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[Archived] Break The. Boycott - Wolves Game

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This is not a thread about the rights and wrongs of attending v boycotting.

I boycott home games but I respect the decision of those who attend.

For the Wolves game I will break my boycott. I do not want a penny of my hard earned cash going to what I personally believe is a bent set up.

However we need to look at the bigger picture. A very loud, and visual, demonstration against Wolves will create so much more publicity than people like me staying away.

So, get those whistles and beach balls bought. And remember:

18 in - 75 out

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I will be outside pal.Not a penny more until they go

I too will be outside. I will do anything in my powers to eradicate this scourge of Rovers but my principles will not allow me to go inside after vowing not too.

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I'm glad everyone finally seems to be pulling in the same direction of getting the venkys out (albeit still many different ideas) but I won't be stepping foot inside that ground. The club/venkys will not get a penny from me whatever the circumstances. I'd rather put my hard earned into the tills of one of the local publicans and wander down to the ground for anything happening outside.

Hope enough people who want the venkys out and are still willing to go inside do the walk out thing. Have my doubts but hope it goes well.

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