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[Archived] Meeting With The Club - Brfcs Attendees ?

Ste B

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Jeez unbelievable! So if Coar is being pushed further away, and not being paid, then what the hell is he still doing at the club.

Still needs to be involved in some capacity so he keeps the FA tie at the boys club would be my guess, handy for Venky's and others as well having the prestige of a FA man as exec director, gives the impression of everything is rosey

Reckon when Desai hears about the threat tonight he will have the exec position for as long as he wants

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Interesting. Looks like the club may have rekindled interest in protests just as it was dying down!

Fair play to those who went. Didn't realise BRFCS were attending at the same time as the Action Group.

I just said to somebody else, if anything, this meeting has just about brought the protests back to life.

From what i read, the feedback from Coar and Cheston or lack thereof, has just about shown them up for who they really are. A bunch of useless nobodys, and both should really resign.

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Does anyone really believe for one minute they were suddenly offering 1 million pounds for players ? More like his entire budget was 1 million.

What a load of old tripe but credit all those having a go.

Its very easy to sit here in September and claim bids went in for players and the club was trying to spend money.

I can sit here now and say that I offered £10 million to buy the club but ultimately it was out of my price range.

Its meaningless, fictitious babble from the master of spin. Coyle has always had the gift of the gab and these sort of platforms enable him to take centre stage whilst deflecting the attention away from the real issues and perpetrators at the club. No doubt his ability to sell sand to the Arabs was one of the reasons he managed to get the job in the first place and one of the reasons they are keen to put him infront of the cameras at every opportunity to blag his way into people's good books.

Sounds to me like the whole thing was a waste of time, as expected.

No owners or representatives. Finally they admitted that Pasha is now on the payroll, which makes his absence tonight even more suspicious and strange. Why would he avoid meeting the fans so soon into his tenure? Something very odd going on there.

Finally some light has been shed on Coar's involvement. He clearly thinks all is well in the world. If he's not an employee and isn't involved in decision making I do wonder exactly what the point was of him being there tonight.

Cheston seems very keen to promote the work of the community trust and the academy, presumably because these are the only two areas of the club that haven't yet been completely decimated by his bosses because they are quite independent of Venky decision making. Perhaps he needs reminding that the purpose of this club is football. Not the community trust and not developing players, but winning football matches.

I look forward to the full broadcast but it seems they've succeeded in negotiating this minefield by producing a powerpoint and reading out a short statement that a 12 year old could have written and claiming it is from the owners.

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Did anyone ask how Coyle got the job with Cheston out of the country, and did Cheston repeat what he apparently said previous about not being aware of his appointment?

Coyle was approached by Pasha, then had an interview with Pasha and another Indian man, after this he met Balaji and got the job.

All this whilst Cheston was on his jollys.

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All this power point presentation is just look at me look at me I'm doing a good job even if everyone else isn't. Then he gets overruled by the manager lol

No doubt they do good stuff with the community and they deserve commending but it's no use if the rest of the club is being pulled to bits. There'll be hardly any of the community coming through the gates if the downscale continues, get some decent players on the park and show some ambition and you won't need a thousand initiatives to try and bribe fans to come.

As always under this regime no one admits or takes responsibility that the first team are the be all and end all and everything revolves from there. The reason for this is the owners and partners but they won't stand up and be counted and no one dare stand up and say it's them making a mess and continuing to do so.

Limbo is confirmed tonight !

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Firstly thank you to my fellow posters and BRFCS for allowing me to be part of the delegation tonight.

Meeting started with Cheston reading statement from owners claiming they were still 100% committed to returning club to the top league .

Cheston then gave power point presentation which will be circulated by club to the whole supporter base , which was championing the non footballs side achievements and work in the community. It also showed the progress that home grown talent has made since they joined the club as children.

The power point went on too long and Mark from the BRFCAG jumped in to state we had come to ask questions and was not interested in the power point . Cheston tried to continue before Coyle stepped in and stopped presentation and got the questions going.

I asked the whole panel if any of them had any direct contact with the owners , they all stated they went through Pascha who is now employed by the club.

At that point for me , the meeting was over , as they were just as in the dark as everyone else.

I asked if the owners were still interfering with team selection and outside parties with substitutions ? coyle stated he was solely responsible for the team and substitutions , no one denied it had happened previously .

I stated we wanted footballing people making decisions at boardroom level and not decisions made regarding football matters from 1000's of miles away and by people who know nothing about football .

Other questions posed by the Action Group was regarding Coyles statement he had never heard of he SEM. His answer was everyone has heard of SEM , but he said he stated he had never met Jerome Anderson.

The action group asked Rob Coar what he had done to stop this rot in the last 6 years. He stated he was not an employee of the club, thus does not get paid. He was pushed further and words were exchanged by both parties before the BRFCAG walked out with a few others too.

Coyle stated he had bid in access of a million pounds for a few players but had been priced out of the moves, although he admitted the decision making process is too slow.

Cheston was quizzed regarding a previous statement that supporters are damaging the club via boycott , he denied claiming they were not proper fans .

Coar claimed the owner club relationship now is no different to the one he worked under when jack Walker was here .

In summary Coyle came across with credit, whilst the other members of the panel knew nothing and don't speak to the owners . Any further meetings would be pointless unless owners are there or at least their representation

Fair summary.. Mike Cheston still maintained boycotts damage the club. Fair play to Andy for getting him to back down a little

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An absolute waste of time and effort, simple as that.

But like I said earlier today, I appreciate everyones efforts, you're all a credit to the club/fans and BRAG you did the right thing, I hope its reported in the media that Coar threatened you with legal action, what a sad man he is, so disrespectful to Jack Walker.

I'm not reading anymore, heart rates already up.

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Did anyone ask where had all the transfer money gone?

I'm presuming the 11 million committed to signing 13 players and some contracts was the answer to that. It kind of shows then that future contracts are being funded by the recent sales which shows no Venky backing.

I know some other clubs get run this way but they don't dress it up as having benevolent owners paying the bills like those at Ewood try and have people believe. Why lie and dress it up when we are after the truth no matter how harsh it may be.

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If true that is pretty obnoxious behaviour from Coar. I hope he gets potted and that his comments appear in the LT so everyone can see the type of people involved in the running of Rovers. Good on BRAG for walking out. I hope the people representing this forum did the same.

As if he could sue for a harmless remark like that!

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Dont want to make this about point scoring but its just as myself, Gav and a few others said... A complete farce, a meeting with a bunch of cretins with no credibility, the time for talking has passed and the only answer we needed has been answered. Its time we start pulling together, these people are not getting the message or simply do not care. I've seen a few posts about how we need a meeting with them, take your @#/? head out of your arse and smell the roses. Mass protests and boycotts needed, especially now whilst the F.A. Are under the microscope, shame them and shame Venkys.

The time is now, if the fans dont come together for mass protests then i'm off. I've almost had enough.

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As predicted, a complete and utter waste of time.

We've been played - again. Well done to BRAG for walking out.

What do we do ? Get a twitter trend going for 10 minutes. Goto India ? @#/? and moan on an internet forum ? Protest ?

Maybe its all pointless and we should just sit there going Rovers Rovers Ra Ra Ra. Theres a meme around about Arguing on the internet..

We need a viable alternative.

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