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[Archived] Meeting With The Club - Brfcs Attendees ?

Ste B

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What do we do ? Get a twitter trend going for 10 minutes. Goto India ? @#/? and moan on an internet forum ? Protest ?

Maybe its all pointless and we should just sit there going Rovers Rovers Ra Ra Ra. Theres a meme around about Arguing on the internet..

We need a viable alternative.

Mass boycott of a high profile home game.

Except it won't happen.

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Does anyone really believe for one minute they were suddenly offering 1 million pounds for players ? More like his entire budget was 1 million.

What a load of old tripe but credit all those having a go.

Quite so, you could " bid £1M for a few players" while only having £M1 for one! Clever.

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What do we do ? Get a twitter trend going for 10 minutes. Goto India ? @#/? and moan on an internet forum ? Protest ?

Maybe its all pointless and we should just sit there going Rovers Rovers Ra Ra Ra. Theres a meme around about Arguing on the internet..

We need a viable alternative.

It isn't a waste of time Ste. It's probing, it's publicity. It's part of making them all understand how the fans feel. Rather than less of this, we need more of it. Well done to the guys who gave their time up tonight. Next time the meetings take place they'll be put under more pressure. Fans aren't stupid. The way the owners are running the club is WRONG - and even the club reps in the meeting know that, although they simply can't say it. These meetings should continue and they should be reported word for word in the media. The more they fudge and simply talk in misdirected sound bites, the more they'll be seen for what they are. ALL OF EM.

These meetings won't ever solve the problem, but they're helping us down the road.

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Which shows it as the window dressing it probably was i.e no chance of getting him but we enquired.

Marshall/Duffy/Evans etc all brought in for fees of around half a mill apiece with more in add ons. That's 1.5 down for 3 potentially at the time half decent players. There has clearly been no intention whatsoever to follow this route so it's a bulldust being spouted imo.

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Course it is all rubbish. Its been clear for years now that they aren't going to be spending serious money on new players. They can talk until the cows come home (and Coyle will do if he's given half a chance) about which players they tried to sign and how much they were offering to spend, its meaningless babble. Clubs that mean business don't sit in front of their fans and try to convince them they mean business, they go out and do it then talk about it afterwards.

We've spent about £300,000-400,000 on transfer fees in the last 2.5 years on Williams, Steele, Duffy, Ward and Bennett. That's if you believe the club who have probably inflated those fees. We've recouped about £30 million in the last 12 months alone and all we're hearing now are hard luck stories about players that slipped away at the 11th hour. Boring.

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Well it an interesting one (in parts) to summarise the legal threats, conversation was along the lines

PK: Bob you have been here since 1980 and have the ear of the FA, when this club and supporters needed help the most did you do enough?

Bob: Started speaking about Cheston

Repeat question and answer numerous times......

PK: If Jack Walker walked through that door now could you look him in the eye and say you have done all you can to protect his legacy?

Bob: What have you done at work today?

PK: Its a simple question with a yes or no answer

Bob: Mike Cheston said...

PK: Bob you cant answer because the answer is no, you are a cop out who can't answer

Bob: (Off Mic) Points finger and says several times "I'll see you n court"

BRFCAG get up to leave

Mark Fish: If your going to sue any of us Bob do it through the proper channels we await your letter

Bob: Paul if you wait over by the bar we will have a pint after the meeting

PK: No thanks Bob you are a disgrace and I'd rather not drink with you.

To be fair Coyle did try and be open as possible
Cheston is out of his depth
Sylvester non existent tonight
Coar see above

Cheston did commit to try and set up a meeting with the fans when Suhail is here

Comedy moment when one person asked why the club couldn't set up skype to India for the meeting and the panel all sat silent with blank expressions.

We tried our best as did others.

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Well it an interesting one (in parts) to summarise the legal threats, conversation was along the lines

PK: Bob you have been here since 1980 and have the ear of the FA, when this club and supporters needed help the most did you do enough?

Bob: Started speaking about Cheston

Repeat question and answer numerous times......

PK: If Jack Walker walked through that door now could you look him in the eye and say you have done all you can to protect his legacy?

Bob: What have you done at work today?

PK: Its a simple question with a yes or no answer

Bob: Mike Cheston said...

PK: Bob you cant answer because the answer is no, you are a cop out who can't answer

Bob: (Off Mic) Points finger and says several times "I'll see you n court"

BRFCAG get up to leave

Mark Fish: If your going to sue any of us Bob do it through the proper channels we await your letter

Bob: Paul if you wait over by the bar we will have a pint after the meeting

PK: No thanks Bob you are a disgrace and I'd rather not drink with you.

To be fair Coyle did try and be open as possible

Cheston is out of his depth

Sylvester non existent tonight

Coar see above

Cheston did commit to try and set up a meeting with the fans when Suhail is here

Comedy moment when one person asked why the club couldn't set up skype to India for the meeting and the panel all sat silent with blank expressions.

We tried our best as did others.

I would say that is a fair summary.

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Well it an interesting one (in parts) to summarise the legal threats, conversation was along the lines

PK: Bob you have been here since 1980 and have the ear of the FA, when this club and supporters needed help the most did you do enough?

Bob: Started speaking about Cheston

Repeat question and answer numerous times......

PK: If Jack Walker walked through that door now could you look him in the eye and say you have done all you can to protect his legacy?

Bob: What have you done at work today?

PK: Its a simple question with a yes or no answer

Bob: Mike Cheston said...

PK: Bob you cant answer because the answer is no, you are a cop out who can't answer

Bob: (Off Mic) Points finger and says several times "I'll see you n court"

BRFCAG get up to leave

Mark Fish: If your going to sue any of us Bob do it through the proper channels we await your letter

Bob: Paul if you wait over by the bar we will have a pint after the meeting

PK: No thanks Bob you are a disgrace and I'd rather not drink with you.

To be fair Coyle did try and be open as possible

Cheston is out of his depth

Sylvester non existent tonight

Coar see above

Cheston did commit to try and set up a meeting with the fans when Suhail is here

Comedy moment when one person asked why the club couldn't set up skype to India for the meeting and the panel all sat silent with blank expressions.

We tried our best as did others.

Well done, complete amd utter disgrace that fella (Coar).

I'm strongly against further meetings, we've got the one answer we needed, it's time we focus on what we control and stop listening the words of liars.

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My only gripe was someone shouting '@#/?' as they walked out - didn't do anybody any favours.

For me the most disappointing aspect of the evening was the 50% - 75% of fans there tonight who sat there in silence and didn't ask any question(s). Why go?

Pains me to say it but these folk are representative of a good percentage of our fan base... Spineless.

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Did Coyle mean he'd allegedly bid £1m each for several different players or £1m in total?

Also what was meant by the reference to spending 11m on players? Did they mean the total cost of bringing in the various players was 11m including their wages? That's obviously a completely worthless stat as you then have to deduct the cost of the players who have left.

Always found Coar to be a completely charmless man. No class whatsoever. He's always been the same.

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My only gripe was someone shouting '@#/?' as they walked out - didn't do anybody any favours.

For me the most disappointing aspect of the evening was the 50% - 75% of fans there tonight who sat there in silence and didn't ask any question(s). Why go?

Andy I've seen this comment in several places, mainly Twitter links people have posted. I don't do Twitter so can only see it on links.

I may have misunderstood but I thought this meeting was for supporters "representatives" or groups. Are you saying the meeting was open to all?

If it was open to all can someone point to how and when the club advertised this as I certainly was completely unaware I could have attended as an individual fan.

Is it correct the Rovers Trust did not attend?

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So what did we learn? Absolutely nothing...a complete waste of time as we all expected.

I was falling asleep after 10 minutes, whilst listening to Mike Cheston waffle on about the average age of the squad, the amount of people who use the community trust facilities, the wage to turnover ratio over the last 25 years, the length of service of the admin staff at the club....this is not what we came for and I couldn't help interrupt Mike and ask him "how long have you got left, this is not what we want to discuss", I informed him he was out of touch.

This was when it became blindingly obvious to everyone, especially those who hadn't already worked it out...the club expected a positive meeting, a chat over brew and biscuits.

I started by asking Rob Coar what he did and where he had been for the last six years. The Action Group has campaigned from day one for dialogue with the board...he's been the one constant yet I've never met the man. I still am not sure if he answered this or not...he just waffled and dodged. When Paul asked him if he felt as a club director and with his links on the FA council, had he done enough over the last six years and could he look Jack Walker in the eye if he walked in now....at which point Coar snapped and very angrily pointed a finger at Paul and said "I'll see you in court". We shall await another letter from Forbes.

Mike Cheston...when questioned about his claims that boycotting supporters were damaging the club by Andy Neil, stood by those claims. He sat silent at the tough questions because he doesn't know the answers. At one point because Owen Coyle didn't answer a question it went unanswered by anyone. That is our board.

Rob Coar went on to state that the way the club is run now is no different to they way it was run by Jack Walker. I pointed to the slight difference that a fantastic owner and a strong board has been replaced by incompetence.

At this point i told them both to hand their resignations in and let someone competent take their positions.

Owen Coyle came across very well. I asked him why he chose to lie in his press conference when he was asked "do you have links to SEM" and he replied "no". He denied this and said he was asked the question "do you have links to Jerome Anderson" and he stated he'd never met the bloke.

In my opinion the board of directors are not fit for purpose. We must end all communication with them, and we must make our feelings known to the world at the Wolves game next month. I would urge everyone to get on board and support the action taken at this game.

As for the statement on the website from the owners. I am not even going to bother with my thoughts on that.

This meeting was initially scheduled for the 5th October. It was brought forward a week to try and allow Suhail Pasha to attend...and he still didn't. That says it all in my opinion.

The time for talking ended a long time ago...tonight just confirmed that yet again.

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My only gripe was someone shouting '@#/?' as they walked out - didn't do anybody any favours.

For me the most disappointing aspect of the evening was the 50% - 75% of fans there tonight who sat there in silence and didn't ask any question(s). Why go?

Just to clarify, as much as I agreed with the comment shouted at Coar, it wasn't made by anyone representing BRFCAG

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So what did we learn? Absolutely nothing...a complete waste of time as we all expected.

I was falling asleep after 10 minutes, whilst listening to Mike Cheston waffle on about the average age of the squad, the amount of people who use the community trust facilities, the wage to turnover ratio over the last 25 years, the length of service of the admin staff at the club....this is not what we came for and I couldn't help interrupt Mike and ask him "how long have you got left, this is not what we want to discuss", I informed him he was out of touch.

This was when it became blindingly obvious to everyone, especially those who hadn't already worked it out...the club expected a positive meeting, a chat over brew and biscuits.

I started by asking Rob Coar what he did and where he had been for the last six years. The Action Group has campaigned from day one for dialogue with the board...he's been the one constant yet I've never met the man. I still am not sure if he answered this or not...he just waffled and dodged. When Paul asked him if he felt as a club director and with his links on the FA council, had he done enough over the last six years and could he look Jack Walker in the eye if he walked in now....at which point Coar snapped and very angrily pointed a finger at Paul and said "I'll see you in court". We shall await another letter from Forbes.

Mike Cheston...when questioned about his claims that boycotting supporters were damaging the club by Andy Neil, stood by those claims. He sat silent at the tough questions because he doesn't know the answers. At one point because Owen Coyle didn't answer a question it went unanswered by anyone. That is our board.

Rob Coar went on to state that the way the club is run now is no different to they way it was run by Jack Walker. I pointed to the slight difference that a fantastic owner and a strong board has been replaced by incompetence.

At this point i told them both to hand their resignations in and let someone competent take their positions.

Owen Coyle came across very well. I asked him why he chose to lie in his press conference when he was asked "do you have links to SEM" and he replied "no". He denied this and said he was asked the question "do you have links to Jerome Anderson" and he stated he'd never met the bloke.

In my opinion the board of directors are not fit for purpose. We must end all communication with them, and we must make our feelings known to the world at the Wolves game next month. I would urge everyone to get on board and support the action taken at this game.

As for the statement on the website from the owners. I am not even going to bother with my thoughts on that.

This meeting was initially scheduled for the 5th October. It was brought forward a week to try and allow Suhail Pasha to attend...and he still didn't. That says it all in my opinion.

The time for talking ended a long time ago...tonight just confirmed that yet again.

Wait, so let me get this right. Coar wants to take you guys to court, because Paul asked him that question?

Here is a big middle finger to Bob Coar! Do one!

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What do we do ? Get a twitter trend going for 10 minutes. Goto India ? @#/? and moan on an internet forum ? Protest ?

Maybe its all pointless and we should just sit there going Rovers Rovers Ra Ra Ra. Theres a meme around about Arguing on the internet..

We need a viable alternative.

For me - yes, we start twitter trends, we go to India, we moan on the internet, at the ground, at the training ground, at the football league, at the premier league, at the FA. We stop every single football match at Ewood park with protests.

We cause that much consistent @#/? there position becomes 'unattainable'.

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Claims that the runnings of the club are no different now to how they were in Jacks day is a disgrace. To me that really shows Coar up for what he is.

Well done to Paul and Mark for their stance.

absolute bonkers statement ..uncle jack will be spinning at how its run.

Is Coar deluded? bonkers? or something else.

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Pains me to say it but these folk are representative of a good percentage of our fan base... Spineless.

No Neal, not spineless, simply that a good percentage of our fan base have a different opinion to yourself about things. As with all things in life people hold different opinions and different views.

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