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[Archived] Bournemouth Preview

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Reaction eh? We're no better now than under any of our previous managers since Sam. The playing style hasn't changed, it's turgid, slow and devoid of creativity.

I'd run in front of a bus to get kicked in the face on the hallowed turf wearing blue and white. Useless.

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Game over... inept performance... Yet again, nice guy Bowyer can't get the players up for what should be a routine win against a team that was playing football in the third tier of English football last season!!!

No atmosphere in the ground... no spirit on the pitch!!!

I never like to condemn the manager, but it's there for all to see... Bowyer simply isn't up to it!!!

A great coach, but certainly not a great manager.

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So, Bowyer the tactical genius takes off two forward players for midfielders and we concede.

This is WORSE than Sunday.

Well, Feeney and Dunn aren't really midfielders, more a number 10 and a wide man, but you are right, his use of substitutions is constantly atrocious. Get an experienced man in to help him now, or get rid. His lack of tactical nous is fast becoming embarrassing.
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Jason Lowe at centre half...

Tell you what... If I was Eddie Howe I'd have a field day with him at centre half... get a big man on his toes and lump the ball up at him.

He's bound to make a mess of one or two of em.


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