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Football League Suspended

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3 hours ago, Stuart said:

Everything else is, so why not.

Great Argument.

"If we don't come out of lockdown fast or completely enough everything will go belly up, so football may as well do so as well."

So in that scenario, two wrongs DO make a right!

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16 hours ago, Paul said:

I'm not anxious RB. I'm very unlikely to return until fan safety is at the top of the list. Until then all the debate for me is irrelevant as without fans the game is nothing.

The longer the debate goes on about playing behind closed doors, TV monies etc. the more I lose interest. I already knew the clubs have no interest in fans. The current debate simply confirms it - again. The safety of fans needs to be at the top of the agenda because as it stands many will walk away.

Have you seen the pictures of German fans sitting in chairs in a hall watching a big screen? It's a joke.

Disagree Paul.

The top of the agenda is that Clubs survive. If they can manage that, then they can decide what measures they can take to look after the fans.

if Clubs go to the wall, there'll be nothing left for their fans to go and watch in socially distanced conditions or "normal ones".

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33 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

Great Argument.

"If we don't come out of lockdown fast or completely enough everything will go belly up, so football may as well do so as well."

So in that scenario, two wrongs DO make a right!

Why should a footballer get back to work before a shop worker or hairdresser?

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1 hour ago, Mattyblue said:

Chaddy before you start trying to patronise people, try to stop taking every bit of PR guff as gospel and at least try to read between the lines.

To be fair, everyone takes every bit of PR guff from the Government as gospel when they're trying to scare the **** out of the Public regarding the virus.

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11 minutes ago, Stuart said:

Why should a footballer get back to work before a shop worker or hairdresser?

Because the Government have said that football can return under extremely tightly controlled conditions.

If hairdressers and the like were able to replicate those conditions, then they"d probably be able to open at a similar time but it's not practical or economically viable for individual customers to test themselves twice a week for a month so they can have a haircut at the end of it.

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20 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

Because the Government have said that football can return under extremely tightly controlled conditions.

If hairdressers and the like were able to replicate those conditions, then they"d probably be able to open at a similar time but it's not practical or economically viable for individual customers to test themselves twice a week for a month so they can have a haircut at the end of it.

Got to love the argument “the government said so” and the Chaddy-like! :lol: 

Again, this isn’t true. Footballers are in close proximity and cannot wear PPE, and the only “controlled conditions” are that they have access to testing that Joe Bloggs Barbers doesn’t, which is a self-fulfillling argument.

And it’s not even “football”, it’s top-flight-English-football only!

Barnet 0 Barnets 0

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10 hours ago, K-Hod said:

You just keep paraphrasing what others have said, instead of saying what you think.

Just because the league have said it has to, doesn’t mean it has to. Leagues have gone null and void in other European countries, so to be fair, we could also just do the same. 
Whenever I read about ‘integrity’ in relation to football, it just reads as ‘money’ in reality. 


Other Countries have chosen to finish their seasons too and seem to be either getting on with it or planning for it with considerably less commotion than we are.

Do Clubs pay players too much money? Absolutely. 

Is the mess they are in of their own making? Even less doubt.

However when people are talking about maintaining the integrity of the Competition by finishing the season they mean the "sporting" integrity. Not whether it's morally right to pay someone hundreds of thousands of pounds a week for kicking a ball about.

Surely if finances permit, it's better for ANY League to complete the season rather than on paper by a points per game basis. And if that is not logistically possible it's still slightly better to hold play offs to decide promotion and relegation.

Though not as good as seeing the season out as you don't know who might have tanked or come with a wet sail at the end of the season and moved into or dropped in and out of the relevant positions.


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11 minutes ago, Stuart said:

Got to love the argument “the government said so” and the Chaddy-like! :lol: 

Again, this isn’t true. Footballers are in close proximity and cannot wear PPE, and the only “controlled conditions” are that they have access to testing that Joe Bloggs Barbers doesn’t, which is a self-fulfillling argument.

And it’s not even “football”, it’s top-flight-English-football only!

Barnet 0 Barnets 0

For heavens sake. It doesn't matter that the footballers will be in close proximity to each other,  they will all have been regularly tested over a sustained period therefore  they are extremely unlikely to either have the virus themselves or pass it on to anyone else by playing.

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50 minutes ago, Mattyblue said:

Didn’t look that way on Southend beach...

I'll have to do an Arsene Wenger there and say "I did not see it."

I did see Sky News the other day when it was sunny and they had a reporter at Brighton all day hoping to catch huge crowds of people failing to social distance.

There was hardly anyone about and by the end of the day he was reduced to saying how difficult it was to social distance on the pavement by the main road or on the gang ways leading down to the pier on beach.

(If there's been anyone about)

Then it cut to a Council leader on the beach saying how desperately worried they were about a second peak of the virus and all you could see in the background were people dotted about in groups of two in deckchairs socially distancing perfectly.

Must be a better class of punter in Brighton than Southend.


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1 hour ago, Stuart said:

That’s simply not true.

but it is.

A shop assistant or barber, to take your examples, will during the plying of their trade come into contact with more people who are likely to pass on or contract the virus than professional footballers. 

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53 minutes ago, RevidgeBlue said:

For heavens sake. It doesn't matter that the footballers will be in close proximity to each other,  they will all have been regularly tested over a sustained period therefore  they are extremely unlikely to either have the virus themselves or pass it on to anyone else by playing.


Just play that back to yourself slowly: “It’s safer for footballers to play football because they’ve been tested, therefore they need to be tested.”

I think that’s what’s called a circular argument!

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29 minutes ago, rigger said:

but it is.

A shop assistant or barber, to take your examples, will during the plying of their trade come into contact with more people who are likely to pass on or contract the virus than professional footballers. 

Is this some new, different version of football I’m not aware of?


Are they also going to ban throw ins, or just clean their balls every time they go out?

Look, we know football can get by in a fashion. The bundesliga has proved it but there are people out there losing their livelihoods while some folk continue to get thousand for playing a game.

Football is not a priority. Therefore testing footballers while shops are closed is not a priority either.

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@Stuart have a look at this. 

Top-level players are within an infectious distance of each other for an average of only 88 seconds during a match. 


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9 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

@Stuart have a look at this. 

Top-level players are within an infectious distance of each other for an average of only 88 seconds during a match. 


Thanks Chaddy.

I never believe anything til I’ve read it in the Daily Mail.

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Made me laugh that the chadster liked Rev’s post about folk falling for every bit of government PR and ‘treating it as gospel‘.

Self-awareness not his strong point, obviously. ^_^

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20 minutes ago, chaddyrovers said:

@Stuart have a look at this. 

Top-level players are within an infectious distance of each other for an average of only 88 seconds during a match. 


Bill Shankly would have had something to say about that..........

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2 hours ago, Stuart said:

Why should a footballer get back to work before a shop worker or hairdresser?


Correct. It is sending out the wrong message that a hairdresser or barber cannot open their shop to work and have apppintments with 1 person inside at once. And somehow 21 men can congregate and share a football pitch. Once we have some normality like sensible family gatherings and being able to socially distance in a barbers then football should initiate project restart.


29 minutes ago, Stuart said:



Football is not a priority. Therefore testing footballers while shops are closed is not a priority either.

However, if the footballers are working then they can get tested. Testing people who work in a warehouse packing non-essential luxury items isnt a priority but it's being done.

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36 minutes ago, Stuart said:

Is this some new, different version of football I’m not aware of?


Are they also going to ban throw ins, or just clean their balls every time they go out?

Look, we know football can get by in a fashion. The bundesliga has proved it but there are people out there losing their livelihoods while some folk continue to get thousand for playing a game.

Football is not a priority. Therefore testing footballers while shops are closed is not a priority either.

To your first point, yes it is a new version.

point two. The games are played in sanitised conditions with cleared players and anyone who will come in to contact with them.

point three, any step back to normalcy is a priority 

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1 hour ago, Stuart said:

Thanks Chaddy.

I never believe anything til I’ve read it in the Daily Mail.

Well actually Stuart if you research it you will find they were similar articles in The Telegraph and The Guardian but their articles need subscription so why I dont from them. 



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1 hour ago, Hasta said:


Correct. It is sending out the wrong message that a hairdresser or barber cannot open their shop to work and have apppintments with 1 person inside at once. And somehow 21 men can congregate and share a football pitch. Once we have some normality like sensible family gatherings and being able to socially distance in a barbers then football should initiate project restart.


However, if the footballers are working then they can get tested. Testing people who work in a warehouse packing non-essential luxury items isnt a priority but it's being done.

I think you will find that hairdressers and barbers will be open in June and Pubs in July, go to footy by the end of the year. I was right about Wuhan and i will be on the mark here.?

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Sorry to intrude, hope people are keeping well on your fans forum.     Difficult times isn't it, or frustrating would be more suitable for it.      Had to look at the Championship league table to see where Rovers are.    Bit like us outside chance of a play-off place but in truth you'd have a better chance up there than ourselves of seeing a promotion anytime soon.  

Hoped to be back in the same league a few months back and posting again / discussing games and that, but feel it's going to be something of a long wait.   We have voted to play out our remaining games in the Championship but it's pointless really, there was / is no chance of promotion after falling away from a very promising start.    64,000 dollar question remains when does action get underway again.    Being fed a whole lot of misguided information about what to expect and dates pencilled in for a restart but seems a very slow if not confusing process.  

Not missing it to be honest, after all following Town the last ten years can hardly be described as a pleasure but feels strange without the weekly interaction on our fans pages win lose or draw as would all other club sites you'd imagine.     So much uncertainty out there right now best advice just hang in there and follow guidelines, there has to be a resolution sooner or later.  

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