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[Archived] Eu Referendum, In Or Out - Looks Like Blackburn Wants Out !

How will you vote on June 23rd  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or Leave the European Union?

    • Remain a member of the European Union
    • Leave the European Union

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Remain further ahead in latest ComRes & YouGuv polls tonight. ComRes has Remain 8% ahead and YouGuv 2% ahead.

Phone polls have remain in the lead, online polls leaning towards leave (except Yougov). One of those methods will be wrong, just hoping it's the online ones.

I think it's going to be very tight perhaps 1-3% in it either for Remain or Leave.

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Germany showing a sense of humour?


If Britain stays they will acknowledge that WC final goal. That should get the Welsh and Scots to vote leave then :)

Germans actually have a great sense of humour. Its just different from ours sometimes
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Ill genuinely be very disappointed if we end up staying, this is such a great opportunity for our country to regain it's dignity after decades of having to suck up to the other eu nations(all of which @#/? hate us by the way, have you never watched eurovision :) ) I honestly think for the first time in my life(outside of a international football tournament) Id start to feel more patriotic and proud to be english/british if we stood back on our own two feet as a country.

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They don't hate us at all. They actually love us. I'm desperately hoping we stay in.

Btw the Germans also promise not to joke about prince Charles ears, they won't use suncream to show solidarity with sunburnt brits, they'll do without a goalie in penalty shoot outs against us to make it more exciting, they'll gladly be bond villains, they'll turn the clocks back an hour so our time and theirs matches, they'll have an eu ruling that you can't have foam on your beer, they'll use their towels to reserve sunbeds for us, they'll get jogi low to look after the crown jewels and they'll all come to the Queens hundredth birthday party. Oh and they'll start having tea time

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They don't hate us at all. They actually love us. I'm desperately hoping we stay in.

no i'm pretty sure that at a political level they either hate us or at least see us as irrelevant and irritating, @#/? to them, I want to see a Great Britain again in my live time(or at least have the possibility of seeing it) if we 'stay' then nothing will change for better or worst, well just plod along towing the line whilst other countries in the eu reap the rewards.

the only reason counteries like germany say thay want us to stay is so they can keep us down and in our place, probably similar reasons wh america want us to stay, they cant bare the thought of us getting our @#/? back together and potentially competing with them at an economic level.

that's my little ranty two pennys worth anyway.

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Just been through some figures regarding which way buys the most merchandise to support remain or leave (sales to UK addresses only)

Remain voters are 60% more likely to buy unofficial (as in not designs /logos used by official campaigns) merchandise supporting their view than leave in the last two weeks . Two weeks ago was about 50/50.

Remain voters are more likely to buy from American owned companies whilst Leave more likely to buy from European /UK owned companies

Obviously the only conclusions to draw is it is possible to trade with Britain or any country in the world whilst outside the EU and there as been an upswing towards Remain merchandise in the last couple of weeks, relevant? probably as much as the poll I saw regarding would leave or remain voters be most likely Oasis or Blur fans. (Oasis leave , Blur Remain btw)

As an aside Scandinavian countries quite like anti EU merchandise (not counted in the above )

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Thenodrog has asked me to post this for him

"Just a few points to consider on the day of the eu referendum.

1. Don’t be taken in by the press and media campaigns. The press and media have been shameful in misleading the electorate by making it a reality / X Factor type contest. From what I have read many on this mb have fallen hook lineand sinker and are expressing views based on personal like or dislike for certain individuals. Paul for one appears to be using this thread as a party political broadcast for the Labour party! How odd for a man with the attitude of 19th century mill owner to the Labour market! A 19th century Bradley Hardacre if ever I saw one. In reality who cares about Cameron v Johnson? Gove v Osborne? Sturgeon v Farage, Corbyn v A. N Other?

2. Whoeven cares about Lab v Tory? This is a referendum on whether we should stay in the eu or get the hell out and nothing else. This referendum is way above taking notice of a media fabricated personality contest. I voted in the last one and I can say now that it was the same personality contest then but with different names. Callaghan, Heath, Wilson, Healey, Benn, Powell etc etc were all given massive air time and guess what? They all disappeared from public life within 10 years leaving us to paddle our own canoe for the next 30 years. All the people above will no doubt do the same by 2025. Cameron has already announced his plane to retire from politics before 2020 hasn’t he?

3. Back in 75 we were making 7 into 9 and joining a common market. It was a trade agreement only and not one word was spoken about the eu becoming the United States of Europe with almost 30 member nations financially supported in the main by the same two nations as before. Not one word spoken about Brussels taking over our political decisions, not one word about Brussels making our legislation either. No one knew what Schengen was nor it’s disastrous long term implications. Why would they? Not one word was uttered about any European Armed forces. To be quite honest the eu has way exceeded its brief! Back then I had the nagging feeling that I would have been much happier entering a trade agreement within an organisation consisting of ourselves, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Scandanavian nations. I had a deep mistrust even then of the motives of just about every nation with a coastline on the Mediterranean and tbh subsequent events and the problems of the Opigs have borne those misgivings out. Jim mk2 is even more of a xenophobe than me so how funny it is to see him siding with ‘Call me Dave’ in embracing the obvious eu ambitions.

4. Q. If we had never been in the eu and the vote was to Join or StayOut now who the hell with an y sense would vote IN and strap themselves to the numerous sick men economies of Europe?

5. If the situations were reversed and the referendum was in Germany with a strong prospect of the Germans leaving how would we feel knowing that the financial burden that we share with them was about to be foisted onto our shoulders and ours alone? imo if either of our two nations leave then that’s it for the entire eu. The whole thing will become unsustainable as the German nation will never agree nor be able to subsidise the entire continent. God only knows how the evermore more pompous PhilipL would cope with that meltdown scenario. Dunno if he still has links with those Stanleys in central Asia but that might provide a 3rd rate bolt hole of sorts for his colonial lifestyle.

6. I see the Union Jack is draped over many parliament buildings across the eu in the vain hope that some limp wristed display of solidarity will sway our natiuon at the 11th hour. When Cameron went to Europe 6 months ago to request concessions he was sent back empty handed with his tail between his legs. Now that the result is so close the eurocrats are beginning to nervously consider the very real prospect of the UK nipple drying up. They got it wildly and diametrically wrong and are now beginning to panic. If we vote out then I’m pretty sure the eu will come cap in hand begging for us to stay and Cameron will be able to dictate his own terms and leave the way open for another referendum in a few short years. Alternatively if we vote in we will be held in quiet contempt, milked dry and nothing will change. I keep hearing rubbish that we can only change the eu from within by being a member. Well sorry but whoever holds that view3 is certainly no card player as the treatment meted out to the UK via David Cameron just makes that so much nonsense. Negotiations only work when made from a position of strength not weakness and if we vote REMAIN then without a doubt we will be in a position of weakness.

7. Immigration. What’s this rubbish about the health service collapsing and crops rotting in the fields? We have circa 2 million citizens unemployed for goodness sake! We have kids in university studying nonsense subjects who will never ever find themselves in a career which will come close to utilising the rubbish they have had crammed between their ears. Lets not forget that the NHS was conceived just after the war and staffed quite adequately by British people for at least two generations. No one back then could envisage major eu nations being almost permanently on the highest terrorist alerts of severe or critical could they? No one back then would have heard of sharia law, western union, the Koran or a chicken balti would they? The Islamic world has been attempting to effectively invade Europe for over a thousand years now. Over those centuries this has been repelled by the Spanish and Portugese in the west and by the Balkan states in the east. Unfortunately the dim-witted eurocrats have effectively thrown out the welcome mat to that intrinsic and dreadfully inflexible religion. Shame on them all!

8. The economy? All the ‘influential’ people that I hear preaching remain have all in the main vested interests. We all know that the Bank of England, the banking industry, the EMF et al have stiffed us for decades and are widely reviled so why the hell follow their lead now? One sure way to ensure a leave vote would be to deduct the cost of eu membership at source. Don’t hide the cost under a mountain of stealth taxes instead let salary slips show the cost of eu membership rather than numerous stealth taxes funding it all. Gross Pay minus Income Tax, minus NI contributions, minus EU membership tax! I’d suggest an average of 40 - 50 quid taken out of everyone’s pay packet every month to subsidise the eurocrats would make this referendum a walk over for the OUTS.

Remember the words of JFK as you place your cross today ‘ask not what your countrycan do for you, ask what you can do for your country’."

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Ena Sharples is alive and well.

Thenodrog has asked me to post this for him

"Just a few points to consider on the day of the eu referendum.

1. Don’t be taken in by the press and media campaigns. The press and media have been shameful in misleading the electorate by making it a reality / X Factor type contest. From what I have read many on this mb have fallen hook lineand sinker and are expressing views based on personal like or dislike for certain individuals. Paul for one appears to be using this thread as a party political broadcast for the Labour party! How odd for a man with the attitude of 19th century mill owner to the Labour market! A 19th century Bradley Hardacre if ever I saw one. In reality who cares about Cameron v Johnson? Gove v Osborne? Sturgeon v Farage, Corbyn v A. N Other?

2. Whoeven cares about Lab v Tory? This is a referendum on whether we should stay in the eu or get the hell out and nothing else. This referendum is way above taking notice of a media fabricated personality contest. I voted in the last one and I can say now that it was the same personality contest then but with different names. Callaghan, Heath, Wilson, Healey, Benn, Powell etc etc were all given massive air time and guess what? They all disappeared from public life within 10 years leaving us to paddle our own canoe for the next 30 years. All the people above will no doubt do the same by 2025. Cameron has already announced his plane to retire from politics before 2020 hasn’t he?

3. Back in 75 we were making 7 into 9 and joining a common market. It was a trade agreement only and not one word was spoken about the eu becoming the United States of Europe with almost 30 member nations financially supported in the main by the same two nations as before. Not one word spoken about Brussels taking over our political decisions, not one word about Brussels making our legislation either. No one knew what Schengen was nor it’s disastrous long term implications. Why would they? Not one word was uttered about any European Armed forces. To be quite honest the eu has way exceeded its brief! Back then I had the nagging feeling that I would have been much happier entering a trade agreement within an organisation consisting of ourselves, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Scandanavian nations. I had a deep mistrust even then of the motives of just about every nation with a coastline on the Mediterranean and tbh subsequent events and the problems of the Opigs have borne those misgivings out. Jim mk2 is even more of a xenophobe than me so how funny it is to see him siding with ‘Call me Dave’ in embracing the obvious eu ambitions.

4. Q. If we had never been in the eu and the vote was to Join or StayOut now who the hell with an y sense would vote IN and strap themselves to the numerous sick men economies of Europe?

5. If the situations were reversed and the referendum was in Germany with a strong prospect of the Germans leaving how would we feel knowing that the financial burden that we share with them was about to be foisted onto our shoulders and ours alone? imo if either of our two nations leave then that’s it for the entire eu. The whole thing will become unsustainable as the German nation will never agree nor be able to subsidise the entire continent. God only knows how the evermore more pompous PhilipL would cope with that meltdown scenario. Dunno if he still has links with those Stanleys in central Asia but that might provide a 3rd rate bolt hole of sorts for his colonial lifestyle.

6. I see the Union Jack is draped over many parliament buildings across the eu in the vain hope that some limp wristed display of solidarity will sway our natiuon at the 11th hour. When Cameron went to Europe 6 months ago to request concessions he was sent back empty handed with his tail between his legs. Now that the result is so close the eurocrats are beginning to nervously consider the very real prospect of the UK nipple drying up. They got it wildly and diametrically wrong and are now beginning to panic. If we vote out then I’m pretty sure the eu will come cap in hand begging for us to stay and Cameron will be able to dictate his own terms and leave the way open for another referendum in a few short years. Alternatively if we vote in we will be held in quiet contempt, milked dry and nothing will change. I keep hearing rubbish that we can only change the eu from within by being a member. Well sorry but whoever holds that view3 is certainly no card player as the treatment meted out to the UK via David Cameron just makes that so much nonsense. Negotiations only work when made from a position of strength not weakness and if we vote REMAIN then without a doubt we will be in a position of weakness.

7. Immigration. What’s this rubbish about the health service collapsing and crops rotting in the fields? We have circa 2 million citizens unemployed for goodness sake! We have kids in university studying nonsense subjects who will never ever find themselves in a career which will come close to utilising the rubbish they have had crammed between their ears. Lets not forget that the NHS was conceived just after the war and staffed quite adequately by British people for at least two generations. No one back then could envisage major eu nations being almost permanently on the highest terrorist alerts of severe or critical could they? No one back then would have heard of sharia law, western union, the Koran or a chicken balti would they? The Islamic world has been attempting to effectively invade Europe for over a thousand years now. Over those centuries this has been repelled by the Spanish and Portugese in the west and by the Balkan states in the east. Unfortunately the dim-witted eurocrats have effectively thrown out the welcome mat to that intrinsic and dreadfully inflexible religion. Shame on them all!

8. The economy? All the ‘influential’ people that I hear preaching remain have all in the main vested interests. We all know that the Bank of England, the banking industry, the EMF et al have stiffed us for decades and are widely reviled so why the hell follow their lead now? One sure way to ensure a leave vote would be to deduct the cost of eu membership at source. Don’t hide the cost under a mountain of stealth taxes instead let salary slips show the cost of eu membership rather than numerous stealth taxes funding it all. Gross Pay minus Income Tax, minus NI contributions, minus EU membership tax! I’d suggest an average of 40 - 50 quid taken out of everyone’s pay packet every month to subsidise the eurocrats would make this referendum a walk over for the OUTS.

Remember the words of JFK as you place your cross today ‘ask not what your countrycan do for you, ask what you can do for your country’."

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Thenodrog has asked me to post this for him

"Just a few points to consider on the day of the eu referendum.

1. Dont be taken in by the press and media campaigns. The press and media have been shameful in misleading the electorate by making it a reality / X Factor type contest. From what I have read many on this mb have fallen hook lineand sinker and are expressing views based on personal like or dislike for certain individuals. Paul for one appears to be using this thread as a party political broadcast for the Labour party! How odd for a man with the attitude of 19th century mill owner to the Labour market! A 19th century Bradley Hardacre if ever I saw one. In reality who cares about Cameron v Johnson? Gove v Osborne? Sturgeon v Farage, Corbyn v A. N Other?

2. Whoeven cares about Lab v Tory? This is a referendum on whether we should stay in the eu or get the hell out and nothing else. This referendum is way above taking notice of a media fabricated personality contest. I voted in the last one and I can say now that it was the same personality contest then but with different names. Callaghan, Heath, Wilson, Healey, Benn, Powell etc etc were all given massive air time and guess what? They all disappeared from public life within 10 years leaving us to paddle our own canoe for the next 30 years. All the people above will no doubt do the same by 2025. Cameron has already announced his plane to retire from politics before 2020 hasnt he?

3. Back in 75 we were making 7 into 9 and joining a common market. It was a trade agreement only and not one word was spoken about the eu becoming the United States of Europe with almost 30 member nations financially supported in the main by the same two nations as before. Not one word spoken about Brussels taking over our political decisions, not one word about Brussels making our legislation either. No one knew what Schengen was nor its disastrous long term implications. Why would they? Not one word was uttered about any European Armed forces. To be quite honest the eu has way exceeded its brief! Back then I had the nagging feeling that I would have been much happier entering a trade agreement within an organisation consisting of ourselves, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and the Scandanavian nations. I had a deep mistrust even then of the motives of just about every nation with a coastline on the Mediterranean and tbh subsequent events and the problems of the Opigs have borne those misgivings out. Jim mk2 is even more of a xenophobe than me so how funny it is to see him siding with Call me Dave in embracing the obvious eu ambitions.

4. Q. If we had never been in the eu and the vote was to Join or StayOut now who the hell with an y sense would vote IN and strap themselves to the numerous sick men economies of Europe?

5. If the situations were reversed and the referendum was in Germany with a strong prospect of the Germans leaving how would we feel knowing that the financial burden that we share with them was about to be foisted onto our shoulders and ours alone? imo if either of our two nations leave then thats it for the entire eu. The whole thing will become unsustainable as the German nation will never agree nor be able to subsidise the entire continent. God only knows how the evermore more pompous PhilipL would cope with that meltdown scenario. Dunno if he still has links with those Stanleys in central Asia but that might provide a 3rd rate bolt hole of sorts for his colonial lifestyle.

6. I see the Union Jack is draped over many parliament buildings across the eu in the vain hope that some limp wristed display of solidarity will sway our natiuon at the 11th hour. When Cameron went to Europe 6 months ago to request concessions he was sent back empty handed with his tail between his legs. Now that the result is so close the eurocrats are beginning to nervously consider the very real prospect of the UK nipple drying up. They got it wildly and diametrically wrong and are now beginning to panic. If we vote out then Im pretty sure the eu will come cap in hand begging for us to stay and Cameron will be able to dictate his own terms and leave the way open for another referendum in a few short years. Alternatively if we vote in we will be held in quiet contempt, milked dry and nothing will change. I keep hearing rubbish that we can only change the eu from within by being a member. Well sorry but whoever holds that view3 is certainly no card player as the treatment meted out to the UK via David Cameron just makes that so much nonsense. Negotiations only work when made from a position of strength not weakness and if we vote REMAIN then without a doubt we will be in a position of weakness.

7. Immigration. Whats this rubbish about the health service collapsing and crops rotting in the fields? We have circa 2 million citizens unemployed for goodness sake! We have kids in university studying nonsense subjects who will never ever find themselves in a career which will come close to utilising the rubbish they have had crammed between their ears. Lets not forget that the NHS was conceived just after the war and staffed quite adequately by British people for at least two generations. No one back then could envisage major eu nations being almost permanently on the highest terrorist alerts of severe or critical could they? No one back then would have heard of sharia law, western union, the Koran or a chicken balti would they? The Islamic world has been attempting to effectively invade Europe for over a thousand years now. Over those centuries this has been repelled by the Spanish and Portugese in the west and by the Balkan states in the east. Unfortunately the dim-witted eurocrats have effectively thrown out the welcome mat to that intrinsic and dreadfully inflexible religion. Shame on them all!

8. The economy? All the influential people that I hear preaching remain have all in the main vested interests. We all know that the Bank of England, the banking industry, the EMF et al have stiffed us for decades and are widely reviled so why the hell follow their lead now? One sure way to ensure a leave vote would be to deduct the cost of eu membership at source. Dont hide the cost under a mountain of stealth taxes instead let salary slips show the cost of eu membership rather than numerous stealth taxes funding it all. Gross Pay minus Income Tax, minus NI contributions, minus EU membership tax! Id suggest an average of 40 - 50 quid taken out of everyones pay packet every month to subsidise the eurocrats would make this referendum a walk over for the OUTS.

Remember the words of JFK as you place your cross today ask not what your countrycan do for you, ask what you can do for your country."

what I've done for my country is express my wish by democratic means that we remain part of the EU
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Everyone I hear says out. I just hope they are the ones shouting loudest and the remain vote is quietly being cast

I know it is not a good place to judge but from social media it seems like remain shouting loudest especially from the under 30's, although when they follow it up with "because they wont allow us in eurovision" you have got to smile

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Why didn't Thenodrog post that himself? Thought he'd been quiet on the whole subject.

Why bark yourself when you have a dog?

Billy Bragg tweeted yesterday:

Not everyone that voted leave is racist, but all racists will vote to leave.

I've a lot time for Billy, but not sure I agree with that, or it helps the debate.

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