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[Archived] Open Floor Meeting To Unite The Fans


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We have the 18 75 idea for the Wolves match.

We need to follow that 18&75 as a theme at every game.

Whistles, tennis balls or even just prolonged 'we want venkys out' chants around the ground (followed by 1 Jack Walker) on 18&75 minutes.

We may be in this for the long haul- to do so, we need to get this up and running quickly and this for me is an easy way to start the ball rolling.

Eggs make more sense than tennis balls

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Eggs make more sense than tennis balls

Different idea each game.


If there are follow up meetings, can they be non-alcoholic?

There was a table of guys next to me who must have had 6 or 7 drinks, so no wonder they didnt shut up talking to each other - or contribute anything to the discussion.

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Well I sat with Preston Blue and Tom, had a chat with Ste B, Scotty, Paul and Bob Fleming, we could have been in Blues Bar setting up BRISA circa 2004

BRISA's birth was well organised but had no crisis to sustain it, whereas we are certainly in crisis now, but boy do we need some better organisation!

After a ropey start, I felt we were getting somewhere; some great speakers, plenty of willing volunteers and much support for the idea of a working group being set up...

Then I feel the MC totally lost control; it was approaching 9pm and person after person was still being given the mic, often going over the same ground,when what was needed was a recap of where we were, what we've agreed and a way forward for the next month or so, instead it descended into a shouting match and abruptly ended.

Still, great to see a packed out venue and I just hope we now have enough momentum .

Not in Blakeys I didn´t.

Lessons need to be learned fast:

1) BRISA was well intentioned and many on here put in great time and effort but it bombed.

2) I learned from experience a long time ago that any meeting without an agenda on any subject is a complete waste of time and descends into a ´talking shop´. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved by committee. Someone must take up the baton as ´chairman´ for want of a better word. Where are our public speaking supporters/captains of industry?

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I'm posting this on behalf of a certain gentleman (who cannot be named):

First and foremost I do not want Amo to get in trouble for this that would not be fair, so please excuse him. Everyone is posting about me on a platform they all know I cannot respond too. This seems unfair as such I feel it is only fair that I be allowed a response. Not all will agree, but I say what I see and this is what I saw.
Last night was an interesting occurrence for me. I arrived late as I always do (I’m cheap so had to find safe free parking, it’s my heritage) and walked in, I was surprised to see so many 3-400 or so, a good turnout (well done). However I also saw several things, a radio reporter with a mic, a TV camera and a man with Sky emblem. Great opportunity, I was impressed to see them (well done whoever). But this meant one thing, exposure. Now before I went I spoke to a couple of people to voice my concerns: No-one would lead the meeting and it would end up being unproductive because of this. Open floor generally means chaos, chaos will unite no-one. After the first few questions it became apparent this was going to happen. No-one had set the tone and the first few questions were not the most relevant. I desired to speak and since I had foreseen this scenario I was prepared and knew the basis of what I wanted to say. The meeting needed focus. We need to be organised, we need to come together, we need people to lead this and we need to achieve this tonight. The reason for the haste is simple, we have current national media exposure and we have the impetus in the fanbase, right now (key point, right now, not in 2 months, the external impetus is already waning). So I spoke, I said what I said and everyone applauded, so I assumed they agreed. But whilst I did one man stated I should do it, I refused again just as I did when I was asked to lead the initial protests ‘I have lost enough because I love Rovers’. It is not fair that others can use this and yet I have to risk what little I have crawled back. A couple on here know what I lost.
I expected after the break and several people trying to tempt me to the various groups, that the meeting would progress and we would start to achieve the goals needed. Instead the meeting carried on as before. Yes we had the 1875 and various other suggestions but we were just going round in a circle. We were still not getting organised, we were not uniting, we were just debating what protest to do and other not really relevant considerations. The commonality and aspect that should have been used at that point was we all wanted to do something. That was the point to use to unify the room, but with no-one leading the meeting the chances of this happening organically were slim. We did not need to agree a mode of protest that night. By being organised and united we could do that later, we had 2 months to go to Wolves for example 1875 could have been decided in private, been unannounced etc. I spoke again, I reiterated my points and others agreed more vocally. I hoped the seed would grow and the room would demand it. It was not going to come from the 6 leaders at the top table. As I spoke I looked at all of the 6 sat at the top table, none could look me in the eye and knew what I meant. I was calling on them to lead, they are all in leadership positions, but none did, none took control of the meeting. The leaders of the groups who called a meeting for the fans to come together appeared unwilling to unite the fans. We were more concerned with what the something should be than discussing what and how to achieve the real goal #Venkysout.
1875 must succeed now, it has been announced to the world, to the enemy. Will it? What will it take to be a success needs considering first: we need a large enough number to be seriously noticeable, thousands. So how will we let the thousands who have no clue what has gone on know? We need them to join in, we need as many as possible awareness within the fanbase must be raised, quick smart. 250 in the room where season ticket holders, say Ewood Blues (no idea) a thousand, the Trust and BRAG did not say they would do 1875 (point of thought and I see no comment in their presser, but Pune is mentioned, dead keen on Pune in fact Mmmm (double edged sword ;)). So we have spread out say 10-15% of the people in the ground (provided they all do it of course). That’s a damp squib and easily spun in the media, we know this from before. The details of protests, etc etc will be relayed to our fanbase in the exact same manner as before and these modes failed as most have no clue after 6 years what has gone on. Will they join in without this knowledge? Will 1875 make the impact it now must? We will see, I hope so but I feel expanding the idea due to others not agreeing to do it would benefit matters immensely. We must also raise awareness. But we are relying on organic growth and hope presently or we are not maximising our chances of making this a success and winning the war.
And that for me was the key issue. 30-40 people approached me that night and one common theme raised by them all, was we need to be organised, we need leadership. The national media were there and we needed to grab that opportunity and show unity and organisation and that we were moving forward. I spoke to one man and asked why the Trust, BRAG and Ewood Blues were not leading the way and becoming one, fans uniting. Or achieving the point of the meeting THEY called. He thought they should, it made sense, lead by example. Them coming together and announcing it would have impact and carry on the impetus and perhaps even evoke growth. If our groups cannot unite in glorious purpose and lead the way, then how can the fans? Why should the fans. Not one of the 6 tried to control the meeting and lead the group that was present to unify the fanbase within the room. It was almost like they expected it to just happen, it never does in those situations.
The Sky man summed it up “I am not sure what came of this meeting."
The ideas are great, the attendance was also good, but we did not really progress, this is poor. We missed a great opportunity media wise as well by not progressing, how many will we get? It must change for victory to be realised.
I would just like to add that a man came and spoke to me during the break and asked me to change my stance in regards not leading. He did so with courtesy, respect and dignity and his tale touched me and I appreciate those traits. From that point forward I said I would be part of the group but would not lead it, every time I was called out. I am disappointed that is being left out of the comments from last night.
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Looking back and reading on here I feel cautiously happy with last night as a start.

During the night and afterwards I felt frustrated that:

1) People were using it as a chance to get their feelings off their chest. It wasn't supposed to be for that - but it's understandable as it was the first meeting for a long time.

2) There seemed to be no particular direction. This is hard when there's 500 people in a long room. I agreed with the lad at the end (the bald fellow in the dark green jacket) who was annoyed with the fact that no structure had been put in place, but reading on here today hopefully that is one of the nex actions. I actuallly heard this chap saying to someone that he couldn't get involved but would help in the background. I thought he had good points and articulated them well.

I was particularly impressed with Marion, the lad mentioned above and the young lad who had been on the BPool marches. I admire the panel and the time and desire shown. I thought Oz spoke well as did the chap on Alan Birtwistle's right.

I'm similar to a lot of people in that I'm prepared to take direction from a focused group of people and would be prepared to contribute financially. I feel that we have to be prepared to back a focused group even if their methods aren't exactly the way we would do it ourselves. It's the fact we're doing something as one that is important to me.

At risk of playing the violin, even if this whole thing is a futile effort I'd rather that than sit back and watch us die and that way we keep our pride. Whatever happens we'll never really die if we are unified. At the end of the day we are the spirit of Rovers anyway.

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OK, here goes. Sorry that this goes on a bit! It’s taken me two hours so give it five mins to read please! (I’ve even had one of my people read it through!)

I was galvanised last night, inspired even; there were too many people there that I hadn’t seen for ages. It should be repeated, we need to keep things moving. These are just my ideas and thoughts, I’ll help where I can, I’m no figurehead, nor can I devote massive amounts of time.

I wish everyone all the success in the world. There are some extremely passionate people out there and they / we deserve to succeed and get our club back.

“Where do we start?” Is the obvious question… and it was answered…

The Venkys / The Rao Family

As Stuart (I think his name was) alluded to, that’s the starting place, that’s where we aim for first. I don’t believe they own the club, but it’s their name above the door. They must have some say in the charade as to what happens next?



…is almost perfect IMO (I’m not fond of the word “united”, I didn’t like them when we didn’t play them the first time round). It just needs to explain “enter the ground on 18 mins and exit on 75 mins”.

Next, those of us who use Social Media like to think we know what’s really happening, we certainly see beyond the LT and their bland “reporting”/ club propaganda, anyway. That’s not a criticism of anyone who doesn’t use the t’interweb! But it is surely our duty, if we are doing this thing, to get the message out there, to share the info with as many people as possible before we go asking fans to protest.

It is paramount IMO that we raise awareness of the headline issues to our own fan base.

At the risk of repeating myself on here, we do need to consider that, incredible as it may sound, some people don’t know what’s going on / what has happened over the last few years. We need to give ourselves as much chance as possible for this to succeed. As things stand I believe we’re preaching to the converted and not covering all the bases.

Headline bullet points on the back of the above flyer handed out at the next 4 home games (yes there are 4, two Saturdays and two Tuesdays) before the Wolves match should include…

  • £ xxxxx worth of players sold since 2010
  • £ 100m debt
  • £ 2.1m = the value of the current squad
  • Xxx – the number of full time contracted platers at BRFC
  • Zero – is how much Mike Cheston knows about the short, medium and long term plans of Venkys.
  • Zero - the words uttered by Robert Coar since they bought the club, and coincidentally...
  • Zero (you guessed it) - the number of sightings of Gandhi Babu (who?) by the fans over the last six years.

That’s Rovers’ UK Board that is.

  • Zero – Oh yes, the number of times our illustrious "owners" have been to Ewood Park in the last 3 years

Why are we tolerating this?!? If this isn’t asset stripping then what is it?

Maybe even a web link to those drop box “leaked” docs as well? I don’t know the legalities of such a move but it’s worth considering and surely between us we can find good advice.

The above bullets need tuning up (clearly). I’m sure between us we could list a hundred (and that’s just Kean quotes). Seven or eight should do it.

The headline, shocking figures, are the first four for me. These are FACTS. Not conjecture. (As shocking as Kean’s contract was, it wasn’t illegal, and from what I read, it wasn’t signed. It was bloody criminal mind you, if you know what I mean).

If we do this properly, if people see “the flyer”, not just on Social Media, but physically at Ewood, then how can there be any complaints at a protest?

But, again, it is imperative that we do all we can to get the word out there before the 29th October. We owe it to our fellow fans, and ourselves, to do this right. We won’t get a second chance.

Thirdly (I think it’s thirdly!) someone needs to take the reins.

We need someone – why not The Rovers Trust? Why not the Action Group? Why don’t they merge? And we need to open a bank account so we can start contributing to a fighting fund.

There were two great ideas last night.


A trip to Pune – or is it multiple trips? The more trips the merrier as far as I’m concerned. Massive thanks to those who are prepared to not only go there and do it but to also fund it out iof their own pockets by the way. It can’t be right that they have to finance it themselves.

We need to chip in. For those trips, for flyers; in readiness for the next idea, the next thing that may well prove to be the tipping point. ‘Cause there will be a point in time, no one knows when, it could be years, when they turn round to one another (if they can bear to be in the same room as each other that is) and say, “You know what; that Blackburn thing’s a right pain these days isn’t it? Who are they playing tomorrow? What’s that Balaji? Mill Hill in the Champions League again? But you want to buy Burnlee now instead? OK, let’s sell Blackthingy Ravers and buy Burnlee. Agreed. I’ll ring Jerome, such a nice man.”


18 in and 75 out. A brilliant idea. Not sure about the whistles thing but what can you do?

And finally, there is no harm in stating the obvious. What do we want them to do?

Please, just put the club up for sale. Name your price…

Gate receipts - £2m max. Squad value £2m. £10m will cover it.

And you can take your debt with you – ‘cause you sure as hell ain’t getting your money back in Division 1. And you can tell the Bank of India that as well.

We are the Rovers.

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OK, here goes. Sorry that this goes on a bit! It’s taken me two hours so give it five mins to read please! (I’ve even had one of my people read it through!)

I was galvanised last night, inspired even; there were too many people there that I hadn’t seen for ages. It should be repeated, we need to keep things moving. These are just my ideas and thoughts, I’ll help where I can, I’m no figurehead, nor can I devote massive amounts of time.

I wish everyone all the success in the world. There are some extremely passionate people out there and they / we deserve to succeed and get our club back.

“Where do we start?” Is the obvious question… and it was answered…

The Venkys / The Rao Family

As Stuart (I think his name was) alluded to, that’s the starting place, that’s where we aim for first. I don’t believe they own the club, but it’s their name above the door. They must have some say in the charade as to what happens next?


…is almost perfect IMO (I’m not fond of the word “united”, I didn’t like them when we didn’t play them the first time round). It just needs to explain “enter the ground on 18 mins and exit on 75 mins”.

Next, those of us who use Social Media like to think we know what’s really happening, we certainly see beyond the LT and their bland “reporting”/ club propaganda, anyway. That’s not a criticism of anyone who doesn’t use the t’interweb! But it is surely our duty, if we are doing this thing, to get the message out there, to share the info with as many people as possible before we go asking fans to protest.

It is paramount IMO that we raise awareness of the headline issues to our own fan base.

At the risk of repeating myself on here, we do need to consider that, incredible as it may sound, some people don’t know what’s going on / what has happened over the last few years. We need to give ourselves as much chance as possible for this to succeed. As things stand I believe we’re preaching to the converted and not covering all the bases.

Headline bullet points on the back of the above flyer handed out at the next 4 home games (yes there are 4, two Saturdays and two Tuesdays) before the Wolves match should include…

  • £ xxxxx worth of players sold since 2010
  • £ 100m debt
  • £ 2.1m = the value of the current squad
  • Xxx – the number of full time contracted platers at BRFC
  • Zero – is how much Mike Cheston knows about the short, medium and long term plans of Venkys.
  • Zero - the words uttered by Robert Coar since they bought the club, and coincidentally...
  • Zero (you guessed it) - the number of sightings of Gandhi Babu (who?) by the fans over the last six years.

That’s Rovers’ UK Board that is.

  • Zero – Oh yes, the number of times our illustrious "owners" have been to Ewood Park in the last 3 years

Why are we tolerating this?!? If this isn’t asset stripping then what is it?

Maybe even a web link to those drop box “leaked” docs as well? I don’t know the legalities of such a move but it’s worth considering and surely between us we can find good advice.

The above bullets need tuning up (clearly). I’m sure between us we could list a hundred (and that’s just Kean quotes). Seven or eight should do it.

The headline, shocking figures, are the first four for me. These are FACTS. Not conjecture. (As shocking as Kean’s contract was, it wasn’t illegal, and from what I read, it wasn’t signed. It was bloody criminal mind you, if you know what I mean).

If we do this properly, if people see “the flyer”, not just on Social Media, but physically at Ewood, then how can there be any complaints at a protest?

But, again, it is imperative that we do all we can to get the word out there before the 29th October. We owe it to our fellow fans, and ourselves, to do this right. We won’t get a second chance.

Thirdly (I think it’s thirdly!) someone needs to take the reins.

We need someone – why not The Rovers Trust? Why not the Action Group? Why don’t they merge? And we need to open a bank account so we can start contributing to a fighting fund.

There were two great ideas last night.


A trip to Pune – or is it multiple trips? The more trips the merrier as far as I’m concerned. Massive thanks to those who are prepared to not only go there and do it but to also fund it out iof their own pockets by the way. It can’t be right that they have to finance it themselves.

We need to chip in. For those trips, for flyers; in readiness for the next idea, the next thing that may well prove to be the tipping point. ‘Cause there will be a point in time, no one knows when, it could be years, when they turn round to one another (if they can bear to be in the same room as each other that is) and say, “You know what; that Blackburn thing’s a right pain these days isn’t it? Who are they playing tomorrow? What’s that Balaji? Mill Hill in the Champions League again? But you want to buy Burnlee now instead? OK, let’s sell Blackthingy Ravers and buy Burnlee. Agreed. I’ll ring Jerome, such a nice man.”


18 in and 75 out. A brilliant idea. Not sure about the whistles thing but what can you do?

And finally, there is no harm in stating the obvious. What do we want them to do?

Please, just put the club up for sale. Name your price…

Gate receipts - £2m max. Squad value £2m. £10m will cover it.

And you can take your debt with you – ‘cause you sure as hell ain’t getting your money back in Division 1. And you can tell the Bank of India that as well.

We are the Rovers.

Great, Bob. I'll sign up to this!

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OK, here goes. Sorry that this goes on a bit! It’s taken me two hours so give it five mins to read please! (I’ve even had one of my people read it through!)

I was galvanised last night, inspired even; there were too many people there that I hadn’t seen for ages. It should be repeated, we need to keep things moving. These are just my ideas and thoughts, I’ll help where I can, I’m no figurehead, nor can I devote massive amounts of time.

I wish everyone all the success in the world. There are some extremely passionate people out there and they / we deserve to succeed and get our club back.

“Where do we start?” Is the obvious question… and it was answered…

The Venkys / The Rao Family

As Stuart (I think his name was) alluded to, that’s the starting place, that’s where we aim for first. I don’t believe they own the club, but it’s their name above the door. They must have some say in the charade as to what happens next?


…is almost perfect IMO (I’m not fond of the word “united”, I didn’t like them when we didn’t play them the first time round). It just needs to explain “enter the ground on 18 mins and exit on 75 mins”.

Next, those of us who use Social Media like to think we know what’s really happening, we certainly see beyond the LT and their bland “reporting”/ club propaganda, anyway. That’s not a criticism of anyone who doesn’t use the t’interweb! But it is surely our duty, if we are doing this thing, to get the message out there, to share the info with as many people as possible before we go asking fans to protest.

It is paramount IMO that we raise awareness of the headline issues to our own fan base.

At the risk of repeating myself on here, we do need to consider that, incredible as it may sound, some people don’t know what’s going on / what has happened over the last few years. We need to give ourselves as much chance as possible for this to succeed. As things stand I believe we’re preaching to the converted and not covering all the bases.

Headline bullet points on the back of the above flyer handed out at the next 4 home games (yes there are 4, two Saturdays and two Tuesdays) before the Wolves match should include…

  • £ xxxxx worth of players sold since 2010
  • £ 100m debt
  • £ 2.1m = the value of the current squad
  • Xxx – the number of full time contracted platers at BRFC
  • Zero – is how much Mike Cheston knows about the short, medium and long term plans of Venkys.
  • Zero - the words uttered by Robert Coar since they bought the club, and coincidentally...
  • Zero (you guessed it) - the number of sightings of Gandhi Babu (who?) by the fans over the last six years.

That’s Rovers’ UK Board that is.

  • Zero – Oh yes, the number of times our illustrious "owners" have been to Ewood Park in the last 3 years

Why are we tolerating this?!? If this isn’t asset stripping then what is it?

Maybe even a web link to those drop box “leaked” docs as well? I don’t know the legalities of such a move but it’s worth considering and surely between us we can find good advice.

The above bullets need tuning up (clearly). I’m sure between us we could list a hundred (and that’s just Kean quotes). Seven or eight should do it.

The headline, shocking figures, are the first four for me. These are FACTS. Not conjecture. (As shocking as Kean’s contract was, it wasn’t illegal, and from what I read, it wasn’t signed. It was bloody criminal mind you, if you know what I mean).

If we do this properly, if people see “the flyer”, not just on Social Media, but physically at Ewood, then how can there be any complaints at a protest?

But, again, it is imperative that we do all we can to get the word out there before the 29th October. We owe it to our fellow fans, and ourselves, to do this right. We won’t get a second chance.

Thirdly (I think it’s thirdly!) someone needs to take the reins.

We need someone – why not The Rovers Trust? Why not the Action Group? Why don’t they merge? And we need to open a bank account so we can start contributing to a fighting fund.

There were two great ideas last night.


A trip to Pune – or is it multiple trips? The more trips the merrier as far as I’m concerned. Massive thanks to those who are prepared to not only go there and do it but to also fund it out iof their own pockets by the way. It can’t be right that they have to finance it themselves.

We need to chip in. For those trips, for flyers; in readiness for the next idea, the next thing that may well prove to be the tipping point. ‘Cause there will be a point in time, no one knows when, it could be years, when they turn round to one another (if they can bear to be in the same room as each other that is) and say, “You know what; that Blackburn thing’s a right pain these days isn’t it? Who are they playing tomorrow? What’s that Balaji? Mill Hill in the Champions League again? But you want to buy Burnlee now instead? OK, let’s sell Blackthingy Ravers and buy Burnlee. Agreed. I’ll ring Jerome, such a nice man.”


18 in and 75 out. A brilliant idea. Not sure about the whistles thing but what can you do?

And finally, there is no harm in stating the obvious. What do we want them to do?

Please, just put the club up for sale. Name your price…

Gate receipts - £2m max. Squad value £2m. £10m will cover it.

And you can take your debt with you – ‘cause you sure as hell ain’t getting your money back in Division 1. And you can tell the Bank of India that as well.

We are the Rovers.

This! 100%

Anyone else noticed the better mood on the board combined with greater togetherness and quality of posting like the above!?

Keep it going all!

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Great, Bob. I'll sign up to this!

Yeah, I would to! To be clear that's what I'd like to happen, just some pointers and ideas, just putting them out there. I'd gladly help distribute flyers and what have you, I'll contribute financially (nothing extravagant), I'll do all I can when I can but other than that it's just words on a messageboard I'm afraid.

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This! 100%

Anyone else noticed the better mood on the board combined with greater togetherness and quality of posting like the above!?

Keep it going all!

The bullet point hand out idea is brilliant.As well as working as consciousness raising with our own supporters, it would work for the media, Stan Collymore and Facebook etc

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Good post Bob. You can reckon there are around 20k Rovers fans out there that have the club close to their hearts. Twenty thousand pre-Venky's have now been whittled down to 8-9k with that figure likely to continue falling as the club drops further.

I have two different sets of friends who are Rovers fans. Those from my former local in Darwen/the area I grew up in and former work colleagues I have kept in touch with over the years. None of them knew the full story of the Kentaro/Anderson involvement. They are all aware that Venky's had no idea how to run a football club, they knew that certain player and managerial appointments didn't add up but that was about it. I have been photocopying some of the leaked documents to hand around and also printing off copies of Glen's Blog which details events nicely.

Folk on here know the score, a couple of hundred say, plus others who keep abreast of social media, plus some of the protesters from the Kean era. Pre Venky's we had around 20-22k supporters who attended regularly. I would say the bulk of these don't have a clue as to just what has gone on. The key to getting everyone on board is making sure everyone knows the full facts, be that by being handed fliers or reading the full story in the Lancashire Telegraph, should they ever get round to printing it.

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I'm posting this on behalf of a certain gentleman (who cannot be named):

First and foremost I do not want Amo to get in trouble for this that would not be fair, so please excuse him. Everyone is posting about me on a platform they all know I cannot respond too. This seems unfair as such I feel it is only fair that I be allowed a response. Not all will agree, but I say what I see and this is what I saw.
Last night was an interesting occurrence for me. I arrived late as I always do (I’m cheap so had to find safe free parking, it’s my heritage) and walked in, I was surprised to see so many 3-400 or so, a good turnout (well done). However I also saw several things, a radio reporter with a mic, a TV camera and a man with Sky emblem. Great opportunity, I was impressed to see them (well done whoever). But this meant one thing, exposure. Now before I went I spoke to a couple of people to voice my concerns: No-one would lead the meeting and it would end up being unproductive because of this. Open floor generally means chaos, chaos will unite no-one. After the first few questions it became apparent this was going to happen. No-one had set the tone and the first few questions were not the most relevant. I desired to speak and since I had foreseen this scenario I was prepared and knew the basis of what I wanted to say. The meeting needed focus. We need to be organised, we need to come together, we need people to lead this and we need to achieve this tonight. The reason for the haste is simple, we have current national media exposure and we have the impetus in the fanbase, right now (key point, right now, not in 2 months, the external impetus is already waning). So I spoke, I said what I said and everyone applauded, so I assumed they agreed. But whilst I did one man stated I should do it, I refused again just as I did when I was asked to lead the initial protests ‘I have lost enough because I love Rovers’. It is not fair that others can use this and yet I have to risk what little I have crawled back. A couple on here know what I lost.
I expected after the break and several people trying to tempt me to the various groups, that the meeting would progress and we would start to achieve the goals needed. Instead the meeting carried on as before. Yes we had the 1875 and various other suggestions but we were just going round in a circle. We were still not getting organised, we were not uniting, we were just debating what protest to do and other not really relevant considerations. The commonality and aspect that should have been used at that point was we all wanted to do something. That was the point to use to unify the room, but with no-one leading the meeting the chances of this happening organically were slim. We did not need to agree a mode of protest that night. By being organised and united we could do that later, we had 2 months to go to Wolves for example 1875 could have been decided in private, been unannounced etc. I spoke again, I reiterated my points and others agreed more vocally. I hoped the seed would grow and the room would demand it. It was not going to come from the 6 leaders at the top table. As I spoke I looked at all of the 6 sat at the top table, none could look me in the eye and knew what I meant. I was calling on them to lead, they are all in leadership positions, but none did, none took control of the meeting. The leaders of the groups who called a meeting for the fans to come together appeared unwilling to unite the fans. We were more concerned with what the something should be than discussing what and how to achieve the real goal #Venkysout.
1875 must succeed now, it has been announced to the world, to the enemy. Will it? What will it take to be a success needs considering first: we need a large enough number to be seriously noticeable, thousands. So how will we let the thousands who have no clue what has gone on know? We need them to join in, we need as many as possible awareness within the fanbase must be raised, quick smart. 250 in the room where season ticket holders, say Ewood Blues (no idea) a thousand, the Trust and BRAG did not say they would do 1875 (point of thought and I see no comment in their presser, but Pune is mentioned, dead keen on Pune in fact Mmmm (double edged sword ;)). So we have spread out say 10-15% of the people in the ground (provided they all do it of course). That’s a damp squib and easily spun in the media, we know this from before. The details of protests, etc etc will be relayed to our fanbase in the exact same manner as before and these modes failed as most have no clue after 6 years what has gone on. Will they join in without this knowledge? Will 1875 make the impact it now must? We will see, I hope so but I feel expanding the idea due to others not agreeing to do it would benefit matters immensely. We must also raise awareness. But we are relying on organic growth and hope presently or we are not maximising our chances of making this a success and winning the war.
And that for me was the key issue. 30-40 people approached me that night and one common theme raised by them all, was we need to be organised, we need leadership. The national media were there and we needed to grab that opportunity and show unity and organisation and that we were moving forward. I spoke to one man and asked why the Trust, BRAG and Ewood Blues were not leading the way and becoming one, fans uniting. Or achieving the point of the meeting THEY called. He thought they should, it made sense, lead by example. Them coming together and announcing it would have impact and carry on the impetus and perhaps even evoke growth. If our groups cannot unite in glorious purpose and lead the way, then how can the fans? Why should the fans. Not one of the 6 tried to control the meeting and lead the group that was present to unify the fanbase within the room. It was almost like they expected it to just happen, it never does in those situations.
The Sky man summed it up “I am not sure what came of this meeting."
The ideas are great, the attendance was also good, but we did not really progress, this is poor. We missed a great opportunity media wise as well by not progressing, how many will we get? It must change for victory to be realised.
I would just like to add that a man came and spoke to me during the break and asked me to change my stance in regards not leading. He did so with courtesy, respect and dignity and his tale touched me and I appreciate those traits. From that point forward I said I would be part of the group but would not lead it, every time I was called out. I am disappointed that is being left out of the comments from last night.

Said person has also said to post this

"Why has my response to the hypocrite comment not been mentioned? 'I will be the power behind the throne but I will not sit in it' I am more than willing to be part of the group but i will not lead it"

I know the reason and why and it is perfectly valid

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Said person has also said to post this

"Why has my response to the hypocrite comment not been mentioned? 'I will be the power behind the throne but I will not sit in it' I am more than willing to be part of the group but i will not lead it"

I know the reason and why and it is perfectly valid

It's a very good response. I just fail to see how he can lose absolutely everything - is he something to do with the club? With the FA? Putting your name on the line and saying Venky's are terrible owners isn't exactly making yourself the leader of a rebellion. He has the heart, a way with words, the contacts and the ideas but for whatever reason can't go any further than that.

I just fail to see how figure heading an organisation that outrightly denounces Venky's as owners of BRFC - who have been acknowledged nationwide as terrible owners - will lose him everything. Surely there's no company that will sack an employee on his opinions about his own football club.

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It's a very good response. I just fail to see how he can lose absolutely everything - is he something to do with the club? With the FA? Putting your name on the line and saying Venky's are terrible owners isn't exactly making yourself the leader of a rebellion. He has the heart, a way with words, the contacts and the ideas but for whatever reason can't go any further than that.

I just fail to see how figure heading an organisation that outrightly denounces Venky's as owners of BRFC - who have been acknowledged nationwide as terrible owners - will lose him everything. Surely there's no company that will sack an employee on his opinions about his own football club.

I think his opinion and his personal circumstances and reasons for not wanting 'his name in lights' should be understood and respected, not questioned, it's his choice. Much better as an integral part of the team than not at all: the silent ones really worry the opposition!

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Said person has also said to post this

"Why has my response to the hypocrite comment not been mentioned? 'I will be the power behind the throne but I will not sit in it' I am more than willing to be part of the group but i will not lead it"

I know the reason and why and it is perfectly valid

What's with all the mystery?

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Just telling the Mrs about the live stream, I'm still mortified about the 'Venky Spy' accusations, what was that idiot thinking.

As for the training ground, that needs clarification as soon as possible, I was under the impression it was safe, or as safe as these things can be under sale agreements.

It's an asset of the club and Venkys bought the assets of the club therefore they own it

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It's an asset of the club and Venkys bought the assets of the club therefore they own it

I'm not having that. £23m for BRFC - who were bringing in over £35m p/a through Sky alone, plus potential player sales, plus Brockhall?!? Any thoughts on the rumour that Brockhall (the training ground areas) can't be built upon?

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Said person has also said to post this

"Why has my response to the hypocrite comment not been mentioned? 'I will be the power behind the throne but I will not sit in it' I am more than willing to be part of the group but i will not lead it"

I know the reason and why and it is perfectly valid

This is all a bit weird.Deleted: wrong guess methinks

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  • Backroom

Said person has also said to post this

"Why has my response to the hypocrite comment not been mentioned? 'I will be the power behind the throne but I will not sit in it' I am more than willing to be part of the group but i will not lead it"

I know the reason and why and it is perfectly valid

I didn't mean that comment to cause offence to this 'said person'

To be fair to him I thought he was the best speaker on the night and I agreed with everything he said. My only gripe was that he was asking people to put their balls on the line when he completely refused to do so himself. He may have his reasons and I'm sure he does, but surely he understands he can't go accusing others like Mark Fish, who has risked alot for this cause, of not doing anything.

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Yeah, I would to! To be clear that's what I'd like to happen, just some pointers and ideas, just putting them out there. I'd gladly help distribute flyers and what have you, I'll contribute financially (nothing extravagant), I'll do all I can when I can but other than that it's just words on a messageboard I'm afraid.

Bob that's top work .

Once we have the bullets for the flyer how about taking adverts initially in the LT so that the local population knows exactly what the fight is about. I mean place the flyer in the press on a full page for a week. From there it can go to a wider circulation and get gradually wider.Even better to get the same flyers up on giant billboards around the town. That can't be hard with various counsellors an local MPs allegedly on board.

Be interesting to know what the LT would charge for that given that we would all be boycotting them as well if the started getting silly.

I'm not having that. £23m for BRFC - who were bringing in over £35m p/a through Sky alone, plus potential player sales, plus Brockhall?!? Any thoughts on the rumour that Brockhall (the training ground areas) can't be built upon?

Was it not £43million , Bob?

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