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[Archived] Transfer Talk Part 3

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Fully expect Rhodes and Rudy to leave and have done for a while but if Marsh goes that will be the final straw for me. Sell Hanley even, lad is replaceable but Marsh could be our most important player next season.

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No indication that they will do that.

I actually feel a bit sorry for Gary, while I totally agree that the last season was a failure and most of it down to Gary no being able to take us forward into top 6. He is having to do a lot of fire fighting at present with little or no support from the executive board and owners who take an age to make decisions. He is having to deal with players who were happy to stay at Rovers but then the board started to tout them around as potentially being available for sale, which has unsettled these players when bids have come in and the owners have rejected them due to them not matching whatever Venky's valuation are. On top of that he is having to work the transfer market to find freebies/loans who can improve our squad which isn't an easy task. Honestly under these circumstances I think any manager would struggle, in fact most would walkaway.

So while I am still angry and disappointed at what happened last year and the fact that we didn't push into the top 6, I am cutting Gary some slack with what has been going on over the last 2 weeks, a lot of which he cannot control at present.

I have to agree with Kamy here, yes it is frustrating that we couldn't kick on from the previous year and mount a serious challenge... And yes GB did drop the ball on more than a few occasions, but with what is going on above his head with players being touted out... It is hard for anyone to operate effectively!

I believe the owner haven't given the board the intructions to sell... But I believe the board have taken it upon themselves (or themSHELVES) to sell out team.

This is the most infuriating part, people are responsible for our club and do not give a sh!t about us going forward... Just so long as they get a pat on the back and line their pockets!

It's a disgrace that these Imbeciles are allowed to run the show!

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Looks like the much maligned Mercerman is going to be correct....

First time in 5yrs Waggy! But I like mercerman, he's good for the site.

Let's hope this is the beginning of the end from those three idiots in Pune, if we're having a fire sale it may point towards them giving up.

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Fully expect Rhodes and Rudy to leave and have done for a while but if Marsh goes that will be the final straw for me. Sell Hanley even, lad is replaceable but Marsh could be our most important player next season.

Time to get your banner out again Neal, I think we're going to see both strikers go as you do and probably Marshall in January if not before.

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Time to get your banner out again Neal, I think we're going to see both strikers go as you do and probably Marshall in January if not before.

Still have it somewhere. Whilst I already know Shaw is a tit... Whats the sudden surge of hate against him about?

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Still have it somewhere. Whilst I already know Shaw is a tit... Whats the sudden surge of hate against him about?

I think people believe he's profiting from the possible deals on players leaving the club.

Also he's Venkys man on the ground, took a fall for them in court, a legitimate target I guess.

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I think people believe he's profiting from the possible deals on players leaving the club.

Also he's Venkys man on the ground, took a fall for them in court, a legitimate target I guess.

I get ya... Surely he can't be THAT stupid? Not that I'm bothered... Let's just presume... SHAW OUT!!!

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I guess he is doing the next best thing, though. Is there still a financial forfeit if a player actually asks for a transfer? If so, his actions merely represent having your cake and eating it!

On another note,why should self styled "Madame" return a phone call from an unwanted salesman? I never do.

Perhaps that entitles me to be "Monsieur"!

If a player submits a written transfer request he forfeits all wages that remain under the current contract.

If he does not, he is entitled to all of those wages as did not request the move.

That's my general understanding of how it works.

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If a player submits a written transfer request he forfeits all wages that remain under the current contract.

If he does not, he is entitled to all of those wages as did not request the move.

That's my general understanding of how it works.

That's not how it works. That would cost teams a fortune. Players generally have a 'loyalty' bonus in their contracts. If they don't request a transfer, they get this bonus when they leave. If they do, they don't.

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