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[Archived] Transfer Talk Part 3

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If we had a Communication Director instead of a sick note then the players would not be able to do this

Nonsense, players do this whenever they decide, and whatever the stature of the club they are at. Agents tell players what to say, not clubs or communication directors.

This is a serious blow to our chances of having any decent strikers left next season. We pretty much have to let Rudy go at the first decent bid. Been making loud noises for ages, is a little older, less guaranteed to bang in goals season after season, won't sign any new deals and next summer will have a lower value due to being nearly 28 and in the last year of his contract. It makes sense to sell him. It's suicide to sell Rhodes. And yet now we almost certainly will.

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Nonsense, players do this whenever they decide, and whatever the stature of the club they are at. Agents tell players what to say, not clubs or communication directors.

I think you will find that at the professionally run clubs there will clauses in the players contracts to cover this kind of thing

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I think you will find that at the professionally run clubs there will clauses in the players contracts to cover this kind of thing

Do you read the press? I'm not going to get into an extended argument about it, but I've seen it enough times from players at huge clubs. And communications directors don't write contracts.

I reckon Jordan's uncle has a bit to do with this one. I expect he wouldn't have made public noises about moving to any other Championship club, as he wasn't even making noises about how we rejected the Hull bid. Unless he is just trying to flush out Premiership interest by saying this.

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The club appear to have stuck with Bowyer because the owners have created an absolute pigs breakfast, don't know how to extricate themselves and have thrown in the towel. Hardly Bowyer's fault, he certainly doesn't deserve the grinding, relentless moaning about him on here which is totally out of proportion.

I reckoned he should go last October after gubbings at Wolves and Norwich, largely because he seemingly can't set us up to stop conceding soft goals. He hasn't gone and I haven't whined on about that because a. It does more harm than good and b. He doesn't deserve that.

Fair enough, but personally I don't think moaning on social media makes much of a difference.

Bowyer got the backing at Ewood except the boos after the Wolves game. Tbh considering his aim has been promotion and he's had us in the play-offs twice for the grand total of about a week, I think he's done remarkably well to not have the fans on his back at games.

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Let's have a look, shall we?

Matt Ritchie - £500k

Harry Arter - Free

Marc Pugh - £100k

Andrew Surman - £500k

Yann Kermorgant - £280k

Callum Wilson - £3m

TOTAL = £4.38m

We spent that alone on Best, Etuhu & the Portugeezers.

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There is something in FUP about being taken out of an embargo before the usual decision time, if you can prove that you're taking the steps to be out of it when the decision comes, isn't there? I don't know exactly how that works, but wouldn't it mean we could go to the football league and say look, we're going to sell our two best players for 20 million, will you let us trade this summer if we do? Or at least let us spend a couple of million on one replacement as a one-off. And if you refuse, we'll do a QPR and see you in court.

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For some reason I wokexpect up and thought no way venkys are stupid enough to sell to a rival

And also how long does a work permit take? Has Kim had his medical?

I see we have missed out on maguire now so, who was the other incoming that was close according to neophyte?

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You'll find with chris_h, blueboy333, roverzee etc., it's not so much that they back Bowyer, it's that they detest his more vociferous critics. There's a subtle difference.

The truth rather bothers them it seems.

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Can I just remind people that this is Middlesbrough we are talking about here.

Not the 'highest possible level'.

They finished 5 places above us last season and will be with us playing MK Dons and Rotherham next season. It will be at least 12 months before they are at a higher level than us. Their odds/likelihood for promotion might be better than ours, but that's about it.

If it was a Premier League side like Hull last year then fair enough, but Middlesbrough is not a step up.

It's about ambition - which Middlesbrough certainly are - and the type of football they're playing, which Rhodes mentioned.

He obviously feels he's going nowhere with Rovers.

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Let's have a look, shall we?

Matt Ritchie - £500k

Harry Arter - Free

Marc Pugh - £100k

Andrew Surman - £500k

Yann Kermorgant - £280k

Callum Wilson - £3m

TOTAL = £4.38m

We spent that alone on Best, Etuhu & the Portugeezers.

What point are you trying to prove ? That we wasted a tonne of money - everyone knows that - or that the £8m spent on Rhodes could have built us a new team ?

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What human being with any talent would want to play under Bowyer and Venkys with such a directionless, characterless regime?

What he said

Hope he stays but wish him nothing but the best if he does leave.

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I think we should cash in on Rhodes and Gestede - transfer list them both and say the highest bidder in the next week gets them.

Sick of players asking to leave the club I love. Would give anything to have their job and they don't give a monkeys.

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What point are you trying to prove ? That we wasted a tonne of money - everyone knows that - or that the £8m spent on Rhodes could have built us a new team ?

The point is that, in the right hands, we still had enough in the kitty to buy a decent team to complement Rhodes.

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I think we should cash in on Rhodes and Gestede - transfer list them both and say the highest bidder in the next week gets them.

Sick of players asking to leave the club I love. Would give anything to have their job and they don't give a monkeys.

Not true of Rhodes - he's been great while he's been here. Football isn't a job for life and he wants to move. Fair enough.

Rovers has been the making of Gestede and after 1 decent season he certainly doesn't care about the club

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While it is very disappointing that Rhodes has gone public and he should rightly be criticised for that.

I really don't blame him or any of our other players for wanting to leave. Anyone with ambition can see that we are no longer an ambitious club. We have dis-functional owners and executive board, there is a complete lack of ambition running throughout the club and a fanbase that is slowly starting to walkaway from the club. While Middlesbrough are in the same division, they are a highly ambitious club with a bright owner and a young forward thinking manager.

That said as Venky's have proved over the years they will not care a jot about what Rhodes is saying/feeling. They will only sell when they want to and not because a player is unhappy, for example Samba was deeply unhappy but for 2 windows they decided not to sell him and even when they did it was after the winter window had shut and they shipped him of to Russia, they did the same with Rudy in January, regardless of what he said they decided that the deal was not right and he wasn't going anywhere.

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It's about ambition - which Middlesbrough certainly are - and the type of football they're playing, which Rhodes mentioned.

He obviously feels he's going nowhere with Rovers.

And sadly he's absolutely right.

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Think it's probably time to discuss who we could replace them with (impossible task under FFP). The thought of Browny fumbling around up front makes me queasy. Don't really understand why they don't try for the lad at Everton...

Chaddy: We know you wan't Sam Gallagher or Graham ;)

You mean Chris Long from Everton?

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The point is that, in the right hands, we still had enough in the kitty to buy a decent team to complement Rhodes.

Said it before and I'll say it again. It's no use the same group harping on about how the money spent on JR could have been better invested. Course it could. But it was never going to be under Kean et al with the dross signed before Rhodes. The January signings once Kean was gone weren't too great either.

Had we invested that £8mill on players of the calibre we spent on before Rhodes arrived, we'd have lost out on those 27 goals and likely been relegated by Christmas. Saying 'we could have bought a new midfield or defence' is BALONEY. Kean and his agent had already assembled a new midfield and defence, a very expensive and very sh1te one at that. We had a massively inflated squad already so I'm not sure how many other players people think it would have took for us to not be bobbins.

It's all well and good saying 'if this, if that' but had Rhodes not signed, we'd have been 27 goals worse off, with a team of has-beens and no-marks. I'm wondering whose arse people think we'd have pulled some goals/good signings from that season. Out of Kean's or his agent's? Our next top goalscorers were Dunn and Rochina on 5 each. Without Rhodes and with the players signed before him, or some more signings of similar ilk, we'd have dropped like a lead balloon.

(EDIT: just to make it clear, I'm agreeing with you Amarillo)

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There is something in FUP about being taken out of an embargo before the usual decision time, if you can prove that you're taking the steps to be out of it when the decision comes, isn't there? I don't know exactly how that works, but wouldn't it mean we could go to the football league and say look, we're going to sell our two best players for 20 million, will you let us trade this summer if we do? Or at least let us spend a couple of million on one replacement as a one-off. And if you refuse, we'll do a QPR and see you in court.

logic. far too much logic. you'd never get a job at Rovers.

People keep saying we are selling to our rivals. We aren't. Our rivals will be Rotherham, Bolton and MK Dons etc.

They will be if we go into a 46 game season telling ourselves they will.

Everyone starts on level terms and 3 teams go up. Nobody would have given Bournemouth or Brentford a hope in hell last season and nobody would have tipped Wigan for the drop.

Everyone is everyone's rivals. There are no big clubs or 'top' clubs and 'bottom' clubs. Everyone competes with each other unlike in the Premier League.

If anyone at BRFC - whether that is Shaw, Bowyer, or any of the players, doesn't genuinely go into this season believing they can achieve promotion then they shouldn't be employed by this football club.

The first basic thing every club that succeeds needs if belief running throughout. Throwing in the towel in July as some at the club appear to have done is not acceptable and will guarantee decline.

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