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[Archived] Transfer Talk Part 3

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On other matters, I'm not sure I like the fact we're giving physio to Baptiste. He chose boro for the money, we're fending off boro interest in Rhodes, yet we're nurturing baps back to fitness. I hope we're invoicing boro for our time.

Club PR? Maybe sending out a message to other would-be players who might join Rovers?

It is frustrating though. That article says that FFP made it impossible for us to sign him. No, Bolton and Baptiste made signing him impossible due to their demands. Yet we allow him to walk back in. It's a development football mentality though, allowing players into the group who aren't able to play. It's all too pally and nicey. I'm only surprised we haven't managed to find two players that Gaz can refer to as Pally and Nicey!

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Not saying it shouldn't be done PB, but have a look, and make a decision. The trialists will know the deal re wages, so if Bowyer likes what he sees, make the offer.

Read up on Contract law and especially the bit about 'offer and acceptance'.

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we dont, but if the responses are they are waiting for better offers, then of course they messing us around. Fair enough, anybody would want more money if they can get it, but its a rubbish situation to be in, especially with the season right around the corner.

But a situation that we are in and cant be changed just at this minute.

Its now a waiting game ..

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We have a squad size of 24 players only due to FFP

To fill those positions up with rash choices just to get players in will be madness.

There would be uproar on here if we d filled our squad by the end of July with rash loans only to see "better" or Premier League loanees become available at a later date which will happen.

We ve to be selective rather than desperate even though we re in a "beggars cant be choosers" situation.

A season is nine months long ..plenty of time for late additions to fit in and gel ...

You have to hit the ground running. How many times have we heard the excuse from players or managers that they didn't get a full pre-season?
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we dont, but if the responses are they are waiting for better offers, then of course they messing us around. Fair enough, anybody would want more money if they can get it, but its a rubbish situation to be in, especially with the season right around the corner.

But they are better players than the ones who will snap our hands off.

We are in a cat and mouse situation here. Think 'softly softly catchee monkey'. Oh and if you want to lay blame don't target Bowyer and Johnston... target bloody Anderson and Kean for bringing all this down on us.

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But a situation that we are in and cant be changed just at this minute.

Its now a waiting game ..

again BlooBoy, im not going to repeat this again. Our preperations for the new season didnt start 3 weeks ago. When the last season ended, our scouts and Tommy knew the situation, knew the restrictions we would be under. If we are still searching and giving trials to players, 3 days before a season start, would you classify that as good preperation, or poor preperation? How quickly will those new players adapt to what Bowyer wants from them, how quickly will they begin to show that they are at a good level to make an impact? its easy to say okay we are under an embargo, and we have to make do with these situations, but we should never have left it this late

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You have to hit the ground running. How many times have we heard the excuse from players or managers that they didn't get a full pre-season?

So what? That is a perfect world and in our situation a much lesser priority. They are all training somewhere aren't they?

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Board won't give a monkey's, some fans will - mind you quite a lot would not be impressed with the signing full stop.

I've worked with some Burnley directors and they all hate Rovers. It would break their hearts to help us.

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But they are better players than the ones who will snap our hands off.

We are in a cat and mouse situation here. Think 'softly softly catchee monkey'. Oh and if you want to lay blame don't target Bowyer and Johnston... target bloody Anderson and Kean for bringing all this down on us.

yes, well the same applies to Venkys and Shaw. But cmon Gordon, you have been around long now. If the season started in 6 months time, do you leave these things for 3 weeks before a season starts, or do you try and ascertain what is available, trial them way ahead of the season starting, or at least find out what their demands are and if its within our limit.

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You have to hit the ground running. How many times have we heard the excuse from players or managers that they didn't get a full pre-season?

Well you cant have it both ways in our situation Stuart....its a little unique now.

Again fill the squad with nobodys and say on Saturday full squad lets go ..and the season crumbles before our eyes, stuck with a squad for five months that will get us nowhere but hey ..we ve a full squad.

Or do we at least try and be selective and cherry pick the better players that may become available in the next four weeks.

Remember ..if we keep Rhodes we ve only lost Cairney and Gestede..theres no reason why we cant put a side out that will not be too dis similiar from what we had out last seaon. We aint starting from scratch.

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again BlooBoy, im not going to repeat this again. Our preperations for the new season didnt start 3 weeks ago. When the last season ended, our scouts and Tommy knew the situation, knew the restrictions we would be under. If we are still searching and giving trials to players, 3 days before a season start, would you classify that as good preperation, or poor preperation? How quickly will those new players adapt to what Bowyer wants from them, how quickly will they begin to show that they are at a good level to make an impact? its easy to say okay we are under an embargo, and we have to make do with these situations, but we should never have left it this late

:rolleyes: And so did all the players and their agents.

The only way your business model would work is if we were happy to sign poor quality players.

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again BlooBoy, im not going to repeat this again. Our preperations for the new season didnt start 3 weeks ago. When the last season ended, our scouts and Tommy knew the situation, knew the restrictions we would be under. If we are still searching and giving trials to players, 3 days before a season start, would you classify that as good preperation, or poor preperation? How quickly will those new players adapt to what Bowyer wants from them, how quickly will they begin to show that they are at a good level to make an impact? its easy to say okay we are under an embargo, and we have to make do with these situations, but we should never have left it this late

Bowyer actually stated he wanted everything sorted early .... Must have meant early 2016
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might seem an odd question but what type of fit are the new shirts, im a bit of an 'extra medium'..mediums can be tight but large can be swimming on me...need to know as need it shipped without tryin it on,,thanks girls xx (joke) :rover:

You should be force fed pies.

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I've worked with some Burnley directors and they all hate Rovers. It would break their hearts to help us.

Foolish pride would not stop me bidding for Ings if we were in the prem. Nor would it stop me tapping up Dyche. Truth is the Burnley board have kept their feet on the ground and done a good job at that club these past few years.

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again BlooBoy, im not going to repeat this again. Our preperations for the new season didnt start 3 weeks ago. When the last season ended, our scouts and Tommy knew the situation, knew the restrictions we would be under. If we are still searching and giving trials to players, 3 days before a season start, would you classify that as good preperation, or poor preperation? How quickly will those new players adapt to what Bowyer wants from them, how quickly will they begin to show that they are at a good level to make an impact? its easy to say okay we are under an embargo, and we have to make do with these situations, but we should never have left it this late

And again Iceman...we re in a very unique position of only being able to offer £10K to players .Instead of biting our hands off they know they can hold out for better offers rather than join a club in June in an embargo with the chance that half the current squad could have been sold come end of August. Its not good preperation but one that we cant do anything about.

They have the upper hand.End of.

Foolish pride would not stop me bidding for Ings if we were in the prem. Nor would it stop me tapping up Dyche. Truth is the Burnley board have kept their feet on the ground and done a good job at that club these past few years.

Be careful .. there will be a few on here asking to count your fingers ...

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Surely Guthrie can't be in a picky position, he's had some bad injuries over past few years and is surely seen as risk by any club. Although he's a good player if he wants to start being a greedy b*stard then he can jog on.

Footballers are infuriating.

Haha why are they being greedy? If you were unemployed and had several irons in the fire wouldn't you take the most lucrative? Yeah there might be other variables...demographic, family and happiness but ultimately most contracts, in which ever industry come down to pounds and pence.

Chill out lads...we're not rich anymore...people will not jump at the contracts we offer until it becomes their best offer...it's not personal, it's just life!

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Why do you think people shop at the end of season sales? The answer - because you get good quality produce on the cheap!

Agreed..but in order to get the bargains in a sale,you want you must know exactly what you want. Then make sure you are first in line. Finally, you do don't dilly dally or you end up coming out with crap that you didn't go in for.

Mani, are you confident that our current set up can deliver when organisation and quick decision making are required?

Also, isn't the idea of scouts to go and find good, cheap players? We can all sit here and list ten out of contract players who could do a job who may or may not sign at the end of the window...well we could before other clubs started snapping them up!

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I see Kevin Gallacher is up to his usual self. Talking rubbish for a change.

'Blackburn Rovers are going to have to punch above their weight this season'

THEIR weight? Surely as a club legend he should be referring to OUR weight?

Regardless of that, there is no such thing as Blackburn Rovers 'punching above their weight' whilst in the second division. Exceeding expectations maybe, but punching above weight? No chance. We have as much right if not more than any other club in this league and our history, infrastructure and status ensures that we will never be punching above our weight in this division. I might accept that statement were we still top 8 in the Premier League.

'But, after what was always going to be a tough summer given the embargo, I see us finishing in mid-table'

Now Gallacher is referring to Rovers as 'us'. Perhaps he needs reminding that without the embargo we have finished mid-table the last 2 seasons. So if he anticipates another mid-table finish then has it really been such a tough summer?

I really don't agree with some of the stuff Gallacher puts in his articles.

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Target venkys Gordon they were in charge of it all !

Mask your U turn anyway you like but everything that happened & is happening was and is signed off by the idiots in Pune .

Bloody hell Abbey I know that full well. I warned time and again on here what would happen and it did! However whilst their name was 'over the door' they are at least still here and supporting the club financially whilst the other two get rich quick flakes are away on their toes counting their ill gotten gains in some overseas tax haven.

I may be wrong but I believe the indians were starry eyed but inexperienced and placed their trust in a con man with disastrous results. Remember they put rubbers on pencils cos everyone makes mistakes sometime...... or hjave you never needed one?

btw I've asked you this before....... if the boat you are in has hit an iceberg, is holed and sinking with you miles off shore do you chuck the only person with a bucket over the side? That is what you are doing with this silly 'get venkys' campaign. Time may of course prove otherwise and the elastic may snap at some stage but at the moment whether you like it or not we are all in this together.

Be careful .. there will be a few on here asking to count your fingers ...

^_^ Actions speak louder than words blooboy.

Haha why are they being greedy? If you were unemployed and had several irons in the fire wouldn't you take the most lucrative? Yeah there might be other variables...demographic, family and happiness but ultimately most contracts, in which ever industry come down to pounds and pence.

Chill out lads...we're not rich anymore...people will not jump at the contracts we offer until it becomes their best offer...it's not personal, it's just life!

Spot on and I've edited it for you mani for the hard of learning on here. :tu:

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And again Iceman...we re in a very unique position of only being able to offer £10K to players .Instead of biting our hands off they know they can hold out for better offers rather than join a club in June in an embargo with the chance that half the current squad could have been sold come end of August. Its not good preperation but one that we cant do anything about.

They have the upper hand.End of.

Be careful .. there will be a few on here asking to count your fingers ...

im going to ask you this BlooBoy... If we went after players say 3 months before the season started, and lets say we offered Guthrie 10k a week or any other trialist. He says okay, look im going to wait a while before i commit as i want to keep my options open. Now a few months is a long time to think about it, so in that time, we can easily trial a few others and have a longer period of time to get a better look. We know Guthries capabilities, so fine we can wait on him. He then decides with 2 months to go, he got a better offer. Fine.

we still have 2 months to find players, and get them integrated with the squad and ready for kickoff.

Now take that same scenario, with a few days to go to kick off. Guthrie comes on Friday, and says nah he got a better offer elsewhere. we go into the 1st game with having brought in a few unknown French guys, and thats it. another week will go by, and we now heading into our 2nd game, we bring somebody in, it takes them time a bit to find there feet.

You get where this is going? its not about players wanting better offers, its about how late we are doing these deals

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Under Hughes did we have trailists coming in a week or less before the season starts? Genuine question, I can't really remember.

The problem with bringing in trialists so late is that they haven't had a proper pre-season or any time to gel with the squad. That's especially a problem when we're bringing in the likes of Guthrie and Maynard who are prone to injury. A lack of pre-season will just make things worse.

Although, judging from our injury list last season, you're just as likely to pick up an injury at Rovers if you're perfectly healthy, so maybe it doesn't matter.

Under Hughes and Allardyce we had trialists coming in throughout the season, as we did under Souness and Kenny and practically every manager I can think of going back to Furphy.

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Agreed..but in order to get the bargains in a sale,you want you must know exactly what you want. Then make sure you are first in line. Finally, you do don't dilly dally or you end up coming out with crap that you didn't go in for.

Mani, are you confident that our current set up can deliver when organisation and quick decision making are required?

Also, isn't the idea of scouts to go and find good, cheap players? We can all sit here and list ten out of contract players who could do a job who may or may not sign at the end of the window...well we could before other clubs started snapping them up!

The idea is to get as much "bang for your buck" as possible mate...in fairness to the current regime, we know that they've tried hard and wanted to sign Le Fondre, Guthrie and Kim..that alone should give you confidence that they are on the right track...I'd have taken those three with open arms outside of the embargo!!!

Or would you rather we'd "got business done" and signed Dougie and Coke like the "excellent" MM who has as many relegation a as promotions on his CV?

In answer, I trust the current management to go after the right players within their budget. Can't comment on DS and The V's.

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