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[Archived] Meeting With The Club - Brfcs Attendees ?

Ste B

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This initiative from the EFL is meant to allow the fans to directly ask questions to the club's owners. Its meant to allow fans to question anything pertaining to the running of the club. It's exactly what any fan should want or expect - it's also what rovers fans especially, should be in favour of. There is also some kind of responsibility laid down by the EFL for the club to answer the questions in a straight forwards manner.

I would hope that the club does answer the questions openly and honestly, but the chances are they won't. In that case the meeting minutes should be referred back to the EFL for their comments. I would also hope that the reps from BRFCS, DON'T walk out at any point and at least take it back to the FA.

Personally, I understand the idea of walking in, saying "up yours" and walking out straight away, but the club would be more than happy to see that. They'll be off the hook. Don't make it that easy. At least give it a go and let's see how committed the EFL is.

All things being equal, and under a stewardship anything like normal, I would agree 100% with you Den. They are just not capable of open and honest. And even if they were, they are hamstrung by being in Venky's pockets. I also have no confidence in any remotely probing questions being allowed to filter through their editing process. I just have strong reservations in giving these charlatans the time of the day.

I would say though, that I feel infinitely better about a meeting with representatives from our board being there, and not a Trust ego-massaging agenda. I don't expect our volunteers to give anyone an easy ride. They will do us proud, I have no doubts about that.

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Any of the attendees are able to act in what ever way they feel is appropriate / ask whatever they want in the meeting itself. If people think there is a question that needs to be asked then feel free to suggest it.

The list of questions we submitted for the agenda were discussed with all attendees. I expect that the inidividual questions would end up being summarised in the agenda itself.

I would ask the club to forward a list of all players and managers signed since Venkys takeover and who their agents were at the time. I would ask who the agents were who told John Williams to put contracts forward to players who he'd never heard being discussed as transfer targets. I would ask the total amount of fees paid to Jerome Anderson or his agencies since Venkys took over. I would ask specifically if Owen Coyle was/is an SEM member.

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If Pasha is there (unlikely) can the BRFCS reps make sure he knows in no uncertain terms that any success by the team on the pitch is IN SPITE OF the owners and nothing to do with anything they've ever done at the club. They don't deserve any success the way they've run it.

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I struggle to believe that 72 hours before the meeting, they don't yet know if Pasha or other owners representative will attend.

Cheston forgot to ask Lynsey to put paper in the fax machine?

48 hours before the meeting and no confirmation if Pasha or other owner representative will attend?

Maybe the cleaner unplugged the fax machine to plug in the hoover?

Seriously. Pashas job is communication link?

Obviously the only possible scenario is that the club are playing the game here, by purposely releasing info only at the latest they can get away with.

No chance they are still unaware if Pasha is attending or not.

Has anybody picked up the phone and asked them?

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  • Backroom

The agenda is out and it appears that at the moment they won't be dodging any questions.

First topic to be discussed is 'sale of the club/potential takeover'

Note this is to answer submitted questions, not a topic that they're choosing to discuss themselves so don't get your hopes up lol.

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The agenda is out and it appears that at the moment they won't be dodging any questions.

First topic to be discussed is 'sale of the club/potential takeover'

Note this is to answer submitted questions, not a topic that they're choosing to discuss themselves so don't get your hopes up lol.

Send us the agenda then Matt.

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Worked ok for me.

a) Sale of club / Potential takeover

b ) Owners short and long term plans for the club

c) Owners absence / commitment to future meetings

d) Board / Owners

e) Owners lack of funding

f) Mangerial appointment

g) Season tickets

h) Club engagement with ex-supporters / season ticket holders

i)Elton john concert

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Worked ok for me.

a) Sale of club / Potential takeover

.... they know jack

b ) Owners short and long term plans for the club

.....they know jack

c) Owners absence / commitment to future meetings

...they know jack

d) Board / Owners

.....they know jack

e) Owners lack of funding

... they know jack

f) Mangerial appointment

... they know jack

g) Season tickets

..they don't care

h) Club engagement with ex-supporters / season ticket holders

They like us anti venkys not going

i)Elton john concert

... trying to blag freebies

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On the face of it the agenda is exactly what i would like to have seen. No nonsense. No discussing pies or replica shirts. Straight into the owners and then plenty of points about them, with the Coyle fiasco attached to the end. They ought to struggle to divert attention away from those points.

How will Cheston manage to make this meeting last 90 minutes if he's just going to answer 'i don't know' to every question?

I'd be very surprised if any owner or rep attends this meeting. It will be the club staff who attend. Might as well be me sat there answering questions than Cheston judging by his previous interviews.

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  • Backroom

I didn't get the original email so didn't see the full content. I've not heard anything so I doubt it.

Appears Venkys or their representatives were at Ewood last night so could be a chance.

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Agenda looks Ok but the answers won't!

Item one---"Sorry we cannot comment on that other than to say that the owners are right behind the Club"


The guidelines say that the club must provide employees who CAN answer the questions though. That's why I'm hoping that they're asked about the use of agents. Maybe the people there won't supply the answers, but the owners do know the answers. If the club don't give the answers to the requests for FACTS, then hopefully that will be reported in the minutes, in the LT and reported to the EFL.

It's an opportunity to put the club under pressure in the public eye. It's an attempt to get some facts out into the public arena. Any decent club would welcome this and be happy to provide the facts. If Cheston and co are allowed to simply give an opinion, then there's still a point to all this, but less so.

IMO, of course.

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The guidelines say that the club must provide employees who CAN answer the questions though. That's why I'm hoping that they're asked about the use of agents. Maybe the people there won't supply the answers, but the owners do know the answers. If the club don't give the answers to the requests for FACTS, then hopefully that will be reported in the minutes, in the LT and reported to the EFL.

It's an opportunity to put the club under pressure in the public eye. It's an attempt to get some facts out into the public arena. Any decent club would welcome this and be happy to provide the facts. If Cheston and co are allowed to simply give an opinion, then there's still a point to all this, but less so.

IMO, of course.

Where have you been for the past 6yrs? they've never provided FACTS before and its been reported in the national media, we're still no further on.

Its a complete waste of time and effort, its nothing but a win win for Cheston and the club, if one fan comes out of the meeting thinking Cheston is in this because he wants to succeed then job done, if they don't so what, he had the meeting.

Cheston, Coyle and Pasha can hide behind being new into the job and everyone else won't have the remit, absolute waste of time.

WAR is a waste of time, protests are not happening, we're just another club sleep walking into the lower leagues with despicable unfit owners, its disgusting.

I could walk away from football very easily, the Allardyce stuff is just the icing on the cake for me, his signed NDA, as fans we're just taken for complete mugs all the in pursuit of money through an old boys network than will never be broken until someone high profile goes to jail.


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Don't worry about it then Gav.

You complain because none of the fans do anything about the situation, then when some of them are prepared to meet them and question them, or tell them what they think of the situation, you moan at them for doing that. There's no pleasing you.

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