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[Archived] 2015 / 2016

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A fellow mb member pointed out to me yesterday that this will probably be the best Rovers squad that we will see for some time and I can only agree.

As far as I can see at this stage next season will be a bottom half battle. If as seems likely we are to lose three very decent strikers each with very different strengths and weaknesses, JR comes alive in the box but about as good (and as slow) as me outside of it, Gestede easily the best Championship striker with the ball in the air but more limited with the ball on the ground, and Josh King with the threat of his lightening pace and latterly finishing but on the debit side his proneness to injury. I feel that in suitability to play in the Prem it's King, Gestede and Rhodes in that order. How we replace or indeed persuade these guys to stay will define our next season.

Defensively we are fine in the centre half berth with Duffy, Handley and Kilgallon but have unfortunately lost the best in Baptiste. Spurr has shown he can fill in if necessary and there seems to be a possibility that Hendry might be back from WHU and if so we are fairly strong there.

People keep pointing fingers at central midfield and centre of defence but to me our glaring weakness is at full back. Both Henley and Olsson have won people over with their enthusiasm and energy but from where I am looking both are like frightened rabbits in defence with Olsson simply a failed winger. Only time in recent years that I have seen our defence be tough and uncompromising was the end of last season when we lined up with 4 six footers when Keane, Handley, Kilgallon and Spurr presented a pretty formidable challenge to the opposition. Those four were not great going forward but the first job of a defence is to defend. I haven't seen either Henley or Olsson dominate their opposite number and opposing teams are allowed to make way too many crosses into our box and way too easily

Our 4 centre mids similar to the CH's but fairly uninspiring, Williamson, Evans, Spearing and Lowe are too similar and mainly interchangeable, all four are defensive, small and all are are constantly hampered and left exposed by the full backs not being up to their jobs. I'm not sure that any two of them can offer enough when they are picked together in a 4-4-2. A 4-5-1 would suit better and allow the likes of Cairney, Taylor and Marshall to play in the hole but that also depends very much on who the lone striker might be.

Out wide Conway, Marshall and Cairney offer decent options but this season with Gestede so strong in the air and Rhodes craving decent service too I feel Bowyer has inexplicably played them on the wrong side way too often and as a result denying the team the necessary width.

Just a point at this stage but after we went 3-1 up yesterday I thought a good option would be to go 4-5-1 by subbing both Rhodes and Gestede with King and Marshall and playing Dunny in the hole, King up top with Marshall on the right. Ipswich had to come at us so we needed to stiffen the midfield but also stretch them on the counter. Dunny providing King with the quality of service that only he can could have been devastating. btw DD yesterday was a superb example of Premier league quality. Class as they say is permanent! We'll miss him being around for sure but we won't miss paying him to sit on the treatment table.

GK's.. None being great shakes. Robinson is obviously away now so a 1st choice between Kean and Eastwood being just about serviceable at this level. Raya didn't cover himself in any glory so the jury is still out on him.

Manager 7/10. I There are no doubt better about but so many 'better' managers have failed and some failed again whilst GB has been in the hot seat at Ewood. Can we get a better manager? Yes probably but I don't know who to suggest other than the Brentford manager Warburton. Will we get better? Anybody's guess and a very real possibility that we can get worse. Two favourites on here McCarthy and Maclaren didn't exactly have the best of days and cover themselves with glory yesterday did they?

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West Ham's player is called Henry (not Hendry), and Captain Fantastic's name is Hanley, not Handley. Also, have you forgotten about Steele as GK? Other than that, good post. I agree with most of what you've said

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  • Backroom

Next season will probably be a relegation battle. We're not going to be able to replace Rhodes and Gestede adequately with freebies, particularly as Browny will probably be Gestede's replacement.

We'll be at least 30 goals shy of this season's total, imo, and I can't see our style of play or defensive vulnerabilities improving under GB. He's squandered two seasons with a decent squad and one and a half seasons with a strike force banging in 40+ goals between them.

Our only hope is that we bring in some top quality loan signings - but seeing as we seem content bringing in cast offs from clubs no better than us, it seems a forlorn hope.

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West Ham's player is called Henry (not Hendry), and Captain Fantastic's name is Hanley, not Handley. Also, have you forgotten about Steele as GK? Other than that, good post. I agree with most of what you've said

OOps my mistake I meant Steele not Kean. :blush:

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First and foremost I feel we need to change the manager as having seen all the home games this season I feel the team very rarely looks "up for it" under GB. Certainly not for 90 mins, just the odd 45 mins here and there.

As far as playing personnel are concerned, some changes may be forced on us through financial necessity but in any event a complete rethink is required as the current incumbents with the exception of Rhodes and Gestede clearly aren't taking us anywhere.

In an ideal world keep those 2 and a complete overhaul with everyone else up for sale under a new manager who can get a tune out of the team but as that's not going to happen I'd suggest the following:

Robinson and Dunn will be off the wage bill, possibly King so that will represent a substantial wage saving right away.

Sell/release one of Eastwood/Steele and have the other competing with Raya for the keeper slot.

Wasn't aware Baptiste was definitely not returning. I'd have signed him to complement Hanley Duffy and Kilgallon. If he goes we need another centre back . 2 if Kilgallon goes who I'm not actually bothered about. Sell/ release Songo or whatever he's called.

Midfield. The main problem area imo. Who we can bring in in this area, as well as who we keep will define our fortunes. We need a ball winner and someone with creativity in central midfield. Can Cairney provide the latter? Not sure he has the hunger and appetite to do it week in week out. Sell Evans and Lowe, promote O Sullivan, let Spearing and P. Taylor go back. Re-sign C. Taylor. Listen to offers for Marshall. Maybe look at the possibility of signing Tunnicliffe who I was impressed with.

Up front: Sell/release Varney and Brown. Do our utmost to keep Rhodes if Gestede gets his wish to move. Not too bothered if King goes, I only see him as a player who performs three or four times a season and will probably spend most of it anyway. Nevertheless if three strikers leave at least two need to come in.

If both Gestede and Rhodes leave, time to get the prayer mats out.

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I think Rhodes showed in the last few games he does more outside the box than you give him credit for. You, like a few others, are so intent on disliking the chap that you pick out his faults yet blindly ignore what he does well. Many others do it with the likes of Lowe etc so you're not alone.

Worth mentioning that Rhodes is our third top assister this season. Sets up more goals than everyone in our team except Conway and Marshall. Only a couple behind Marshall too. For those of you quick to criticise Rhodes, maybe you should be looking to question the application and usefulness of about fifteen or so other players both inside and outside of the box. Considering Rhodes's movement and ability to draw defenders, take him out the equation this season and Gestede would have scored less for sure. Replace Rhodes with a striker who does well outside the box yet doesn't have the same goals in his arsenal and it will impact the team much worse, that's for sure.

For me, assuming we are stuck with GB next season, it's all about bringing out the best in the current crop. Gestede will be gone and I doubt we'll find a replacement, but I'd sooner see us pack the midfield or sign an ACM than play Brown.

This season Marshall, Cairney, Evans, Conway etc have all gone backwards. I think the only players who have improved are Gestede and Olsson. Rhodes has managed to perform despite Bowyer's inefficiencies in assembling a team that brings out the best in the front two. Evans has been the worst player for me this season, yet he has many following close behind.

I'd say Rudy and Rhodes bailed Bowyer out on numerous occasions this season. I can think of about five games where I thought "yeah we deserved to win this", yet countless more where I thought we were dross. I think the front two did the business despite the failings of the players behind them and at the end of the day it's results that matter so such poor performances get moved to the back of the mind. Lose Rudy and it's up to Rhodes (unless we lose him too and then we are truly f&*^€d) to pick up more goals or it's up to Bowyer to sort out the midfield so they contribute.

To do this he needs to employ a central midfielder who ventures past the half way line, play wingers on correct sides and do something about this defence. Oh, and forget the mind-numbing hoofball we've seen for most of the season. Much worse than Allardyce's football for the majority of the season. Wish Bowyer had it in him to assemble a side that could compete with promotion, but we haven't seen much good nor effective football at Ewood this season so I am not expecting it next season.

Strip Hanley of the captaincy, stick with Duffy and Killa maybe unless we get perhaps Henry in from WHU then I'd play him with Duffy. Olsson and Henley have to be starting IMO but we need back up. Bowyer hasn't improved the defence in two years so I'm not entirely confident of him getting this right. Also noticed Brown didn't clap the fans once during yesterday's lap of honour. Terminate his contract if necessary or just gift him to a lower league Champ team.

Bowyer isn't the worst manager in the world and I appreciate he's likely a good guy with the club at heart, but I do think if we want any chance of promotion we need to be looking at a change. I can't see Bowyer rectifying the problems that need addressing (and have needed addressing for a long while) and assuming we lose Rudy and possibly more, we could be in a lot of trouble as Bowyer hasn't even brought out 60% of what the players are capable of in 2 seasons, so what's the hope of him bringing the best out of them next term?

Unless Bowyer has a drastic change of heart in a number of areas, we are going to have another frustrating term on our hands. Without Rudy and with FFP and our financial woes, it could get a whole lot worse very quickly. Should have been pushing for promotion this season but we blew it.

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Also, an alarming stat. Between Lowe, Williamson, Evans and Spearing they have 2 goals and 1 assist between the four of them...

Throughout the ENTIRE season. Is it the players or the tactics? Bit of both no doubt but it highlights how alarmingly poor we are at creating anything from the centre of the park (unless Cairney is in there which seldom occurs). Another reason Bowyer needs a rethink of tactics if we are to do better.

Still think the front two have completely carried the team this season and if we actually played decent, effective football, we'd have walked into the play-offs.

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  • Backroom

Pretending it's Footy Manager:

Release/out of contract/accepted he's going:

Songo, Dunn, Robbo, Gestede.

Do damnedest to keep: Rhodes, Killa, King (struggle with King imo).

Sign on free (realistic): Wilkinson (in place of Baptiste)

Sign on free (brown envelopes): Van Der Vaart.

Sell: Evans, Best, Kean.

Keepers: Either get Raya more involved and sell one of Eastwood/Steele OR keep all and loan Raya to a L1 club at least.

Depending what goes on ofc (I'll stick with what I think is likely and without accounting for incomings), I'd play it on the floor and play a bit cuter.



Henley --- Duffy --- Killa --- Olsson

----------------- Lenihan

----------- Lowe --------- Cairney

Marshall ----------------------------- Conway

------------------ Rhodes

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I think the most important replacement, would be to the fitness trainers, surely someone could be brought in who will get the players fit, not just muscular. I have always found the a fit player always produces a better end product

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If I had any influence the first thing I would want to do is get rid of some players who I would never play under any circumstances. First out of the door would be both Varney and Brown. I realise this could mean no recognised strikers but it would focus the need to recruit a couple and we could hardly do worse. Next we have four goalkeepers with little to chose between them. I choose to release Steele if the contract allows. We need a better central midfielder and Evans has been poor all season so he is the one to be replaced. We can then look at the squad and see if we can find a few new men to improve the starting line up.

In the background Shelfy needs replacing and so too does the manager.

Big changes but I'm talking the ideal.

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Also, an alarming stat. Between Lowe, Williamson, Evans and Spearing they have 2 goals and 1 assist between the four of them...

Throughout the ENTIRE season.

More than I expected tbh.

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Also, an alarming stat. Between Lowe, Williamson, Evans and Spearing they have 2 goals and 1 assist between the four of them...

Throughout the ENTIRE season. Is it the players or the tactics? Bit of both no doubt but it highlights how alarmingly poor we are at creating anything from the centre of the park (unless Cairney is in there which seldom occurs). Another reason Bowyer needs a rethink of tactics if we are to do better.

Still think the front two have completely carried the team this season and if we actually played decent, effective football, we'd have walked into the play-offs.

Good posts in general really the team and Rhodes. Particularly damming stat about the 4 central midfielders which is where the crux of our problems lie I'm.

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One solution to the transfer embargo would be to part Ex. If Palace are as keen on getting Gestede as the press make us believe then a part Ex for Glen Murray would be great business. It is the way to get round the embargo, so if we can't get Murray, then other wheeling and dealing with our prize assets, needs to be considered.

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First and foremost I feel we need to change the manager as having seen all the home games this season I feel the team very rarely looks "up for it" under GB. Certainly not for 90 mins, just the odd 45 mins here and there.

As far as playing personnel are concerned, some changes may be forced on us through financial necessity but in any event a complete rethink is required as the current incumbents with the exception of Rhodes and Gestede clearly aren't taking us anywhere.

In an ideal world keep those 2 and a complete overhaul with everyone else up for sale under a new manager who can get a tune out of the team but as that's not going to happen I'd suggest the following:

Robinson and Dunn will be off the wage bill, possibly King so that will represent a substantial wage saving right away.

Sell/release one of Eastwood/Steele and have the other competing with Raya for the keeper slot.

Wasn't aware Baptiste was definitely not returning. I'd have signed him to complement Hanley Duffy and Kilgallon. If he goes we need another centre back . 2 if Kilgallon goes who I'm not actually bothered about. Sell/ release Songo or whatever he's called.

Midfield. The main problem area imo. Who we can bring in in this area, as well as who we keep will define our fortunes. We need a ball winner and someone with creativity in central midfield. Can Cairney provide the latter? Not sure he has the hunger and appetite to do it week in week out. Sell Evans and Lowe, promote O Sullivan, let Spearing and P. Taylor go back. Re-sign C. Taylor. Listen to offers for Marshall. Maybe look at the possibility of signing Tunnicliffe who I was impressed with.

Up front: Sell/release Varney and Brown. Do our utmost to keep Rhodes if Gestede gets his wish to move. Not too bothered if King goes, I only see him as a player who performs three or four times a season and will probably spend most of it anyway. Nevertheless if three strikers leave at least two need to come in.

If both Gestede and Rhodes leave, time to get the prayer mats out.

Good post Simon. Pretty much agree with all of that.

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  • Backroom

One solution to the transfer embargo would be to part Ex. If Palace are as keen on getting Gestede as the press make us believe then a part Ex for Glen Murray would be great business. It is the way to get round the embargo, so if we can't get Murray, then other wheeling and dealing with our prize assets, needs to be considered.

Are you the bloke who sits behind me and my dad? You'd be on row 24, about seat 27. Cos he said exactly the same (word for word) at the match yesterday.

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First and foremost I feel we need to change the manager as having seen all the home games this season I feel the team very rarely looks "up for it" under GB. Certainly not for 90 mins, just the odd 45 mins here and there.

As far as playing personnel are concerned, some changes may be forced on us through financial necessity but in any event a complete rethink is required as the current incumbents with the exception of Rhodes and Gestede clearly aren't taking us anywhere.

In an ideal world keep those 2 and a complete overhaul with everyone else up for sale under a new manager who can get a tune out of the team but as that's not going to happen I'd suggest the following:

Robinson and Dunn will be off the wage bill, possibly King so that will represent a substantial wage saving right away.

Sell/release one of Eastwood/Steele and have the other competing with Raya for the keeper slot.

Wasn't aware Baptiste was definitely not returning. I'd have signed him to complement Hanley Duffy and Kilgallon. If he goes we need another centre back . 2 if Kilgallon goes who I'm not actually bothered about. Sell/ release Songo or whatever he's called.

Midfield. The main problem area imo. Who we can bring in in this area, as well as who we keep will define our fortunes. We need a ball winner and someone with creativity in central midfield. Can Cairney provide the latter? Not sure he has the hunger and appetite to do it week in week out. Sell Evans and Lowe, promote O Sullivan, let Spearing and P. Taylor go back. Re-sign C. Taylor. Listen to offers for Marshall. Maybe look at the possibility of signing Tunnicliffe who I was impressed with.

Up front: Sell/release Varney and Brown. Do our utmost to keep Rhodes if Gestede gets his wish to move. Not too bothered if King goes, I only see him as a player who performs three or four times a season and will probably spend most of it anyway. Nevertheless if three strikers leave at least two need to come in.

If both Gestede and Rhodes leave, time to get the prayer mats out.

Sounds like you are quite happy with the full backs. How?

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Goalkeepers - Robbo is going so thats 30k off the wage bill for a keeper a long way past his best. I doubt he'll be No.1 anywhere above league 1 level. If Raya is not going to be No.1 he should be sent out on loan to get much needed experience. Steele needs to cut out the needless errors and could be a very fine keeper

Full backs - disagree with Gord here, Olsson has been a revelation this season. Not only improved as a footballer but is a very determined player who gives everything every game. Not much gets past him and he has improved positionally as the season has gone on. Henley has shown promise too. He's a lot stronger these day and his performance against Raheem Sterling was terrific. Hopefully these two will be our 1st choice full-backs next season.

Centre Backs - Kilgallon will hopefully sign a new deal as his positional sense is excellent. Baptiste will be a big miss unless Bolton give him to us on a free. That leaves the other two, Hanley and Duffy. Hanley has been a liability this season and will be one of the biggest earners at the club as he is club captain and one of the few left from the Prem days. I'd be tempted to sell him if he doesn't pull his finger out and keep Duffy instead. With Lenihan coming through and maybe a loan coming in i think we're well covered at CB.

Wingers/wide midfielders - oh to have a Jota (11 league goals this season), a Matt Ritchie (15 goals) or a Michael Antonio (15 goals). Instead we have Marshall chipping in with 7 goals, Conway with 3 and Cairney with 3. There are reasons for this. Firstly our wide midfielders tend to sit deep and our team generally is set up to feed the strikers. We rarely ever get anyone else into the box from open play whilst the teams at the top of the league are not as reliant on the strikers for goals, this needs to change. It's a fallacy that having a 40-goal strikeforce should get you into the play-offs when nobody else reaches double figures. We've scored 20-30 less goals than most teams above us, even with a 40-goal strikeforce. That said, Cairney and |Marshall in particular need to pull their fingers out when they do play. They're probably out two most gifted players now Dunn has left but they've rarely made an impact this season. Marshall started off well but some of his performances since Xmas have been disgraceful. Cairney is a huge confidence player but lets his head drop far too quickly when it's not going for him. Maybe it's being played on the right that affects him but he's sometimes a passenger when he plays in the middle too. Compared to last season when he was player of the season he's been awful but he played on the right then so there's a lot more to it than where he plays. Conway i'd keep for his work-rate and crossing ability but he's another that has only had a good half-season, he was crap before Xmas. I suppose that's why their cast-offs from other clubs, very inconsistent.

Central Midfielders - The reason we don't control matches when we go ahead. Williamson, Lowe and Evans all do the same job. They are all very reactive and don't have the ability to dominate the midfield. Compare with someone like Leadbetter at Boro, controls the games but has also chipped in with 11 goals this season or Bradley Johnson at Norwich who has 15 goals. Even Douglas at Brentford has 8. Evans was brought in to do this job and he has failed. Williamson has been the best of a bad lot this season and Lowe has been missed to a certain extent for the simple fact he can get around the pitch, shame he can't pass it. Unless we can get someone in on a free/loan then next season will be more of the same. Cairney has failed to shine in there when given the chance so i'm not sure he's the answer either.A new manager/approach would struggle to get more out our CM/s but it might be worth a try. We sit too deep, but that again may be the personnel available.

Strikers - Gestede will be a loss and will probably leave. 21 goals is a great return for someone who had done nothing before Bowyer snapped him up. Bowyer has turned him into a goalscorer to rival Rhodes.That said he is very static and hardly ever runs the channels, and the ball doesn't always stick when played up to him. One thing about the top 8 teams that visit Ewood is that they have strikers who score but are also quick and run the channels/do the donkey work which takes the pressure off the defence and gets the team up the pitch; Wilson at B'mouth, Gray at Brentford, Cameron Jerome at Norwich, Deeney and Vydra at watford, even Assomabalonga at Forest, Dicko and Afobe at Wolves and Donaldson at Brum. They all work the channels which lets the midfielders get into the box. Gestede doesn't do that. Same with Rhodes, but he has started doing a bit more of it, but i really hope we keep him as he'a a natural finisher and a consummate professional. King we need to keep(and hope he stays fit) because he does what the strikers at other teams do, turn the defence and get in behind them. Varney will be off but i think i'd keep him ahead of Brown, at least he has a bit of pace. We desperately need new blood up top this summer, with pace. Hopefully those scouting missions in Europe that Kamy mentioned will bear fruit.

Bowyer - He seems to have a certain way of playing, a flat 4-4-2 with two banks of four sat fairly deep with our front two left to make things happen via crosses into the box or long balls forward hoping for flick-ons from Rudy to Rhodes. We are almost like a counter-attacking team at times but without the pace in the team to play it effectively. We are never going to be a B'mouth or a Brentford because Bowyer obviously doesn't favour that approach. This makes the home games quite dull unless the wingers/full backs get up a head of steam and get the crosses in, but may explain why we have been doing better away lately. We seem to struggle when the onus on us is to create. Whether Bowyer can change this approach will be tested when Gestede leaves remains to be seen but the fact he brought another old-fashioned CF in Brown suggests not. TBF though, and i know fairness isn't a big thing on here, Bowyer has had a difficult job rebuilding the whole team on a pittance compared to a lot of sides in our division. The embargo just adds to this and was why we brought cheapies in last season like Brown and Varney whilst other teams spent millions and improved their teams (Brentford for example spent over £5m). This summer will be even harder but i hope we can get some players who will improve the team and that Bowyer himself will get more right next season. I can't see him leaving and the dream of fast flowing attacking football with the players we have is a bit of a pipe=dream no matter who comes in. Bottom line, apart from our front two, we could pick a few players from most teams above us and improve on our defence and midfield. I go as far to say as most midfield players in teams that finished above us our better than ours, and some that didn't: Sako, Pritchard, Antonio, Lansbury, Mowatt, Abdi, Jota, Leadbitter, Johnson, Howson, Tozser. Redmond, Austin, Adomah, Whittingham, Arter, Hendrick etc would all walk in to our team. Unfortunately these players cost, with the exception of Marshall, the kind of money Bowyer hasn't had.

So it's stick or twist as far as Bowyer goes, but 9th in the league and a QF of a cup isn't a bad return from this season. Same next season and we'll have done well unless some excellent free transfer/loans are forthcoming. I don't think we'll be anywhere near the relegation spots though. If we change managers then it has to be someone of the calibre of McCarthy, someone who has spent less than Bowyer and has done better. How many of them are there?

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Goalkeepers - Robbo is going so thats 30k off the wage bill for a keeper a long way past his best. I doubt he'll be No.1 anywhere above league 1 level. If Raya is not going to be No.1 he should be sent out on loan to get much needed experience. Steele needs to cut out the needless errors and could be a very fine keeper

Full backs - disagree with Gord here, Olsson has been a revelation this season. Not only improved as a footballer but is a very determined player who gives everything every game. Not much gets past him and he has improved positionally as the season has gone on. Henley has shown promise too. He's a lot stronger these day and his performance against Raheem Sterling was terrific. Hopefully these two will be our 1st choice full-backs next season.

Centre Backs - Kilgallon will hopefully sign a new deal as his positional sense is excellent. Baptiste will be a big miss unless Bolton give him to us on a free. That leaves the other two, Hanley and Duffy. Hanley has been a liability this season and will be one of the biggest earners at the club as he is club captain and one of the few left from the Prem days. I'd be tempted to sell him if he doesn't pull his finger out and keep Duffy instead. With Lenihan coming through and maybe a loan coming in i think we're well covered at CB.

Wingers/wide midfielders - oh to have a Jota (11 league goals this season), a Matt Ritchie (15 goals) or a Michael Antonio (15 goals). Instead we have Marshall chipping in with 7 goals, Conway with 3 and Cairney with 3. There are reasons for this. Firstly our wide midfielders tend to sit deep and our team generally is set up to feed the strikers. We rarely ever get anyone else into the box from open play whilst the teams at the top of the league are not as reliant on the strikers for goals, this needs to change. It's a fallacy that having a 40-goal strikeforce should get you into the play-offs when nobody else reaches double figures. We've scored 20-30 less goals than most teams above us, even with a 40-goal strikeforce. That said, Cairney and |Marshall in particular need to pull their fingers out when they do play. They're probably out two most gifted players now Dunn has left but they've rarely made an impact this season. Marshall started off well but some of his performances since Xmas have been disgraceful. Cairney is a huge confidence player but lets his head drop far too quickly when it's not going for him. Maybe it's being played on the right that affects him but he's sometimes a passenger when he plays in the middle too. Compared to last season when he was player of the season he's been awful but he played on the right then so there's a lot more to it than where he plays. Conway i'd keep for his work-rate and crossing ability but he's another that has only had a good half-season, he was crap before Xmas. I suppose that's why their cast-offs from other clubs, very inconsistent.

Central Midfielders - The reason we don't control matches when we go ahead. Williamson, Lowe and Evans all do the same job. They are all very reactive and don't have the ability to dominate the midfield. Compare with someone like Leadbetter at Boro, controls the games but has also chipped in with 11 goals this season or Bradley Johnson at Norwich who has 15 goals. Even Douglas at Brentford has 8. Evans was brought in to do this job and he has failed. Williamson has been the best of a bad lot this season and Lowe has been missed to a certain extent for the simple fact he can get around the pitch, shame he can't pass it. Unless we can get someone in on a free/loan then next season will be more of the same. Cairney has failed to shine in there when given the chance so i'm not sure he's the answer either.A new manager/approach would struggle to get more out our CM/s but it might be worth a try. We sit too deep, but that again may be the personnel available.

Strikers - Gestede will be a loss and will probably leave. 21 goals is a great return for someone who had done nothing before Bowyer snapped him up. Bowyer has turned him into a goalscorer to rival Rhodes.That said he is very static and hardly ever runs the channels, and the ball doesn't always stick when played up to him. One thing about the top 8 teams that visit Ewood is that they have strikers who score but are also quick and run the channels/do the donkey work which takes the pressure off the defence and gets the team up the pitch; Wilson at B'mouth, Gray at Brentford, Cameron Jerome at Norwich, Deeney and Vydra at watford, even Assomabalonga at Forest, Dicko and Afobe at Wolves and Donaldson at Brum. They all work the channels which lets the midfielders get into the box. Gestede doesn't do that. Same with Rhodes, but he has started doing a bit more of it, but i really hope we keep him as he'a a natural finisher and a consummate professional. King we need to keep(and hope he stays fit) because he does what the strikers at other teams do, turn the defence and get in behind them. Varney will be off but i think i'd keep him ahead of Brown, at least he has a bit of pace. We desperately need new blood up top this summer, with pace. Hopefully those scouting missions in Europe that Kamy mentioned will bear fruit.

Bowyer - He seems to have a certain way of playing, a flat 4-4-2 with two banks of four sat fairly deep with our front two left to make things happen via crosses into the box or long balls forward hoping for flick-ons from Rudy to Rhodes. We are almost like a counter-attacking team at times but without the pace in the team to play it effectively. We are never going to be a B'mouth or a Brentford because Bowyer obviously doesn't favour that approach. This makes the home games quite dull unless the wingers/full backs get up a head of steam and get the crosses in, but may explain why we have been doing better away lately. We seem to struggle when the onus on us is to create. Whether Bowyer can change this approach will be tested when Gestede leaves remains to be seen but the fact he brought another old-fashioned CF in Brown suggests not. TBF though, and i know fairness isn't a big thing on here, Bowyer has had a difficult job rebuilding the whole team on a pittance compared to a lot of sides in our division. The embargo just adds to this and was why we brought cheapies in last season like Brown and Varney whilst other teams spent millions and improved their teams (Brentford for example spent over £5m). This summer will be even harder but i hope we can get some players who will improve the team and that Bowyer himself will get more right next season. I can't see him leaving and the dream of fast flowing attacking football with the players we have is a bit of a pipe=dream no matter who comes in. Bottom line, apart from our front two, we could pick a few players from most teams above us and improve on our defence and midfield. I go as far to say as most midfield players in teams that finished above us our better than ours, and some that didn't: Sako, Pritchard, Antonio, Lansbury, Mowatt, Abdi, Jota, Leadbitter, Johnson, Howson, Tozser. Redmond, Austin, Adomah, Whittingham, Arter, Hendrick etc would all walk in to our team. Unfortunately these players cost, with the exception of Marshall, the kind of money Bowyer hasn't had.

So it's stick or twist as far as Bowyer goes, but 9th in the league and a QF of a cup isn't a bad return from this season. Same next season and we'll have done well unless some excellent free transfer/loans are forthcoming. I don't think we'll be anywhere near the relegation spots though. If we change managers then it has to be someone of the calibre of McCarthy, someone who has spent less than Bowyer and has done better. How many of them are there?

Don't often agree with your views re Bowyer but I can understand your reasoning and you certainly put a good argument across. Appears you're aware of his pitfalls and that he needs to make drastic changes if we are to push on from here.

However, regarding midfielders, a number that you listed either came through youth ranks or signed on a free/nominal fee. Some even on loan. The market for talented free players is there if you look really carefully. Bowyer spent £800k on Evans who has been shocking for the fee. He was well-regarded before he came here which makes me wonder why he's gone off the boil, like so many others.

Prior to Ipswich, McCarthy had successes and he had failures. Just like any manager we could look to appoint, all will have negatives on their CV but I honestly think the majority of Championship managers could have done just as well as GB with the squad we have and I have no doubts that there are plenty who could have done better.

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Don't often agree with your views re Bowyer but I can understand your reasoning and you certainly put a good argument across. Appears you're aware of his pitfalls and that he needs to make drastic changes if we are to push on from here.

However, regarding midfielders, a number that you listed either came through youth ranks or signed on a free/nominal fee. Some even on loan. The market for talented free players is there if you look really carefully. Bowyer spent £800k on Evans who has been shocking for the fee. He was well-regarded before he came here which makes me wonder why he's gone off the boil, like so many others.

Prior to Ipswich, McCarthy had successes and he had failures. Just like any manager we could look to appoint, all will have negatives on their CV but I honestly think the majority of Championship managers could have done just as well as GB with the squad we have and I have no doubts that there are plenty who could have done better.

A lot of those midfielders actually cost money, or like Pritchard have been loaned from Prem teams. Agree about Evans, at £800k he's been a bad signing. Whether that's because Bowyer doesn't get the best out of him or he's just had a bad season i don't know. I think we're all aware of Bowyers deficiences, it's just some of us aren't ignorant enough to slag off everything he does. I think we can all agree we want to watch better football, it's been dire at ewood for a lot of this season. Lets be honest, the last 5 years have been a cluster@#/? of epic proportions and the fanbase is probably worn down by it all.

I hope you're right about the market for talented frees because we're going to need them!

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One solution to the transfer embargo would be to part Ex. If Palace are as keen on getting Gestede as the press make us believe then a part Ex for Glen Murray would be great business. It is the way to get round the embargo, so if we can't get Murray, then other wheeling and dealing with our prize assets, needs to be considered.

Completely agree. Maybe even, if necessary, take in a player we don't need but know we can swap with another club for someone surpus there who we do need. I seem to remember Furphy did this once, shipped a player out two weeks after getting him in.

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We need to address the CB position in my opinion. We played 11 different combinations of CBs last season. That's just ridiculous!

I'd sell Hanley as he's probably one we can get some money for and he's probably on decent wages. We then need a good experienced pro to come in. Duffy and killa started to form a partnership so that could work but we'd certainly need some backup. Henry on loan from West Ham could be a good one.

Centre mid also needs to be looked at. Have a look at some of the players out of contract in our league and see if there is anyone out there who could improve us.

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