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[Archived] Meeting With The Club - Brfcs Attendees ?

Ste B

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And that's the response I would expect from those who simply cannot see past their own narrow minded agenda. Good luck persuading people you insult to join you.

Be honest Parson, you will never, ever do anything other than attend. Let's hope there's still a club for you at the end of all this.

If there is, it will be down to other people's efforts.

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Be honest Parson, you will never, ever do anything other than attend. Let's hope there's still a club for you at the end of all this.

If there is, it will be down to other people's efforts.

It will be down to the fact that:

Venky's decide the time is right to leave for them.


Venky's find a buyer who is prepared to pay the price they want and then fund the club.

So you are right. If there is a club at the end of this it will be down to the efforts of the new owner - if one can be found - and they will have my thanks.

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It will be down to the fact that:

Venky's decide the time is right to leave for them.


Venky's find a buyer who is prepared to pay the price they want and then fund the club.

So you are right. If there is a club at the end of this it will be down to the efforts of the new owner - if one can be found - and they will have my thanks.

It's a bleak set of beliefs you have there Parson. Self-fulfilling too. You believe you can do nothing therefore you won't attempt anything.

Humankind wouldn't have got out of the caves if everyone felt like this.

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It will be down to the fact that:

Venky's decide the time is right to leave for them.


Venky's find a buyer who is prepared to pay the price they want and then fund the club.

So you are right. If there is a club at the end of this it will be down to the efforts of the new owner - if one can be found - and they will have my thanks.

Aye but the fans can play a part in giving them a reason to leave instead of sitting around at their mercy. Their name needs dragging through the dirt and shaming. They've had it easy here. I for one won't sit around and be treated like scum, not being heard or valued and you shouldn't either Parson, as a fan you're worth much more than that but you obviously don't see it that way.

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It's a bleak set of beliefs you have there Parson. Self-fulfilling too. You believe you can do nothing therefore you won't attempt anything.

Humankind wouldn't have got out of the caves if everyone felt like this.

So you believe he fans can afford to buy the club? Getting rid of Venky's is only part of the problem. Finding a buyer whose pockets are deep enough to take the club forward is an issue which seems to have been forgotten.

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That old chestnut--we have to stick with venues because no-one else will buy us!

I believe Venkys can"t afford to run a football club as it should be run. If I'm wrong about their finances, then they clearly don't wish to run it properly so what use are they?

They are part of the problem but vastly the major part.

Just like I have never believed we should retain a poor manager because "no-one else will want to apply for the job" so I don't buy the idea that no-one in the world will wish to buy us.

"Most successful town club in the world" aren't we?

Individual fans can"t buy the club maybe but a consortium including fans can and Seneca will, I'm sure, want to be part of that.

We can thrive again after Venkys as other clubs have. One thing I am sure of, we can never thrive with them.

Passively waiting for them to decide when and whether to move out cannot be the way forward. You are defeatist.

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"I just decided I don't trust you anymore"

Not you Len. But what a great lyric.

This movement will only gain momentum when it realises it needs to stop trying to convert everyone and start trying to attract more people who want to protest or become vocal. It's been that way since day one. All the fan base has done in that time is divide itself. It's clearly not easy, just like in an election you'll not win all the votes. Stop concentrating on individuals and start thinking about how to win more votes (so to speak) IMO. The trick is how to do it.

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It will be down to the fact that:

Venky's decide the time is right to leave for them.


Venky's find a buyer who is prepared to pay the price they want and then fund the club.

So you are right. If there is a club at the end of this it will be down to the efforts of the new owner - if one can be found - and they will have my thanks.

You've just shown your true colours there.

This club will only survive with new owners but you are entirely comfortable supporting the ones trying to kill it.

Sorry, that's not "just a difference of opinion" and "we all support the club in our own way", that's spite.

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"I just decided I don't trust you anymore"

Not you Len. But what a great lyric.

This movement will only gain momentum when it realises it needs to stop trying to convert everyone and start trying to attract more people who want to protest or become vocal. It's been that way since day one. All the fan base has done in that time is divide itself. It's clearly not easy, just like in an election you'll not win all the votes. Stop concentrating on individuals and start thinking about how to win more votes (so to speak) IMO. The trick is how to do it.

It will only gain momentum when those fearful souls who support Venkys (yes they do) stop shouting down the efforts of those who don't. Who is more representative of the majority? The BRFCS forum or the LT comments section? We will find out against Wolves.

A minority will not see this out. Last time it was only a minority, and the majority of fans sneered and hid (much like some are doing now). It took the much maligned Shebby Singh'a arrival to be the catalyst that brought down Kean from the inside. There is no equivalent for Venkys unless the FA step in and decide Venkys are no longer (!) fit and proper.

We need to get a majority of fans. Granted, not all, and Parson is probably not representative, the trouble is his views do influence others - or at least serve to excuse them. "Well if he won't do it, neither will I".

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parson ...I ask again .

do agree with rottontothecoar threatening legal action against fans and do you believe the rovers when they say we are run as well as uncle jack did?

Firstly, I don't think anybody said it was well run. From what I heard Coar said it was similar with Jack in that he ran the club on a day to day basis - and could do transfers up to a certain amount, and I agree that is different - but had to refer to Jack for permission for large spending. Clearly, Jack's involvement was instant rather than the long distance involvement of the present owners which is why we need a change. As for the threatening of legal action, from what I heard on the broadcast, and from what I was told by folk who were there, he allowed himself to be goaded by people who were clearly there to get under his skin. The guy is human and his reaction, although not wise, was understandable. Look how we all react on here when we don't like a post that is aimed in our direction.

You've just shown your true colours there.

This club will only survive with new owners but you are entirely comfortable supporting the ones trying to kill it.

Sorry, that's not "just a difference of opinion" and "we all support the club in our own way", that's spite.

So you don't believe that whoever buys the club will need deep pockets Stuart? You believe that the supporters will be able to fund the club without outside investment?

I'm a realist Stuart. The club needs new owners but it needs owners who not only have a passion for the club but have the finance to nurture that passion and take the club forward. Clearly we do have a difference of opinion as to what we need to replace the present owners. I want someone who has a connection with the club but who also has the ability to take it forward in terms of financial support. Without that commitment we are simply looking at swapping Venkys for Venkys mark II. Seneca wanted to buy 51 per cent, if they can find someone they trust to buy in with them that would be a possible way forward.

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I'm glad my grandparents didn't have attitudes like parson and the venkites had back in WW1 & 2

You now consider the situation at Ewood similar to that in Europe in the 1930s? A sense of perspective dear Abbey, a sense of perspective. You believe that walking into a football match in the 18th minute and leaving on the 75th minute is going to make owners leave? If they are allegedly here for reasons other than football then I'm sure that is obviously going to make them cut and run. One investigative journalist has already rejected the material which Glen sent. From what he has posted he has been in touch with the Telegraph. Will they run with it? If they do then that would be the best chance of getting rid of the owners by forcing the authorities to take action and, ultimately, the intervention of the FA or Football League remains the best bet of getting rid of them.

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So you don't believe that whoever buys the club will need deep pockets Stuart? You believe that the supporters will be able to fund the club without outside investment?

I'm a realist Stuart. The club needs new owners but it needs owners who not only have a passion for the club but have the finance to nurture that passion and take the club forward. Clearly we do have a difference of opinion as to what we need to replace the present owners. I want someone who has a connection with the club but who also has the ability to take it forward in terms of financial support. Without that commitment we are simply looking at swapping Venkys for Venkys mark II. Seneca wanted to buy 51 per cent, if they can find someone they trust to buy in with them that would be a possible way forward.

Nobody, repeat, nobody can afford the asking price the Venkys want. £120m is the stupid number that we are asked to stump up. There are no new owners anywhere that are going to come in on Venkys' terms.

I'm a realist, only with a bigger view of the world than through my cupped hands looking down at the Ewood pitch.

The only way out of this is administration.

Option 1, we sit and wait until Venkys do that and hope there is somebody around prepared to get involved once we are a League Two or non-League club (just look at Blackpool).

Option 2, we do what we can to bring it about sooner. Whilst the Ian's (the fans and driving force behind Seneca's interest in Rovers) are still interested and haven't given up due to other projects or even retired. While we are still a championship club. Let's face it, Venkys are not running us like one. Most of our contributing players are 'leased' and on the books are permanently in the shop window.

I see you not as a realist but as an optimist hoping things will work out but not moved to act.

The realistic view is that our time to change and save the club is running out.

I'm glad my grandparents didn't have attitudes like parson and the venkites had back in WW1 & 2

A couple of easy jokes there butbtgere are some sensitive souls on here so better not.
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You now consider the situation at Ewood similar to that in Europe in the 1930s? A sense of perspective dear Abbey, a sense of perspective. You believe that walking into a football match in the 18th minute and leaving on the 75th minute is going to make owners leave? If they are allegedly here for reasons other than football then I'm sure that is obviously going to make them cut and run. One investigative journalist has already rejected the material which Glen sent. From what he has posted he has been in touch with the Telegraph. Will they run with it? If they do then that would be the best chance of getting rid of the owners by forcing the authorities to take action and, ultimately, the intervention of the FA or Football League remains the best bet of getting rid of them.

you ask me questions yet ignore twice the ones I ask you?#

what's with the insult "dear" ,I've never insulted you but if you want to go down that road.

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We only go into administration if they stop paying wages etc. At the moment, whilst there are obvious cutbacks the wages are still being paid so administration is still some way away. Administration is also a gamble. You are gambling that someone will pick up the pieces and that it will be the right someone. There are a lot of vultures out there waiting to pick on the bones of those who go into administration.

you ask me questions yet ignore twice the ones I ask you?#
what's with the insult "dear" ,I've never insulted you but if you want to go down that road.

It wasn't meant as an insult so apologies if you took it that way. I thought I had answered your questions. I thought Coar was wrong to say what he did but I can understand anyone losing it if they feel they are being deliberately goaded. I don't believe the club is run anywhere near as well as it was under Jack - light years apart - although in theory Coar was right when he said that he had to speak to Jack before spending large amounts of money and Cheston has to do the same with Venkys. Clearly there is no comparison between Jack and Venkys - indeed, shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence.

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So in summary .. you think Coar was wrong BUT... I can understand why he reacted as he did and I suspect he immediately regretted allowing himself to be goaded like that.

You think venkys run it not as good BUT.. no BUTS. It is not run anywhere near as well as it was or it should be.

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Nobody, repeat, nobody can afford the asking price the Venkys want. £120m is the stupid number that we are asked to stump up. There are no new owners anywhere that are going to come in on Venkys' terms.

I'm a realist, only with a bigger view of the world than through my cupped hands looking down at the Ewood pitch.

The only way out of this is administration.

Option 1, we sit and wait until Venkys do that and hope there is somebody around prepared to get involved once we are a League Two or non-League club (just look at Blackpool).

Option 2, we do what we can to bring it about sooner. Whilst the Ian's (the fans and driving force behind Seneca's interest in Rovers) are still interested and haven't given up due to other projects or even retired. While we are still a championship club. Let's face it, Venkys are not running us like one. Most of our contributing players are 'leased' and on the books are permanently in the shop window.

I see you not as a realist but as an optimist hoping things will work out but not moved to act.

The realistic view is that our time to change and save the club is running out.

A couple of easy jokes there butbtgere are some sensitive souls on here so better not.

And this, my dear friend is exactly the reason they wont leave unless people are able to get strong evidence against them which can be proved in the court of law.

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And this, my dear friend is exactly the reason they wont leave unless people are able to get strong evidence against them which can be proved in the court of law.

Which won't happen unless people are aware of what is going on. Which is the aim of initiatives / protests like Madon's India advert, the18in75out protest, etc. Nobody thinks they will leave off the back of simple protests like these, its all about bringing awareness to a larger audience. No-one will look for evidence if we all sit and do nothing, because no-one will think there is anything wrong.

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We only go into administration if they stop paying wages etc. At the moment, whilst there are obvious cutbacks the wages are still being paid so administration is still some way away. Administration is also a gamble. You are gambling that someone will pick up the pieces and that it will be the right someone. There are a lot of vultures out there waiting to pick on the bones of those who go into administration.

Let's assume it's a gamble, and you have a choice.

On the one hand:

Venkys are 100% destroying this club. They have done nothing else since they arrived. We have objective, empirical evidence that this is true, as we sell any quality and slide down the divisions.

On the other hand:

It's 50/50 that we survive without them and we know there are Rovers fans waiting in the wings ready to support our club long term - whatever it takes. This club was built on skill and hard work. It can be rebuilt with the same. Even Burnley have been able to build from meagre beginnings and look to have replaced us in every way imaginable. (Apart from still being Burnley).

A few more months of championship football under this lot or a long term club rebuilding with owners who don't say they care, say they want they want the best for the club, say they are committed, they show they are.

I know where my money (and heart) would be.

And this, my dear friend is exactly the reason they wont leave unless people are able to get strong evidence against them which can be proved in the court of law.

The asking price isn't the reason, it's just another symptom of Venkys arrogance and stupidity.

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