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[Archived] Meeting With The Club - Brfcs Attendees ?

Ste B

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While can see where you're coming from, calling people makes them get defensive rather than get onside.

That being said, anyone not outraged by fans being threatened legally for asking a question is not someone I want in the trenches with me.

I know what you're saying Mike but i'm passed the point of caring if comments on a messageboard put people off doing the right thing (protesting)... All this pussy footing around, lets have board meetings, lets talk to them, oh we've won a game lets see what happens... They've just stated they're COMMITTED to us and a board member has threatened one of our own and some folk are worried about my posts hurting their feelings! Some need to bloody man up and get some perspective... Bloody mind boggling.
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After a bit of time to properly reflect on the meeting, was a waste of time? No not entirely in my opinion

Plus Points:

Some good well presented questions / views from the floor, particular mentions to Andy, Maureen, Glen, Mark and another young lad who I don't recall who he was
Cheston did commit to asking Pasha for a meeting with the fans in the coming weeks,
Some credit to Owen Coyle, he did at least appear to be open and transparent and didn't duck issues,

I learnt more about the three directors at the top table last night:
Cheston, is a finance guy and no doubt good in that field, not cut out for his role though.His presentation was interesting and well put together, just chose the wrong time and platform to deliver it.
Sylvester, not sure why he bothered to be honest, offered not one word whilst I was there?
Coar, I'm probably better not commenting at this stage
Cheston took time to rightly point out that there is still some excellent staff at Ewood, and it must hurt them as much as us all seeing what has happened

Negative Points:

The lack of clarity on to many answers (to see some questions go completely without response is a sad reflection of what our club has become)
The appearance of a solicitor at the top table hardly presented a welcoming environment
The fact that there appeared to be more staff / stewards than fans
Coars OTT reaction to a question that was genuine and put forward properly, (even though he back tracked and offered me a pint at the end)
The statement written by whoever (Venkys) seemed to knock the wind out of many fans and I think maybe resulted in a lack of questions from the floor
The fan who called Coar a **** head, although I fully understand his comments, it does give the top table a moral high ground.
Coars bizarre claims that the club was run now in a similar way to that of under Jack

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there may be many reasons why people either can't or won't get involved in protesting against the owners - have you ever thought of that? Who are the certain folk who get touchy? You obviously have people in mind, so you may as well just come out with it...

Going over old ground here, i've spoken to Paul about all this before and understand there are SOME that cant but no one can tell me that number equates to 10,000 Rovers fans... If they did then i'd call them a liar. I'm going to sign off for the day, probably for the best.

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  • Moderation Lead

To be honest, given that one of our fans was threatened with legal action last night for asking a question that needed asking, I'm amazed anyone could be precious enough to be offended by such comments. The time for being too sensitive to these comments has passed. We need these owners out.

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And that's the response I would expect from those who simply cannot see past their own narrow minded agenda. Good luck persuading people you insult to join you.

"Trying to persuade"... You say that as if people haven't been given enough reason already Parson... I'm passed trying persuade anyone, hence my general abbrassive attitude and its not as if i'm part of a group trying to persuade anyone to join me, you dont agree then its fine but rest assured i'll still have my say about it. You can call me narrow minded but at least I have enough perspective to see whats going on, perhaps because I haven't got my head up my arse.

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I'm still in shock at the Owners(sic) Statement on the website.

You read it and you'd think that everything was rosy and we were sat in the play-offs with a decent squad.

I haven't seen anywhere that anyone at the club has admitted to things not being right at the club.

When there are organised protest movements and sub 10k fans turning up, this shows huge mismanagement of the club and that they do not care in the slightest about the fanbase or the future of the club.

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They've tried to pull the wool over everyone's eyes with those slides.....

It's embarrassing and insulting to everyone who asked searching questions. I'm hoping the LT can at least give some balance as to what went on and was said. Somehow though I don't think it will happen.

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And that's the response I would expect from those who simply cannot see past their own narrow minded agenda. Good luck persuading people you insult to join you.

NARROW MINDED? Do you have another agenda somewhere, I cant see how you can agree with fans threatened , corruption removing .
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"Trying to persuade"... You say that as if people haven't been given enough reason already Parson... I'm passed trying persuade anyone, hence my general abbrassive attitude and its not as if i'm part of a group trying to persuade anyone to join me, you dont agree then its fine but rest assured i'll still have my say about it. You can call me narrow minded but at least I have enough perspective to see whats going on, perhaps because I haven't got my head up my arse.

I thought that's the position your head seems to be on a permanent basis. Still, each to their own.

NARROW MINDED? Do you have another agenda somewhere, I cant see how you can agree with fans threatened , corruption removing .

Spoke to one or two who went last night and they were more upset with Coar being slated than anything else. Like it or not Abbey, there are lots of different views - go on Roverstalk for a different viewpoint of last night's meeting. The bottom line is that the fanbase is split and we are never to going to agree on things.

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  • Backroom

I thought that's the position your head seems to be on a permanent basis. Still, each to their own.

Spoke to one or two who went last night and they were more upset with Coar being slated than anything else. Like it or not Abbey, there are lots of different views - go on Roverstalk for a different viewpoint of last night's meeting. The bottom line is that the fanbase is split and we are never to going to agree on things.


Any view other than outrage at that is from someone who must think the people at boardroom level are fully competent (ie: wrong).

Similarly, Coar's comments that we are run 'as we were under Jack Walker' are a complete insult to fans, to the staff in situ, and to Jack himself.

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Spoke to one or two who went last night and they were more upset with Coar being slated than anything else. Like it or not Abbey, there are lots of different views - go on Roverstalk for a different viewpoint of last night's meeting. The bottom line is that the fanbase is split and we are never to going to agree on things.

Roverstalk thread is basically a convo between 4 or 5 people. Hardly representative.

One is called Gibbon so no surprise they think like an ape.

Should be renamed to venkystalk

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I thought that's the position your head seems to be on a permanent basis. Still, each to their own.

Spoke to one or two who went last night and they were more upset with Coar being slated than anything else. Like it or not Abbey, there are lots of different views - go on Roverstalk for a different viewpoint of last night's meeting. The bottom line is that the fanbase is split and we are never to going to agree on things.

Not aimed at you Parson as you haven't given your opinion but if people who were there are upset about Coar being slated then they are being far too precious. I would hazard a guess that these people were the ones who didn't speak all night. It really beggars belief that the last person with a direct link to Jack Walker hasn't done a tap to prevent the wanton destruction of our club. He is almost as culpable as the stupid owners we have and I feel insulated by his lack of action even if it had been something like resigning on principle and out of loyalty to Jack Walker.

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Personally I don't think fans should be playing the V's game at this kind of event. If there is another meeting I think the best approach is for someone to start the meeting with a brief statement and then everyone should walk out. Filmed of course. What can these people say which is of any use to anyone? The time for improving communications is long gone I'm afraid.

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Parson, honest question. What will fill the massive hole there will be if the club gets wound up? Will you wish you stood up for it and tried, or will you say "least we have the memories" and carry on with your life? Do you not care about your club? I'm certain you do, so why will you not fight for it? If I'd devoted as much time, energy, money and passion into something, as you obviously have with Rovers, I would be @#/? fuming with the @#/?s that have, and still are, ruining it for their own greedy ends! I don't mean this as a dig, I just can't get my head around how you can be so passive, to the point where you're almost coming across as being on the @#/?'s side of things. How are you not furious with Rob Coar's comments, Owen Coyle's lies and Cheston and Silvester's lack of any meaningful power in the club?

Honestly, I don't understand how a few words on a screen can make someone of your many, many years of commitment almost turn a blind eye to the pillaging of your club. You are exactly the type of supporter we all need on the frontline showing an example to the younger fans and the people waivering on joining the fight, showing that you have invested too much love in this club to let @#/?s like Jerome Anderson and Balaji Rao take it away from us. I urge you to ignore any perceived insults or jibes on here and take them as the frustrations they are and join the fight.

If people see the likes you and your group joining the protests, it may just sway others, and we need them!

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