you can only take people at face value..." I can't believe anyone in anyway involved ith BRFC the last 18 months can use this phrase

The last thing I would be taking anyone involved under his administration at is face value

Since most of them have 2 faces how would anyone know which face value to take?

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Quite remarkable really that some are STILL clutching the most slender of straws after 20-months of fanciful codswallop, studied ignorance, frivolous staff and player culling and surrender monkey football. The aptly-monikered whimsical Malaysian no-mark "Shabby" is merely another brick in the wall of BRFC's demise; and his reiteration of the delusional "blue sky thinking" laboriously blathered by fellow garrulous Ewood numpties Aggers and Kean just seems to me to be cod-psychology of the most trite variety.

A "clean slate" is his plea?

What mealy-mouthed tommyrot! :rolleyes:

Venkys tenure has been a hideously nonchalant dereliction of obligation to the wellbeing of the club from the very beginning: A monument to misery for the fans; a triumph for their utter tomfoolery. So I'm sorry but I simply cannot allow myself to be lulled into a false sense of security by the hollow words of another chump so ill-equipped to fill the boardrooms previously occupied by Williams, Finn and Goodman it makes me want to sob profusely. Furthermore and a cursory search of google illuminates yet another trouser-soilingly clueless figure of copious japery and little discernible ability in the "chronicles of Shebby"; and that I'm afraid tells me more than any amount of "clear the air talks" over Tea and Pork Cylinders ever will.

Just wait, in a few weeks the season will begin; and with it a steady flow of demoralising defeats and Keano's trademark liberal dispensation of bare-faced baloney, in-your-face complacency and shameless gilding of the Lily. If that isn't enough to bring folk crashing back to earth, nothing is.

The shambles will continue no doubt, Shabby's bombastic bravado is just a case of same sh!t dropping out of a different arse as far as I'm concerned. All that has gone before the here and now indicates that they can't be trusted to run a raffle; let alone BRFC. When Wigan dispatched that most insipid of Rovers teams in the melancholic drizzle, it was heartening to hear almost everybody chant in unison against the Pune plutocrats and their unpardonably motley assortment of imponderable chancers, unfathomable patsies and heedless wastrels; there should be no redemption for any of them. Their gleeful disdain for the club and it's supporters begun in earnest back in November 2010 and it's severity has only worsened since; for that they should never ever be forgiven.

Wow. Well spoken! I think you said it all.

....I applaud your English. As a Norwegian with a keen interest in English, it was an interesting read to say the least... I had to search up around ten of those words for a definition!

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.....in relation to Shebby to that that which Glen seems to be suggesting - he seems very eager to listen, talk (boy can he talk a game) and say that action will be taken if and when required.

Every member of the FF I spoke with on their return said the same about Balaji, in particular, and believed a similar message from the others.

MG Road has hinted / stated the same

At the minute Shebby is our best (only?) line of communication to the owners. It is the responsibility of all fans (whether part of groups, forums, or whatever) to listen to the guy, and to try and work with him in the hope this whole sorry mess can get sorted out. If he doesn't follow through on his words with actions then IMO we are back to square one, however at this point there is more hope than there has been for a long time - and when I say hope, I mean in relation to having a line of communication with the owners,

Exactly the same argument put forward by the FF before the Pune trip.

I realise some feel I am being critical of BRAG, and perhaps the FF, I'm not. The point is we have been here before, several times, and we should be very wary. I'm sure the conversation is accurately reported but that does not mean it was truthful.

We have been misled on many occasions and Singh should not be trusted. I'll believe him when he delivers the goods.

I'll ask again as no one has answered, it is such an obvious question I can't imagine FF and BRAG did not ask it. If Shebby has the power to fire Kean does he have the power to hire another manager? Firing without hiring is pointless and if he does not have both he is utterly impotent. Leaving us no further forward.

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should be enough to have him begging Mrs D to let him sack him

Doesn't sound like a person with much authority.

Because Desai doesn't want Kean sacked- ergo he has no power.


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It certainly seems from Glen's comments that the meeting the Action Group had with Shebby was very similar to the one the Fans Forum had last week. A very open and frank discussion, a charm offensive and a breath of fresh air IF Shebby can deliver with actions what he is promising with words. I came out of the meeting with some hope but still quite a deal of wariness until I see actions to back up the words. This point was raised with him and he is aware that trust and support will only come after actions are taken and not by talking - this is just a first step. I also have grave concerns about Shebby being the man who does all the transfer dealings. It's fine when the alternative is Kean as anything is probably an improvement but whether we can get a new manager to accept this and whether then Shebby can deliver what the team needs are big questions.

On Paul's question about hiring a new manager we did not ask him that specific question but the inference from everything else he told us would be that he would - as I said above we will only know when the time comes. My personal view is that it isn't now but will be before the end of September.

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We've been here before. Never getting hopes up again until this man delivers (assuming he can, which would surprise me)- cannot see Mrs D potting Kean- that lad must have some dirt on that old bint.....

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Doesn't sound like a person with much authority.

don't really think he could do anything without getting it past her so no he obviously hasn't that much authority or Kean would be gone by now. as for end of Sept as someone else said - far too late.

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If Shebby has the power to do something about the situation why sit there and watch it happen any longer than it needs to? If it was Shebby I could see a few rows behind the dugout last night shaking his head at the final whistle what more evidence does he need? In one month he has met numerous groups of fans that have told him basically that the club can't move forward with Kean in charge, he has watched friendly matches with chants for the manager to go and also seen the chaos that now follows Kean around first hand. Its pretty clear to anyone that the manager needs replacing, on his record, on his actions and the impact that he is having on the football club.

If they are to keep Steve Kean in position for the start of the season why does nobody explain the reasons for him being the manager, what do they see that we don't? Why did most newspapers backtrack at the end of the season and admit that the fans were correct, why did the Independent run a back-page headline "End of a hated era?" why did Shebby write what he did. If all these people are wrong why not communicate the reasons for him being employed.

If Kean was to leave today the club would have a chance to regain the fanbase, restore pride in the town and send ticket and merchandise sales back to reasonable levels. If nothing changes everyone knows what reaction will come from the terraces and what will be happening on the pitch week after week.

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If Shebby has the power to do something about the situation why sit there and watch it happen any longer than it needs to? If it was Shebby I could see a few rows behind the dugout last night shaking his head at the final whistle what more evidence does he need? In one month he has met numerous groups of fans that have told him basically that the club can't move forward with Kean in charge, he has watched friendly matches with chants for the manager to go and also seen the chaos that now follows Kean around first hand. Its pretty clear to anyone that the manager needs replacing, on his record, on his actions and the impact that he is having on the football club.

Because Shebby Singh has no authority to make decisions regarding SKs future. That decision will be taken by one person and one person only. Shebby Singh is here to pay lip service to anyone that wants it, and even massage a few egos along the way. He is doing the job he was tasked to do by Mrs D - getting to know the enemy.

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The people who have met Shebby all accept that he's a nice guy, enthusiastic and believes that he can turn the club around. He also believes that he can improve our record in the transfer market. That's fair enough, I can accept all that - no problem.

But, and it's a big but, why is Shebby any more capable than any one of us? Believing and performing are two totally different things. I've been around football for longer than he has, but would that be enough - no, it wouldn't. I could look around the lower leagues in the world for talent, but that wouldn't be enough either. I could quite easily report back in a months time that Kean needs replacing, - so why do we need Shebby? I could go talking to the press, fans groups, individual fans and tell them that I'm now in charge and things would change for the better, but I wouldn't get a job in football with any of this on my C.V.

The point is that while he might very well do his best, is he actually capable? Why would he be a better bet than any of us at finding players, talking to fans or talking to herself? He wouldn't, because this is all over his head. He has no experience. If we are to really get back into the Premier League, I doubt that Shebby will have anything to do with it.

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Unfortunately nobody knows the real deal with Shebby until about the beginning of September,all we can do is take him at face value until then.At the moment "Purely a mouthpiece" is a shed load more than we had before he arrived.

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Unfortunately nobody knows the real deal with Shebby until about the beginning of September,all we can do is take him at face value until then.At the moment "Purely a mouthpiece" is a shed load more than we had before he arrived.

So if he recommends that Kean is sacked, that makes him the real deal? That's my point - any of us could do that. Seems a lot of people are making judgements about him simply on this basis.

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Unfortunately nobody knows the real deal with Shebby until about the beginning of September,all we can do is take him at face value until then.At the moment "Purely a mouthpiece" is a shed load more than we had before he arrived.

Face value? Why on earth would you do that after 18 months of lies? You should be doing the exact opposite until he proves himself.

Purely a mouthpiece? Like Venkatash and Balaji Rao? Like Agnew? Powerless numpties have been babbling on non stop since day 1.

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We know that prior to his employment by the Club, he was of the view that Kean should be removed. Therefore he is unlikely to be sympathetic to Kean should we start the season badly.

Whether or not his input alone would be enough to sway Mrs. Desai remains to be seen, but with other co-owners and Board members reportedly already not in the Kean camp, that alone would seem to be no bad thing irrespective of his abilities or otherwise.

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So if he recommends that Kean is sacked, that makes him the real deal? That's my point - any of us could do that. Seems a lot of people are making judgements about him simply on this basis.

If he recommends Kean is sacked and Mrs. Desai actually acts upon that recommendation then yes, that would make him the real deal as previously she has failed to act on similar recommendations.

If however he is in situ purely as a mouthpiece it is obviously unlikely much will change.

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