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[Archived] Pitch Invasion of sorts


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48 minutes ago, Tom said:

Looking at the videos you can see the players didn’t want that second one, Mulgrew leads the charge and slides and as soon as he sees the mob running on gets up and sprints back to the dressing room faster than I’ve ever seen him run 



That was quite an escape by Mulgrew! He's a lot quicker than he looks!! All a bit of harmless fun really. I can appreciate the disappointment but a load of young lads on the ale all day won't really be thinking about consequences. They probably thought the players would love being mobbed again.

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I’ll be honest I wasn’t there so it’s a moot point to me, I just found Charlie volleying the dogs head into the air, doing a klinsmann then running for his life quite a funny sight!

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Just now, Tom said:

I’ll be honest I wasn’t there so it’s a moot point to me, I just found Charlie volleying the dogs head into the air, doing a klinsmann then running for his life quite a funny sight!

It was. As soon as he hit the deck and saw a load of adidas galloping towards his head he must have thought 'boll ocks'. Great chase afterwards. It was all a bit Benny Hill.

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I would have thought Doncaster could have used some of the huge revenue they received from the 4000 Rovers fans to pay for more and better stewarding/police presence. Nowhere near enough of them on the night. I’m not sure that those who weren’t at Doncaster really appreciate the annoyance that pitch invasion two caused to the majority of fans who were.


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1 hour ago, Herbie6590 said:

@Mattyblue nailed it. There was plenty of what you described & then Doncaster Rovers tried to create something “safe” to enable all of the fans to pay tribute. The players were clearly keen. Any spontaneity had long since evaporated. I was disappointed, that’s all. Seemed a bit anti-climactic.

I was only messing. There looked a few more than 200 though. I can understand the annoyance but c'est la vie. As someone who didn't go I'd just be happy to be at what looked like an amazing night that will live long in the memory.  Hopefully there will be a fullish house at Ewood next Saturday to give Mogga and his boys a proper thanks.

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22 minutes ago, blueboy3333 said:

I was only messing. There looked a few more than 200 though. I can understand the annoyance but c'est la vie. As someone who didn't go I'd just be happy to be at what looked like an amazing night that will live long in the memory.  Hopefully there will be a fullish house at Ewood next Saturday to give Mogga and his boys a proper thanks.

It was hard not to be happy...!

I hope the club thanks Doncaster Rovers though because they did waaay more than anyone could have expected, very gracious hosts in the circumstances. 

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Throughout the season disabled fans sitting in the pitchside front seats have had to put up with fans standing in front of them and in many  cases refusing to move - especially the young cocky ones. It started at Doncaster about halfway into the second half, the stewards looked totally helpless to do anything. I went over to some young lads and asked them politely to move and got a mouthful of cheek and they went straight back I did take a photo of them which probably was a mistake and one of them followed me taking photographs of me! . If you look at the videos the disabled are nowhere in sight with fans in front of them and of course they had no hope of seeing anything. I do hope there is not a pitch invasion at Ewood as yet again there will be disabled, elderly and children who will miss out.

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Maybe those not happy should email or tweet the club, as they have accepted this request, so maybe the ones who think it wouldn't be a good idea should put their views forward and the club may review their decision.

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19 hours ago, AAK said:

Apparently that Mark Fish from BRAG has said it's been granted by the club.

Absolutely the first I have heard of this ?

To my knowledge there has been no application for a pitch invasion (didn't even know you could even apply for one), and certainly I haven't been told one has been granted.

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50 minutes ago, mark1875 said:

Absolutely the first I have heard of this ?

To my knowledge there has been no application for a pitch invasion (didn't even know you could even apply for one), and certainly I haven't been told one has been granted.

C’mon Mark...you need to up your game ?

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13 hours ago, Giant said:

I would have thought Doncaster could have used some of the huge revenue they received from the 4000 Rovers fans to pay for more and better stewarding/police presence. Nowhere near enough of them on the night. I’m not sure that those who weren’t at Doncaster really appreciate the annoyance that pitch invasion two caused to the majority of fans who were.


They were actually probably the best stewards I've encountered all season away from home. The police were even half decent.... 

The stewards actually started moving advertising boards prior to the invasion knowing full well it was going to happen and making it that bit safer. 

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13 hours ago, roversmum said:

Throughout the season disabled fans sitting in the pitchside front seats have had to put up with fans standing in front of them and in many  cases refusing to move - especially the young cocky ones. It started at Doncaster about halfway into the second half, the stewards looked totally helpless to do anything. I went over to some young lads and asked them politely to move and got a mouthful of cheek and they went straight back I did take a photo of them which probably was a mistake and one of them followed me taking photographs of me! . If you look at the videos the disabled are nowhere in sight with fans in front of them and of course they had no hope of seeing anything. I do hope there is not a pitch invasion at Ewood as yet again there will be disabled, elderly and children who will miss out.

Get the disabled and elderly on the pitch I say

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What a great idea. I last went on the pitch in 86 after a 3-0 defeat of wolves. 

Will be nice for other kids to do the same rather than the poxy namby pamby soft lad modern world lap of honour. Like I want to see the players kids. Like it has anything to do with them ???

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On 26/04/2018 at 07:12, Tom said:

Looking at the videos you can see the players didn’t want that second one, Mulgrew leads the charge and slides and as soon as he sees the mob running on gets up and sprints back to the dressing room faster than I’ve ever seen him run 



It only takes one. Then everyone else thinks they have permission.

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On ‎26‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 09:14, roversmum said:

Throughout the season disabled fans sitting in the pitchside front seats have had to put up with fans standing in front of them and in many  cases refusing to move - especially the young cocky ones. It started at Doncaster about halfway into the second half, the stewards looked totally helpless to do anything. I went over to some young lads and asked them politely to move and got a mouthful of cheek and they went straight back I did take a photo of them which probably was a mistake and one of them followed me taking photographs of me! . If you look at the videos the disabled are nowhere in sight with fans in front of them and of course they had no hope of seeing anything. I do hope there is not a pitch invasion at Ewood as yet again there will be disabled, elderly and children who will miss out.

Spot on, roversmum.

The Doncaster stewards were brilliant, imo - if they'd been less, erm, diplomatic towards our fans, things could have been much worse. my seat was on something like row 'N' but I was told not to try climbing up to that row. Once the game began, a number of us were accommodated in the middle of the very front row which had previously been covered.

It was fine for the first 60 minutes of the game and I didn't experience any of the hassle that roversmum describes. Perhaps that stems from the fact that I'm a 70something bloke with a walking stick which I can gently use to remind [gently!;)] fellow-fans that they're blocking my view; fair play to the overwhelming majority of them, they moved so I could see the game. Things began to deteriorate for me when we had that spell of real pressure from just after the hour mark. And from the surge forwards once Charlie rose to head the goal, I knew that I probably wouldn't see any more of the action. While I was p155ed off with the attitude of some of my fellow fans, who am I to begrudge them?  After all, to quote Max Boyce, "I know; I was there!":D and will bore all my mates who weren't till the end of my days!

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As I said on another thread selfishness and football fans is nothing new. In all honesty Rovers fans are probably above average in the ignorance league table. At first I didn't see why people were bothered as there was no trophy celebration (presumably there will be this weekend even if it's for 2nd) but then read the other reasons. If fans want to get on the pitch though they will get on the pitch and as for stewards stopping them...:lol: :lol: :lol:. Have to say it is a good picture opportunity and as long as they get off in time for the official presentation it won't bother me. I'm not gonna be in the lower tier anyway so I'll probably stay where I am. Depends on the doors as well they might not open them fully (more like a side door for the minority who want to leave) given most fans will probably stay behind. 

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On 28/04/2018 at 14:27, Stuart said:

Sad to read about the scum element of our fanbase. Can’t even look out for their fellow fans, not even disabled ones.

The “Me” Generation.

It’s an interesting one Stuart. I have experienced what you describe as the scum element but not often. If we do it’s usually kids fired up on alcohol/drugs or young adult males who care about no one but themselves. Mostly I find as soon as fellow fans spot Tom they help out. I have though seen the problem for wheelchair users and occasionally experienced similar issues. Saturday being a prime example. Knowing where @roversmum sits I very much hope there is no pitch invasion planned or otherwise at Ewood.

We always request and receive front row seats when we go away. For Charlton we had row A but on arriving found these to be third from the front. There was a family in front of us so I wasn’t unduly worried. I was wrong despite having children they stood for the entire game. 

To see the goal I had to stand on the seat behind me. Tom couldn’t see the penalty area. He was so tired after the game he didn’t stop limping till we got off the train in Manchester.

We don’t use public transport a lot. I was really surprised and pleased by how much help we got, seats offered etc. by members of the public. I know it’s stereotyping but I didn’t expect this in London.

Overall, as I feel one would expect - people are fundamentally decent, my experience at football is positive provided I also try to accommodate others wishes. If we don’t ask for front row and accept row M it’s unreasonable and unrealistic to ask everyone in front to sit.

@AAK says this planned invasion has been sanctioned. I’m going to email the club asking it be cancelled. Doncaster proved a few hundred pissed up kids, not old enough to buy alcohol, can’t be controlled by stewards. They won’t be controlled on Saturday which means celebrations will either be curtailed or with the players in the Directors box. Meaning a third missed opportunity to celebrate with Tony and the players.

I realise, though they are100% incorrect, there are fans who believe I blindly support all the club does. I think the club are 100% wrong to sanction such a request. If there is a planned pitch invasion or no serious attempt to control any spontaneous invasion the day will to an extent be spoilt for us. It would be a shame to be left with a sour taste at the final 5.00pm of our best season in seven years. 

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Separately I’d echo the praise of all the Doncaster staff we met and saw on the night. Everyone of them was fantastic. I thought the stewards did a very good job throughout the game. They had no chance of stopping the invasions. 

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We even encountered the idiot type when watching on the concourse last weekend. I don’t understand them, they seem to think that being an adult is ‘doing what you want’ without regard for others. They haven’t grasped ‘responsibility to others’.

What does amuse me though (although amuse is probably the wrong word) is the things that ‘spoil’ your match experience and things that don’t. A pitch ‘invasion’ with players in the directors box seems like great fun but you feel compelled to write to the club to get it stopped for everyone because it doesn’t suit you. The alternative presumably being a lap of honour where fans get 30 seconds max as they pass and wave. Everyone will still stand anyway and young children will have to stand on their seats unless they brave the mad and potentially dangerous dash to the front hoardings.

Meanwhile some people express disappointment on a messageboard and it’s like they have taken a dump on Mowbray’s front lawn.

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I feel @Mattyblue is spot on with what is likely to happen. 

@Stuart We sit in the JWL on the back row and fairly central. If I turn to look up all I see is the glass of the hospitality boxes. If we want to see the players, and they are in the JWU, it means we have to get on to the pitch. I’m not going to repeat myself but my lad probably won’t be able to see.

It’s not a question of something not suiting me but one of what is fair and reasonable for all fans. If we discuss wheelchair users I suggest from the JWL there is a 75/25 chance they won’t be able to see whether the players are on the pitch or in the stands. Some of the fans I walk by every game have very significant difficulties. Three issues come to mind; if a wheelchair user cannot see will the carer be able to push the chair on to the pitch? what are the safety issues? Thirdly some disabled fans could find it disturbing. It’s almost discriminatory. If one wanted to be extreme if the club failed to provide equal and adequate pitch access to the disabled this would be discrimination. I am NOT going down that road.

I would like everyone to have a good time. I don’t understand how you can write your first paragraph, earlier refer to a “scum element,” I know what you mean but think it’s an appalling way to describe other people, and then go on to be “amused.” You’re right it’s the wrong word but I fully understand and I can’t think of another either! To talk of a “failure to grasp responsibility” but then seemingly criticise me, who has direct experience of the issue at every away match I attend, for wanting an equal opportunity for all doesn’t stack up. 

I am going to email the club as complaining after the event will be pointless. I pretty sure I could write  the Club response for them!  

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