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[Archived] Bournemouth Preview

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What a load of pessimistic rubbish. It's all doom and gloom from you lot, including the writer of the preview who isn't even going to the game!!

Well I'm going as always. Can't stop decades of supporting the blues. I'm looking forward to stuffing Bournemouth and getting back on track.

Come on Rovers give us an 8-0 win.

P.S For the next preview, get a Burnley fan to write it. It might be more positive.

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What a load of pessimistic rubbish. It's all doom and gloom from you lot, including the writer of the preview who isn't even going to the game!!

Well I'm going as always. Can't stop decades of supporting the blues. I'm looking forward to stuffing Bournemouth and getting back on track.

Come on Rovers give us an 8-0 win.

P.S For the next preview, get a Burnley fan to write it. It might be more positive.

After three years in a stuka dive, wtf are you expecting? Jesus.

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Can you not support the club and be critical and realistic at the same time?

Yes you can.

What always gets me is that people complain about whinging on a messageboard. It's a messageboard, people are going to vent. If anyone doesn't like it, the can stick all the "moaners" on ignore and have the one-sided messageboard they want. Or head over to the official board. As long as everyone gets behind the team during matches then fine.

There have been plenty of low points on the pitch but the lowest point from a fan perspective is coming in here and reading, from those people who are desperate to put a positive spin and ignore any negativity, that defeat to Burnley is simply 3 points lost, nothing to get cut up about.

How depressing is that? How much of a statement of how far we have fallen? But that us the message of the positivo.

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What a load of pessimistic rubbish. It's all doom and gloom from you lot, including the writer of the preview who isn't even going to the game!!

Well I'm going as always. Can't stop decades of supporting the blues. I'm looking forward to stuffing Bournemouth and getting back on track.

Come on Rovers give us an 8-0 win.

P.S For the next preview, get a Burnley fan to write it. It might be more positive.


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I will support the club again once the chicken pluckers have clucked off

They leave, the club goes under. So in all likelihood you will never support the club again.

Looking forward to going and supporting rovers tonight. Whoever owns us.

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What a load of pessimistic rubbish. It's all doom and gloom from you lot, including the writer of the preview who isn't even going to the game!!

Well I'm going as always. Can't stop decades of supporting the blues. I'm looking forward to stuffing Bournemouth and getting back on track.

Come on Rovers give us an 8-0 win.

P.S For the next preview, get a Burnley fan to write it. It might be more positive.

Be prepared for a supporter backlash now after sunday though dont know if it will happen but I certainly wouldnt rule it out.

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They leave, the club goes under. So in all likelihood you will never support the club again.

Looking forward to going and supporting rovers tonight. Whoever owns us.

I didn't realise you are the little fat nobender.

Is it not better for fans to vent their views against the idiots in charge and make a stand ? Yes the club may on its arse but at least my consieius is clear and I know at least I made a stand and voiced my worries and I stared them in the eye and the stare was returned . At least I can say I didn't blindly go along with everything like a bunch of snivelling cowards who believe '"team rovers" can do no wrong .

And as for the cowards who blame the fans for it all you actually make me feel sick and are no better humans beings than Steve kean , venkys or Anderson .

What a load of pessimistic rubbish. It's all doom and gloom from you lot, including the writer of the preview who isn't even going to the game!!

Well I'm going as always. Can't stop decades of supporting the blues. I'm looking forward to stuffing Bournemouth and getting back on track.

Come on Rovers give us an 8-0 win.

P.S For the next preview, get a Burnley fan to write it. It might be more positive.

It is negative tho from the results to tactics ..

Be prepared for a supporter backlash now after sunday though dont know if it will happen but I certainly wouldnt rule it out.

Too many fans who care only for the present and stick their heads in the sand when it comes to the past and future . Let's face it only a few hundred out of thousands protested when kean was here and VENKYSCUM were on the ropes . I remember after the Bolton game it kicking off as this bloke and his woman ranted at fans saying all this was the fans fault and not keans or venkys .

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bucksrover, how do you know the club will go under? who is to say there isn't a string of potential buyers out there being kept quiet by the venky mob? there is always some rich people with more money than brains who would take a punt on owning a football club!!!

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bucksrover, how do you know the club will go under? who is to say there isn't a string of potential buyers out there being kept quiet by the venky mob? there is always some rich people with more money than brains who would take a punt on owning a football club!!!

Pity they didn't show themselves when the Trust spent years trying to sell the club. We were an attractive proposition at that point. Today only a madman would want to take on a club with massive debts that continue to grow on a daily basis. As much as I detest the present owners the reality is that we need them to keep paying the bills. If they walk away today who pays the wages of ALL the club employees at the end of the week? The Supporters Trust ?, some local business man? I don't think so.

The other option of course, is allowing the club to fold and starting again on Pleasington as Blackburn Rovers 2014 but basically that is turning your back on a proud club's history. Blackburn Rovers is the club that is at Ewood Park playing in the Football League with a proud heritage, not some Sunday League outfit playing in front of one man and his dog.

Turning up at Ewood tonight to support the Rovers against Bournemouth is not supporting the owners, it's not some show of faith in the way they run the club, nor is it burying your head in the sand. For me, it's about supporting a club that has been part of the town since 1875 and has fallen on hard times.

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Turning up at Ewood tonight to support the Rovers against Bournemouth is not supporting the owners, it's not some show of faith in the way they run the club, nor is it burying your head in the sand. For me, it's about supporting a club that has been part of the town since 1875 and has fallen on hard times.

I understand your views Parson, but what exactly are the fans who do turn up every game, actually doing to show their anger? Nothing I guess.

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I understand what you are saying parson and I wish I could go back to supporting rovers like I did before these dirtbags showed up, It will be a great day when they have gone, feel like an albatross has been lifted from our shoulders. Every time I think I might give them a little leeway if they make a positive decision they do the opposite and make another humdinger!!!

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Pity they didn't show themselves when the Trust spent years trying to sell the club. We were an attractive proposition at that point. Today only a madman would want to take on a club with massive debts that continue to grow on a daily basis. As much as I detest the present owners the reality is that we need them to keep paying the bills. If they walk away today who pays the wages of ALL the club employees at the end of the week? The Supporters Trust ?, some local business man? I don't think so.

The other option of course, is allowing the club to fold and starting again on Pleasington as Blackburn Rovers 2014 but basically that is turning your back on a proud club's history. Blackburn Rovers is the club that is at Ewood Park playing in the Football League with a proud heritage, not some Sunday League outfit playing in front of one man and his dog.

Turning up at Ewood tonight to support the Rovers against Bournemouth is not supporting the owners, it's not some show of faith in the way they run the club, nor is it burying your head in the sand. For me, it's about supporting a club that has been part of the town since 1875 and has fallen on hard times.

Well I've just doubled your attendance .. Me n my lad would be there with 2 dogs
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I understand your views Parson, but what exactly are the fans who do turn up every game, actually doing to show their anger? Nothing I guess.

Den, 90% of the fans did nothing when anger was through the roof. Steve Kean as manager.... the lack of respect and complete ignorance shown to proper football men such as Williams, Goodman & Finn.... the disastrous involvement of You know who and the shocking transfer dealings... the shambolic on-field showings.. the complete destruction of Jack's legacy.... the catastrophic fall out of the Premier League.... THAT Tottenham debacle.... THAT Bradley Orr interview

Two years ago was our lowest ebb - when there seemed like no light at the end of the tunnel.

Now, whilst only a chink, I do see some morsel of hope. A manager who whilst not the best tactically, has BRFC as first priority.. a nucleus of good young players who do play for the shirt (regardless of what some believe). Yes, we will have ups and downs like Bolton and Burnley but doesn't every team, particularly one in transition.

What happened to this once great institution over 2 - 3 years has brought it to its knees. Some tried to do something about it by protesting and letting the owners know what we thought - others chose to stand in the concourse and tell me 'it's pointless they aren't listening - get behind the lads'... which still makes my @#/? blood boil!

Way I see it today - all we can do as fans is hope that Venkys keep paying the bills, at least until we get back to the Prem. We might hate them but what is the alternative? Start all over again right from the bottom? How many fans do you think would turn up to the Anchor Ground week in week out? Why don't we ask Portsmouth fans how they feel at the moment? Rangers too? Football is unforgiving and will chew you up and spit you out right at the bottom of the pile. I'm not prepared for that to happen to BRFC yet.

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I understand your views Parson, but what exactly are the fans who do turn up every game, actually doing to show their anger? Nothing I guess.

If not going to games helps you deal with your anger fair enough. There is no point doing anything if it causes you pain. Over the past three years I've managed to separate the clowns in Pune and the club. The club has been here since 1875, survived Two World Wars and a depression. Hopefully it will survive the Raos. I don't see supporting the club as the same as supporting the owners. I know many do, but I don't and hence I'm one who will, God willing, continue to go to games.

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I'm still livid about what they have done but for 90 minutes at a match I can honestly say they don't cross my mind, when I'm there its about the match and the team getting a result

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If not going to games helps you deal with your anger fair enough. There is no point doing anything if it causes you pain. Over the past three years I've managed to separate the clowns in Pune and the club. The club has been here since 1875, survived Two World Wars and a depression. Hopefully it will survive the Raos. I don't see supporting the club as the same as supporting the owners. I know many do, but I don't and hence I'm one who will, God willing, continue to go to games.

I don't think many of the people who "won't" go (as opposed to don't want to any more for various reasons) to games, are doing it to help deal with their anger, they're doing it because they won't back what's happening at the club. Now in my opinion, the fans who aren't prepared to do anything at all and continue to attend games are kidding themselves if they think they aren't backing them.

I don't include myself in the above bracket Parson. I've been to some games this season, but not all. However I'm not naive enough to think that when I do go, that I'm not backing the owners. Whether that matters in the big scheme of things is another argument.

Each person should do as they see fit and shouldn't be criticised for doing so.

Absolutely Bryan.

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I'm still livid about what they have done but for 90 minutes at a match I can honestly say they don't cross my mind, when I'm there its about the match and the team getting a result

I bet they cross your mind directly after a depressing match though.

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I bet they cross your mind directly after a depressing match though.

Ha.Good point that. I guess that is why they have crossed my mind after so many games this season.

I think a consistent run of good performances and results on the pitch might anaesthetise the pain.....but we haven't seen that since they put the club into tailspin... so I don't know for sure.

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