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Tony Mowbray Discussion

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12 minutes ago, Miller11 said:

Just had a look at some of the comments on that article...

”Rovers are a well run club”

I fucking despair.

People are literally just so far removed from reality.

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1 hour ago, RoverInverness said:

I feel the mistake being made here - and it’s one that is often made - is people think of Venkys as a single body. They are not, they are a group of dysfunctional quarrelling siblings who often act in contradictory ways. My memory/reading of the Kean situation is that Barry probably wanted him gone, Mrs D didn’t (she got on with Kean’s wife), so Barry appointed Shebby to make life difficult for him.

Similarly when Lambert was appointed, somebody - probably Barry again - promised him the Earth, but Lambert soon realised a promise from one of them means bugger all.

It is why their decision making is so glacial (as beautifully described by someone here earlier in the day) even when the correct decisions are glaringly obvious (like sacking Mowbray). It also explains bizarre decisions like the double audit one summer, but no sale of the club afterwards. It also explains why they still own the club, despite it doing them no good. It explains why senior appointments are made - Waggot, Senior, etc, but the appointees appear to be powerless. It explains why they one season call a fire sale resulting in relegation, followed by three seasons of throwing money at a dope who has no chance of achieving anything. None of it makes sense because it’s different parties, with different objectives, making different decisions.

Pasha may well be the communication channel to one of them, but as they all seem to have the power of veto of each other’s decisions, it takes more than Pasha to pull the trigger. Someone has to get all four of the loons to agree to sacking Mowbray. 

The best hope is Mrs D is distracted and just says ‘yes’ without paying much attention. She’s the most cautious of them, but also the one with least knowledge of the realities of football (which is some achievement).

All this said - I still have another page or so to read - maybe by the time I get to the end of the thread there will be some news.

Please, please.

All that was supposedly changing when Barry & The other one became joint significant people on the companies house books.

However if the parent company still pays the bills then ultimately Mrs & Mr D will always call any shots that require money i'd wager.

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14 minutes ago, dallydally said:

This drubbing does Mowbray a lot of favours. Remember - we drew 1 all with them at their place recently so he can say "we aren't that bad!"

And now it's 6 nil so actually "we are quite good and have been robbed in so many other games" .



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2 hours ago, windymiller7 said:

This is like trying to get shit off a blanket!

Have you tried vanish? I also find it best to shit in the toilet. 🚽

2 hours ago, blondie said:

On reflection, the Mowbray comments on him being performance based, trying to improve each individual.,Is reflected on the pitch.

A group of individuals with no set pattern of play.

A cohesive team will always overcome a set of individuals,especially the standard of ours.

He even had a dig at MCarthy at Cardiff, and his style of play,maybe Saturday Mowbray will get his come-uppance.

Our delusional manager who thinks he can turn us into a glorious free flowing all conquering club, whilst in the meantime results are secondary.

He really is entering the Keanesque realms of delusional fantasy, born out of an irrational sense of security, as we are on a journey.

He really needs to be relieved of his duties ASAP.

However he will cling on until the end of the season, whilst Waggot and Venky's pray to their respective Idols for safety.

The only thing free-flowing at Rovers is Mowbrays mouth. I guess windymiller7s blanket must have been near him.

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1 hour ago, rock steady said:


Even if we excise Tony, the cancer remains unfortunately.

Absolutely...getting rid of the toothache but not the tooth.

A dysfunctional clusterfcuk of a club run by people not fit for purpose.A Club run by three nouveau riche individuals who have no real feeling,attachment or understanding of this club's History,core values nor traditions.

The pain will continue for us supporters forever and a day until they sell up and leave for good.This Circus will continue ad infinitum.

Edited by SIMON GARNERS 194
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Others teams results should have no bearing on judging ours if the games don't involve us.  That's just verbal diarrhea he spouts like Coyle to veer away from the real issues.

This is the championship results are always up and down and anyone can still beat anyone on any given day. Apart from us obviously, we used to be one of the standard up and down teams but now we are consistent in not managing to win at all.

Relegation will be rubber stamped next season persisting with this manager and his approach. If they are still too stupid to realize this having been burnt several times before when the warning signs flashed loud and clear the season before then they deserve to burn in hell.

Sick to the back teeth of this now and anybody who is stupid enough to still make excuses for him.

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2 minutes ago, dallydally said:

Just watched Daniel Farke coaching his 18 year old centre back right after the game despite winning 7 nil. You can always improve. Mowbray doesn't get that kind of man Management

no he would actually have to get up off his backside and take an interest

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Well after a long day at work I've just worked my way through about 10 pages since last night...

Seeing the momentum build I read on and on, even past 3pm, maybe the toner was out....and here we are. Genuinely gutted but whilst I have no contacts I do think things feel different if that counts for anything.

Sacking a Maanger costs money, bringing a new manager in costs money. Then there are the negotiations to investment in the summer. TM already stated it will be loans and freebies so what Manager would take the role knowing the team will look very different and potentially be worse than it is now, with the budget of loans and frees? They are setting themselves up for failure and that don't look good on the CV either. Add to that for all we know the owners may be insisting a top 6 finish after TMs groundwork (not my thoughts, just playing 3rd person).

I think 2 months ago as the slide started we could have attracted some of the names suggested as it was salvageable but now unless there is the promise of further investment, protect player sales etc. I don't see a top coach coming in.

Ainsworth have been mentioned and I think with his love for the club and based on what he has currently, he's probably the most realistic candidate.

This will sound stupid but nothing surprises me anymore but I wonder if Waggott was charged with binning his mate at 3pm and he simply refused? Whilst it would spell his end, maybe just maybe that's the delay and one worth waiting another 24hrs for.

We talk about player silence but Waggott himself has not really been talking much other than Brockhall vs Finch Farm.

On that subject, a few months ago I really tried to put a positive spin on it but the TM episode alone has bled that dry and I have to admit I'm with you all on it now. Really wanted to believe there was good intentions and we had turned a corner but my God, its groundhog day.

I stand by my comments about Venkys though. They are not Jack Walker and never will be, they are amateurs in the football world who clearly were lured into the glitz and glamour of it all but need help and advice from the right people. They have a very successful business that even in these times continues to be strong so they appear good at what they know. I'm sure their people are dealt with when under performing and yet football just seems too much for them to understand. With the right people they don't need to know everything, unfortunately those people left a long time ago.

We've seen Managers go in a very short space of time and others out stay their welcome, never seems to be that balance but they have backed the club financially and I do think they take the brunt on the back of poor advice. As owners that's part and parcel but they should learn from these experiences.

As has been said, a change from top to bottom is required but it's not cheap and I just wonder if that fits their financial plans and hence the delay...

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40 minutes ago, Stuart said:

Have to admit, I was totally duped by the “I’ve heard that he’s going today” crew.

I was certainly waiting for some news this afternoon. Really should know better but some of the posters involved are people I respect.

More fool me.

More likely that Mowbray is expecting to go soon, maybe even cleared his personal effects from his office, but there is nobody able or willing to pull the trigger.

Waggott has absolutely failed in what I expect to be the responsibilities of a CEO: to protect the club’s standing while aiming to make the club the best it can be.

Maybe that isn’t in his job description but it’s in the title. We are now all waiting for something - I expect that includes both Waggott and Mowbray too.

**Desperately clutching at straws**

Maybe just maybe it had been agreed for a relatively dignified exit in the summer but the wheels have fallen off so badly there's had to be a Hasty rethink but there hasn't been time to dot all the i's and cross all the t's on a new appointment yet.

** Then I woke up and remembered Waggott was Mowbray's immediate boss.

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Just now, RevidgeBlue said:

**Desperately clutching at straws**

Maybe just maybe it had been agreed for a relatively dignified exit in the summer but the wheels have fallen off so badly there's had to be a Hasty rethink but there hasn't been time to dot all the i's and cross all the t's on a new appointment yet.

** Then I woke up and remembered Waggott was Mowbray's immediate boss.

not sure if its any better but pasha is the gaffer waggott has no power to hire or fire

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14 minutes ago, RV Blue said:

I’ve said it before, if Mowbray was going to be sacked he’d have been sacked weeks ago. He’s as unsackable as Kean.

Kean was not only not unsackable he walked out of his own accord after being needled out by Shebby Singh.

Mowbray hasn't moved a muscle yet.

Edited by RevidgeBlue
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3 minutes ago, PeteJD13 said:

not sure if its any better but pasha is the gaffer waggott has no power to hire or fire

Even if that's entirely true I'm sure he could still stick his oar in and make it as difficult as possible by threatening to walk if TM is sacked (if Carlsberg did sackings) or refusing to deliver the news himself.

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