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BRFC - The Nostalgia Thread

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11 minutes ago, Tyrone Shoelaces said:

American football tackle ! Nicky Reid doing what our central midfield can't do - getting beyond the strikers.

nicky reid was`nt exactly blessed with speed and he still managed to get forward and score quite regularly for a midfield anchor,i`ve never seen evans get forward ever and travis seems to be getting coached out of it,he was quite progressive when he first broke into the 1st team

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21 hours ago, simongarnerisgod said:

nicky reid was`nt exactly blessed with speed and he still managed to get forward and score quite regularly for a midfield anchor,i`ve never seen evans get forward ever and travis seems to be getting coached out of it,he was quite progressive when he first broke into the 1st team

I once heard a story concerning Reid that the players had been bussed up to Whalley for a preseason training session.

At the end of the session as the players were getting back on the bus Reid insisted on running back to Ewood!

He had tremendous stamina and was the box to box player we need.

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Just had a call from my sister who lives in Lower Darwen. She was having a stroll around and bumped into this oldish guy she'd talked to a few times before. He got chatting and said he'd just been for a walk around Ewood Park. My sister said 'My brother's a massive Rovers fan'. He said 'I used to play for them -send him my best wishes'. Turned out to be Bobby Svarc. Sis said he looked as fit as a fiddle and is a really nice bloke.

Remember seeing him play, but according to Jackman it was a brief Rovers career.

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couple of things i remember about this game apart from the brawl,receiving  free applause chocolate bars in the blackburn end at half time and the naughty boys and girls eating half then throwing the other half at david james? and alan devonshire completely running the game,he was a class act,even with knackered knees,i also remember rod thomas,from schoolboy to youth player,he was perceived to be the next superstar

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11 hours ago, Elvis Biro said:

Nice to see a perimeter advert for Tommy Ball's shoe emporium. Used to live just round the corner from there.

Aye, Tommy Ball specials with the hole in the heel where they'd been hung on string in the shop!!!

He was 'seeing a young lady' in our street at one point in the 1970s, he had some flash cars did Tommy!

Edited by oldjamfan1
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Miserable season that was.

I had started going as a kid a couple of seasons before but this is the first one where I started to become a bit obsessed and thought losing was the norm.

Crazy to think what followed after this season.

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