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[Archived] It's a rip off

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Going back a few years but anyone remember the pie shop that used to be on the corner of Portland St and Belgrave Street? When that area went under the regeneration programme it moved to near the Galligreaves pub, Agnes St? and then eventually to that old church building on Haslingden road before it became an house. A few different owners and names over time but the pies remained the same

Also around the same time as the one on Portland St there was a decent pie shop on Griffin St run by an ex Rovers player who's name escapes me (edit: Roy Vernon ? )

The shop near the top of Heys lane used to knock out decent pies, that they baked in the back

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What about the Marsdens on Bolton Road?

Hall's (Eaves Lane) butter pies were for many years the best around. Don't know if they still do them or if they are still as good.

They do and they are. But recent food industry regs mean that a lot less salt is being used in production, and it does affect the taste of a lot of products.

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The shop near the top of Heys lane used to knock out decent pies, that they baked in the back

Used to be Olive's when I was a kid, more nearer the bottom of the lane than the top !

There was a vent on the side of the building covered with wire mesh. When we were on our way to school at Scotland Bank terrace you could smell amazing stuff coming out of that vent :)

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Used to be Olive's when I was a kid, more nearer the bottom of the lane than the top !

There was a vent on the side of the building covered with wire mesh. When we were on our way to school at Scotland Bank terrace you could smell amazing stuff coming out of that vent :)

Yeah true for some reason always think of the top of Heys lane as Bank hey school or whatever it is called now, very rarely use to venture beyond there because of strange Tockholes folk :)
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Wasn't it called Blackburn house ? Bad lads with bloody big turn ups on their jeans :lol:

Yeah changed because of the rep it had(although they did have a bloody decent footy team, use to be big rivals of Junior Rovers in the Daisyfield floodlight league) was called Bank Hey when I left Blackburn
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I got chased by three cows as a lad, bloody terrifying :o

I was chased by some geese once. Now that was scary. Vicious bstards. Cows? That's unusual, bulls yes. They love it. But cows? I don't want to take this too much off topic but I reckon geese would win in a fight with a herd of cows. I mean if they can break a mans arm with a flap of its wing then surely they could break a cows spindly little stupid leg? Imagine that! A herd of cows all writhing around on the ground in agony with their legs broken and the geese just dicking around laughing their evil little heads off at them? Or is it swans that break arms? Either way it would be quite a tasty little ruck. Not for the faint hearted. An animal bloodbath. They're all wrong in the head.

Anyway. Leavers pies. End of.

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I was chased by some geese once. Now that was scary. Vicious bstards. Cows? That's unusual, bulls yes. They love it. But cows?

Nobody told me as a lad that cows hate dogs.

Taking the dog for a walk through a cow field, on the way up to Blackburn House to point at the Borstals, I was literally chased by three black and white beasts of terror.

Not scary ? Chased by 3 x 900lbs of sirloin I vaulted that fence faster then that bolt fella.

Afetr the commotion died down I saw two geese shaking their heads and muttering 'not laying a webbed foot in there, no fecckking way'

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Leavers Pies , very tasty but for some reason they were at top of the heart burn scale for me . Mr Fleming your championing of Geese is getting very Keanesque, you their Agent?

As for bulls, although not a pie but a very Blackburn thing John Bulls the food of the gods oh how I miss them

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Afetr the commotion died down I saw two geese shaking their heads and muttering 'not laying a webbed foot in there, no fecckking way'

Sorry to hear that AS. "Fresians" I think their called those big black and white beggars. Not to be confused with Geordies with their big dopey heads and blank expressions.

I think I'm actually championing swans Tom on reflection, and Leavers pies. Heart burn is a warning, sent by God, or the Devil, that you are in fact eating poison. Which is why it's illegal to eat, kill or strike a swan in this country, thanks to the Queen, or was it the Pope? Quite frankly who cares.

Anyway, AS, 16 November Brixton this year! All booked.

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they're acceptable,

what would AL call a stek N kidney Pud, as there little of both in most of them(just gravy, or if your unlucky enough to get one at a weatherspoons theres just fresh air in the centre).

Read the label! Steak and kidney is fine as there is more steak than kidney.

By the way it is "end of" not "end off" and what is "Stek"?. Do try to keep up. You are freaking me out. :wstu:

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Sorry to hear that AS. "Fresians" I think their called those big black and white beggars. Not to be confused with Geordies with their big dopey heads and blank expressions.

I think I'm actually championing swans Tom on reflection, and Leavers pies. Heart burn is a warning, sent by God, or the Devil, that you are in fact eating poison. Which is why it's illegal to eat, kill or strike a swan in this country, thanks to the Queen, or was it the Pope? Quite frankly who cares.

Anyway, AS, 16 November Brixton this year! All booked.

Was it Pope Pius IX ?

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it's illegal to eat, kill or strike a swan in this country, thanks to the Queen

It's a throwback to our wonderful Royal family, they used to wipe theitr arses on swan's necks. Considering swans are super hard I wanna party with her majesty.

You can keep your puppet politicians, Obama or some mad Mullah, I want my head of state to keep an eye on an ugly duckling, let it grow into a 'very fine swan indeed' then wipe her chuff on it's dead neck.

I might be there on the 16th but even Lemmy would decline the neck challenge.

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You know that Steve Jobs? Was good right? Some good stuff he did there. Not that Keaning good though. No smiley laugh out loud thingies for an iPad on brfcs. Very poor. Take it back to your californian garage and start again Jobs you stupid bloody hippy.

Anyway, ever tried swan pie?

No, I thought not. Cause it's illegal. Prince Philip eats swan pie every single night. That's why he's reached the age he has. And that's why swans, and their geese friends, hate us commoners. With a passion.

Anyway. Greggs. End of.

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I've kept pretty quiet on this subject but the best pies/pasties - hands down - was from Kenyon's Bakery, Crossfield Street (as was).

I remember walking for miles when I was young.

Worth it though.

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I've kept pretty quiet on this subject but the best pies/pasties - hands down - was from Kenyon's Bakery, Crossfield Street (as was).

I remember walking for miles when I was young.

Worth it though.

Alec Fleck owned that place...a regular down at rovers for many a years..Irish chap...Kenyons bakery eh? And Leavers, memories.

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My mate worked at Kenyons. He said if they wanted brown bread they would stir treacle into the mix, and for high jinx on nights they would put a piece if string through the dough of a loaf so when it came out if the oven it would be sticking out either side

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Leavers pies. I`ve been late for the kick off many times over the years due to queuing at Leavers for, well basically anything they had left.

"Can I have a Cornish Pasty?"

"There`s none left"

"What have you got then?"

"Borscht pie. It`s new."

"I`ll have it."

What goes on there? He often shuts before match time, depriving Darwen Enders a taste of heaven. There is something wrong with the conventional hot food retailers around Ewood-The Chinese Chippy opposite The Brown Cow also has an aversion to opening on match days too, like they don`t want the business.

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Leavers pies. I`ve been late for the kick off many times over the years due to queuing at Leavers for, well basically anything they had left.

"Can I have a Cornish Pasty?"

"There`s none left"

"What have you got then?"

"Borscht pie. It`s new."

"I`ll have it."

What goes on there? He often shuts before match time, depriving Darwen Enders a taste of heaven. There is something wrong with the conventional hot food retailers around Ewood-The Chinese Chippy opposite The Brown Cow also has an aversion to opening on match days too, like they don`t want the business.

It's people like you Ozz, that's what it is. Rushed off their feet they'd be. Asking for German pie and stuff.

It amazes me. Aquaduct, Albion - only the Fox and Bown Cow going these days. Should be a gold mine. I do blame Thwaites though. How can they shut the Aquaduct, a grand old pub like that, and not allow it it be turned into another pub? I mean Ewood used to have a good few boozers (inc Cellar Bar, Moorings) it should be busy on match day, it should be hectic on match day.

Good ale, guest ales, a good pint. Sorted. Look at the Black Bull at Tockholes, proper pub. Always busy. Golden Cup is spot on btw, not on match day though, but they've cracked it, their bigger car park will pay for itself very very quickly.

It's surely not tricky. But, then again, I do blame Thwaites, ruined a nice little walk about there with their lack of vision.

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