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[Archived] The Rao's

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What's this strange obsession you have with holocaust denial? Not the first time you've used it in a football-related discussion.

wtfs it to do with you? I was responding with the use if irony to 47ers stubborn response.

Yes, I do fully agree.

The club in its current form is a busted flush. There's no way to de-escalate the financial situation in my view, except by way of promotion and continued cost-cutting. It's a choice between endagering the club further by spending more to get promotion, or accepting our fate and staying down. Seems to me the best thing is to gamble because if you fail then the end result is the same as you'd get by not gambling at all.

Failure to gain promotion will evntually result in admin, I cannot see how these losses can be sustained long-term. So yes, I would hope someone would see some potential in the wreckage, and start again with virtually no debt and no massive financial commitments to pay parasitic wasters for x number of years.

Problem is that when it comes down to that situation then it really is sh1t or bust. Yet we have people on here who appear ready and willing to toss that coin when they have absolutely no influence on the situation. Weird eh? I can only assume that they think it wont get to that.... which tbh is just so naive.

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wtfs it to do with you? I was responding with the use if irony to 47ers stubborn response.

It's enough that our own governments manipulate the Holocaust for their own advantage, let alone seeing it on here. ;)

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wtfs it to do with you? I was responding with the use if irony to 47ers stubborn response.

I'm showing that football clubs for various reasons just about NEVER go bankrupt and disappear despite all the dire expectations.

I asked you to name which had done so in the last 100 years and you come up with the lame examples that City and Chelsea nearly did!!!! Thus proving my point!

The holocaust happened alright, City/ Chelsea bankruptcy didn't so WTF are you on about?

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Could we actually be liquidated? I'm not so sure.

Certainly if our debts go above £100 million then we really are in deep waters if we are still stuck in the Championship. It's incredible to think that a football club could generate so much debt, but it's certainly possible.

One key point is that they've moved the banking to India, Barclays were uncomfortable with the way they were operating, and that was what, two years back? Are they loading the debt onto us, or onto themselves? Surely they're not thick enough to put it on themselves?

Maybe I'll do a bit of reading on what happened with Portsmouth, they've survived and if anything they were in a worse boat than us.

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Never mind the past 100..... How solid do you feel about the next 100?..... or even next 10 years?

Could we actually be liquidated? I'm not so sure.

Certainly if our debts go above £100 million then we really are in deep waters if we are still stuck in the Championship. It's incredible to think that a football club could generate so much debt, but it's certainly possible.

One key point is that they've moved the banking to India, Barclays were uncomfortable with the way they were operating, and that was what, two years back? Are they loading the debt onto us, or onto themselves? Surely they're not thick enough to put it on themselves?

Maybe I'll do a bit of reading on what happened with Portsmouth, they've survived and if anything they were in a worse boat than us.

Why not ring Barclays and see if they want our business back Bryan? :tu:

As far as Pompey or anybody else each case can only be taken on it's own merits. Every circumstance will be different.

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Could we actually be liquidated? I'm not so sure.

Certainly if our debts go above £100 million then we really are in deep waters if we are still stuck in the Championship. It's incredible to think that a football club could generate so much debt, but it's certainly possible.

One key point is that they've moved the banking to India, Barclays were uncomfortable with the way they were operating, and that was what, two years back? Are they loading the debt onto us, or onto themselves? Surely they're not thick enough to put it on themselves?

Maybe I'll do a bit of reading on what happened with Portsmouth, they've survived and if anything they were in a worse boat than us.

Did you read the recent article I posted? Good start.

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I just had a quick read of Wiki.

The Portsmouth thing seems ridiculously complicated, but they went into admin twice and lost all their players. To further add insult to injury, they had Appleton as manager.

Aldershot went bankrupt, and came back in another guise.

Newport went bankrupt too, did they ever come back?

I guess the difference between liquidation and admin for a football is that the administrators have to ask themselves, "is there a basis here for a solvent business?", in our case, I would argue yes. I know a lot of fans have drained away, but there is still a credible model we could be run on, with sensible, intelligent owners, and effective cost controls. Basically, the opposite of what we have now. I think only HMRC debts could push us into bankruptcy, no? Everyone else would have to take X pence in the pound.

I'll have a look at the article.

Holy crap, Pompey were £135m down at one stage. How on Earth was it allowed to get that bad?

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Its not impossible to recover from administration.

Bournemouth were in administration in 2008, and have made their way up to the Championship (2 places behind us). Their infrastructure would also have been poor compared to our facilities etc

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I just had a quick read of Wiki.

The Portsmouth thing seems ridiculously complicated, but they went into admin twice and lost all their players. To further add insult to injury, they had Appleton as manager.

Aldershot went bankrupt, and came back in another guise.

Newport went bankrupt too, did they ever come back?

I guess the difference between liquidation and admin for a football is that the administrators have to ask themselves, "is there a basis here for a solvent business?", in our case, I would argue yes. I know a lot of fans have drained away, but there is still a credible model we could be run on, with sensible, intelligent owners, and effective cost controls. Basically, the opposite of what we have now. I think only HMRC debts could push us into bankruptcy, no? Everyone else would have to take X pence in the pound.

I'll have a look at the article.

By some illogical, irrational and imo totally illegal fashion apparently players take precedence over all other creditors!!! That is just bloody criminal. Imagine if the Rao's abandoned ship, we went into liquidation and the likes of Murphy and Best and Campbell etc etc etc were paid out their vast fortunes before innocent contractors and local businesses etc could get their honest fees! How tf that can happen I've no idea. As Gerrard proved when he got off that gbh charge they really are above the law.

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I just had a quick read of Wiki.

The Portsmouth thing seems ridiculously complicated, but they went into admin twice and lost all their players. To further add insult to injury, they had Appleton as manager.

Aldershot went bankrupt, and came back in another guise.

Newport went bankrupt too, did they ever come back?

I guess the difference between liquidation and admin for a football is that the administrators have to ask themselves, "is there a basis here for a solvent business?", in our case, I would argue yes. I know a lot of fans have drained away, but there is still a credible model we could be run on, with sensible, intelligent owners, and effective cost controls. Basically, the opposite of what we have now. I think only HMRC debts could push us into bankruptcy, no? Everyone else would have to take X pence in the pound.

I'll have a look at the article.

Holy crap, Pompey were £135m down at one stage. How on Earth was it allowed to get that bad?

Newport County? Aren't they a conference team about to enter League 2?

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Currently an over used silly a repetative statement on here.

Yoda you might be right but even if that is correct it's a condition and not an illness you know. Which do you think is worst to suffer Stockholm Syndrome / Manic Depression / Suicidal tendency? Cos we've all three on here.

Nope.... the loss of 50m pa has forced reallity upon me and sharpened my intellect Gav. You and the supporters of your post need to try it. Either that or win the lottery. Keep buying your weekly ticket and best of luck guys. :tu:

let me see.... John Lewis..... Jack Walker....... just another 100 years or so to wait for the next rich benefactor Bryan. :tu:

No it isn't. Jack Walker lived south of you and couldn't be here every match either. Tell you what is though............... How much money do you put into the club every year Bryan?

wouldn't like to suffer from any of them, I like it when I can see it in others


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Aldershot went bankrupt, and came back in another guise.

Aldershot have gone back to the non league now and lost 10 points this season for entering administration and only stayed up on goal difference with Chester going down another club that folded and had to come back under a different name.

Newport County? Aren't they a conference team about to enter League 2?

Got promoted to the football league last season and finished mid table in league 2 this season.

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Would be worse if agents had first dibs for any fees outstanding.

I still can't believe the whack we paid to Anderson for the Rochina transfer.

We didn't..... allegedly. That whack went to Rochina's agent.... whether it was arranged that he'd share that with anyone else is unknown.... On the face of it! :glare:

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Newport went bankrupt too, did they ever come back?

Exactly. At the time Newport would have been mourning but they are now back in the league and seemingly on the up..........though things can change
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Ah, "associate of his", I stand corrected.


I do seem to recall Anderson defeding the cut, through some media outlet. Maybe my memory is playing me up on that.

His prints are on it as well.

Blimey, someone somewhere must have a very thick file on Rovers' ..er dealings.

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Ah, "associate of his", I stand corrected.


I do seem to recall Anderson defeding the cut, through some media outlet. Maybe my memory is playing me up on that.

It as much as says Anderson is a crook.

Interesting link attached to that story though and a reason that I gave up my ST at the end of 2010/11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2612515/Newcastle-lost-35m-Leeds-crowds-fell-7-000-Portsmouth-went-meltdown-clubs-dropped-League-One-startling-cost-relegation-Premier-League.html

Seeing the club publicly commit hari kiri by sacking Allardyce, Williams et al and replacing them with spivs sickened me so much that I couldn't bear to watch our demise. I knew how precious that Prem spot was to our well being and I knew after witnessing the end of that first season that we would be relegated the next season probably never to return in my lifetime. I'd had a right bellyfull too of the facebook warriors who wanted Allardyce out, the terrace goons who with faces contorted with fury roundly booed our 3-0 victory over Wolves, the army of stupid sodding nickoteens, the people who could not wait to see the back of the Walker trust etc. Intellectual derelicts the lot of them! The Rao's bear the ultimate responsibility for being stupid enough to be conned by a couple of conmen because their name is 'over the shop door', but there were too many of our supposed supporters who played a part no matter how small or insignificant which contributed to our demise. People who had painted themselves into a corner over Allardyce and preferred to either not notice or ignore see the evil of Kean and Anderson till it was all too late. All this less than two years after the failed Ince experiment which but for Allardyce all but saw us off then! Premier league status is a fragile thing for small clubs, one wrong move and we are history, unfortunately we didn't just move ..... we jumped! How could so many people not see the bigger picture?

The other side of the coin maybe but certainly more preferable. Jack Walker always said a club must be run as a business. Blackpool were in a dreadful state when Oyston moved in. Low gates, little interest from the citizens and forever alternating between the bottom divisions, with an absolute shed of a ground that was closed by the Lancs Safety Officer if there was a stiff breeze or snow forecast. A new ground and Prem football delivered but apparently that has all been forgotten by the fans of that club. Some people cannot take on board the fact that 'Money is only spent once' At least Blackpool will still be around when we may not.


His prints are on it as well.

Blimey, someone somewhere must have a very thick file on Rovers' ..er dealings.

PhillipL should have. Nick Harris too.

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How perfect you are Gordon. What is your secret so us grunts can emerge from the dirt around your feet and aspire to be 1/10th the man you are :)

(this is a joke and these days it needs pointing out given the tetchy nature of the messageboard)

Using the moral high ground of hindsight in 7 months time we may all be debating how the current Bowyerettes saw the light or supported the mystical quest for 'non-promotion'. People can only go off how they feel at the time.

Either way lets pray to the gods that the current setup is the key to saving the club and gaining promotion. It's what we all want and the the only thing, seemeingly, that unites a fractious fanbase.

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Using the moral high ground of hindsight

OK Shaun. BUT I and a number of others used foresight back then. A much scarcer commodity around these parts. If I'm bitter it's cos of the sh1t we received for expressing concerns and criticisms and not slavishly going with the flow. I guess some could see the rapids up ahead and some couldn't.

Either way lets pray to the gods that the current setup is the key to saving the club and gaining promotion. It's what we all want and the the only thing, seemeingly, that unites a fractious fanbase.

I'm quite convinced that nothing on earth will unite our fan base.

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How perfect you are. :)

Using the moral high ground of hindsight in 7 months time we may all be debating how the current Bowyerettes saw the light or supported the mystical quest for 'non-promotion'

Well. speaking as one who really didn't see the enormity of the "rape and pillage" in the early days, I do understand the frustration of those who cried out in the wilderness and were scorned!

Again, so many discussions reveal some of the long term, divide and rule damage that has been done to our fanbase. I always want to remind people to focus on the real perpetrators, not other people, who care about Rovers.

Sometimes , when I read this MB, I wonder about all the anger that must have spilled out against perceived French collaborators in 1945!!

Anyway, I think it is clear that the snakes capitalised on some of the anti -Allardyce stuff to manipulate their baby reptilian into the manager's chair.

I confess I had not been enjoying the football either. I was p***d off. I just thought Sam deserved a chance to work with some financial backing,

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