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[Archived] Rovers part company with Agnew

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Guest Norbert

Wasn't Agnew once recorded butting in during one of Kean's press conferences, and more or less telling the assembled journalists what they can ask? As I said before, his rise to power was curious, and seemed open to various interpretations, especially as so many other people were hired and then sacked. Or resigned in disgust. I can't say whether or not he got up to any naughtiness but he did make himself look like he was up to something. Perhaps those with better memories can recall some his comments/actions that give such an impression. Or those who are holding back from any hard evidence being released.

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Look, at the end of the day, all i`m trying to get across is that in my opinion, off all the factual information i have(what i know for sure), paul agnew was not a bigger problem at the club than shebby singh, so if singh remains in place(no matter who else comes in) then our problems aren`t solved or even improved imo by agnew`s departure. at least agnew had some boardroom experience(from PNE), and as such a far better idea(or indeed any idea at all) of how a football club should be ran.

Bottom line, if singh stays calling the shots, then we`ve still got big problems IMO. if you think that view is nonsense, then fair enough, whatever..

I get where your coming from, but im finding its best to just say whats on your mind then move on, instead of getting caught up in petty squabbles with people that are only looking to wind you up.

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I get where your coming from, but im finding its best to just say whats on your mind then move on, instead of getting caught up in petty squabbles with people that are only looking to wind you up.

as i said, i give up. i`ll post on another topic when i feel i have something to say. one final word on this thread though, many of you were up nicko(nixon)`s arse when he used to post on here and i warned people he weren`t to be trusted and got slated for it. i hadn`t posted on here since then(a few years back) until recently, so now ask you, what do you think of `nicko` now..?

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as i said, i give up. i`ll post on another topic when i feel i have something to say. one final word on this thread though, many of you were up nicko(nixon)`s arse when he used to post on here and i warned people he weren`t to be trusted and got slated for it. i hadn`t posted on here since then(a few years back) until recently, so now ask you, what do you think of `nicko` now..?

Interestingly, I think Nixon is the only person I have come across who shares your position on Agnew.

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I've kept my powder dry on this subject for some time now, but as Saxo1man30 seems so kean on facts, it seems like it's the right time to share.

People who either know me or have been round here a long time know that both myself and Kamy have had long running problems with Paul (me much much longer, probably a decade or so now), I've tried to get on with him, back in his days of his company being responsible for the club's PR it would have been great if we got on, but we didn't. Which is odd for two guys who like to think they are genuinely nice guys

agnew is a victim of fan power clearly(not a good thing imo) and is collateral damage, taking blame for our recent failings unjustly in my eyes.

One thing with it being common knowledge that a bloke that generally likes and gets on with everyone, really doesn't like somebody, word travels and like-minded people open up to you and trust me there are a LOT of people in the club who wanted to see the back of him. I very much doubt it the fans couldn't influence Kean's departure they could influence Paul's. Trust me, this came from inside.

I know people who have dealt with him LONG before Venkys came to the club and no-one's had a good word to say.

You don't need to be a nice guy to be in business but It could be argued that his problem has been in being over-promoted.

So, you want proof that he wasn't a nice guy, here's a great one and it involves me, so I'm happy to stand by my comments publicly.

Around the time the protests started to game some momentum, I had a clear-the-air meeting with Paul. As I said above, everything would have been so much better if we got on. Whilst there were some odd moments (like him fixating one who OWNED the site, something he could have found out from companies house in 5 mins, and would have been disapointed as it's just Ste and myself) and him getting quite offended when we were joking about some of the conspiracy theories on here I said something like "oh the one about you and Lee going to India to pitch for Chairman and PR officer ... we thought that was hilarious" he seemed to get very very offended at the idea we wouldn't consider him chairman material and started listed his credentials from his Preston days, it mostly went quite well.

The upshot of the meeting was the we agreed that as he believed all Kean needed to do to win the fans over was get in front of them, we'd arrange for Kamy to interview him and if that went ok, we'd talk about doing a public Q&A later. We dutifully interviewed him and to be fair to Paul, whilst I'm told he was ever-present, he didn't dictate the questions and even introduced Kamy to some of the players later (Including Jason Roberts, who thanks to Dunny, had been told that Kamy described him on a podcast as too old and too slow ... awkward!).

So far, so good. I was beginning to this I'd misjudged and he was a nice guy after all.

A couple of days later, Kean is asked on TV (I think was TV, it could have been radio) about the protests and said something along the lines of "I met and was interviewed by one of the protest leaders yesterday". Now at the time Kamy was a free lance journalist and when some of his clients heard he was a protest organiser they were threatening to no longer take his articles.

I promised to sort this out, obviously it was just a misunderstanding, Kean was simply mistaken. Now I didn't want to get a big public apology, that was far from necessary, so I rang Paul and asked him if he'd put together a quick private note that Kamy could pass to his editors say it was a slip of the tounge and nobody would be any worse off. Surely Paul wouldn't want threaten Kamy's livelihood over a simply mistake on Kean's part?

His response (and these words have been indelibly etched in my mind ever since).

"Sorry Glenn, you're playing with the big boys now".

Now, I know as far as proof goes, it'll be my word against his, but I'm happy in the accuracy of my side.

Oh, plus on several occasions he accused me of being behind the protests (and I'm told he told others this too), I had one quite surreal day where he'd caused me no end of problems by telling others (and I'm quoting what I was told) "He's a troublemaker, he's organising the protests" at the same time I got home to some pretty nasty threats (not from any current Action Group committee members I must stress, just "fan boys") for intentionally working against the protests to undermine them! (in my eyes, neither were true, but being accused of polar opposites at the same time was funny).

world of differance between being a cheezy fake nice(for the job), and actually genuinely being nice..

in my experience, genuinly nice people get walked all over professionally, whereas utter fake tossers succeed.

Utter rubbish. from personal experience the utter fake tossers get caught up in middle management or things like sales, PR and marketing (not everyone in those industries is like that I must stress) or as contestants on the apprentice. Those that really succeed, whilst very focused and driven, to tend to pretty nice guys on the whole based on my experience.

show us the source. this page should be brfcsa(brfcsallegations)

Me, there, that's my picture on the left.

As the reporter walked away someone spotted a certain unnamed someone stopping him, taking his pad off him and looking suspiciously like he was scribbling things out - the 'interview' never made the paper (although there was a comically fabricated Glenn Pegden quote)

You know what, when I came down for breakfast that morning and you all showed me it, my first though was "Paul is going to hit the roof", I did try to explain to him that it was me (which was obvious when I calmed down as the use of English that made it sound like I was doing and impression of Ranjeet from Mind Your Language*) but I don't think he spoke to me again after that.

Talking of India, at the point where (I'm told, I have no proof) he was actively trying to prevent me going, I was talking to him about giving the fans a bit of a PR primer (so we didn't get stitched up by the media), he agreed saying it was probably a very sensible thing ..... unlike John Newsome's scary safety briefing, the PR one never materialised.

I've got a lot more, some first hand, some second, but I'll save those for another day. Kamy has a belter, but sadly we don't know if he can discuss it publicly. But it not of shows off Paul's arrogance (and dislike of either this site of Kamy and myself) but it has a really sweet ending too :)

Bottom line, if singh stays calling the shots, then we`ve still got big problems IMO. if you think that view is nonsense, then fair enough, whatever..

Now THAT I agree with

(*Go and look up Mind Your Language on YouTube, younger readers will be amazed at what acceptable prime time TV in the 70s)

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Additional. Another (kind of) first hand story I remember from my early days here. Back when I had time to actually pretend to do a bit of journalism on here, there was some kind of PR howler at Ewood, it wasn't the Dwight Yorke monkey chant stuff, it was well before then, but it was something of that magnitude.

I stormed around the the Jack Walker Reception and asked to speak to whoever was responsible for PR, only to be told, "oh, you'll want Paul Agnew, he's not here today, he's covering the game at Turf Moor for one of the local papers". Now, what I was told may not have been true, but it's where my concerns about our PR started from.

That said, I do believe he's a Rovers fan. In the same way I'm a Jenson Button fan, but I happily also cheer Paul Di Resta, and I wouldn't turn down a lift from Lewis out of loyalty. For some of us football is tribal and even things like putting bread on the table come before that (can you imagine Abbey working for PNE or missing Rovers to fix the phone lines at the Turf) for others it's something they enjoy, but not with the same dedication or conviction. There is nothing wrong with that, there is no secret that that;s how I started out as a Rovers fans. Just because Paul not quite willing to go to the same lengths as other fans, doesn't mean he's not a fan at all. I'm sure he is. John Williams loved Rovers dearly, but he was still a Southampton fan.

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Mind your language..... What a crap attempt at comedy that was. I only watched it cos that Francoise Pascal was in it and she was something else.....You younger readers should google her instead. :tu: Unfortunately she's gone off somewhat since she qualified for a bus pass.

btw Glenn I hope you sent him a txt when his exit was confirmed "Sorry Paul, you're playing with the big boys now".

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"I know you thought you were a real operator, But I don't know why, All you had was a bankroll (babe), And a glint in your eye, I'm high steppin' like an indian brave, I'm the one Dancing On Your Grave." Kilmister 83.

Thanks for that Glenn.

So there you have it again Saxo. Not evidence, but the sheer weight of this comprehension exercise we've all undertaken over the last 2.5 years must have you thinking by now? "Hang on? Maybe he really wasn't a good man? There's a slight possibility here isn't there?" But no, fair enough, we're possibly asking too much for you to form your own conclusions, better to read it in a newspaper, that'll be the truth.

So farewell Paul Agnew, a man who clearly didn't give a damn about Blackburn Rovers. A crass man, like Kean, who with a bit more intelligence would probably been able to keep the illusion going a bit longer.

Now we're left with Derek and possibly Singh. Deep joy. Why do they persist with idiots? We may never know.

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Just because Paul not quite willing to go to the same lengths as other fans, doesn't mean he's not a fan at all. I'm sure he is.

Do you honestly think we'll ever see his face at Ewood again?

Not only that but if he was paid by the club in a PR capacity then what the hell was he doing elsewhere on a match day? That's taking the Kean. 1. On his behalf from a lack of professionalism, I mean where did he think he should be? and 2. That the club allowed him to do it.

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Additional. Another (kind of) first hand story I remember from my early days here. Back when I had time to actually pretend to do a bit of journalism on here, there was some kind of PR howler at Ewood, it wasn't the Dwight Yorke monkey chant stuff, it was well before then, but it was something of that magnitude.

I stormed around the the Jack Walker Reception and asked to speak to whoever was responsible for PR, only to be told, "oh, you'll want Paul Agnew, he's not here today, he's covering the game at Turf Moor for one of the local papers". Now, what I was told may not have been true, but it's where my concerns about our PR started from.

That said, I do believe he's a Rovers fan. In the same way I'm a Jenson Button fan, but I happily also cheer Paul Di Resta, and I wouldn't turn down a lift from Lewis out of loyalty. For some of us football is tribal and even things like putting bread on the table come before that (can you imagine Abbey working for PNE or missing Rovers to fix the phone lines at the Turf) for others it's something they enjoy, but not with the same dedication or conviction. There is not and i`ll ahing wrong with that, there is no secret that that;s how I started out as a Rovers fans. Just because Paul not quite willing to go to the same lengths as other fans, doesn't mean he's not a fan at all. I'm sure he is. John Williams loved Rovers dearly, but he was still a Southampton fan.

Thank you glenn(not glen), that`s a excellent reply(both posts) and all i was after(as opposed to the nonsense abuse and heresay allegations from others). i`ll take on board what you have said, and the manner in which you have said it, with total respect, as you`ve earned it.

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Glenn ... Funny you should mention burnley .. I got sent an invite to a "team bonding " like thingy , it is for the turd . I immediately hit decline and sent a message to one of the big bosses that I will be unable to attend as I am allergic to turf moor . I also hit reply to all by mistake ( 50+) ha.

I could tell you a tale or two when we have worked near there but it's best over a Stella and not on here ;) ha,

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Glenn ... Funny you should mention burnley .. I got sent an invite to a "team bonding " like thingy , it is for the turd . I immediately hit decline and sent a message to one of the big bosses that I will be unable to attend as I am allergic to turf moor . I also hit reply to all by mistake ( 50+) ha.

I could tell you a tale or two when we have worked near there but it's best over a Stella and not on here ;) ha,


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That's a fair point, it would have been circa 2000 (give or take 5 years). It was around the time at Stockport away some kids ran onto the pitch after we scored and were manhandled pretty roughly by the steward. I stormed off demanding an interview with Stockport's safety officer that day too, so I assume it was a phase I was going through.

It's bugging me what the event was, things were normally pretty sane back then ( though I do have vague recollections of John Williams unexpectedly ringing up either 606 or radio lancs to explain the club's side on some issue).

Damn my failing memory.

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Glenn, you certainly kept your powder dry! Thanks for your information. It does confirm all that many of us could only surmise.

"Playing with the big boys" is the quote that says so much about his values, his attitude to loyal fans and his own self inflated, inner story about how he made it to such great heights etc. I am curious about the level of his involvement in the weeks before the takeover and his relationship with Hans Unchristian.

At least, no-one will need to waste any more energy on comparing the relative dangers of Agnew and Shebby. Agnew may have gone, but Shebby's permanent disappearance is a much needed remedy. I am hoping he has already received a silent hook, but the last time I nursed that hope, he popped up again.

The next appointment could be crucial, but which of us has confidence in those who are making the appointments? A recruitment and selection process based on the toss of a coin would be better than anything so far!

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