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[Archived] Coyle Out


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Yes, yes. I know, Venkys need to go first, yada yada.

But we potentially have another Kean situation where he is unsackable, yet because we all accept "it's not his fault" - apart from being a poor manager, with a record of failure ever since he got the old enemy promoted - he gets a free ride. (Anyone calling him Agent Coyle yet?). "It was never Kean's fault" either, by the way, in some quarters.

I'd sooner have Johnson and Dunn in charge, and a couple of the youth lads, than this plant pot and his loan misfits. Feeney on again to kill any chance of a comeback.


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I can't go through the whole "Unsackable manager" thing again. Last time, with K**n, it drove me completely mental.

Coyle is a dreadful manager, it was clear way before he became the outstanding candidate for the Rovers gig.

If he is the next Unsackable, it just shows our owners up once again as being totally clueless. And in all likelihood, still being "advised" by Crescendo (or whatever the hell they are called these days)

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I can't go through the whole "Unsackable manager" thing again. Last time, with K**n, it drove me completely mental.

Coyle is a dreadful manager, it was clear way before he became the outstanding candidate for the Rovers gig.

If he is the next Unsackable, it just shows our owners up once again as being totally clueless. And in all likelihood, still being "advised" by Crescendo (or whatever the hell they are called these days)

I'd say less 'clueless' and more 'intent to destroy' with regards to the esteemed.

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There's no point trying to make sense of it Chaddy, you won't get anywhere.

It's best to accept that there will be no success while these bstards 'own' the club and the only victory we as fans can look forward to is the day they sell up.

Join the protests, vent your spleen, do what you can. Getting Venkys out is the ONLY thing that matters.

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  • Backroom

You can say his hands are tied financially.

But replacing Conway for Feeney and then Guthrie with Akpan as a final throw of the dice in a game we are losing proved his absolute lack of any nouse and should be his final act as manager.

He needs to be sacked whilst there is a flicker of hope remaining

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I'd have Johnson and Dunn instead of OC but not until we have a decent owner.

You've heard of OCD. Well. we've got OCOCR.......Owen Coyle's obsessive compulsive relegation.

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Coyle is symptomatic of the shambolic owners.

Does he deserve the sack? Indubitably, but what would change? I guess we wouldn't have to look at his gimp face and listen to his slavering platitudes but would you rather have a local hero overseeing our demise?

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I've totally given up on this mess and I'm walking away until it gets resolved with venkys out and the fans getting their club back - i said it at the start of the season and i stick by it... I'd take the whole club collapsing and a phoenix club rising and then I'll be back and we can do it from the start with at least some pride in our club. I can't watch the club with any pride, I can't wear the shirt with any pride, I can't talk about the club with any pride... I'm so disgusted by the whole situation that I'm past rage and I'm just empty about it.

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  • Backroom

After Bowyer's stability and Lambert's brief hope we really are now back to the darkest days. Throttled financially by the owners, a completely incompetent board, a clueless manager and a threadbare squad full of absolute dross that no other club wanted.

No surprise that the protests have started up again, but this time they must carry on no matter what. Venky's have already killed the club, what we're seeing now is desecration of the corpse and in the name of decency, if nothing else, it has to be stopped.

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