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[Archived] Transfer Talk Part 3

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2 of the best posts I've seen here in a long time.

Why would any business plan never have a 5 year forward vision?

We could have maintained PL status even under the W ankers (deliberate as it stands for a tense of keaners) by keeping Sam or similar.

Did no-one forward plan on TV uptake? FFS it was thriving in 2010 and the PL are a money making machine so whomever they sold the rights to year on year would always be on a massive up grade. Think for a momemt expotential.

I am sick and tired of hearing that Blackburn is a small towm, therefore small aspirations. We had the chance but 2 bunches of TcsUn blew it. The Trust and the Tangric era.

So now I will get back the s hite that is ''we are where we are'' - well we are not, we are Rovers and from this shi t fest I am sure we will re-emerge.

How I have no idea but we will. There are enough good people even on this MB to make it happen.

We had a five year vision. Just a retarded one. Loans, five million investment a year, and Champions League glory.

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I know mate, just thought you would be happy about us potentially being interested.

Wonder if we get trialists news in the next couple of days

I think Bowyer did say on Rovers player that Nathan Delfouneso will be on trial at Rovers for a couple of weeks. He join the Rovers squad yesterday morning. so maybe he might sign. I wonder if the other 2 trialists who played on Friday Night will not contract tbh

Congratulations Chaddy. I'm curious, why are you so keen on us signing him? Have you seen much of him?

He played for Southampton against us last season in the Under 21's final. plus he did played for the first team there when Pochettino was there as manager. he made 20 apps for the first team

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He played for Southampton against us last season in the Under 21's final. plus he did played for the first team there when Pochettino was there as manager. he made 20 apps for the first team

The top flight is littered with youth strikers who've had a bit of a chance in the team. He did only score 2 in those 20 (one of them in the cup). And unless wiki just hasn't been updated for too long, didn't play at all last season for anyone. I'm still curious what makes you think he's right for us. This isn't a dig, I genuinely want to know. Have you seen him play more than once? What are his attributes apart from being a tall bugger?

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From Today Sun on Sunday:-

"Blackburn's Scotland defender Grant Hanley is being touted in the 4 million bracket

Lancashire rivals Burnley like the centre half, 23, while Fulham and Norwich are also keen

But the high price demanded by Rovers owners Venkys is putting of any serious moves. "

is this from Nixon Chaddy? I suppose the Dingle interest makes sense, given they've just sold Shackell.

Hanley has the potential to be a good un, and he played well in the Prem. If he's lost weight then maybe he's decided to get his head down and fulfill his potential. £4m is hardly excessive.

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is this from Nixon Chaddy? I suppose the Dingle interest makes sense, given they've just sold Shackell.

Hanley has the potential to be a good un, and he played well in the Prem. If he's lost weight then maybe he's decided to get his head down and fulfill his potential. £4m is hardly excessive.

If Hanley fulfils his potential, then he will be worth around £4 million. He hasn't, so he isn't. I think of the players we might feasibly be able to get worthwhile money for, he is the worst and easiest to replace. It's still a bad sign if we sell our captain (not that he should be our captain), and we would need to replace him on sod all budget, but the team was better without him at times last year.

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My senior contact in Pune has told me that Steve Gibson has tried to make direct contact with Mrs Desai and has even offered to fly out to Pune to have face to face talks to try and sort out the Jordan Rhodes transfer. At the moment she has not returned his call, ha ha probably thinks it is someone trying to buy the club!

So it is a state of limbo at present, Rhodes is unhappy but for the moment it seems Venky's aren't prepared to talk about this any further.

Happy that we are being linked with Sam Gallagher, I haven't seen him play but he is very highly regarded by people whose judgement I trust.

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he was out with Knee injury for 7 months last season.

I only seen him live twice. one at Ewood Park and one on TV. rest just highlights.

he did scored a good goal last season in under 21's final.

Hmm, I dunno Chaddy. 19 year old, uninspiring goal record, minimal experience in any league, recovering from a 7 month long knee injury. I think I'll leave getting excited about that to people who have seen him play. Thanks for the info Chaddy.

My senior contact in Pune has told me that Steve Gibson has tried to make direct contact with Mrs Desai and has even offered to fly out to Pune to have face to face talks to try and sort out the Jordan Rhodes transfer. At the moment she has not returned his call, ha ha probably thinks it is someone trying to buy the club!

So it is a state of limbo at present, Rhodes is unhappy but for the moment it seems Venky's aren't prepared to talk about this any further.

Happy that we are being linked with Sam Gallagher, I haven't seen him play but he is very highly regarded by people whose judgement I trust.

He must be near as mad as they are to think they will talk to him about selling a player they don't want to sell, when they haven't even met our manager this summer in one of our most difficult and important transfer windows for years. Let alone to think he can persuade them to do it. What is he going to say? "Jordan really wants to leave you know, you should let him go. I'm not offering any more money, but, please let him go?"

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Typical kind of comment you made Abbey. just more personal insults/jibes/digs you made Abbey. same thing every day. and from now on I will not replying to any more to your non related thread post/comment.

Why not comment on players we have linked to? cos you never do

he was out with Knee injury for 7 months last season.

I only seen him live twice. one at Ewood Park and one on TV. rest just highlights.

he did scored a good goal last season in under 21's final.

Have you thought of getting a Scouting job with GB? serious question not a p iss take

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My senior contact in Pune has told me that Steve Gibson has tried to make direct contact with Mrs Desai and has even offered to fly out to Pune to have face to face talks to try and sort out the Jordan Rhodes transfer. At the moment she has not returned his call, ha ha probably thinks it is someone trying to buy the club!

So it is a state of limbo at present, Rhodes is unhappy but for the moment it seems Venky's aren't prepared to talk about this any further.

Happy that we are being linked with Sam Gallagher, I haven't seen him play but he is very highly regarded by people whose judgement I trust.

What a bonkers way to do business. I wonder if Rhodes could walk away from his contract citing unreasonable behaviour by the club/owners.

It's probably as well we don't have any money to spend our club must by now be a pariah as far as agents are concerned (which is about as low as you can get). "Forget the wages, son, it's like the bleedin' Hotel California that place".

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My senior contact in Pune has told me that Steve Gibson has tried to make direct contact with Mrs Desai and has even offered to fly out to Pune to have face to face talks to try and sort out the Jordan Rhodes transfer. At the moment she has not returned his call, ha ha probably thinks it is someone trying to buy the club!

So it is a state of limbo at present, Rhodes is unhappy but for the moment it seems Venky's aren't prepared to talk about this any further.

Happy that we are being linked with Sam Gallagher, I haven't seen him play but he is very highly regarded by people whose judgement I trust.

Did your Pune contact give you all the info as in Para 1 or your post?

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From Alan Nixon

JORDAN RHODES. Has NOT asked Blackburn for a transfer. Both player and MIDDLESBROUGH waiting on news from Venkys.

I guess he is doing the next best thing, though. Is there still a financial forfeit if a player actually asks for a transfer? If so, his actions merely represent having your cake and eating it!

On another note,why should self styled "Madame" return a phone call from an unwanted salesman? I never do.

Perhaps that entitles me to be "Monsieur"!

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My senior contact in Pune has told me that Steve Gibson has tried to make direct contact with Mrs Desai and has even offered to fly out to Pune to have face to face talks to try and sort out the Jordan Rhodes transfer. At the moment she has not returned his call, ha ha probably thinks it is someone trying to buy the club!

So it is a state of limbo at present, Rhodes is unhappy but for the moment it seems Venky's aren't prepared to talk about this any further.

Happy that we are being linked with Sam Gallagher, I haven't seen him play but he is very highly regarded by people whose judgement I trust.

This is exactly why the way they run the club doesn't work. You can't run a business when people can't get hold of you for decisions. Crazy that the decision maker at the club doesn't have a clue about football and also doesn't care about the club.

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I guess he is doing the next best thing, though. Is there still a financial forfeit if a player actually asks for a transfer? If so, his actions merely represent having your cake and eating it!

On another note,why should self styled "Madame" return a phone call from an unwanted salesman? I never do.

Perhaps that entitles me to be "Monsieur"!

haha, because he's the mighty Steve Gibson, chairman of club who fail to turn up for fixtures and has spent the last 6 years desperately trying to get back in the Prem. When Steve calls, you drop everthing.

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haha, because he's the mighty Steve Gibson, chairman of club who fail to turn up for fixtures and has spent the last 6 years desperately trying to get back in the Prem. When Steve calls, you drop everthing.

An owner who at present we can only dream of having
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With Rhodes on a 4 year contract and was expensive so we should not rush it. We cant spend money anyway. Gestede was cheap and maybe a one season wonder. Get 6-8m and sell. Sell Hanley. Get Donei Henry in. That could be enough and also sort the embargo. Keep Marshall and Rhodes.

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What a bonkers way to do business. I wonder if Rhodes could walk away from his contract citing unreasonable behaviour by the club/owners.

It's probably as well we don't have any money to spend our club must by now be a pariah as far as agents are concerned (which is about as low as you can get). "Forget the wages, son, it's like the bleedin' Hotel California that place".

Never has a player got out of a contract citing miss management, if that was the case we would not have one player left the way GB and shelfy miss manages our beloved Rovers, and for what it's worth i think it hilarious that Gibson thinks he can persuade Madame to sell JR when no one else can even get in contact, she just does not answer to anyone, so come the wolves match JR may be starting for US., unless of course Bowyer starts to sulk and says he's injured so he can play Browny.

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Someone needs to expose this outrage via the medium of film:-

Jordon Rhodes - 3 YEARS A 40K WAGE SLAVE

no argument there, but he's still a tit who is trying to nick our resident goalpoacher.

If I was him trying to do business with the old hag I'd put it down to experience and move on.. Which would be good for our point of view..

But what a crazy way to run a business.. Venkys aren't fit to run a bath never mind a football club

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With Rhodes on a 4 year contract and was expensive so we should not rush it. We cant spend money anyway. Gestede was cheap and maybe a one season wonder. Get 6-8m and sell. Sell Hanley. Get Donei Henry in. That could be enough and also sort the embargo. Keep Marshall and Rhodes.

You don't know whether the players will be a success or not. That being the case I would like to keep both Rhodes and Gestede. Sell Hanley. Realistically I can see one of Rhodes and Gestede leaving before the end of the window.

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Chaddy chaddy chaddy

@reluctantnicko: WOLVES in for Craig Noone at Cardiff ... top wing target ... also active on Sam Gallagher ... and so are BLACKBURN ROVERS.

Happy birthday / christmas!

It's like Beetlejuice!

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